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<p><a href="./">CPROVER Manual TOC</a></p>
<p class=justified>
Numerous tools to hunt down functional design flaws in silicon have
been available for many years, mainly due to the enormous cost of hardware
bugs. The use of such tools is wide-spread. In contrast, the market
for tools that address the need for quality software is still in its
<p class=justified>
Research in software quality has an enormous breadth.
We focus the presentation using two criteria:</p>
We believe that any form of quality requires a specific
<i>guarantee</i>, in theory and practice.</li>
<li>The sheer size of software designs requires techniques that
are highly <i>automated</i>.</li>
<p class=justified>
In practice, quality guarantees usually do not refer to "total
correctness" of a design, as ensuring the absence of all bugs is too
expensive for most applications. In contrast, a guarantee of the
absence of specific flaws is achievable, and is a good metric of
<p class=justified>
We document two programs that try to achieve formal guarantees of
the absence of specific problems: CBMC and SATABS. The algorithms
implemented by CBMC and SATABS are complementary, and often, one tool
is able to solve a problem that the other cannot solve.</p>
<p class=justified>
Both CBMC and SATABS are verification tools for ANSI-C/C++ programs. They
verify array bounds (buffer overflows), pointer safety, exceptions and
user-specified assertions. Both tools model integer arithmetic accurately,
and are able to reason about machine-level artifacts such as integer
overflow. CBMC and SATABS are therefore able to detect a class of bugs that
has so far gone unnoticed by many other verification tools. This manual
also covers some variants of CBMC, which includes HW-CBMC
for <a href="hwsw.shtml">hardware/software co-verification</a>.</p>
<h3>Bounded Model Checking with CBMC</h3>
<p class=justified>
CBMC implements a technique called <i>Bounded Model Checking</i> (BMC). In
BMC, the transition relation for a complex state machine and its
specification are jointly unwound to obtain a Boolean formula, which is then
checked for satisfiability by using an efficient SAT procedure. If the
formula is satisfiable, a counterexample is extracted from the output of the
SAT procedure. If the formula is not satisfiable, the program can be unwound
more to determine if a longer counterexample exists.</p>
<p class=justified>
In many engineering domains, real-time guarantees are a strict requirement.
An example is software embedded in automotive controllers. As a consequence,
the loop constructs in these types of programs often have a strict bound
on the number of iterations. CBMC is able to formally verify such bounds
by means of <i>unwinding assertions</i>. Once this bound is established,
CBMC is able to prove the absence of errors.</p>
<p class=justified>
A more detailed description of how to apply CBMC verify programs is
<a href="cbmc.shtml">here</a>.</p>
<h3>Automatic Program Verification with SATABS</h3>
<p class=justified>
In many cases, lightweight properties such as array bounds do not rely on
the entire program. A large fraction of the program is <i>irrelevant</i> to
the property. SATABS exploits this observation and computes an
<i>abstraction</i> of the program in order to handle large amounts of code.
<p class=justified>
In order to use SATABS it is not necessary to understand the abstraction
refinement process. For the interested reader, a high-level introduction
to abstraction refinement is provided
<a href="satabs-background.shtml">here</a>. We also provide
<a href="satabs-tutorials.shtml">tutorials on how to use SATABS</a>.
<p class=justified>
Just as CBMC, SATABS attempts to build counterexamples that refute the
property. If such a counterexample is found, it is presented to the engineer
to facilitate localization and repair of the program.
<div class="box2">
<div class="caption">Example: Buffer Overflows</div>
<p class=justified>
In order to give a brief overview of the capabilities of CBMC and SATABS we
start with a small example.
The issue of <i><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffer_overflow">buffer
overflows</a></i> has obtained wide public attention. A
buffer is a contiguously-allocated chunk of memory, represented by an array or
a pointer in C. Programs written in C do not provide automatic bounds
checking on the buffer, which means a program can &ndash; accidentally or
maliciously &ndash; write past a buffer. The following example is a perfectly
valid C program (in the sense that a compiler compiles it without any
int main() {<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;int buffer[10];<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;buffer[20] = 10;<br>
<p class=justified>
However, the write access to an address outside the allocated memory
region can lead to unexpected behavior. In particular, such bugs can be
exploited to overwrite the return address of a function, thus enabling the
execution of arbitrary user-induced code. CBMC and SATABS are able to
detect this problem and reports that the "upper bound property" of the
buffer is violated. CBMC and SATABS are capable of checking these lower and
upper bounds, even for arrays with dynamic size. A detailed discussion
of the properties that CBMC and SATABS can check automatically
is <a href="properties.shtml">here</a>.</p>
<h3>Hardware/Software Co-Verification</h3>
<p class=justified>
Software programs often interact with hardware in a non-trivial manner, and
many properties of the overall design only arise from the interplay of both
components. CBMC and SATABS therefore support <i>Co-Verification</i>,
i.e., are able to reason about a C/C++ program together with a circuit
description given in Verilog.</p>
<p class=justified>
These co-verification capabilities can also be applied to perform refinement
proofs. Software programs are often used as high-level descriptions of
circuitry. While both describe the same functionality, the hardware
implementation usually contains more detail. It is highly desirable to
establish some form for equivalence between the two descriptions.
Hardware/Software co-verification and equivalence checking with CBMC and
SATABS are described <a href="hwsw.shtml">here</a>.
<div class="box1">
<div class="caption">Further Reading</div>
<li><a href="cbmc.shtml">Bounded Model Checking with CBMC</a></li>
<li><a href="satabs.shtml">Predicate Abstraction with SATABS</a></li>
<li><a href="hwsw.shtml">Hardware/Software Co-Verification</a></li>
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