Translate 12 tasks.

This commit is contained in:
Haifeng Luo 2021-04-11 20:33:16 +08:00
parent a2feebe153
commit 68cc91f95d
20 changed files with 1849 additions and 1849 deletions

View File

@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ window.displayHelper = {
enemyWarning: "<strong>Attention :</strong> dans ce défi, l'ordinateur vous empêchera de trouver la solution par hasard."
en: {
version: "Version",
version: "版本",
levelVersionName_easy: "easy version",
levelVersionName_medium: "medium version",
levelVersionName_hard: "hard version",
@ -419,21 +419,21 @@ window.displayHelper = {
tryToDoBetterOrChangeTask: "Try to do even better, or move on to another task.",
tryToDoBetterOrMoveToNextLevel: "Try to do even better, or move on to a more difficult version.",
bestPossibleScoreCongrats: "This is the best possible score on this task, congratulations!",
forMorePointsMoveToNextLevel: "To obtain more points, move on to a harder version of this task.",
forMorePointsMoveToNextLevel: "要想获得更多的分数,请进入更难的版本。",
youDidBetterBefore: "You did better before.",
scoreStays2: "Your score stays the same.",
reloadBestAnswer: "Reload your best answer.",
noAnswerSaved: "No answer saved so far for this version.",
scoreStays2: "你的得分保持不变",
reloadBestAnswer: "重新加载你的最佳答案。",
noAnswerSaved: "到目前为止,这个版本还没有答案。",
validate: "Validate",
restart: "Restart",
restart: "重新开始",
harderLevelSolved: "Warning: you already solved a harder version of this task. You won't be able to obtain extra points with this version.",
showLevelAnyway: "Show it to me anyways.",
scoreObtained: "Obtained score:",
scoreObtained: "得分:",
hardVersionTakesTime: "Solving a {0} can take a lot of time. Consider working on the {1} to gain points quickly.",
illKeepThatInMind: "I'll consider it.",
harderLevelAvailable: "Note that for this task, you may try to directly work on a harder version than this one.",
lockedLevel: "This version is locked. Solve the previous version to display it!",
gradeThisAnswer: "Grade this answer",
gradeThisAnswer: "验证一下",
// The following messages are used for tasks with no feedback
saveAnswer: "Save this answer",
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ window.displayHelper = {
scoreWouldStay: "With this answer, your score would stay the same:",
answerNotSavedContestOver: "The contest being over, your answer was not saved. You may {0}.",
reloadSubmittedAnswer: "reload the validated answer",
difficultyWarning: "<strong>Warning:</strong> solving this version takes time.<br/>You would solve the 2 or 3 star versions of other tasks more quickly.",
difficultyWarning: "<strong>提醒:</strong> 解决这个版本很耗费时间。<br/>解决2星或3星版本的任务可以更快哦。",
enemyWarning: "<strong>Warning:</strong> in this challenge, the computer will make sure you don't find the solution by chance."
sv: {
@ -2854,7 +2854,7 @@ function fillImages(text, images, res) {
'solution': 'Solution',
'editor': 'Edit',
'hints': 'Hints',
'showSolution': 'Show solution',
'showSolution': '显示答案',
'yourScore': "Your score:",
'canReadSolution': "You can now read the solution at the bottom of this page.",
'gradeAnswer': 'Test grader'
@ -2943,7 +2943,7 @@ function getLanguageString(key) {
<div id="miniPlatformHeader">\
<td><img src="' + (window.modulesPath?window.modulesPath:'../../../_common/modules') + '/img/castor.png" width="60px" style="display:inline-block;margin-right:20px;vertical-align:middle"/></td>\
<td><span class="platform">Concours castor</span></td>\
<td><span class="platform">高阶思维能力测试</span></td>\
<td><a href="" style="display:inline-block;text-align:right;">Le concours Castor</a></td>\

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ window.displayHelper = {
restart: "Recommencer",
harderLevelSolved: "Attention : vous avez déjà résolu une version plus difficile. Vous ne pourrez pas gagner de points supplémentaires avec cette version.",
showLevelAnyway: "Voir quand même",
scoreObtained: "Score obtenu :",
scoreObtained: "得分 :",
hardVersionTakesTime: "Résoudre une {0} peut vous prendre beaucoup de temps ; songez en priorité à répondre aux questions en {1} pour gagner des points rapidement.",
illKeepThatInMind: "J'y prendrai garde",
harderLevelAvailable: "Notez que pour cette question, vous pouvez résoudre directement une version plus difficile que celle-ci.",
@ -127,50 +127,50 @@ window.displayHelper = {
enemyWarning: "<strong>Attention :</strong> dans ce défi, l'ordinateur vous empêchera de trouver la solution par hasard."
en: {
version: "Version",
levelVersionName_easy: "easy version",
levelVersionName_medium: "medium version",
levelVersionName_hard: "hard version",
levelVersionName_easy_stars: "2 stars version",
levelVersionName_medium_stars: "3 stars version",
levelVersionName_hard_stars: "4 stars version",
levelName_easy: "Easy",
levelName_medium: "Medium",
levelName_hard: "Hard",
warningTimeout: "<p>Warning, it has been more than {0} minutes since you started working on this task.</p><p>You should probably switch to a diffrent task, by clicking on the button on the top-right.</p>",
alright: "Alright",
moveOn: "Move on",
solvedMoveOn: "You solved this task completely, move on to another task.",
confirmRestart: "Are you sure you want to restart this version?",
yes: "Yes",
no: "No",
tryHardLevel: "We suggest you try the 4 stars version.",
tryMediumLevel: "We suggest you try the 3 stars version.",
tryNextTask: "We suggest you try the next task. If you still have time, come back later and try the next version of this task.",
yourScoreIsNow: "Your score is now:",
worseScoreStays: "This is not as good as before. Your score stays:",
scoreStays: "Your score stays the same:",
version: "版本",
levelVersionName_easy: "初级版",
levelVersionName_medium: "中级版",
levelVersionName_hard: "高级版",
levelVersionName_easy_stars: "初级版",
levelVersionName_medium_stars: "中级版",
levelVersionName_hard_stars: "高级版",
levelName_easy: "初级",
levelName_medium: "中级",
levelName_hard: "高级",
warningTimeout: "<p>注意,你在当前任务已经耗费超过 {0} 分钟了.</p><p>你可能应该切换到另一个不同的任务了哦。</p>",
alright: "好的",
moveOn: "继续",
solvedMoveOn: "你已经完全解决当前任务了,可以继续下一个任务。",
confirmRestart: "你确定要重新开始这个版本吗?",
yes: "确定",
no: "取消",
tryHardLevel: "我们建议你尝试一下四星版。",
tryMediumLevel: "我们建议你尝试一下三星版",
tryNextTask: "我们建议你直接进入下一个任务。如果最后你还有时间,可以再回来尝试此任务的下一个版本。",
yourScoreIsNow: "你的得分是:",
worseScoreStays: "这次还不如之前呢,你的得分将保持在:",
scoreStays: "你的得分保持不变:",
score: "Score:",
noPointsForLevel: "You have not received any points yet on this version.",
noPointsForLevel: "在这个版本中你还没有得到任何分数哦。",
outOf: " out of ",
tryToDoBetterOrChangeTask: "Try to do even better, or move on to another task.",
tryToDoBetterOrMoveToNextLevel: "Try to do even better, or move on to a more difficult version.",
bestPossibleScoreCongrats: "This is the best possible score on this task, congratulations!",
forMorePointsMoveToNextLevel: "To obtain more points, move on to a harder version of this task.",
youDidBetterBefore: "You did better before.",
scoreStays2: "Your score stays the same.",
reloadBestAnswer: "Reload your best answer.",
noAnswerSaved: "No answer saved so far for this version.",
validate: "Validate",
restart: "Restart",
harderLevelSolved: "Warning: you already solved a harder version of this task. You won't be able to obtain extra points with this version.",
showLevelAnyway: "Show it to me anyways.",
scoreObtained: "Obtained score:",
tryToDoBetterOrChangeTask: "你可以尝试做得更好,或者继续做下一项任务。",
tryToDoBetterOrMoveToNextLevel: "你可以尝试做得更好,或者挑战更难的版本。",
bestPossibleScoreCongrats: "你已经获得了这项任务的最好成绩,祝贺你哦!",
forMorePointsMoveToNextLevel: "为了获得更多的分数,你可以继续挑战难度更大的任务。",
youDidBetterBefore: "你比之前做的更好了!",
scoreStays2: "你的得分保持不变。",
reloadBestAnswer: "重新发挥你最好的理解。",
noAnswerSaved: "到目前为止,在这个版本中你还没有得到任何分数哦。",
validate: "验证一下",
restart: "重新开始",
harderLevelSolved: "注意:你已经解决了此任务的一个较难版本。在这个版本中你不会再获得额外的得分了哦。",
showLevelAnyway: "不管怎样,给我看看。",
scoreObtained: "得分:",
hardVersionTakesTime: "Solving a {0} can take a lot of time. Consider working on the {1} to gain points quickly.",
illKeepThatInMind: "I'll consider it.",
illKeepThatInMind: "我会考虑的。",
harderLevelAvailable: "Note that for this task, you may try to directly work on a harder version than this one.",
lockedLevel: "This version is locked. Solve the previous version to display it!",
gradeThisAnswer: "Grade this answer",
gradeThisAnswer: "验证一下",
// The following messages are used for tasks with no feedback
saveAnswer: "Save this answer",
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ window.displayHelper = {
scoreWouldStay: "With this answer, your score would stay the same:",
answerNotSavedContestOver: "The contest being over, your answer was not saved. You may {0}.",
reloadSubmittedAnswer: "reload the validated answer",
difficultyWarning: "<strong>Warning:</strong> solving this version takes time.<br/>You would solve the 2 or 3 star versions of other tasks more quickly.",
difficultyWarning: "<strong>提醒:</strong> 解决这个版本很耗费时间。<br/>解决2星或3星版本的任务可以更快哦。",
enemyWarning: "<strong>Warning:</strong> in this challenge, the computer will make sure you don't find the solution by chance."
sv: {
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ window.displayHelper = {
restart: "Börja om",
harderLevelSolved: "Varning: du har redan löst en svårare version av den här uppgiften. Du kommer inte kunna få mer poäng med den här versionen.",
showLevelAnyway: "Visa den ändå.",
scoreObtained: "Uppnådd poäng:",
scoreObtained: "得分:",
hardVersionTakesTime: "Att lösa en {0} kan ta lång tid. Fundera på om du ska jobba med en {1} för att tjäna poäng snabbare.",
illKeepThatInMind: "Jag ska tänka på det.",
harderLevelAvailable: "Notera att på den här uppgiften kan du direkt försöka med en svårare version än denna.",
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ window.displayHelper = {
restart: "Aloita alusta",
harderLevelSolved: "Varoitus: olet jo ratkaissut vaikeamman version tästä tehtävästä. Tämän helpomman version ratkaiseminen ei voi korottaa pistemäärääsi.",
showLevelAnyway: "Siirry joka tapauksessa.",
scoreObtained: "Saatu pistemäärä:",
scoreObtained: "得分:",
hardVersionTakesTime: "{0} voi viedä runsaasti aikaa. {1} voi tuottaa pisteitä nopeammin.",
illKeepThatInMind: "Ymmärrän tämän.",
harderLevelAvailable: "Huomaa, että voit myös suoraan koittaa ratkaista vaikeampaa versiota tästä tehtävästä.",
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ window.displayHelper = {
restart: "Neustarten",
harderLevelSolved: "Achtung: Du hast schon eine schwerere Version gelöst. Du kannst mit dieser Version keine zusätzlichen Punkte bekommen.",
showLevelAnyway: "Trotzdem anzeigen",
scoreObtained: "Erhaltene Punkte:",
scoreObtained: "得分:",
hardVersionTakesTime: "Eine {0} zu lösen kann dich viel Zeit kosten; Denke zunächst daran, die Fragen in {1} zu beantworten, um schnell Punkte zu bekommen.",
illKeepThatInMind: "Ich hab das verstanden",
harderLevelAvailable: "Beachte, dass du bei dieser Frage direkt zu einer schwereren Version gehen kannst.",
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ window.displayHelper = {
restart: "ابدأ من جديد",
harderLevelSolved: "لقد قمت بحل المستوى الأصعب في هذا السؤال, لن تتمكن من الحصول على درجات أعلى في هذا السؤال",
showLevelAnyway: "اظهرها لي على أي حال",
scoreObtained: "النقاط المكتسبة:",
scoreObtained: "得分",
hardVersionTakesTime: "Solving a {0} can take a lot of time. Consider working on the {1} to gain points quickly.",
illKeepThatInMind: "I'll consider it.",
harderLevelAvailable: "تنبيه: يمكنك حل المستوى الأصعب في هذه المسألة مباشرة",
@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ window.displayHelper = {
restart: "Reiniciar",
harderLevelSolved: "Atención: ya has resuelto una versión más difícil. No puedes ganar puntos extra con esta versión.",
showLevelAnyway: "Mostrar el nivel de igual manera",
scoreObtained: "Puntuación obtenida:",
scoreObtained: "得分:",
hardVersionTakesTime: "Resolver una {0} puede tomar mucho tiempo; te aconsejamos priorizar el resolver las preguntas en {1} para ganar puntos más rápidamente.",
illKeepThatInMind: "Lo tendré en mente",
harderLevelAvailable: "Nota que para esta pregunta, puedes resolver directamente una versión más difícil que esta.",

View File

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ function getLanguageString(key) {
<div id="miniPlatformHeader">\
<td><img src="' + (window.modulesPath?window.modulesPath:'../../../_common/modules') + '/img/castor.png" width="60px" style="display:inline-block;margin-right:20px;vertical-align:middle"/></td>\
<td><span class="platform">Concours castor</span></td>\
<td><span class="platform">高阶思维能力测试</span></td>\
<td><a href="" style="display:inline-block;text-align:right;">Le concours Castor</a></td>\

View File

@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
<div style="width:100%; border-bottom:1px solid #B47238;overflow:hidden">\
<table style="width:100%;margin: 10px auto;">\
<td><img src="' + (window.modulesPath?window.modulesPath:'../../../_common/modules') + '/img/castor.png" width="60px" style="display:inline-block;margin-right:20px;vertical-align:middle"/></td>\
<td><span style="font-size:32px;">Concours castor</span></td>\
<td><a href="" style="display:inline-block;text-align:right;">Le concours Castor</a></td>\
<td><span style="font-size:32px;">高阶思维能力测试</span></td>\
<td><a href="" style="display:inline-block;text-align:right;">计算思维</a></td>\

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ var docLanguageStrings = {
subcategory: 'Subcategory “{}”',
blocklyColumns: ["Display", "Internal name", "Comment"],
columns: ["Block name", "Python name", "Internal name", "Type", "Arguments", "Description", "Comment"],
nameUndefined: 'undefined!',
nameUndefined: '未定义!',
action: 'Action',
sensor: 'Sensor'

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
return "You have found the treasure, but it was possible to do it with " + walls + ". Try again. Be careful, the treasure might be in a different room."
success: "Congratulations, you succeeded!",
success: "祝贺你,你成功了!",
notFinished: "You haven't found the treasure yet!",
feedbackHard: "Total thickness</br> of walls broken: ",
feedbackEasyMedium: "Number of walls broken: "

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
return "You have found the treasure, but it was possible to do it with " + walls + ". Try again. Be careful, the treasure might be in a different room."
success: "Congratulations, you succeeded!",
success: "祝贺你,你成功了!",
notFinished: "You haven't found the treasure yet!",
feedbackHard: "Total thickness</br> of walls broken: ",
feedbackEasyMedium: "Number of walls broken: "

View File

@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
var taskStrings = {
success: "Congratulations, you succeeded !",
success: "恭喜, 你成功了 !",
tooManyJumps: function(nbBounces, maxNbBounces) {
return "Beaver was able to jump down " + nbBounces + " times.<br/>Beaver should be stuck after " + maxNbBounces + " jumps."; },
"try": "Try"
return "小松鼠可以跳跃 " + nbBounces + " 次。<br/>注意,本任务要求小松鼠最多只能跳跃 " + maxNbBounces + " 次哦。"; },
"try": "验证一下"
@ -59,19 +59,19 @@
<div id="task">
<h1>Jumping posts</h1>
<div id="tabsContainer"></div>
<div id="taskContent">
<div id="zone_1">
<div class="consigne">
Beaver tries to touch as many bamboos as possible. Your goal is to stop him.
Beaver can only jump down. Beaver can never jump above bamboos higher than himself.
Change the order of the bamboos, to prevent him from jumping more than <strong><span class="easy medium">two</span><span class="hard">three</span></strong> times.
改变柱子的顺序,使得小松鼠最多只能跳跃 <strong><span class="easy medium">2</span><span class="hard">3</span></strong>次。
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
<!-- task -->
<div id="solution">
<h2>It's informatics!</h2>
<!-- task-solution -->

View File

@ -37,21 +37,21 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
var taskStrings = {
success: "Congratulations, you succeeded !",
success: "恭喜, 你成功了 !",
tooManyMarkers: function(max) {
return "You have no pebbles left in your reserve. Click on pebbles to take them back.";
return "你的储备库里没有小石子了。点击上方已经放置的小石子可以把它们带回去。";
sumGreaterThan: function(max) {
return "You have no pebbles left in your reserve. Click on pebbles to take them back.";
return "你的储备库里没有小石子了。点击上方已经放置的小石子可以把它们带回去。";
noMarkerBelow: "To place a pebble in the red circle, you need all circles underneath to contain pebbles.",
placed: "Pebbles placed",
failure: "There is no pebble in the top circle.",
reserve: "Reserve of pebbles:",
empty: "Empty. Remove pebbles that are not needed.",
validateNow: "You succeeded, you just need to validate now.",
undo: "Undo",
pebbleClick: "Clicking on the pebbles in the reserve doesn't do anything."
noMarkerBelow: "如果你想在红色圆圈中放置小石子,是需要下面的所有圆圈里都已经放置了小石子哦。",
placed: "已经放置过小石子了",
failure: "上面的圆圈里没有小石子。",
reserve: "小石子储备库:",
empty: "空的。移除不需要的小石子。",
validateNow: "你成功了,现在只需要验证一下。",
undo: "撤销",
pebbleClick: "点击在保护区的小石子没有用哦。"
@ -76,17 +76,17 @@
<div id="task">
<h1>Rising pebbles</h1>
<div id="tabsContainer"></div>
<div id="taskContent">
<div id="zone_1">
<div class="consigne">
Your goal is to place a pebble in the top circle.
<p>To place <span class="easy medium">a</span> pebble<span class="hard">s</span> in a circle, all the circles underneath need to have pebbles. You can then get these back.
<p>想要在<span class="easy medium">一个</span>圆圈中放置<span class="hard">数字所对应数量的</span>小石子, 下面所有箭头指向的圆圈里都要有小石子。 然后你可以再把这些小石子拿回储备库。
<p>Click on a circle to place <span class="easy medium">a</span><span class="hard">the number of</span> pebble<span class="hard">s indicated in the circle, </span> or to remove <span class="easy medium">it</span><span class="hard">them</span>.</p>
<p>点击圆圈放置<span class="easy medium">一个</span><span class="hard">圆圈中数字所对应数量的</span>小石子<span class="hard">组合 , </span>或者拿回<span class="easy medium">所放置的小石子</span><span class="hard">小石子</span>.</p>
@ -102,8 +102,8 @@
<!-- task -->
<div id="solution">
<h2>It's informatics!</h2>
<!-- task-solution -->

View File

@ -37,16 +37,16 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
var taskStrings = {
success: "Congratulations, you succeeded !",
"try": "Try",
next: "Next",
errorMissingAndExtraGift: "There are pots without flowers, and flowers without pots.",
errorExtraGift: "There are pots without flowers.",
errorMissingGift: "There are flowers without pots.",
noBeaver: "Click on the kangaroos that will receive flowers.",
tryToUnderstand: "Find out why some of the kangaroos get flowers, and others don't, then click on the \"next\" button.",
clickNext: "Click on the \"next\" button ton continue.",
clickNow: "Click right away to try, or click on some kangaroos to give them pots."
success: "恭喜, 你成功了 !",
"try": "试一试",
next: "下一步",
errorMissingAndExtraGift: "有盆无花,有花无盆。",
errorExtraGift: "存在没有花的花盆哦。",
errorMissingGift: "依然存在没有花盆的花哦。",
noBeaver: "点击将要收到鲜花的袋鼠。",
tryToUnderstand: "看看为什么有些袋鼠会有花,而有些却没有,然后点击 \"下一步\" 按钮。",
clickNext: "点击 \"下一步\" 按钮继续。",
clickNow: "马上点击试试,或者点击一些袋鼠给它们花盆。"
<script type="text/javascript" src="task.js"></script>
@ -63,20 +63,20 @@
<div id="task">
<div id="tabsContainer"></div>
<div id="taskContent">
<div id="zone_1">
<div class="consigne">
<p>Your goal is to understand why some kangaroos receive flowers, and others don't.</p>
<p>Click on the "try" button to make flowers appear.</p>
<p>Look carefully at the content of the
<span class="easy">cell above each kangaroo.</span>
<span class="medium hard">cells below and above each kangaroo.</span>
<span class="easy">注意每只袋鼠上方的小方格哦。</span>
<span class="medium hard">注意每只袋鼠上方和下方的小方格哦。</span>
<p>Then, click on the "next" button, then click on the kangaroos that will receive flowers, to give them a flower pot.</p>
<div id="zone_2">
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
<!-- task -->
<div id="solution">
<h2>It's informatics!</h2>
<!-- task-solution -->

View File

@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
var taskStrings = {
success: "Congratulations, you succeeded !",
errorGraph: "The red arrow is not present on both diagrams."
success: "恭喜, 你成功了 !",
errorGraph: "红色箭头不可能同时出现在两个图中。"
<script type="text/javascript" src="task.js"></script>
@ -77,34 +77,34 @@
<div id="task">
<h1>Nested rectangles</h1>
<div id="tabsContainer"></div>
<div id="taskContent">
<div id="zone_1">
<div class="consigne">
The current diagram describes how the rectangles with blue corners are nested within one another.
<div id="example" style="padding-right: 10px"></div>
An arrow from B to A means that rectangle B needs to be entirely inside rectangle A.
To recreat the target, move rectangles by dragging them, and change their sizes by dragging the blue corners.
<div id="zone_2">
<div id="diagrams">
<h4>Current Diagram</h4>
<div id="current"></div>
<h4>Target Diagram</h4>
<div id="target"></div>
@ -120,8 +120,8 @@
<!-- task -->
<div id="solution">
<h2>It's informatics!</h2>
<!-- task-solution -->

View File

@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
var taskStrings = {
success: "Congratulations! You succeeded!",
alreadyExist: "There is already a pipe there.",
isolatedHouse: "A pipe got stuck and the flower highlighted in red doesn't receive any water",
success: "恭喜, 你成功了 !",
alreadyExist: "这里已经有一个管道了。",
isolatedHouse: "有一根管子卡住了,红色高亮的那朵花得不到任何水哦",
max: function(max) {
return "You already added "+max+"&nbsp;pipes.";
@ -62,17 +62,17 @@
<div id="task">
<h1>Water the flowers</h1>
<div id="tabsContainer"></div> <!-- will contain the versions tabs -->
<div id="taskContent"> <!-- will contain the content of the task -->
<div id="zone_1">
<div class="consigne">
<p>Beaver installed pipes to water his flowers with water coming from the faucet.</p>
<p>Your goal is that all the flowers continue to get water even if one of the pipes gets stuck.</p>
<p>To do this, add <strong><span id="minEdges"></span> pipes</strong>.</p>
<p>为了实现目标, 请添加<strong><span id="minEdges"></span>根水管</strong></p>
Click on two flowers to connect them with a pipe.
Click on an added pipe to remove it.
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
</div><!-- task -->
<div id="solution">
<h2>Solution 离散数学-图论-节点的度</h2>

View File

@ -37,16 +37,16 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
var taskStrings = {
success: "Congratulations, you succeeded!",
success: "祝贺你,你成功了!",
missingPattern: function(n) {
return "You must place the "+n+" blue shapes in the grid."
return "你必须在网格中放置 "+n+" 个蓝色形状哦。"
almost: function(n) {
return "You managed to place "+(n - 1)+" shapes. Try again to place the last one."
return "你已经成功地放置了 "+(n - 1)+" 个形状。 请试着再放置最后一个。"
errorMismatch: "The content of the two cells highlighted in red is different.",
rotationText: "Turn the shapes.",
spotOccupied: "The shapes should not overlap one another."
errorMismatch: "红色高亮表示这两个单元格所覆盖的内容是不同的。",
rotationText: "变换形状",
spotOccupied: "这些形状不应该相互重叠。"
<script type="text/javascript" src="task.js"></script>
@ -64,14 +64,14 @@
<div id="task">
<h1>Repeated patterns</h1>
<div id="tabsContainer"></div>
<div id="taskContent">
<div id="zone_1">
<div class="consigne">
<p>Place the <strong><span class="nbPatterns"></span></strong> blue shapes on the grid.</p>
<p>The content of every shape should be the same.</p>
<p class="hard">You can turn the shapes at each step.</p>
<p>请把 <strong><span class="nbPatterns"></span></strong> 个蓝色图形放在下方的网格上。</p>
<p class="hard">你可以在每一步结束后转动形状,改变形状的方向。</p>
<div id="zone_2">
@ -89,8 +89,8 @@
<!-- task -->
<div id="solution">
<h2>C'est de l'informatique !</h2>
<!-- task-solution -->

View File

@ -37,17 +37,17 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
var taskStrings = {
success: "Congratulations, you succeeded !",
end: "end",
toRemove: "To remove a card, drag & drop it \noutside of the response area.",
wrongSpot: "There is already a card there. You can remove a card by dragging it towards the grid.",
wrongNeighbourLeft: "The card you are trying to place is not at the coordinates given by the card place to its left.",
wrongNeighbourRight: "The card you are trying to place gives the coordinates of a card that doesn't correspond to the card place on its right.",
wrongOrder: "Place the cards starting from the left.",
wrongFirstLetter: "This first card is not the correct one. Read the task statement again.",
success: "祝贺你,你成功了!",
end: "结束",
toRemove: "若要删除卡片,请拖拽&拖拽它\n到响应区域之外。",
wrongSpot: "这里已经有一张卡片了。你可以通过将这里的卡片拖向网格区域来移除它。",
wrongNeighbourLeft: "你试图放置的卡片不在其左边的卡片位置所给出的坐标处。",
wrongNeighbourRight: "你试图放置的卡片给出了一张卡片的坐标,而这张卡片并不对应于其右侧的位置。",
wrongOrder: "请从左边第一个开始放置卡片。",
wrongFirstLetter: "第一张卡片就不正确哦。请再读一遍题干。",
failure: function(level) {
if(level == "easy" || level == "medium"){
var word = "the 5 symbols password";
var word = "5个符号的密码";
}else if(level == "hard"){
var word = "the three 5 symbols passwords"
@ -55,15 +55,15 @@
wrongGoto: function(letter,goto,nextLetter,nextCoord) {
if (goto == null) {
return "The card "+letter+" should be at the end of a password, and can't be followed by another card.";
return "卡片 "+letter+" 应该在密码的最后一位, 它后面不能再放置卡片了。";
} else {
return "The card "+letter+" indicates the cell "+goto.col+goto.row+", but the card "+nextLetter+" that follows it comes from cell "+nextCoord.col+nextCoord.row+".";
wrongLastLetter: function(lastLetterCoord) {
return "The password is not completed, since the last symbol is not the one from cell "+lastLetterCoord.col+lastLetterCoord.row+".";
return "密码未完成哦! "+lastLetterCoord.col+lastLetterCoord.row+".";
sameWordTwice: "The same password is present twice",
sameWordTwice: "同一个密码出现了两次",
tooManyWords: function(n) {
var plural = (n > 1) ? "s" : "";
return "You only need to form "+n+" password"+plural+" in the grid.";
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
wrongLength: function(solutionLength) {
return "This password doesn't contain " + solutionLength + " symbols.";
dropLabel: "Place cards in this area to create three words."
dropLabel: "在这个区域放置卡片来创造三个密码。"
<script type="text/javascript" src="task.js"></script>
@ -96,23 +96,23 @@
<div id="task">
<div id="tabsContainer"></div>
<div id="taskContent">
<div id="zone_1">
<div class="consigne">
<p>Drag cards from the grid into the answer area, to form <span class="easy medium">a password</span><span class="hard" style="font-weight:bold">three passwords</span> made of 5 symbols<span class="hard"> each</span>.</p>
<p class="hard">For each password:</p>
<p>将卡片从网格拖到答案区域,形成<span class="easy medium">一个密码</span><span class="hard" style="font-weight:bold">三个密码</span>是由5个符号组成的<span class="hard">密码</span></p>
<p class="hard">对于每个密码:</p>
<ul class="instr-bullets">
<li class="easy">The first card is the card from cell <strong>A1</strong>.</li>
<li class="medium hard">We don't tell you where the first card is from.</li>
<li>Each card indicates which cell contains the next card.</li>
<li class="medium hard">The last card is from cell <strong><span class="medium">F3</span><span class="hard">C6</span></strong>.</li>
<li class="easy">第一张卡片来自单元格<strong> A1</strong></li>
<li class="medium hard">我们不会告诉你第一张卡片是哪里来的。</li>
<li class="medium hard">最后一张卡来自单元格<strong><span class="medium"> F3</span><span class="hard"> C6</span></strong></li>
<td><img src="example.png" style="width:100px; padding-bottom:0px"></td>
<td>For example, after this card,<br/>you need to put the card located in column C, row 2.
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@
<!-- task -->
<div id="solution">
<h2>It's informatics!</h2>
<!-- task-solution -->

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<meta charset="utf-8"></meta>
window.stringsLanguage = 'en';
@ -37,21 +37,21 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
var taskStrings = {
success: "Congratulations, you succeeded !",
red: "Red",
green: "Green",
blue: "Blue",
success: "祝贺你,你成功了!",
red: "",
green: "绿",
blue: "",
redInitial: "R",
greenInitial: "G",
blueInitial: "B",
lightingCurrent: "Current lighting ",
lightingToReproduce: "Beaver's objective",
lightIntensity: "Light Intensity :",
error: "Your current lighting is different from the objective.",
tooManySpots: "Your lighting matches the objective, but it is possible to do it with fewer lamps.",
drag: "Drag some lampts \ntowards gray dots.",
spotOccupied: "There is already a lamp there.",
trash: "Trash"
lightingCurrent: "当前的光线 ",
lightingToReproduce: "目标光线",
lightIntensity: "发光强度 :",
error: "你现在形成的的光线颜色和目标不一样哦。",
tooManySpots: "你的照明光线与目标相匹配,但是用更少的灯也可以做到哦。",
drag: "把灯拖拽到 \n灰色的点上。",
spotOccupied: "这里已经有一盏灯了。",
trash: "垃圾桶"
@ -70,18 +70,18 @@
<div id="task">
<div id="tabsContainer"></div>
<div id="taskContent">
<div id="zone_1">
<div class="consigne">
<p>Drag colored lamps towards gray spots, and recreate Beaver's objective.</p>
<p>Use the number displayed in the tables to help you.</p>
<p class="easy">To help you, we already placed two lamps.</p>
<p class="easy">作为提示,我们已经放置了两盏灯。</p>
<p class="medium hard" style="font-weight:bold">To get all the points, only use <span class="nbLampsTarget"></span>&nbsp;lamps.</p>
<p class="medium hard" style="font-weight:bold">希望你可以仅仅使用 <span class="nbLampsTarget"></span>&nbsp;盏灯,就实现目标。</p>
<div id="zone_2">
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
<div id="solution">
<h2>It's informatics!</h2>
<h2>It's informatics! 分治法</h2>
<!-- task-solution -->

View File

@ -37,21 +37,21 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
var taskStrings = {
success: "Congratulations, you succeeded!",
success: "祝贺你,你成功了!",
rollerParameters: function(id) {
id += " ";
return "Roller "+id+" parameters:";
nbStamps: "Number of stamps:",
stamps: "Stamps:",
startPos: "Start position:",
endPos: "End position:",
target: "Target:",
"try": "Try",
error: "The tile highlighted in red is different from the target.",
clickHere: "Click to change"
nbStamps: "邮票的数量:",
stamps: "邮票:",
startPos: "起始位置:",
endPos: "结束位置:",
target: "目标:",
"try": "试一试",
error: "红色高亮表示该邮票与目标不同。",
clickHere: "点击这里改变邮票类型"
<script type="text/javascript" src="task.js"></script>
@ -90,21 +90,21 @@
<div id="task">
<div id="tabsContainer"></div>
<div id="taskContent">
<div id="zone_1">
<div class="consigne">
<p><span class="easy">A roller rolls on the cells. It applies </span><span class="medium hard">Rollers roll on the cells. They apply </span> stamps while rolling.</p>
<p><span class="easy">一个滚筒在方格纸上滚动。 它可以印制</span><span class="medium hard">滚筒在方格纸上滚动。 在滚动的时候它们可以印出来 </span> 邮票。</p>
<p class="easy">Modify its parameters to recreate the target.</p>
<p class="medium hard">Click on each roller to view its parameters, and modify them to recreate the target.</p>
<p class="easy">修改滚筒的各个参数,以便印刷出目标中的邮票序列。</p>
<p class="medium hard">单击每个滚轮可以查看它的参数,请修改它们,以便你可以创建出来目标中的邮票序列。</p>
<p class="medium">Roller 1 will roll first, then roller 2.</p>
<p class="medium">先滚1号滚筒然后再滚2号滚筒。</p>
<p class="hard">Roller 1 will roll first, then roller 2, then roller 3.</p>
<p class="hard">先滚1号滚筒然后再滚2号滚筒最后是3号滚筒。</p>
<p class="medium hard"><strong>A roller can change what the previous one did.</strong></p>
<p class="medium hard"><strong>每个滚轮可以改变前一个滚轮所形成的形状。</strong></p>
@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
<!-- task -->
<div id="solution">
<h2>It's informatics!</h2>
<!-- task-solution -->

View File

@ -38,20 +38,20 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
var taskStrings = {
success: "Congratulations, you succeeded!",
success: "祝贺你,你成功了!",
wrong: function(nbBeavers) {
var msg = "Some Beavers don't receive any water.";
var msg = "水没有到达个别小松鼠所在的位置哦。";
if (nbBeavers == 1) {
msg = "Beaver doesn't receive any water.";
msg = "水没有到达小松鼠所在的位置哦。";
return msg + " Try differently so that all pipes become blue.";
return msg + " 尝试不同的方法,让所有管道都变成蓝色。";
clickToTurn: "Click to turn",
clickToLower: "Click on a wheel to disconnect it",
tooManyDisconnect: "You suceeded, but it's possible to do it by disconnecting fewer wheels.",
undo: "Undo",
clickToTurn: "点击转动",
clickToLower: "点击轮子可以断开该轮子与其它轮子的联动",
tooManyDisconnect: "你成功了,但是通过断开更少的轮子也是有可能做到的哦。",
undo: "撤销",
nbDisconnect: function(n) {
return "Number of disconnections: "+n;
return "断开一个轮子的联动转动杠杆的次数: "+n;
@ -71,19 +71,19 @@
<div id="task">
<h1>Water network</h1>
<div id="tabsContainer"></div>
<div id="taskContent">
<p id="difficultyWarning" class="hard"></p>
<div id="zone_1">
<div class="consigne">
<p>Your goal is to align the gray pipes so that the water flows from the square tank to <span class="easy medium">Beaver</span><span class="hard">each of the 4 Beavers</span>.</p>
<p>你的目标是对齐灰色的管道,使水从方形水箱流向 <span class="easy medium">小松鼠所在的位置</span><span class="hard">4只小松鼠中的每一只所在的位置</span></p>
<p>The pipes are attatched to wheels. To orient them, you can perform two actions:
<ol class="actions-descr">
<li>Move the black lever to make all the connected wheels turn</li>
<li>Click on a wheel to disconnect from others, or reconnect it.</li>
@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
<!-- task -->
<div id="solution">
<h2>C'est de l'informatique !</h2>
<!-- task-solution -->

View File

@ -38,16 +38,16 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
var taskStrings = {
success: "Congratulations, you succeeded!",
partialSuccess: "You have correctly reproduced the target, but using too many shapes. Try again so that your sequence consists in only 6 shapes.",
transformationRules: "Transformation rules:",
yourSequence: "Yout sequence:",
result: "Result:",
target: "Target:",
clickHere: "Click here",
missingShape: "Shapes are missing in the result sequence.",
wrongShape: "The shapes hilighted in red are different.",
wrongLength: "The result is longer than the target."
success: "祝贺你,你成功了!",
partialSuccess: "你成功地实现了目标,但是使用的形状太多了。 再试一次希望你的序列只有6个形状哦。",
transformationRules: "转换规则:",
yourSequence: "你的序列:",
result: "结果:",
target: "目标:",
clickHere: "点击这里",
missingShape: "结果序列中缺少形状。",
wrongShape: "用红色高亮标注的形状和目标不一样哦。",
wrongLength: "结果比目标长。"
<script type="text/javascript" src="task.js"></script>
@ -64,17 +64,17 @@
<div id="task">
<h1>Compacted shapes</h1>
<div id="tabsContainer"></div>
<div id="taskContent">
<p id="difficultyWarning" class="hard"></p>
<div id="zone_1">
<div class="consigne">
<p>Beaver has a machine that transforms a sequence of shapes according to some rules.</p>
<p>Find <strong><span class="medium hard">rules and</span> a sequence of shapes</strong> that give a result identical to the target.</p>
<p class="medium hard">Click on the <img src="buttons.png" style="width:58px;vertical-align:-10px;"> buttons to add or remove shapes.</p>
<p>Click on the shapes in the gray buttons to change them. For example, click on <img src="button_shape.png" style="width:35px;vertical-align:-14px;">.</p>
<p class="hard" style="font-weight:bold">To get all the points, your sequence should only contain 6 shapes.</p>
<p>寻找规则, <strong><span class="medium hard">并且</span> 制作一个形状序列,</strong> 使它对应的结果与目标相同。</p>
<p class="medium hard">点击按钮 <img src="buttons.png" style="width:58px;vertical-align:-10px;"> 增加或者减少形状。</p>
<p>点击灰色按钮中的形状来更改结果中的形状。 例如, 点击 <img src="button_shape.png" style="width:35px;vertical-align:-14px;">.</p>
<p class="hard" style="font-weight:bold">为了得到所有的分数你的序列应该只包含6个形状。</p>
<div id="zone_2">
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@
<!-- task -->
<div id="solution">
<h2>It's informatics!</h2>
<!-- task-solution -->

View File

@ -37,12 +37,12 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
var taskStrings = {
success: "Congratulations, you succeeded!",
result: "Result",
target: "Target",
error: "The symbols underlined in red are different",
success: "祝贺你,你成功了!",
result: "结果",
target: "目标",
error: "红色下划线的符号不同",
wrongCase: "One of the symbols underlined in red is in uppercase while the other is in lowercase",
sliders: "Sliders"
sliders: "滑块"
<script type="text/javascript" src="task.js"></script>
@ -60,13 +60,13 @@
<div id="task">
<h1>Base 4 encoding</h1>
<div id="tabsContainer"></div>
<div id="taskContent">
<div id="zone_1">
<div class="consigne">
<p>Beaver uses sliders to represent <strong><span class="easy">a symbol</span><span class="medium">2&nbsp;symbols</span><span class="hard">3&nbsp;symbols</span></strong>.</p>
<p>Move these sliders so that the result becomes identical to the target.</p>
<p>小松鼠用滑块来代表 <strong><span class="easy">1个符号</span><span class="medium">2&nbsp;个符号</span><span class="hard">3&nbsp;个符号</span></strong>.</p>
<div id="zone_2">
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@
<!-- task -->
<div id="solution">
<h2>It's informatics!</h2>
<!-- task-solution -->

View File

@ -5,29 +5,29 @@ standaloneAddContents({
folder: "2019/",
tasks: [
{ code: "FR-2019-01-poles",
title: "Bambous" },
title: "小松鼠跳柱子" },
{ code: "FR-2019-02-registers",
title: "Cailloux" },
title: "填充小石子" },
{ code: "FR-2019-03-prediction",
title: "Prédictions" },
title: "预测" },
{ code: "FR-2019-06-inclusions",
title: "Rectangles imbriqués" },
title: "嵌套的矩形" },
{ code: "FR-2019-07-two-connect",
title: "Arroser les fleurs" },
title: "浇花" },
{ code: "FR-2019-08-patterns",
title: "Motifs répétés" },
title: "模式的复制" },
{ code: "FR-2019-09-hidden-words",
title: "Mots de passe" },
title: "密码" },
{ code: "FR-2019-10-lighting",
title: "Ambiance lumineuse" },
title: "光线" },
{ code: "FR-2019-12-roller",
title: "Tampons" },
title: "滚筒" },
{ code: "FR-2019-13-align-strips",
title: "Réseau hydraulique" },
title: "供水系统" },
{ code: "FR-2019-15-shape-compression",
title: "Formes compactées" },
title: "对应的形状" },
{ code: "FR-2019-17-base-4-encoding",
title: "Curseurs" }
title: "4进制编码" }