Describe the internal endianness and bit organisation of internal bit vectors

The additional example complements the existing big-endian-array1 test to also
exercise little-endian flattening.
This commit is contained in:
Michael Tautschnig 2017-05-18 16:37:18 +01:00
parent c33266a6f8
commit 8033beecc5
3 changed files with 83 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
int *array;
int main()
unsigned size;
// produce unbounded array that does not have byte granularity
int array0=array[0];
__CPROVER_assert(array0==0x01020304, "array[0] matches");
char *p=(char *)array;
char p0=p[0];
char p1=p[1];
char p2=p[2];
char p3=p[3];
__CPROVER_assert(p0==4, "p[0] matches");
__CPROVER_assert(p1==3, "p[1] matches");
__CPROVER_assert(p2==2, "p[2] matches");
__CPROVER_assert(p3==1, "p[3] matches");
unsigned short *q=(unsigned short *)array;
unsigned short q0=q[0];
__CPROVER_assert(q0==0x0304, "p[0,1] matches");

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
^warning: ignoring

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@ -33,6 +33,51 @@ exprt flatten_byte_extract(
const byte_extract_exprt &src,
const namespacet &ns)
// General notes about endianness and the bit-vector conversion:
// A single byte with value 0b10001000 is stored (in irept) as
// exactly this string literal, and its bit-vector encoding will be
// bvt bv={0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1}, i.e., bv[0]==0 and bv[7]==1
// A multi-byte value like x=256 would be:
// - little-endian storage: ((char*)&x)[0]==0, ((char*)&x)[1]==1
// - big-endian storage: ((char*)&x)[0]==1, ((char*)&x)[1]==0
// - irept representation: 0000000100000000
// - bvt: {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
// <... 8bits ...> <... 8bits ...>
// An array {0, 1} will be encoded as bvt bv={0,1}, i.e., bv[1]==1
// concatenation(0, 1) will yield a bvt bv={1,0}, i.e., bv[1]==0
// The semantics of byte_extract(endianness, op, offset, T) is:
// interpret ((char*)&op)+offset as the endianness-ordered storage
// of an object of type T at address ((char*)&op)+offset
// For some T x, byte_extract(endianness, x, 0, T) must yield x.
// byte_extract for a composite type T or an array will interpret
// the individual subtypes with suitable endianness; the overall
// order of components is not affected by endianness.
// Examples:
// unsigned char A[4];
// byte_extract_little_endian(A, 0, unsigned short) requests that
// A[0],A[1] be interpreted as the storage of an unsigned short with
// A[1] being the most-significant byte; byte_extract_big_endian for
// the same operands will select A[0] as the most-significant byte.
// int A[2] = {0x01020304,0xDEADBEEF}
// byte_extract_big_endian(A, 0, short) should yield 0x0102
// byte_extract_little_endian(A, 0, short) should yield 0x0304
// To obtain this we first compute byte arrays while taking into
// account endianness:
// big-endian byte representation: {01,02,03,04,DE,AB,BE,EF}
// little-endian byte representation: {04,03,02,01,EF,BE,AB,DE}
// We extract the relevant bytes starting from ((char*)A)+0:
// big-endian: {01,02}; little-endian: {04,03}
// Finally we place them in the appropriate byte order as indicated
// by endianness:
// big-endian: (short)concatenation(01,02)=0x0102
// little-endian: (short)concatenation(03,04)=0x0304
bool little_endian;