Adding script to give code coverage for regression tests.

This commit is contained in:
James Wilson 2017-01-04 13:36:14 +00:00 committed by jgwilson42
parent 6370cc09e6
commit 3b2463abbc
2 changed files with 72 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -203,3 +203,20 @@ To work with Eclipse, do the following:
6) Select Project -> Build All
Code coverage metrics are provided using gcov and lcov. Ensure that you
have installed lcov from
note for ubuntu lcov is available in the standard apt-get repos.
To get coverage metrics run the following script from the regression
This will:
1) Rebuild CBMC with gcov enabled
2) Run all the regression tests
3) Collate the coverage metrics
4) Provide an HTML report of the current coverage

regression/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# Get a unique number to prevent collision of output files
outputDir=`mktemp -d ./coverage_XXXXX`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
printf "ERROR: Could not create output directoy"
exit 1
# Check that the previous command succeded, if not exit.
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
printf "[ERROR]\n"
echo "ERROR: See $outputDir/cbmc_coverage.out for more information"
exit 1
printf "[OK]\n"
# Check that lcov has been installed
printf "INFO: Checking lcov is installed "
lcov -version > $outputDir/cbmc_coverage.out 2>&1
# Remove any previous build that may not have coverage in it.
printf "INFO: Cleaning CBMC build "
make clean -C ../src >> $outputDir/cbmc_coverage.out 2>&1
printf "INFO: Building CBMC with Code Coverage enabled "
# Run the usual make target with --coverage to add gcov instrumentation
make CXXFLAGS="--coverage" LINKFLAGS="--coverage" -C ../src >> $outputDir/cbmc_coverage.out 2>&1
printf "INFO: Running Regression tests "
# Run regression tests which will collect the coverage metrics and put them in the src files
make >> $outputDir/cbmc_coverage.out 2>&1
printf "[DONE]\n"
printf "INFO: Gathering coverage metrics "
# Gather all of the coverage metrics into a single file
lcov --capture --directory ../src --output-file $outputDir/ >> $outputDir/cbmc_coverage.out 2>&1
printf "INFO: Removing unwanted metrics (for external libaries) "
# Remove the metrics for files that aren't CBMC's source code
lcov --remove $outputDir/ '/usr/*' --output-file $outputDir/ >> $outputDir/cbmc_coverage.out 2>&1
printf "INFO: Creating coverage report "
# Generate the HTML coverage report
genhtml $outputDir/ --output-directory $outputDir/cbmcCoverage >> $outputDir/cbmc_coverage.out 2>&1
echo "INFO: Coverage report is availabe in $outputDir/cbmcCoverage"