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Owen Jones 2018-07-26 15:38:24 +01:00
parent 8d5cbcb064
commit 2939db443f
1 changed files with 132 additions and 131 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
\ingroup module_hidden
\ingroup module_hidden
\page cbmc-developer-guide CBMC Developer Guide
\author César Rodríguez, Owen Jones
\author Martin Brain, Peter Schrammel, César Rodríguez, Owen Jones
\section section-compilation-and-development Compilation and Development
@ -14,11 +15,11 @@ internals of the system and how to get started on development.
## CMake files ##
To be documented.
## Personal configuration:, macro DEBUG ##
To be documented.
## Generating doxygen documentation ##
@ -64,27 +65,27 @@ rather than `UI_message_handlert` or `UIMessageHandler` and
## AST: types, globals, variables, functions, code blocks, language primitives, assignments, expressions, variables ##
To be documented.
## CFG ##
To be documented.
## Bounded model checking (from the CBMC manual) ##
To be documented.
### SSA ###
To be documented.
## SAT and SMT ##
To be documented.
## Static analysis ##
To be documented.
\section section-cprover-architecture CPROVER Architecture
@ -141,49 +142,45 @@ its saved output. These include a wide range of analysis and
transformation tools (see \ref section-other-tools).
# Concepts #
## {C, java bytecode} -> Parse tree -> Symbol table -> GOTO programs → GOTO program transformations → BMC → counterexample (goto_tracet) → printing ##
## Instrumentation (for test gen & CBMC & …): Goto functions -> goto functions ##
## Goto functions -> BMC -> Counterexample (trace) ##
## Trace -> interpreter -> memory map ##
## Goto functions -> abstract interpretation ##
## Executables (flow of transformations): ##
### goto-cc ###
### goto-instrument ###
### Cbmc ###
## {C, java bytecode} → Parse tree → Symbol table → GOTO programs → GOTO program transformations → BMC → counterexample (goto_tracet) → printing ##
To be documented.
### Goto-analyzer ###
## Instrumentation (for test gen & CBMC & ...): Goto functions -> goto functions ##
To be documented.
#### Martin ####
## Goto functions -> BMC -> Counterexample (trace) ##
To be documented.
## Trace -> interpreter -> memory map ##
To be documented.
## Goto functions -> abstract interpretation ##
To be documented.
## Executables (flow of transformations): ##
To be documented.
### goto-cc ###
To be documented.
### goto-instrument ###
To be documented.
### cbmc ###
To be documented.
### goto-analyzer ###
To be documented.
\section section-folder-walkthrough Folder walkthrough
@ -278,101 +275,105 @@ format of the description files.
\section section-data-structures-core-structures-and-ast Data structures: core structures and AST
## Strings: dstringt, the string_container and the ID_* ##
Within cbmc, strings are represented using irep_idt. By default this is
typedefed to dstringt, which stores a string as an index into a large
static table of strings. This makes it easy to compare if two irep_idts
Within cbmc, strings are represented using `irep_idt`. By default this is
typedefed to \ref dstringt, which stores a string as an index into a large
static table of strings. This makes it easy to compare if two `irep_idt`s
are equal (just compare the index) and it makes it efficient to store
many copies of the same string. The static list of strings is populated
from irep_ids.def, so for example the fourth entry in irep_ids.def is
many copies of the same string. The static list of strings is initially populated
from `irep_ids.def`, so for example the fourth entry in `irep_ids.def` is
“IREP_ID_ONE(type)”, so the string “type” has index 3. You can refer to
this irep_idt as ID_type. The other kind of line you see is
this `irep_idt` as `ID_type`. The other kind of line you see is
“IREP_ID_TWO(C_source_location, #source_location)”, which means the
irep_idt for the string “#source_location” can be referred to as
ID_C_source_location. The “C” is for comment, which will be explained
in the next section.
`irep_idt` for the string “#source_location” can be referred to as
`ID_C_source_location`. The “C” is for comment, which will be explained
in the next section. Any strings that need to be stored as `irep_id`s which
aren't in `irep_ids.def` are added to the end of the table when they are
first encountered, and the same index is used for all instances.
See documentation at \ref irep_idt.
See documentation at \ref dstringt.
## Irept: a 4-triple (data, named-sub, comments-sub, sub) ##
## irept: a 4-triple (data, named-sub, comments, sub) ##
See documentation at \ref irept.
As that documentation says, irepts are generic tree nodes. You should
think of them as having lots of child nodes, some of which are numbered
(sub) and some of which are labelled, and the label can either start
with a “#” (comments-sub) or without one (named-sub). The meaning of
the “#” is that this child should not be considered important, for
example it shouldnt be counted when comparing two irepts for equality.
As that documentation says, `irept`s are generic tree nodes. You should
think of them as having a single string (data, actually an `irep_idt`) and
lots of child nodes, some of which are numbered (sub) and some of which are
labelled, and the label can either start with a “#” (comments-sub) or without
one (named-sub). The meaning of the “#” is that this child should not be
considered important, for example it shouldnt be counted when comparing two
`irept`s for equality.
## Typet ##
## typet ##
To be documented.
### symbol_typet ###
To be documented.
## Exprt ##
Exprt is the class to represent an expression. It inherits from irept,
and the only things it adds to it are that every exprt has a named sub
containing its type and everything in the sub of an exprt is again an
exprt, not just an irept. You can think of exprt as a node in the
## exprt ##
\ref exprt is the class to represent an expression. It inherits from \ref irept,
and the only things it adds to it are that every \ref exprt has a named sub
containing its type and everything in the sub of an \ref exprt is again an
\ref exprt, not just an \ref irept. You can think of \ref exprt as a node in the
abstract syntax tree for an expression. There are many classes that
inherit from exprt and which represent more specific things. For
example, there is minus_exprt, which has a sub of size 2 (for the two
inherit from \ref exprt and which represent more specific things. For
example, there is \ref minus_exprt, which has a sub of size 2 (for the two
argument of minus).
Recall that every irept has one piece of data of its own, i.e. its
id(), and all other information is in its named_sub, comments_sub or
sub. For exprts, the id() is used to specify why kind of exprt this is,
so a minus_exprt has ID_minus as its id(). This means that a
minus_exprt can be passed wherever an exprt is expected, and if you
Recall that every \ref irept has one piece of data of its own, i.e. its
`id()`, and all other information is in its `named_sub`, `comments` or
`sub`. For `exprt`s, the `id()` is used to specify why kind of \ref exprt this is,
so a \ref minus_exprt has `ID_minus` as its `id()`. This means that a
\ref minus_exprt can be passed wherever an \ref exprt is expected, and if you
want to check if the expression you are looking at is a minus
expression then you have to check its id().
expression then you have to check its `id()` (or use
## Codet
Exprts represent expressions and codets represent statements. Codet
inherits from exprt, so all codets are exprts, with id() ID_code.
Many different kinds of statements inherit from codet, and they are
distinguished by their statement(). For example, a while loop would be
represented by a code_whilet, which has statement() ID_while.
Code_whilet has two operands in its sub, and helper functions to make
it easier to use: cond() returns the first entry in its sub(), which
is the condition for the while loop, and body() returns the second
entry in its sub, which is the body of the while loop - this has to be
a codet, because the body of a while loop is a statement.
## codet ##
\ref exprt represents expressions and \ref codet represents statements. \ref codet
inherits from \ref exprt, so all `codet`s are `exprt`s, with `id()` `ID_code`.
Many different kinds of statements inherit from \ref codet, and they are
distinguished by their `statement()`. For example, a while loop would be
represented by a \ref code_whilet, which has `statement()` `ID_while`.
\ref code_whilet has two operands in its sub, and helper functions to make
it easier to use: `cond()` returns the first subexpression, which
is the condition for the while loop, and `body()` returns the second
subexpression, which is the body of the while loop - this has to be
a \ref codet, because the body of a while loop is a statement.
## Symbolt, symbol_table, and namespacet ##
## symbolt, symbol_table, and namespacet ##
To be documented.
### Symbol lifetimes, symbol modes, name, base-name, pretty-name; semantic of lifetimes for symex? ###
To be documented.
### Storing symbols and hiding symbols (namespacet) ###
To be documented.
### ns.follow ##
To be documented.
## Examples: how to represent the AST of statements, focus on java ##
To be documented.
### struct Array { int length, int *data }; ###
To be documented.
### x = y + 123 ###
To be documented.
### if (x > 10) { y = 2 } else { v[3] = 4 } ###
To be documented.
@ -380,51 +381,51 @@ FIXME
## goto_programt ##
To be documented.
### The CFG of a function ###
To be documented.
### Instructiont ###
### instructiont ###
See documentation at \ref instructiont.
#### Types, motivation of each type (dead?) #####
To be documented.
#### Accepted code (codet) values ####
To be documented.
#### Accepted guard (exprt) values ####
To be documented.
## goto_functionst ##
To be documented.
### A map from function names to function bodies (CFGs) ###
To be documented.
## Goto_modelt ##
## goto_modelt ##
To be documented.
### A compilation unit ###
To be documented.
## Example: ##
To be documented.
### Unsigned mult (unsigned a, unsigned b) { int acc, i; for (i = 0; i < b; i++) acc += a; return acc; } ###
To be documented.
@ -433,39 +434,39 @@ FIXME
## Front-end languages: generating codet from multiple languages ##
To be documented.
### Language_uit, language_filest, languaget classes: ###
### language_uit, language_filest, languaget classes: ###
To be documented.
### Purpose ###
To be documented.
### Parse ###
To be documented.
### Typecheck ###
To be documented.
### Final ###
To be documented.
## Java bytecode: ##
To be documented.
### Explain how a java program / class is represented in a .class ###
To be documented.
### Explain the 2 step conversion from bytecode to codet; give an example with a class? ###
To be documented.
@ -473,7 +474,7 @@ FIXME
## equation ##
To be documented.
@ -481,7 +482,7 @@ FIXME
## Symex class ##
To be documented.
@ -489,28 +490,28 @@ FIXME
## Flattening ##
To be documented.
## SMT solving API ##
To be documented.
## SAT solving API ##
To be documented.
\section section-static-analysis-apis Static analysis APIs
To be documented.
\section section-other-tools Other Tools
FIXME: The text in this section is a bit outdated.
To be documented.: The text in this section is a bit outdated.
The CPROVER subversion archive contains a number of separate programs.
Others are developed separately as patches or separate