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2023-10-08 15:54:00 +08:00
- EMSim+ accelerates the prediction of EM emanations by introducing an generative adversarial network (GAN) based on EMSim.
- Version 1.0
- Contacts:
- Haocheng Ma : hc_ma@tju.edu.cn
- Yier Jin : jinyier@gmail.com
<td align="center"><img src="../doc/EMSim+ vs. EMSim.jpg" ></td>
# Table of contents
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Running EMSim+](#running-emsim)
- [Current Analysis](#current-analysis)
- [Electromagnetic Computation](#electromagnetic-computation)
- [Feature Extraction](#feature-extraction)
- [GAN Model Training](#GAN-model-training)
- [EM Prediction](#EM-prediction)
- [Contributors](#contributors)
- [Copyright](#copyright)
# Prerequisites
At a minimum:
- Python 3.8+ with PIP
- TensorFlow2.4 with GPU
- Linux or Windows
# Running EMSim
EMSim+ consists of three main steps: feature extraction, GAN model training and EM prediction.
<td align="center"><img src="../doc/EMSim+ Flow.jpg" ></td>
## Current Analysis and Electromagnetic Computation
These two steps are from EMSim and are intended to subsequently produce training data for GANs.
## Feature Extraction
Feature extraction aims to extract cell current, power grid and EM information from the database of the chip physical layout.
Then, we convert them into feature maps.
### Cell Current Map
optional arguments:
[ --def_path ] path to the def file, should end in .def
[ --current_path ] path to the simulated logic cell currents
[ --num_input_stimuli ] number of plaintexts
[ --target_area_x ] target simulated area in x axial direction
[ --target_area_y ] target simulated area in y axial direction
[ --num_probe_x_tiles ] number of point grid in x axial direction
[ --num_probe_y_tiles ] number of point grid in y axial direction
[ --layout_min_x ] Reference coordinate in x axial direction
[ --layout_min_y ] Reference coordinate in y axial direction
[ --start_points ] Start of sample point for each current trace
[ --sample_points ] End of sample point for each current trace
[ --current_map_train ] generate cell current map for GAN training
[ --current_map_test ] generate cell current map for EM prediction
### Power Grid Map
optional arguments:
[ --metal_layers ] target metal layers
[ --target_area_x ] target simulated area in x axial direction
[ --target_area_y ] target simulated area in y axial direction
[ --num_probe_x_tiles ] number of point grid in x axial direction
[ --num_probe_y_tiles ] number of point grid in y axial direction
[ --layout_min_x ] Reference coordinate in x axial direction
[ --layout_min_y ] Reference coordinate in y axial direction
[ --power_grid_map ] generate power grid map for GAN training and EM prediction
optional arguments:
[ --metal_layers ] target metal layers
[ --target_area_x ] target simulated area in x axial direction
[ --target_area_y ] target simulated area in y axial direction
[ --num_probe_x_tiles ] number of point grid in x axial direction
[ --num_probe_y_tiles ] number of point grid in y axial direction
[ --layout_min_x ] Reference coordinate in x axial direction
[ --layout_min_y ] Reference coordinate in y axial direction
There is only one power grid map of one layout design, which is used in both the model training and EM prediction phases.
- Note:
- You need to get the coordinates of VDD and VSS in the layout design.
- You should choose different scripts for 2-pad and 4-pad power supply designs.
### EM Map
optional arguments:
[ --EM_path ] path to the simulated EM data
[ --num_input_stimuli ] number of plaintexts
[ --num_probe_x_tiles ] number of point grid in x axial direction
[ --num_probe_y_tiles ] number of point grid in y axial direction
[ --time_steps ] simulation time for each EM trace
[ --em_map_train ] generate em map for GAN training
[ --em_map_test ] generate em current map for EM prediction
## GAN Model Training
We aim to design and train a GAN for EM prediction.
- Note:
- The generator G accepts cell current maps, power grid maps and time sequence.
- Both the EM maps predicted by G and the real EM maps, together with the input maps of G, are alternatively fed to the discriminator D for determination.
- The results of D are further fed back to G to enhance the quality of the predicted EM maps
optional arguments:
[ --num_probe_x_tiles ] number of point grid in x axial direction
[ --num_probe_y_tiles ] number of point grid in Y axial direction
[ --time_steps ] simulation time for each EM trace
[ --percent_valid_split ] 10% of training points is used for validation during training
[ --learning_rate_val ] learning rate decays exponentially from 0.0005
[ --num_input_stimuli ] number of plaintexts
[ --decay_rate_val ] learning rate with the discount factor 0.98
[ --epochs ] number of times the model worked on the entire training dataset
[ --batch_size ] number of samples processed per training epoch
[ --trained_model_path ] save the trained weight parameters
[ --training_current_map ] input cell current map for model training
[ --training_gird_map ] input power grid map for model training
[ --training_em_map ] input EM map for model training
## EM Prediction
The generator G is preserved and serves as an inference model for EM prediction.
optional arguments:
[ --num_probe_x_tiles ] number of point grid in x axial direction
[ --num_probe_y_tiles ] number of point grid in Y axial direction
[ --time_steps ] simulation time for each EM trace
[ --percent_valid_split ] 10% of training points is used for validation during training
[ --learning_rate_val ] learning rate decays exponentially from 0.0005
[ --num_input_stimuli ] number of plaintexts
[ --decay_rate_val ] learning rate with the discount factor 0.98
[ --trained_model_path ] trained weight parameters
[ --test_current_map ] input cell current map for EM prediction
[ --test_gird_map ] input power grid map for EM prediction
[ --test_em_map ] input EM map for evaluate GAN model
# Contributors
| Name | Affiliation | email |
| ------------ | --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| Haocheng Ma | Tianjin University | [hc_ma@tju.edu.cn](mailto:hc_ma@tju.edu.cn) |
| Yier Jin | University of Florida | [jinyier@gmail.com](mailto:jinyier@gmail.com) |
| Max Panoff | University of Florida | [m.panoff@ufl.edu](mailto:m.panoff@ufl.edu) |
| Jiaji He | Tianjin University | [dochejj@tju.edu.cn](mailto:dochejj@tju.edu.cn) |
| Ya Gao | Tianjin University | [gaoyaya@tju.edu.cn](mailto:gaoyaya@tju.edu.cn) |
# Copyright
It is mainly intended for non-commercial use, such as academic research.
2023-10-08 15:52:38 +08:00