
166 lines
5.1 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
const archiver = require('archiver');
const {execSync} = require('child_process');
const {readFileSync, writeFileSync, createWriteStream} = require('fs');
const {copy, ensureDir, move, remove, pathExistsSync} = require('fs-extra');
const {join, resolve} = require('path');
const {getGitCommit} = require('./utils');
// These files are copied along with Webpack-bundled files
// to produce the final web extension
const STATIC_FILES = ['icons', 'popups', 'main.html', 'panel.html'];
* Ensures that a local build of the dependencies exist either by downloading
* or running a local build via one of the `react-build-fordevtools*` scripts.
const ensureLocalBuild = async () => {
const buildDir = resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'build');
const nodeModulesDir = join(buildDir, 'node_modules');
// TODO: remove this check whenever the CI pipeline is complete.
// See build-all-release-channels.js
const currentBuildDir = resolve(
if (pathExistsSync(buildDir)) {
return; // all good.
if (pathExistsSync(currentBuildDir)) {
await ensureDir(buildDir);
await copy(currentBuildDir, nodeModulesDir);
return; // all good.
throw Error(
'Could not find build artifacts in repo root. See README for prerequisites.',
const preProcess = async (destinationPath, tempPath) => {
await remove(destinationPath); // Clean up from previously completed builds
await remove(tempPath); // Clean up from any previously failed builds
await ensureDir(tempPath); // Create temp dir for this new build
const build = async (tempPath, manifestPath) => {
const binPath = join(tempPath, 'bin');
const zipPath = join(tempPath, 'zip');
const webpackPath = join(
`${webpackPath} --config webpack.config.js --output-path ${binPath}`,
cwd: __dirname,
env: process.env,
stdio: 'inherit',
`${webpackPath} --config webpack.backend.js --output-path ${binPath}`,
cwd: __dirname,
env: process.env,
stdio: 'inherit',
// Make temp dir
await ensureDir(zipPath);
const copiedManifestPath = join(zipPath, 'manifest.json');
// Copy unbuilt source files to zip dir to be packaged:
await copy(binPath, join(zipPath, 'build'));
await copy(manifestPath, copiedManifestPath);
await Promise.all( => copy(join(__dirname, file), join(zipPath, file))),
const commit = getGitCommit();
const dateString = new Date().toLocaleDateString();
const manifest = JSON.parse(readFileSync(copiedManifestPath).toString());
const versionDateString = `${manifest.version} (${dateString})`;
if (manifest.version_name) {
manifest.version_name = versionDateString;
manifest.description += `\n\nCreated from revision ${commit} on ${dateString}.`;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
// When building the local development version of the
// extension we want to be able to have a stable extension ID
// for the local build (in order to be able to reliably detect
// duplicate installations of DevTools).
// By specifying a key in the built manifest.json file,
// we can make it so the generated extension ID is stable.
// For more details see the docs here:
manifest.key = 'reactdevtoolslocalbuilduniquekey';
writeFileSync(copiedManifestPath, JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2));
// Pack the extension
const archive = archiver('zip', {zlib: {level: 9}});
const zipStream = createWriteStream(join(tempPath, ''));
await new Promise((resolvePromise, rejectPromise) => {
.directory(zipPath, false)
.on('error', err => rejectPromise(err))
zipStream.on('close', () => resolvePromise());
const postProcess = async (tempPath, destinationPath) => {
const unpackedSourcePath = join(tempPath, 'zip');
const packedSourcePath = join(tempPath, '');
const packedDestPath = join(destinationPath, '');
const unpackedDestPath = join(destinationPath, 'unpacked');
await move(unpackedSourcePath, unpackedDestPath); // Copy built files to destination
await move(packedSourcePath, packedDestPath); // Copy built files to destination
await remove(tempPath); // Clean up temp directory and files
const main = async buildId => {
const root = join(__dirname, buildId);
const manifestPath = join(root, 'manifest.json');
const destinationPath = join(root, 'build');
try {
const tempPath = join(__dirname, 'build', buildId);
await ensureLocalBuild();
await preProcess(destinationPath, tempPath);
await build(tempPath, manifestPath);
const builtUnpackedPath = join(destinationPath, 'unpacked');
await postProcess(tempPath, destinationPath);
return builtUnpackedPath;
} catch (error) {
return null;
module.exports = main;