From ed6b0ec2faad0238ef639a25f7306a2267d52a0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Erjing (Matthew) Luo" <> Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2023 21:56:36 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] new weight reorder for pw convolution --- dacsdc/ | 704 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 361 insertions(+), 343 deletions(-) diff --git a/dacsdc/ b/dacsdc/ index 2e9f27e..a22cc59 100644 --- a/dacsdc/ +++ b/dacsdc/ @@ -1,343 +1,361 @@ -import argparse -import time -from typing import Dict, List -import torch -import numpy as np -import sys -import os - -import sys -sys.path.append('..') -import mymodel -from utils.view_pt import select_weight_file -from quant_dorefa import activation_quantize_fn -from anypacking.quant_module import HWGQ, QuantConv2d, ImageInputQ - -class ConvParam: ... - -def write_hls_config(model_param, path): - name_mapping = { - 'k': 'K', - #'s': 'S', - #'p': 'P', - 'ich': 'IFM_CH', - 'irow': 'IFM_ROW', - 'icol': 'IFM_COL', - 'och': 'OFM_CH', - 'orow': 'OFM_ROW', - 'ocol': 'OFM_COL', - 'abit': 'IN_BIT', - 'wbit': 'W_BIT', - 'incbit': 'INC_BIT', - 'biasbit': 'BIAS_BIT', - 'simd': 'SIMD', - 'pe': 'PE', - 'lshift': 'L_SHIFT' - } - content = f'''/******************************************************************************** -* Filename: config.h -* Date: {time.ctime()} -* Description: This file is generated by {parser.prog} -* ptfilename: {opt.weight} -********************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _CONFIG_H_ -#define _CONFIG_H_ - -''' - for n, conv_param in enumerate(model_param): - content += f'// conv_{n}\n' - for k, v in name_mapping.items(): - if hasattr(conv_param, k): # e.g. conv_last has no incbit - content += f'#define CONV_{n}_{v} {getattr(conv_param, k)}\n' - content += '\n' - content += '#endif' - - with open(path + 'config.h', 'w') as f: - print(content, file=f) - -def extract_model(in_shape): - model_param: List[ConvParam] = [] - feature_map_shape = in_shape - conv_cnt = 0 - conv_cur = None - for sub_module in model.modules(): - # expect [QAct] -> [Pooling] -> Conv -> [BN] -> [Pooling], state machine mode - if isinstance(sub_module, HWGQ) or isinstance(sub_module, ImageInputQ) or isinstance(sub_module, activation_quantize_fn): - print(' Detected ActQ Layer', end='') - if conv_cur is None: conv_cur = ConvParam() - if isinstance(sub_module, HWGQ) or isinstance(sub_module, ImageInputQ): - conv_cur.abit = sub_module.bit - conv_cur.astep = sub_module.step - else: - conv_cur.abit = sub_module.a_bit - conv_cur.astep = 1/2**conv_cur.abit - - conv_cur.actq_class = type(sub_module).__name__ - print(f', abit {conv_cur.abit}, astep {conv_cur.astep}, class {conv_cur.actq_class}') - - if conv_cnt: # previous.obit = cur.abit - model_param[conv_cnt-1].obit = conv_cur.abit - model_param[conv_cnt-1].ostep = conv_cur.astep - - elif isinstance(sub_module, torch.nn.Conv2d): - if conv_cur is None: conv_cur = ConvParam() - conv_cur.n = conv_cnt - print('Extract conv_%d'%conv_cnt, end='') - - conv_cur.k = sub_module.kernel_size[0] - conv_cur.s = sub_module.stride[0] - conv_cur.p = sub_module.padding[0] - conv_cur.ich = sub_module.in_channels - conv_cur.och = sub_module.out_channels - conv_cur.groups = sub_module.groups if hasattr(sub_module, 'groups') else 1 - conv_cur.irow = feature_map_shape[1] - conv_cur.icol = feature_map_shape[2] - - feature_map_shape[0] = sub_module.out_channels - feature_map_shape[1] = (feature_map_shape[1] + 2 * sub_module.padding[0] - sub_module.kernel_size[0]) // sub_module.stride[0] + 1 - feature_map_shape[2] = (feature_map_shape[2] + 2 * sub_module.padding[0] - sub_module.kernel_size[0]) // sub_module.stride[0] + 1 - conv_cur.orow = feature_map_shape[1] - conv_cur.ocol = feature_map_shape[2] - - if sub_module.bias is not None: - conv_cur.convbias = sub_module.bias.detach().numpy() - print(', +bias', end='') - - if isinstance(sub_module, QuantConv2d): # New quant - conv_cur.wbit = sub_module.bit - conv_cur.w, conv_cur.wstep = sub_module.export_quant() # wstep is not QuantConv2d.step becuause of alpha - - elif type(sub_module).__name__ == 'Conv2d_Q': # Old dorefa quant - conv_cur.wbit = sub_module.w_bit - conv_cur.wstep = 1/2**(conv_cur.wbit-1) - weight = np.tanh(sub_module.weight.detach().numpy()) - weight = weight / np.max(np.abs(weight)) - n = 2**(conv_cur.wbit-1) - weight_q = weight * n - weight_q = np.clip(np.round(weight_q),-n, n-1) - weight_q = weight_q.astype(np.int32) - conv_cur.w = weight_q - else: - raise NotImplementedError(sub_module) - print(', ich {ich}, och {och}, irow {irow}, icol {icol}, ksp {k}{s}{p}, wbit {wbit}, wstep {wstep}, g {groups}'.format(**vars(conv_cur))) - - model_param.append(conv_cur) - conv_cur = None - conv_cnt += 1 - - elif isinstance(sub_module, torch.nn.BatchNorm2d): - print(' Detected BatchNorm2d') - gamma = sub_module.weight - beta = sub_module.bias - mean = sub_module.running_mean - var = sub_module.running_var - eps = sub_module.eps - - model_param[-1].bn_w = (gamma / (torch.sqrt(var + eps))).detach().numpy() - model_param[-1].bn_b = (beta - (mean / (torch.sqrt(var + eps)) * gamma)).detach().numpy() - - elif isinstance(sub_module, torch.nn.MaxPool2d): - feature_map_shape[1] = feature_map_shape[1] // sub_module.kernel_size - feature_map_shape[2] = feature_map_shape[2] // sub_module.kernel_size - model_param[-1].max_pool = True - - if not hasattr(model_param[0], 'abit'): # train code rescaled [0,255] to [0,1) by /256 default - model_param[0].abit = 8 - if not hasattr(model_param[0], 'astep'): - model_param[0].astep = 1/256 - - return model_param - -def process_batchnorm(model_param): - '''process_batchnorm(model_param) - Merge wstep, astep, ostep scale into batchnorm, then quantize. - - Method: - Define MAC = Conv(w, a), out = MAC*BN_w + BN_b, - wq = w/wstep, aq = a/astep, MACq = MAC/MACstep, outq = out/ostep. - - outq = (MAC*BN_w + BN_b) / ostep - = MACq * (MACstep/ostep)*BN_w + BN_b/ostep - = MACq * inc_raw + bias_raw - next layer activation a' = ActQ(out), i.e. a'q = clip(round(outq)) - - Quantiaztion of inc_raw & bias_raw: - outq_real = round((MACq*round(inc_raw*scale) + round(bias_raw*scale)) / scale) ; where scale=2**T - = (MACq*round(inc_raw*scale) + round(bias_raw*scale) + 0.5 * scale) // scale ; div floor - = (MACq* inc + bias + 2**(T-1) ) >> T ; [!] the 2**(T-1) bias is done by hls code - - Params: - T = (wbit-1)+abit+lshift # This comes from dorefa quant, not optimal - MBIT = wbit+abit+ceil(log2(sum_number)) - incbit = len(bit(inc)); biasbit = len(bit(bias)) - larger lshift is better, but MBIT+incbit<48 - ''' - lshift = 16 - - for conv in model_param[:-1]: - print(f'Process bn_{conv.n}, shape {conv.bn_w.shape},', end = ' ') - - # Merge step to BN - conv.lshift = lshift - MACstep = conv.wstep * conv.astep - ostep = conv.ostep - inc_raw = conv.bn_w * MACstep / ostep - bias_raw = conv.bn_b / ostep - conv.inc_raw = inc_raw - conv.bias_raw = bias_raw - - # Quantization - T = lshift+conv.wbit+conv.abit-1 - = np.round(inc_raw * 2**T).astype(np.int64) - conv.bias = np.round(bias_raw * 2**T).astype(np.int64) - conv.lshift_T = T - # Get bitlength - bitlength = lambda x: 1 + int(np.abs(x).max()).bit_length() - conv.incbit = bitlength( - conv.biasbit = bitlength(conv.bias) - print(f'incbit {conv.incbit}, biasbit {conv.biasbit}, lshift_T {conv.lshift_T}') - - conv_last = model_param[-1] # process lastbias - = None - conv_last.div = 1/(conv_last.wstep * conv_last.astep) - #conv_last.bias = np.round(conv_last.convbias * conv_last.div).astype(np.int64) - #conv_last.bias_raw = conv_last.convbias * conv_last.div - #conv_last.biasbit = bitlength(conv_last.bias) - #print(f'conv_last biasbit {conv_last.biasbit}, div {conv_last.div}') - -def reorder_weight(model_param, layers_simd, layers_pe): - '''reorder_weight(model_param) - Reorder array for hlscode. - ''' - - for conv, simd, pe in zip(model_param, layers_simd, layers_pe): - print(f'Reorder conv_{conv.n}, w {conv.w.shape}', end='') - conv.simd = simd - = pe - - # process batchnorm - if is not None: - =, - if hasattr(conv, 'bias') and conv.bias is not None: - conv.bias = conv.bias.reshape(conv.och//, - - # process conv weight - w = conv.w # [och, ich, kr, kc] - g_ich = w.shape[1] - assert == 0, f"conv_{conv.n}, och {conv.och}, pe {}" - assert conv.k*g_ich%simd == 0, f"conv_{conv.n}, ich {g_ich}, k {conv.k}, simd {conv.simd}" - - # if conv.n==0: # first layer is different - # w = w.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) # [och, kr, kc, ich] - # else: - w = w.transpose(0, 3, 2, 1) # [och, kc, kr, ich] - - w = w.reshape(conv.och//,, conv.k, conv.k*g_ich//simd, simd) - w = w.transpose(1,2,0,3,4) # [pe, k, och/pe, k*ich/simd, simd] - w = w.reshape(, conv.k, -1, simd) # hls format [pe, k, och/pe*k*ich/simd, simd] - - if conv.k == 1: # kernel size=1 - w = w.reshape(, -1, simd) - - print(' ->', w.shape) - - conv.w = w - -def print_ndarray_recursion(arr, str_func=str, file=sys.stdout, stop=0): - if not hasattr(arr, '__iter__') or len(arr.shape) == stop: - print(str_func(arr), file=file, end='') - return - ends = '' if (len(arr.shape)==stop+1) else '\n' - print('{', file=file, end='') - for i, item in enumerate(arr): - print_ndarray_recursion(item, str_func, file, stop) - if i!=len(arr)-1: print(',', file=file, end=ends) - print(ends+'}', file=file, end='') - -def write_hls_weights(model_param, path): - '''write_hls_weights(model_param, path) - Write hls weights+inc+bias array code according to numpy shape. - ''' - f = open(path + 'weights.hpp', 'w') - - print(f'''/******************************************************************************** -* Filename: weights.hpp -* Date: {time.ctime()} -* Description: This file is generated by {parser.prog} -* ptfilename: {opt.weight} -********************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef _WEIGHTS_HPP_ -#define _WEIGHTS_HPP_ -#include -''', file=f) - - for conv in model_param: - n = conv.n - print(f"Write conv_{n} weight, pe {}, simd {conv.simd}, wbit {conv.wbit}") - print(f"// layer: {n}, PE: {}, SIMD: {conv.simd}, wbit: {conv.wbit}", file=f) - - # print conv weight, merge [SIMD] value into one ap_uint - if conv.k>1: - print(f"const ap_uint<{conv.wbit * conv.simd}> conv_{n}_w[{}][{conv.k}][{conv.w.shape[2]}]=", file=f) - else: - print(f"const ap_uint<{conv.wbit * conv.simd}> conv_{n}_w[{}][{conv.w.shape[1]}]=", file=f) - hex_str = lambda x: '"' + hex(x) + '"' - def pack1d_str(arr): # x: 1d-array - x = 0 - for v in arr[::-1]: # [!] reverse simd pack, it is related to hls implemention - v = int(v) # use python bignumber, not - assert -1< conv_{n}_inc[{}][{conv.och//}]=", file=f) - print_ndarray_recursion(, hex_str, f) - print(';', file=f) - if hasattr(conv, 'bias') and conv.bias is not None: - print(f"const ap_int<{conv.biasbit}> conv_{n}_bias[{}][{conv.och//}]=", file=f) - print_ndarray_recursion(conv.bias, hex_str, f) - print(';', file=f) - - print('#endif', file=f) - f.close() - -def adjust_weight(model_param): - special_wa_bit = ((4,2),(5,3),(5,4),(5,5),(5,6),(5,7),(5,8),(7,2),(7,3)) - # These packing can't quantize to -2**(wbit-1) - for conv in model_param: - if (conv.wbit, conv.abit) in special_wa_bit: - print(f'Adjust conv_{conv.n} wbit={conv.wbit}') - conv.w = np.maximum(conv.w, -2**(conv.wbit-1)+1) - -if __name__=='__main__': - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument('-w', '--weight', default=None, help='.pt file name in ./weights/') - parser.add_argument('-m', '--model', default='SkyNet_FixQ', help = 'model class name in') - parser.add_argument('-c', '--config-simd-pe', default='config_simd_pe_skynet', help = '.txt file in ./hls/') - opt = parser.parse_args() - if opt.weight is None: opt.weight = select_weight_file() - - simd_pe = np.loadtxt('hls/'+opt.config_simd_pe+'.txt', dtype=int, skiprows=1) - dir_output = 'hls/' + opt.weight + '/' - if not os.path.exists(dir_output): os.makedirs(dir_output) - - # load model and state_dict - ptfile:Dict = torch.load('weights/' + opt.weight + '.pt', map_location='cpu') - model = getattr(mymodel, opt.model)(**ptfile.setdefault('model_params', {})) - model.load_state_dict(ptfile['model']) - - # processs - model_param = extract_model([1, 160, 320]) - # adjust_weight(model_param) - process_batchnorm(model_param) # get bn param before write hls config -, dir_output + 'model_param.pkl') - - reorder_weight(model_param, simd_pe[:,0], simd_pe[:,1]) # get pe, simd param before write hls config - write_hls_config(model_param, dir_output) - write_hls_weights(model_param, dir_output) +import argparse +import time +from typing import Dict, List +import torch +import numpy as np +import sys +import os + +import sys +sys.path.append('..') +import mymodel +from utils.view_pt import select_weight_file +from quant_dorefa import activation_quantize_fn +from anypacking.quant_module import HWGQ, QuantConv2d, ImageInputQ + +class ConvParam: ... + +def write_hls_config(model_param, path): + name_mapping = { + 'k': 'K', + #'s': 'S', + #'p': 'P', + 'ich': 'IFM_CH', + 'irow': 'IFM_ROW', + 'icol': 'IFM_COL', + 'och': 'OFM_CH', + 'orow': 'OFM_ROW', + 'ocol': 'OFM_COL', + 'abit': 'IN_BIT', + 'wbit': 'W_BIT', + 'incbit': 'INC_BIT', + 'biasbit': 'BIAS_BIT', + 'simd': 'SIMD', + 'pe': 'PE', + 'lshift': 'L_SHIFT' + } + content = f'''/******************************************************************************** +* Filename: config.h +* Date: {time.ctime()} +* Description: This file is generated by {parser.prog} +* ptfilename: {opt.weight} +********************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef _CONFIG_H_ +#define _CONFIG_H_ + +''' + for n, conv_param in enumerate(model_param): + content += f'// conv_{n}\n' + for k, v in name_mapping.items(): + if hasattr(conv_param, k): # e.g. conv_last has no incbit + content += f'#define CONV_{n}_{v} {getattr(conv_param, k)}\n' + content += '\n' + content += '#endif' + + with open(path + 'config.h', 'w') as f: + print(content, file=f) + +def extract_model(in_shape): + model_param: List[ConvParam] = [] + feature_map_shape = in_shape + conv_cnt = 0 + conv_cur = None + for sub_module in model.modules(): + # expect [QAct] -> [Pooling] -> Conv -> [BN] -> [Pooling], state machine mode + if isinstance(sub_module, HWGQ) or isinstance(sub_module, ImageInputQ) or isinstance(sub_module, activation_quantize_fn): + print(' Detected ActQ Layer', end='') + if conv_cur is None: conv_cur = ConvParam() + if isinstance(sub_module, HWGQ) or isinstance(sub_module, ImageInputQ): + conv_cur.abit = sub_module.bit + conv_cur.astep = sub_module.step + else: + conv_cur.abit = sub_module.a_bit + conv_cur.astep = 1/2**conv_cur.abit + + conv_cur.actq_class = type(sub_module).__name__ + print(f', abit {conv_cur.abit}, astep {conv_cur.astep}, class {conv_cur.actq_class}') + + if conv_cnt: # previous.obit = cur.abit + model_param[conv_cnt-1].obit = conv_cur.abit + model_param[conv_cnt-1].ostep = conv_cur.astep + + elif isinstance(sub_module, torch.nn.Conv2d): + if conv_cur is None: conv_cur = ConvParam() + conv_cur.n = conv_cnt + print('Extract conv_%d'%conv_cnt, end='') + + conv_cur.k = sub_module.kernel_size[0] + conv_cur.s = sub_module.stride[0] + conv_cur.p = sub_module.padding[0] + conv_cur.ich = sub_module.in_channels + conv_cur.och = sub_module.out_channels + conv_cur.groups = sub_module.groups if hasattr(sub_module, 'groups') else 1 + conv_cur.irow = feature_map_shape[1] + conv_cur.icol = feature_map_shape[2] + + feature_map_shape[0] = sub_module.out_channels + feature_map_shape[1] = (feature_map_shape[1] + 2 * sub_module.padding[0] - sub_module.kernel_size[0]) // sub_module.stride[0] + 1 + feature_map_shape[2] = (feature_map_shape[2] + 2 * sub_module.padding[0] - sub_module.kernel_size[0]) // sub_module.stride[0] + 1 + conv_cur.orow = feature_map_shape[1] + conv_cur.ocol = feature_map_shape[2] + + if sub_module.bias is not None: + conv_cur.convbias = sub_module.bias.detach().numpy() + print(', +bias', end='') + + if isinstance(sub_module, QuantConv2d): # New quant + conv_cur.wbit = sub_module.bit + conv_cur.w, conv_cur.wstep = sub_module.export_quant() # wstep is not QuantConv2d.step becuause of alpha + + elif type(sub_module).__name__ == 'Conv2d_Q': # Old dorefa quant + conv_cur.wbit = sub_module.w_bit + conv_cur.wstep = 1/2**(conv_cur.wbit-1) + weight = np.tanh(sub_module.weight.detach().numpy()) + weight = weight / np.max(np.abs(weight)) + n = 2**(conv_cur.wbit-1) + weight_q = weight * n + weight_q = np.clip(np.round(weight_q),-n, n-1) + weight_q = weight_q.astype(np.int32) + conv_cur.w = weight_q + else: + raise NotImplementedError(sub_module) + print(', ich {ich}, och {och}, irow {irow}, icol {icol}, ksp {k}{s}{p}, wbit {wbit}, wstep {wstep}, g {groups}'.format(**vars(conv_cur))) + + model_param.append(conv_cur) + conv_cur = None + conv_cnt += 1 + + elif isinstance(sub_module, torch.nn.BatchNorm2d): + print(' Detected BatchNorm2d') + gamma = sub_module.weight + beta = sub_module.bias + mean = sub_module.running_mean + var = sub_module.running_var + eps = sub_module.eps + + model_param[-1].bn_w = (gamma / (torch.sqrt(var + eps))).detach().numpy() + model_param[-1].bn_b = (beta - (mean / (torch.sqrt(var + eps)) * gamma)).detach().numpy() + + elif isinstance(sub_module, torch.nn.MaxPool2d): + feature_map_shape[1] = feature_map_shape[1] // sub_module.kernel_size + feature_map_shape[2] = feature_map_shape[2] // sub_module.kernel_size + model_param[-1].max_pool = True + + if not hasattr(model_param[0], 'abit'): # train code rescaled [0,255] to [0,1) by /256 default + model_param[0].abit = 8 + if not hasattr(model_param[0], 'astep'): + model_param[0].astep = 1/256 + + return model_param + +def process_batchnorm(model_param): + '''process_batchnorm(model_param) + Merge wstep, astep, ostep scale into batchnorm, then quantize. + + Method: + Define MAC = Conv(w, a), out = MAC*BN_w + BN_b, + wq = w/wstep, aq = a/astep, MACq = MAC/MACstep, outq = out/ostep. + + outq = (MAC*BN_w + BN_b) / ostep + = MACq * (MACstep/ostep)*BN_w + BN_b/ostep + = MACq * inc_raw + bias_raw + next layer activation a' = ActQ(out), i.e. a'q = clip(round(outq)) + + Quantiaztion of inc_raw & bias_raw: + outq_real = round((MACq*round(inc_raw*scale) + round(bias_raw*scale)) / scale) ; where scale=2**T + = (MACq*round(inc_raw*scale) + round(bias_raw*scale) + 0.5 * scale) // scale ; div floor + = (MACq* inc + bias + 2**(T-1) ) >> T ; [!] the 2**(T-1) bias is done by hls code + + Params: + T = (wbit-1)+abit+lshift # This comes from dorefa quant, not optimal + MBIT = wbit+abit+ceil(log2(sum_number)) + incbit = len(bit(inc)); biasbit = len(bit(bias)) + larger lshift is better, but MBIT+incbit<48 + ''' + lshift = 6 + + for conv in model_param[:-1]: + print(f'Process bn_{conv.n}, shape {conv.bn_w.shape},', end = ' ') + + # Merge step to BN + conv.lshift = lshift + MACstep = conv.wstep * conv.astep + ostep = conv.ostep + inc_raw = conv.bn_w * MACstep / ostep + bias_raw = conv.bn_b / ostep + conv.inc_raw = inc_raw + conv.bias_raw = bias_raw + + # Quantization + T = lshift+conv.wbit+conv.abit-1 + = np.round(inc_raw * 2**T).astype(np.int64) + conv.bias = np.round(bias_raw * 2**T).astype(np.int64) + conv.lshift_T = T + # Get bitlength + bitlength = lambda x: 1 + int(np.abs(x).max()).bit_length() + conv.incbit = bitlength( + conv.biasbit = bitlength(conv.bias) + print(f'incbit {conv.incbit}, biasbit {conv.biasbit}, lshift_T {conv.lshift_T}') + + conv_last = model_param[-1] # process lastbias + = None + conv_last.div = 1/(conv_last.wstep * conv_last.astep) + #conv_last.bias = np.round(conv_last.convbias * conv_last.div).astype(np.int64) + #conv_last.bias_raw = conv_last.convbias * conv_last.div + #conv_last.biasbit = bitlength(conv_last.bias) + #print(f'conv_last biasbit {conv_last.biasbit}, div {conv_last.div}') + +def reorder_weight(model_param, layers_simd, layers_pe, layers_actp, layers_pep): + '''reorder_weight(model_param) + Reorder array for hlscode. + ''' + + for conv, simd, pe, actp, pep in zip(model_param, layers_simd, layers_pe, layers_actp, layers_pep): + print(f'Reorder conv_{conv.n}, w {conv.w.shape}', end='') + conv.simd = simd + = pe + conv.actp = actp + conv.pep = pep + + # process batchnorm + if is not None: + =, conv.actp).T + if hasattr(conv, 'bias') and conv.bias is not None: + conv.bias = conv.bias.reshape(conv.och//conv.actp, conv.actp).T + + # process conv weight + if conv.k == 1: + w = conv.w # [och, ich, kr, kc] + g_ich = w.shape[1] + assert conv.och%( * conv.pep) == 0, f"conv_{conv.n}, och {conv.och}, pe {}, pep {conv.pep}" + assert g_ich%simd == 0, f"conv_{conv.n}, ich {g_ich}, simd {conv.simd}" + + w = w.reshape(conv.och//( * conv.pep),, conv.pep, g_ich//simd, simd) # [och / (pe * pep), pe, pep, ich / simd, simd] + w = w.transpose(1,0,3,4,2) #[pe, och / (pe * pep), ich / simd, simd, pep] + w = w.reshape(, -1, g_ich//simd, simd*conv.pep) # [pe, och / (pe * pep), ich / simd, simd * pep] + w = w.reshape(, -1, simd*conv.pep) # hls format [pe, och/(pe * pep) * ich/simd, simd * pep] + else: + w = conv.w # [och, ich, kr, kc] + g_ich = w.shape[1] + assert == 0, f"conv_{conv.n}, och {conv.och}, pe {}" + assert conv.k*g_ich%simd == 0, f"conv_{conv.n}, ich {g_ich}, k {conv.k}, simd {conv.simd}" + + # if conv.n==0: # first layer is different + # w = w.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) # [och, kr, kc, ich] + # else: + w = w.transpose(0, 3, 2, 1) # [och, kc, kr, ich] + + w = w.reshape(conv.och//,, conv.k, conv.k*g_ich//simd, simd) + w = w.transpose(1,2,0,3,4) # [pe, k, och/pe, k*ich/simd, simd] + w = w.reshape(, conv.k, -1, simd) # hls format [pe, k, och/pe*k*ich/simd, simd] + + print(' ->', w.shape) + + conv.w = w + +def print_ndarray_recursion(arr, str_func=str, file=sys.stdout, stop=0): + if not hasattr(arr, '__iter__') or len(arr.shape) == stop: + print(str_func(arr), file=file, end='') + return + ends = '' if (len(arr.shape)==stop+1) else '\n' + print('{', file=file, end='') + for i, item in enumerate(arr): + print_ndarray_recursion(item, str_func, file, stop) + if i!=len(arr)-1: print(',', file=file, end=ends) + print(ends+'}', file=file, end='') + +def write_hls_weights(model_param, path): + '''write_hls_weights(model_param, path) + Write hls weights+inc+bias array code according to numpy shape. + ''' + f = open(path + 'weights.hpp', 'w') + + print(f'''/******************************************************************************** +* Filename: weights.hpp +* Date: {time.ctime()} +* Description: This file is generated by {parser.prog} +* ptfilename: {opt.weight} +********************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef _WEIGHTS_HPP_ +#define _WEIGHTS_HPP_ +#include +''', file=f) + + for conv in model_param: + n = conv.n + def pack1d_str(arr): # x: 1d-array + x = 0 + for v in arr[::-1]: # [!] reverse simd pack, it is related to hls implemention + v = int(v) # use python bignumber, not + assert -1< conv_{n}_w[{}][{conv.w.shape[1]}]=", file=f) + hex_str = lambda x: '"' + hex(x) + '"' + print_ndarray_recursion(conv.w, pack1d_str, f, stop=1) + print(';', file=f) + else: + print(f"Write conv_{n} weight, pe {}, simd {conv.simd}, actp {conv.actp}, wbit {conv.wbit}") + print(f"// layer: {n}, PE: {}, SIMD: {conv.simd}, ACTP: {conv.actp}, wbit: {conv.wbit}", file=f) + + # print conv weight, merge [SIMD] value into one ap_uint + print(f"const ap_uint<{conv.wbit * conv.simd}> conv_{n}_w[{}][{conv.k}][{conv.w.shape[2]}]=", file=f) + hex_str = lambda x: '"' + hex(x) + '"' + print_ndarray_recursion(conv.w, pack1d_str, f, stop=1) + print(';', file=f) + + # print inc, bias + if is not None: + print(f"const ap_int<{conv.incbit}> conv_{n}_inc[{conv.actp}][{conv.och//conv.actp}]=", file=f) + print_ndarray_recursion(, hex_str, f) + print(';', file=f) + if hasattr(conv, 'bias') and conv.bias is not None: + print(f"const ap_int<{conv.biasbit}> conv_{n}_bias[{conv.actp}][{conv.och//conv.actp}]=", file=f) + print_ndarray_recursion(conv.bias, hex_str, f) + print(';', file=f) + + print('#endif', file=f) + f.close() + +def adjust_weight(model_param): + special_wa_bit = ((4,2),(5,3),(5,4),(5,5),(5,6),(5,7),(5,8),(7,2),(7,3)) + # These packing can't quantize to -2**(wbit-1) + for conv in model_param: + if (conv.wbit, conv.abit) in special_wa_bit: + print(f'Adjust conv_{conv.n} wbit={conv.wbit}') + conv.w = np.maximum(conv.w, -2**(conv.wbit-1)+1) + +if __name__=='__main__': + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() + parser.add_argument('-w', '--weight', default=None, help='.pt file name in ./weights/') + parser.add_argument('-m', '--model', default='SkyNet_FixQ', help = 'model class name in') + parser.add_argument('-c', '--config-simd-pe', default='config_simd_pe_skynet', help = '.txt file in ./hls/') + opt = parser.parse_args() + if opt.weight is None: opt.weight = select_weight_file() + + simd_pe = np.loadtxt('hls/'+opt.config_simd_pe+'.txt', dtype=int, skiprows=1) + dir_output = 'hls/' + opt.weight + '/' + if not os.path.exists(dir_output): os.makedirs(dir_output) + + # load model and state_dict + ptfile:Dict = torch.load('weights/' + opt.weight + '.pt', map_location='cpu') + model = getattr(mymodel, opt.model)(**ptfile.setdefault('model_params', {})) + model.load_state_dict(ptfile['model']) + + # processs + model_param = extract_model([1, 160, 320]) + # adjust_weight(model_param) + process_batchnorm(model_param) # get bn param before write hls config +, dir_output + 'model_param.pkl') + + reorder_weight(model_param, simd_pe[:,0], simd_pe[:,1], simd_pe[:,2], simd_pe[:,3]) # get pe, simd, actp, pep param before write hls config + write_hls_config(model_param, dir_output) + write_hls_weights(model_param, dir_output)