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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #
Time 2022/7/27 9:21
Author: mingfeng (SunnyQjm)
Email mfeng@linux.alibaba.com
File producer.py
import importlib
from threading import Lock
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, Union
from clogger import logger
from .base import Connectable
from .exceptions import CecProtoAlreadyExistsException
from .exceptions import CecProtoNotExistsException
from .url import CecUrl
from .event import Event
class Producer(Connectable, metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Common Event Center Producer interface definition
This interface defines the generic behavior of the CEC Producer.
proto_dict = {}
proto_lock = Lock()
def produce(self, topic_name: str, message_value: Union[bytes, str, dict],
callback: Callable[[Exception, Event], None] = None, **kwargs):
"""Generate a new event, then put it to event center
Generate a new event and inject it into the event center (this
operation is asynchronous by default, if you want to be synchronous,
use it with the flush method)
topic_name(str): Topic name
message_value(bytes | str | dict): Event value
callback(Callable[[Exception, Event], None]): Event delivery
results callback
Keyword Args:
partition(int): Partition ID
1. If a valid partition number is specified, the event is
deliverd to the specified partition (not recommended);
2. A positive partition ID is passed, but no such partition is
available, an exception will be thrown.
3. A negative partition number is passed (e.g. -1), then the
event will be cast to all partitions in a balanced manner
using the built-in policy (recommended).
>>> producer = dispatch_producer(
>>> producer.produce("test_topic", {"value": "hhh"})
def flush(self, timeout: int = -1, **kwargs):
"""Flush all cached event to event center
Deliver all events in the cache that have not yet been committed into
the event center (this is a blocking call)
timeout(int): Blocking wait time
(Negative numbers represent infinite blocking wait)
>>> producer = dispatch_producer(
>>> producer.produce("test_topic", {"value": "hhh"})
>>> producer.flush()
def register(proto, sub_class):
"""Register one new protocol => indicate one execution module
Register a new protocol => This function is called by the executing
module to register its own implementation of Producer for the executing
module to take effect.
(Usually when the execution module is implemented according to the
specification, there is no need for the developer to call this method
manually, the abstraction layer will dynamically import)
proto(str): Protocol identification
sub_class: Implementation class of Producer
>>> Producer.register('redis', RedisProducer)
if proto in Producer.proto_dict:
err = CecProtoAlreadyExistsException(
f"Proto '{proto}' already exists in Cec-base-Producer."
raise err
Producer.proto_dict[proto] = sub_class
f"Cec-base-Producer register proto '{proto}' success"
def dispatch_producer(url: str, **kwargs) -> Producer:
"""Construct one Producer instance according the url
Construct a Producer instance of the corresponding type based on the URL
passed in.
url(str): CecUrl
Producer: one Producer instance
>>> producer = dispatch_producer(
cec_url = CecUrl.parse(url)
with Producer.proto_lock:
if cec_url.proto not in Producer.proto_dict:
# Check if dynamic import is possible
target_module = f"cec_{cec_url.proto}.{cec_url.proto}_producer"
module = importlib.import_module(target_module)
getattr(module, f'{cec_url.proto.capitalize()}Producer')
except ModuleNotFoundError as exc:
f"Try to auto import module {target_module} failed."
raise CecProtoNotExistsException(
f"Proto '{cec_url.proto}' not exists in Cec-base-Producer."
) from exc
producer_instance = Producer.proto_dict[cec_url.proto](cec_url, **kwargs)
f"Cec-base-Producer dispatch one producer instance success. "
f"proto={cec_url.proto}, url={url}"
return producer_instance