Add directory dependencies diagram

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John Nonweiler 2018-08-21 16:33:08 +01:00
parent 096decdc6c
commit 47c741c997
1 changed files with 121 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -82,3 +82,124 @@ develop regression tests.
The `unit/` directory contains the unit test suites. See
\ref compilation-and-development for information on how to run and
develop unit tests.
## Directory dependencies ##
This diagram shows *intended* directory dependencies. Arrows should
be read transitively - dependencies of dependencies are often used
There are `module_dependencies.txt` files in each directory,
which are checked by the linter. Where directories in `module_dependencies.txt`
are marked with comments such as 'dubious' or 'should go away', these
dependencies have generally not been included in the diagram.
digraph directory_dependencies {
node [style = filled, color = white];
subgraph cluster_executables {
label = "Executables";
style = filled;
color = lightgrey;
node [style = filled, color = white];
CBMC [URL = "\ref cbmc"];
goto_cc [label = "goto-cc", URL = "\ref goto-cc"];
goto_analyzer [label = "goto-analyzer", URL = "\ref goto-analyzer"];
goto_instrument [label = "goto-instrument", URL = "\ref goto-instrument"];
goto_diff [label = "goto-diff", URL = "\ref goto-diff"];
janalyzer [URL = "\ref janalyzer"];
jdiff [URL = "\ref jdiff"];
JBMC [URL = "\ref jbmc"];
subgraph cluster_symbolic_execution {
label = "Symbolic Execution";
style = filled;
color = lightgrey;
node [style = filled, color = white];
goto_symex [label = "goto-symex", URL = "\ref goto-symex"];
subgraph cluster_abstract_interpretation {
label = "Abstract Interpretation";
style = filled;
color = lightgrey;
node [style = filled, color = white];
pointer_analysis [label = "pointer-analysis", URL = "\ref pointer-analysis"];
analyses [URL = "\ref analyses"];
subgraph cluster_goto_programs {
label = "Goto Programs";
style = filled;
color = lightgrey;
goto_programs [label = "goto-programs", URL = "\ref goto-programs"];
linking [URL = "\ref linking"];
subgraph cluster_solvers {
label = "Solvers"
style = filled;
color = lightgrey;
solvers [URL = "\ref solvers"];
subgraph cluster_languages {
label = "Languages";
style = filled;
color = lightgrey;
ansi_c [label = "ansi-c", URL = "\ref ansi-c"];
langapi [URL = "\ref langapi"];
cpp [URL = "\ref cpp"];
jsil [URL = "\ref jsil"];
java_bytecode [URL = "\ref java_bytecode"];
subgraph cluster_utilities {
label = "Utilities";
style = filled;
color = lightgrey;
big_int [label = "big-int", URL = "\ref big-int"];
miniz [URL = "\ref miniz"];
util [URL = "\ref util"];
nonstd [URL = "\ref nonstd"];
json [URL = "\ref json"];
xmllang [URL = "\ref xmllang"];
assembler [URL = "\ref assembler"];
JBMC -> { CBMC, java_bytecode };
jdiff -> { goto_diff, java_bytecode };
janalyzer -> { goto_analyzer, java_bytecode };
CBMC -> { goto_instrument, jsil };
goto_diff -> { goto_instrument };
goto_analyzer -> { analyses, jsil, cpp };
goto_instrument -> { goto_symex, cpp };
goto_cc -> { cpp, jsil };
smt2_solver -> solvers;
java_bytecode -> { analyses, miniz };
jsil -> linking;
cpp -> ansi_c;
ansi_c -> langapi;
langapi -> goto_programs;
goto_symex -> { solvers, pointer_analysis };
pointer_analysis -> { analyses, goto_programs };
analyses -> pointer_analysis;
solvers -> util;
linking -> goto_programs;
goto_programs -> { linking, xmllang, json, assembler };
json -> util;
xmllang -> util;
assembler -> util;
util -> big_int;
util -> nonstd;