
59 lines
1.8 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
// -*- mode: js -*-
"use strict";
var getAllVisitors = require('../vendor/fbtransform/visitors').getAllVisitors;
var transform = require('jstransform').transform;
var propagate = require("../vendor/constants").propagate;
).resolve(function(id) {
var context = this;
// Note that the result of context.getProvidedP() is cached for the
// duration of the build, so it is both consistent and cheap to
// evaluate multiple times.
return context.getProvidedP().then(function(idToPath) {
// If a module declares its own identifier using @providesModule
// then that identifier will be a key in the idToPath object.
if (idToPath.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
return context.readFileP(idToPath[id]);
// Otherwise assume the identifier maps directly to a path in the
// filesystem.
return context.readModuleP(id);
}).process(function(id, source) {
var context = this;
var constants = context.config.constants || {};
// This is where JSX, ES6, etc. desugaring happens.
source = transform(getAllVisitors(), source).code;
// Constant propagation means removing any obviously dead code after
// replacing constant expressions with literal (boolean) values.
source = propagate(constants, source);
if (context.config.mocking) {
// Make sure there is exactly one newline at the end of the module.
source = source.replace(/\s+$/m, "\n");
return context.getProvidedP().then(function(idToPath) {
if (id !== "mock-modules" &&
id !== "mocks" &&
id !== "test/all" &&
idToPath.hasOwnProperty("mock-modules")) {
return source + '\nrequire("mock-modules").register(' +
JSON.stringify(id) + ', module);\n';
return source;
return source;