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Module: Unit tests for goto_symex_statet
Author: Diffblue Ltd.
#include <testing-utils/message.h>
#include <testing-utils/use_catch.h>
#include <analyses/dirty.h>
#include <goto-symex/goto_symex_state.h>
#include <util/arith_tools.h>
#include <util/c_types.h>
#include <util/namespace.h>
#include <util/symbol_table.h>
static void add_to_symbol_table(
symbol_tablet &symbol_table,
const symbol_exprt &symbol_expr)
symbolt symbol;
symbol.name = symbol_expr.get_identifier();
symbol.type = symbol_expr.type();
symbol.value = symbol_expr;
symbol.is_thread_local = true;
"Goto symex state assignment",
// Initialize goto state
std::list<goto_programt::instructiont> target;
symex_targett::sourcet source{"fun", target.begin()};
guard_managert manager;
std::size_t fresh_name_count = 1;
auto fresh_name = [&fresh_name_count](const irep_idt &) {
return fresh_name_count++;
goto_symex_statet state{
source, DEFAULT_MAX_FIELD_SENSITIVITY_ARRAY_SIZE, manager, fresh_name};
// Initialize dirty field of state
incremental_dirtyt dirty;
goto_functiont function;
dirty.populate_dirty_for_function("fun", function);
state.dirty = &dirty;
GIVEN("An L1 lhs and an L2 rhs of type int")
// Initialize symbol table with an integer symbol `foo`
symbol_tablet symbol_table;
namespacet ns{symbol_table};
const signedbv_typet int_type{32};
const symbol_exprt foo{"foo", int_type};
add_to_symbol_table(symbol_table, foo);
const ssa_exprt ssa_foo{foo};
WHEN("Symbol `foo` is assigned constant integer `475`")
const exprt rhs1 = from_integer(475, int_type);
const auto result =
state.assignment(ssa_foo, rhs1, ns, true, true, false);
THEN("The result is `foo` renamed to L2")
REQUIRE(result.get().get_identifier() == "foo!0#1");
THEN("The propagation map contains an entry for `foo`")
const auto l1_foo = state.rename_ssa<L1>(ssa_foo, ns);
const auto foo_propagated =
const auto foo_value =
REQUIRE(foo_value == 475);
THEN("The target equations are unchanged")
REQUIRE(state.symex_target == nullptr);
THEN("Symbol `foo` is assigned another integer 1834")
const exprt rhs2 = from_integer(1834, int_type);
const auto result2 =
state.assignment(ssa_foo, rhs2, ns, true, true, false);
THEN("The level 2 index of `foo` is incremented")
REQUIRE(result2.get().get_identifier() == "foo!0#2");
THEN("The propagation map entry for `foo` is updated")
const auto l1_foo = state.rename_ssa<L1>(ssa_foo, ns);
const auto foo_propagated =
const auto foo_value =
REQUIRE(foo_value == 1834);
THEN("The target equations are unchanged")
REQUIRE(state.symex_target == nullptr);
GIVEN("An L1 lhs and an L2 rhs of pointer type")
// Initialize symbol table with a pointer symbol `foo`
symbol_tablet symbol_table;
namespacet ns{symbol_table};
const signedbv_typet int_type{32};
const pointer_typet int_pointer_type = pointer_type(int_type);
const symbol_exprt foo{"foo", int_pointer_type};
add_to_symbol_table(symbol_table, foo);
const ssa_exprt ssa_foo{foo};
WHEN("Symbol `foo` is assigned a null pointer")
const null_pointer_exprt null_pointer{int_pointer_type};
const auto result =
state.assignment(ssa_foo, null_pointer, ns, true, true, false);
THEN("The result is `foo` renamed to L2")
REQUIRE(result.get().get_identifier() == "foo!0#1");
THEN("The value set contains an entry for `foo`")
const auto l1_foo = state.rename_ssa<L1>(ssa_foo, ns);
const std::vector<exprt> value_set =
state.value_set.get_value_set(l1_foo.get(), ns);
REQUIRE(value_set.size() == 1);
const auto object_descriptor =
REQUIRE(object_descriptor != nullptr);
REQUIRE(object_descriptor->object().id() == ID_null_object);
THEN("The target equations are unchanged")
REQUIRE(state.symex_target == nullptr);
THEN("Symbol `foo` is assigned `&int_value`")
const symbol_exprt int_value{"int_value", int_type};
add_to_symbol_table(symbol_table, int_value);
const address_of_exprt rhs2{int_value};
const renamedt<exprt, L2> l2_rhs2 = state.rename(rhs2, ns);
const auto result2 =
state.assignment(ssa_foo, l2_rhs2.get(), ns, true, true, false);
THEN("The level 2 index of `foo` is incremented")
REQUIRE(result2.get().get_identifier() == "foo!0#2");
THEN("The value set for `foo` is updated to contain int_value!0")
const auto l1_foo = state.rename_ssa<L1>(ssa_foo, ns);
const std::vector<exprt> value_set =
state.value_set.get_value_set(l1_foo.get(), ns);
REQUIRE(value_set.size() == 1);
const auto object_descriptor =
REQUIRE(object_descriptor != nullptr);
const symbol_exprt object_symbol =
REQUIRE(object_symbol.get_identifier() == "int_value!0");
THEN("The target equations are unchanged")
REQUIRE(state.symex_target == nullptr);