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## 0.14.5 (December 29, 2015)
### React
- More minor internal changes for better compatibility with React Native
## 0.14.4 (December 29, 2015)
### React
- Minor internal changes for better compatibility with React Native
### React DOM
- The `autoCapitalize` and `autoCorrect` props are now set as attributes in the DOM instead of properties to improve cross-browser compatibility
- Fixed bug with controlled `<select>` elements not handling updates properly
### React Perf Add-on
- Some DOM operation names have been updated for clarity in the output of `.printDOM()`
## 0.14.3 (November 18, 2015)
### React DOM
- Added support for `nonce` attribute for `<script>` and `<style>` elements
- Added support for `reversed` attribute for `<ol>` elements
### React TestUtils Add-on
- Fixed bug with shallow rendering and function refs
### React CSSTransitionGroup Add-on
- Fixed bug resulting in timeouts firing incorrectly when mounting and unmounting rapidly
### React on Bower
- Added `react-dom-server.js` to expose `renderToString` and `renderToStaticMarkup` for usage in the browser
## 0.14.2 (November 2, 2015)
### React DOM
- Fixed bug with development build preventing events from firing in some versions of Internet Explorer & Edge
- Fixed bug with development build when using es5-sham in older versions of Internet Explorer
- Added support for `integrity` attribute
- Fixed bug resulting in `children` prop being coerced to a string for custom elements, which was not the desired behavior
- Moved `react` from `dependencies` to `peerDependencies` to match expectations and align with `react-addons-*` packages
## 0.14.1 (October 28, 2015)
### React DOM
- Fixed bug where events wouldn't fire in old browsers when using React in development mode
- Fixed bug preventing use of `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` with Closure Compiler Advanced mode
- Added support for `srcLang`, `default`, and `kind` attributes for `<track>` elements
- Added support for `color` attribute
- Ensured legacy `.props` access on DOM nodes is updated on re-renders
### React TestUtils Add-on
- Fixed `scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass` so it works with SVG
### React CSSTransitionGroup Add-on
- Fix bug preventing `0` to be used as a timeout value
### React on Bower
- Added `react-dom.js` to `main` to improve compatibility with tooling
## 0.14.0 (October 7, 2015)
### Major changes
- Split the main `react` package into two: `react` and `react-dom`. This paves the way to writing components that can be shared between the web version of React and React Native. This means you will need to include both files and some functions have been moved from `React` to `ReactDOM`.
- Addons have been moved to seperate packages (`react-addons-clone-with-props`, `react-addons-create-fragment`, `react-addons-css-transition-group`, `react-addons-linked-state-mixin`, `react-addons-perf`, `react-addons-pure-render-mixin`, `react-addons-shallow-compare`, `react-addons-test-utils`, `react-addons-transition-group`, `react-addons-update`, `ReactDOM.unstable_batchedUpdates`).
- Stateless functional components - React components were previously created using React.createClass or using ES6 classes. This release adds a [new syntax]( where a user defines a single [stateless render function]( (with one parameter: `props`) which returns a JSX element, and this function may be used as a component.
- Refs to DOM components as the DOM node itself. Previously the only useful thing you can do with a DOM component is call `getDOMNode()` to get the underlying DOM node. Starting with this release, a ref to a DOM component _is_ the actual DOM node. **Note that refs to custom (user-defined) components work exactly as before; only the built-in DOM components are affected by this change.**
### Breaking changes
- `React.initializeTouchEvents` is no longer necessary and has been removed completely. Touch events now work automatically.
- Add-Ons: Due to the DOM node refs change mentioned above, `TestUtils.findAllInRenderedTree` and related helpers are no longer able to take a DOM component, only a custom component.
- The `props` object is now frozen, so mutating props after creating a component element is no longer supported. In most cases, [`React.cloneElement`]( should be used instead. This change makes your components easier to reason about and enables the compiler optimizations mentioned above.
- Plain objects are no longer supported as React children; arrays should be used instead. You can use the [`createFragment`]( helper to migrate, which now returns an array.
- Add-Ons: `classSet` has been removed. Use [classnames]( instead.
- Web components (custom elements) now use native property names. Eg: `class` instead of `className`.
### Deprecations
- `this.getDOMNode()` is now deprecated and `ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this)` can be used instead. Note that in the common case, `findDOMNode` is now unnecessary since a ref to the DOM component is now the actual DOM node.
- `setProps` and `replaceProps` are now deprecated. Instead, call ReactDOM.render again at the top level with the new props.
- ES6 component classes must now extend `React.Component` in order to enable stateless function components. The [ES3 module pattern]( will continue to work.
- Reusing and mutating a `style` object between renders has been deprecated. This mirrors our change to freeze the `props` object.
- Add-Ons: `cloneWithProps` is now deprecated. Use [`React.cloneElement`]( instead (unlike `cloneWithProps`, `cloneElement` does not merge `className` or `style` automatically; you can merge them manually if needed).
- Add-Ons: To improve reliability, `CSSTransitionGroup` will no longer listen to transition events. Instead, you should specify transition durations manually using props such as `transitionEnterTimeout={500}`.
### Notable enhancements
- Added `React.Children.toArray` which takes a nested children object and returns a flat array with keys assigned to each child. This helper makes it easier to manipulate collections of children in your `render` methods, especially if you want to reorder or slice `this.props.children` before passing it down. In addition, `` now returns plain arrays too.
- React uses `console.error` instead of `console.warn` for warnings so that browsers show a full stack trace in the console. (Our warnings appear when you use patterns that will break in future releases and for code that is likely to behave unexpectedly, so we do consider our warnings to be “must-fix” errors.)
- Previously, including untrusted objects as React children [could result in an XSS security vulnerability]( This problem should be avoided by properly validating input at the application layer and by never passing untrusted objects around your application code. As an additional layer of protection, [React now tags elements]( with a specific [ES2015 (ES6) `Symbol`]( in browsers that support it, in order to ensure that React never considers untrusted JSON to be a valid element. If this extra security protection is important to you, you should add a `Symbol` polyfill for older browsers, such as the one included by [Babels polyfill](
- When possible, React DOM now generates XHTML-compatible markup.
- React DOM now supports these standard HTML attributes: `capture`, `challenge`, `inputMode`, `is`, `keyParams`, `keyType`, `minLength`, `summary`, `wrap`. It also now supports these non-standard attributes: `autoSave`, `results`, `security`.
- React DOM now supports these SVG attributes, which render into namespaced attributes: `xlinkActuate`, `xlinkArcrole`, `xlinkHref`, `xlinkRole`, `xlinkShow`, `xlinkTitle`, `xlinkType`, `xmlBase`, `xmlLang`, `xmlSpace`.
- The `image` SVG tag is now supported by React DOM.
- In React DOM, arbitrary attributes are supported on custom elements (those with a hyphen in the tag name or an `is="..."` attribute).
- React DOM now supports these media events on `audio` and `video` tags: `onAbort`, `onCanPlay`, `onCanPlayThrough`, `onDurationChange`, `onEmptied`, `onEncrypted`, `onEnded`, `onError`, `onLoadedData`, `onLoadedMetadata`, `onLoadStart`, `onPause`, `onPlay`, `onPlaying`, `onProgress`, `onRateChange`, `onSeeked`, `onSeeking`, `onStalled`, `onSuspend`, `onTimeUpdate`, `onVolumeChange`, `onWaiting`.
- Many small performance improvements have been made.
- Many warnings show more context than before.
- Add-Ons: A [`shallowCompare`]( add-on has been added as a migration path for `PureRenderMixin` in ES6 classes.
- Add-Ons: `CSSTransitionGroup` can now use [custom class names]( instead of appending `-enter-active` or similar to the transition name.
### New helpful warnings
- React DOM now warns you when nesting HTML elements invalidly, which helps you avoid surprising errors during updates.
- Passing `document.body` directly as the container to `ReactDOM.render` now gives a warning as doing so can cause problems with browser extensions that modify the DOM.
- Using multiple instances of React together is not supported, so we now warn when we detect this case to help you avoid running into the resulting problems.
### Notable bug fixes
- Click events are handled by React DOM more reliably in mobile browsers, particularly in Mobile Safari.
- SVG elements are created with the correct namespace in more cases.
- React DOM now renders `<option>` elements with multiple text children properly and renders `<select>` elements on the server with the correct option selected.
- When two separate copies of React add nodes to the same document (including when a browser extension uses React), React DOM tries harder not to throw exceptions during event handling.
- Using non-lowercase HTML tag names in React DOM (e.g., `React.createElement('DIV')`) no longer causes problems, though we continue to recommend lowercase for consistency with the JSX tag name convention (lowercase names refer to built-in components, capitalized names refer to custom components).
- React DOM understands that these CSS properties are unitless and does not append “px” to their values: `animationIterationCount`, `boxOrdinalGroup`, `flexOrder`, `tabSize`, `stopOpacity`.
- Add-Ons: When using the test utils, `Simulate.mouseEnter` and `Simulate.mouseLeave` now work.
- Add-Ons: ReactTransitionGroup now correctly handles multiple nodes being removed simultaneously.
### React Tools / Babel
#### Breaking Changes
- The `react-tools` package and `JSXTransformer.js` browser file [have been deprecated]( You can continue using version `0.13.3` of both, but we no longer support them and recommend migrating to [Babel](, which has built-in support for React and JSX.
#### New Features
- Babel 5.8.24 introduces **Inlining React elements:** The `optimisation.react.inlineElements` transform converts JSX elements to object literals like `{type: 'div', props: ...}` instead of calls to `React.createElement`. This should only be enabled in production, since it disables some development warnings/checks.
- Babel 5.8.24 introduces **Constant hoisting for React elements:** The `optimisation.react.constantElements` transform hoists element creation to the top level for subtrees that are fully static, which reduces calls to `React.createElement` and the resulting allocations. More importantly, it tells React that the subtree hasnt changed so React can completely skip it when reconciling. This should only be enabled in production, since it disables some development warnings/checks.
## 0.13.3 (May 8, 2015)
### React Core
#### New Features
* Added `clipPath` element and attribute for SVG
* Improved warnings for deprecated methods in plain JS classes
#### Bug Fixes
* Loosened `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` restrictions so `{__html: undefined}` will no longer throw
* Fixed extraneous context warning with non-pure `getChildContext`
* Ensure `replaceState(obj)` retains prototype of `obj`
### React with Add-ons
### Bug Fixes
* Test Utils: Ensure that shallow rendering works when components define `contextTypes`
## 0.13.2 (April 18, 2015)
### React Core
#### New Features
* Added `strokeDashoffset`, `flexPositive`, `flexNegative` to the list of unitless CSS properties
* Added support for more DOM properties:
* `scoped` - for `<style>` elements
* `high`, `low`, `optimum` - for `<meter>` elements
* `unselectable` - IE-specific property to prevent user selection
#### Bug Fixes
* Fixed a case where re-rendering after rendering null didn't properly pass context
* Fixed a case where re-rendering after rendering with `style={null}` didn't properly update `style`
* Update `uglify` dependency to prevent a bug in IE8
* Improved warnings
### React with Add-Ons
#### Bug Fixes
* Immutabilty Helpers: Ensure it supports `hasOwnProperty` as an object key
### React Tools
* Improve documentation for new options
## 0.13.1 (March 16, 2015)
### React Core
#### Bug Fixes
* Don't throw when rendering empty `<select>` elements
* Ensure updating `style` works when transitioning from `null`
### React with Add-Ons
#### Bug Fixes
* TestUtils: Don't warn about `getDOMNode` for ES6 classes
* TestUtils: Ensure wrapped full page components (`<html>`, `<head>`, `<body>`) are treated as DOM components
* Perf: Stop double-counting DOM components
### React Tools
#### Bug Fixes
* Fix option parsing for `--non-strict-es6module`
## 0.13.0 (March 10, 2015)
### React Core
#### Breaking Changes
* Deprecated patterns that warned in 0.12 no longer work: most prominently, calling component classes without using JSX or React.createElement and using non-component functions with JSX or createElement
* Mutating `props` after an element is created is deprecated and will cause warnings in development mode; future versions of React will incorporate performance optimizations assuming that props aren't mutated
* Static methods (defined in `statics`) are no longer autobound to the component class
* `ref` resolution order has changed slightly such that a ref to a component is available immediately after its `componentDidMount` method is called; this change should be observable only if your component calls a parent component's callback within your `componentDidMount`, which is an anti-pattern and should be avoided regardless
* Calls to `setState` in life-cycle methods are now always batched and therefore asynchronous. Previously the first call on the first mount was synchronous.
* `setState` and `forceUpdate` on an unmounted component now warns instead of throwing. That avoids a possible race condition with Promises.
* Access to most internal properties has been completely removed, including `this._pendingState` and `this._rootNodeID`.
#### New Features
* Support for using ES6 classes to build React components; see the [v0.13.0 beta 1 notes]( for details.
* Added new top-level API `React.findDOMNode(component)`, which should be used in place of `component.getDOMNode()`. The base class for ES6-based components will not have `getDOMNode`. This change will enable some more patterns moving forward.
* Added a new top-level API `React.cloneElement(el, props)` for making copies of React elements see the [v0.13 RC2 notes]( for more details.
* New `ref` style, allowing a callback to be used in place of a name: `<Photo ref={(c) => this._photo = c} />` allows you to reference the component with `this._photo` (as opposed to `ref="photo"` which gives ``).
* `this.setState()` can now take a function as the first argument for transactional state updates, such as `this.setState((state, props) => ({count: state.count + 1}));` this means that you no longer need to use `this._pendingState`, which is now gone.
* Support for iterators and immutable-js sequences as children.
#### Deprecations
* `ComponentClass.type` is deprecated. Just use `ComponentClass` (usually as `element.type === ComponentClass`).
* Some methods that are available on `createClass`-based components are removed or deprecated from ES6 classes (`getDOMNode`, `replaceState`, `isMounted`, `setProps`, `replaceProps`).
### React with Add-Ons
#### New Features
* [`React.addons.createFragment` was added]( for adding keys to entire sets of children.
#### Deprecations
* `React.addons.classSet` is now deprecated. This functionality can be replaced with several freely available modules. [classnames]( is one such module.
* Calls to `React.addons.cloneWithProps` can be migrated to use `React.cloneElement` instead make sure to merge `style` and `className` manually if desired.
### React Tools
#### Breaking Changes
* When transforming ES6 syntax, `class` methods are no longer enumerable by default, which requires `Object.defineProperty`; if you support browsers such as IE8, you can pass `--target es3` to mirror the old behavior
#### New Features
* `--target` option is available on the jsx command, allowing users to specify and ECMAScript version to target.
* `es5` is the default.
* `es3` restores the previous default behavior. An additional transform is added here to ensure the use of reserved words as properties is safe (eg `this.static` will become `this['static']` for IE8 compatibility).
* The transform for the call spread operator has also been enabled.
### JSXTransformer
#### Breaking Changes
* The return value of `transform` now contains `sourceMap` as a JS object already, not an instance of `SourceMapGenerator`.
### JSX
#### Breaking Changes
* A change was made to how some JSX was parsed, specifically around the use of `>` or `}` when inside an element. Previously it would be treated as a string but now it will be treated as a parse error. The [`jsx_orphaned_brackets_transformer`]( package on npm can be used to find and fix potential issues in your JSX code.
## 0.12.2 (December 18, 2014)
### React Core
* Added support for more HTML attributes: `formAction`, `formEncType`, `formMethod`, `formTarget`, `marginHeight`, `marginWidth`
* Added `strokeOpacity` to the list of unitless CSS properties
* Removed trailing commas (allows npm module to be bundled and used in IE8)
* Fixed bug resulting in error when passing `undefined` to `React.createElement` - now there is a useful warning
### React Tools
* JSX-related transforms now always use double quotes for props and `displayName`
## 0.12.1 (November 18, 2014)
### React Tools
* Types transform updated with latest support
* jstransform version updated with improved ES6 transforms
* Explicit Esprima dependency removed in favor of using Esprima information exported by jstransform
## 0.12.0 (October 28, 2014)
### React Core
#### Breaking Changes
* `key` and `ref` moved off props object, now accessible on the element directly
* React is now BSD licensed with accompanying Patents grant
* Default prop resolution has moved to Element creation time instead of mount time, making them effectively static
* `React.__internals` is removed - it was exposed for DevTools which no longer needs access
* Composite Component functions can no longer be called directly - they must be wrapped with `React.createFactory` first. This is handled for you when using JSX.
#### New Features
* Spread operator (`{...}`) introduced to deprecate `this.transferPropsTo`
* Added support for more HTML attributes: `acceptCharset`, `classID`, `manifest`
#### Deprecations
* `React.renderComponent` --> `React.render`
* `React.renderComponentToString` --> `React.renderToString`
* `React.renderComponentToStaticMarkup` --> `React.renderToStaticMarkup`
* `React.isValidComponent` --> `React.isValidElement`
* `React.PropTypes.component` --> `React.PropTypes.element`
* `React.PropTypes.renderable` --> `React.PropTypes.node`
* **DEPRECATED** `React.isValidClass`
* **DEPRECATED** `instance.transferPropsTo`
* **DEPRECATED** Returning `false` from event handlers to preventDefault
* **DEPRECATED** Convenience Constructor usage as function, instead wrap with `React.createFactory`
* **DEPRECATED** use of `key={null}` to assign implicit keys
#### Bug Fixes
* Better handling of events and updates in nested results, fixing value restoration in "layered" controlled components
* Correctly treat `event.getModifierState` as case sensitive
* Improved normalization of `event.charCode`
* Better error stacks when involving autobound methods
* Removed DevTools message when the DevTools are installed
* Correctly detect required language features across browsers
* Fixed support for some HTML attributes:
* `list` updates correctly now
* `scrollLeft`, `scrollTop` removed, these should not be specified as props
* Improved error messages
### React With Addons
#### New Features
* `React.addons.batchedUpdates` added to API for hooking into update cycle
#### Breaking Changes
* `React.addons.update` uses `assign` instead of `copyProperties` which does `hasOwnProperty` checks. Properties on prototypes will no longer be updated correctly.
#### Bug Fixes
* Fixed some issues with CSS Transitions
### JSX
#### Breaking Changes
* Enforced convention: lower case tag names are always treated as HTML tags, upper case tag names are always treated as composite components
* JSX no longer transforms to simple function calls
#### New Features
* `@jsx React.DOM` no longer required
* spread (`{...}`) operator introduced to allow easier use of props
#### Bug Fixes
* JSXTransformer: Make sourcemaps an option when using APIs directly (eg, for react-rails)
## 0.11.2 (September 16, 2014)
### React Core
#### New Features
* Added support for `<dialog>` element and associated `open` attribute
* Added support for `<picture>` element and associated `media` and `sizes` attributes
* Added `React.createElement` API in preparation for React v0.12
* `React.createDescriptor` has been deprecated as a result
### JSX
* `<picture>` is now parsed into `React.DOM.picture`
### React Tools
* Update `esprima` and `jstransform` for correctness fixes
* The `jsx` executable now exposes a `--strip-types` flag which can be used to remove TypeScript-like type annotations
* This option is also exposed to `require('react-tools').transform` as `stripTypes`
## 0.11.1 (July 24, 2014)
### React Core
#### Bug Fixes
* `setState` can be called inside `componentWillMount` in non-DOM environments
* `SyntheticMouseEvent.getEventModifierState` correctly renamed to `getModifierState`
* `getModifierState` correctly returns a `boolean`
* `getModifierState` is now correctly case sensitive
* Empty Text node used in IE8 `innerHTML` workaround is now removed, fixing rerendering in certain cases
### JSX
* Fix duplicate variable declaration in JSXTransformer (caused issues in some browsers)
## 0.11.0 (July 17, 2014)
### React Core
#### Breaking Changes
* `getDefaultProps()` is now called once per class and shared across all instances
* `MyComponent()` now returns a descriptor, not an instance
* `React.isValidComponent` and `React.PropTypes.component` validate *descriptors*, not component instances
* Custom `propType` validators should return an `Error` instead of logging directly
#### New Features
* Rendering to `null`
* Keyboard events include normalized `e.key` and `e.getModifierState()` properties
* New normalized `onBeforeInput` event
* `React.Children.count` has been added as a helper for counting the number of children
#### Bug Fixes
* Re-renders are batched in more cases
* Events: `e.view` properly normalized
* Added Support for more HTML attributes (`coords`, `crossOrigin`, `download`, `hrefLang`, `mediaGroup`, `muted`, `scrolling`, `shape`, `srcSet`, `start`, `useMap`)
* Improved SVG support
* Changing `className` on a mounted SVG component now works correctly
* Added support for elements `mask` and `tspan`
* Added support for attributes `dx`, `dy`, `fillOpacity`, `fontFamily`, `fontSize`, `markerEnd`, `markerMid`, `markerStart`, `opacity`, `patternContentUnits`, `patternUnits`, `preserveAspectRatio`, `strokeDasharray`, `strokeOpacity`
* CSS property names with vendor prefixes (`Webkit`, `ms`, `Moz`, `O`) are now handled properly
* Duplicate keys no longer cause a hard error; now a warning is logged (and only one of the children with the same key is shown)
* `img` event listeners are now unbound properly, preventing the error "Two valid but unequal nodes with the same `data-reactid`"
* Added explicit warning when missing polyfills
### React With Addons
* PureRenderMixin: a mixin which helps optimize "pure" components
* Perf: a new set of tools to help with performance analysis
* Update: New `$apply` command to transform values
* TransitionGroup bug fixes with null elements, Android
### React NPM Module
* Now includes the pre-built packages under `dist/`.
* `envify` is properly listed as a dependency instead of a peer dependency
### JSX
* Added support for namespaces, eg `<Components.Checkbox />`
* JSXTransformer
* Enable the same `harmony` features available in the command line with `<script type="text/jsx;harmony=true">`
* Scripts are downloaded in parallel for more speed. They are still executed in order (as you would expect with normal script tags)
* Fixed a bug preventing sourcemaps from working in Firefox
### React Tools Module
* Improved readme with usage and API information
* Improved ES6 transforms available with `--harmony` option
* Added `--source-map-inline` option to the `jsx` executable
* New `transformWithDetails` API which gives access to the raw sourcemap data
## 0.10.0 (March 21, 2014)
### React Core
#### New Features
* Added warnings to help migrate towards descriptors
* Made it possible to server render without React-related markup (`data-reactid`, `data-react-checksum`). This DOM will not be mountable by React. [Read the docs for `React.renderComponentToStaticMarkup`](
* Added support for more attributes:
* `srcSet` for `<img>` to specify images at different pixel ratios
* `textAnchor` for SVG
#### Bug Fixes
* Ensure all void elements dont insert a closing tag into the markup.
* Ensure `className={false}` behaves consistently
* Ensure `this.refs` is defined, even if no refs are specified.
### Addons
* `update` function to deal with immutable data. [Read the docs](
### react-tools
* Added an option argument to `transform` function. The only option supported is `harmony`, which behaves the same as `jsx --harmony` on the command line. This uses the ES6 transforms from [jstransform](
## 0.9.0 (February 20, 2014)
### React Core
#### Breaking Changes
- The lifecycle methods `componentDidMount` and `componentDidUpdate` no longer receive the root node as a parameter; use `this.getDOMNode()` instead
- Whenever a prop is equal to `undefined`, the default value returned by `getDefaultProps` will now be used instead
- `React.unmountAndReleaseReactRootNode` was previously deprecated and has now been removed
- `React.renderComponentToString` is now synchronous and returns the generated HTML string
- Full-page rendering (that is, rendering the `<html>` tag using React) is now supported only when starting with server-rendered markup
- On mouse wheel events, `deltaY` is no longer negated
- When prop types validation fails, a warning is logged instead of an error thrown (with the production build of React, type checks are now skipped for performance)
- On `input`, `select`, and `textarea` elements, `.getValue()` is no longer supported; use `.getDOMNode().value` instead
- `this.context` on components is now reserved for internal use by React
#### New Features
- React now never rethrows errors, so stack traces are more accurate and Chrome's purple break-on-error stop sign now works properly
- Added support for SVG tags `defs`, `linearGradient`, `polygon`, `radialGradient`, `stop`
- Added support for more attributes:
- `crossOrigin` for CORS requests
- `download` and `hrefLang` for `<a>` tags
- `mediaGroup` and `muted` for `<audio>` and `<video>` tags
- `noValidate` and `formNoValidate` for forms
- `property` for Open Graph `<meta>` tags
- `sandbox`, `seamless`, and `srcDoc` for `<iframe>` tags
- `scope` for screen readers
- `span` for `<colgroup>` tags
- Added support for defining `propTypes` in mixins
- Added `any`, `arrayOf`, `component`, `oneOfType`, `renderable`, `shape` to `React.PropTypes`
- Added support for `statics` on component spec for static component methods
- On all events, `.currentTarget` is now properly set
- On keyboard events, `.key` is now polyfilled in all browsers for special (non-printable) keys
- On clipboard events, `.clipboardData` is now polyfilled in IE
- On drag events, `.dragTransfer` is now present
- Added support for `onMouseOver` and `onMouseOut` in addition to the existing `onMouseEnter` and `onMouseLeave` events
- Added support for `onLoad` and `onError` on `<img>` elements
- Added support for `onReset` on `<form>` elements
- The `autoFocus` attribute is now polyfilled consistently on `input`, `select`, and `textarea`
#### Bug Fixes
- React no longer adds an `__owner__` property to each component's `props` object; passed-in props are now never mutated
- When nesting top-level components (e.g., calling `React.renderComponent` within `componentDidMount`), events now properly bubble to the parent component
- Fixed a case where nesting top-level components would throw an error when updating
- Passing an invalid or misspelled propTypes type now throws an error
- On mouse enter/leave events, `.target`, `.relatedTarget`, and `.type` are now set properly
- On composition events, `.data` is now properly normalized in IE9 and IE10
- CSS property values no longer have `px` appended for the unitless properties `columnCount`, `flex`, `flexGrow`, `flexShrink`, `lineClamp`, `order`, `widows`
- Fixed a memory leak when unmounting children with a `componentWillUnmount` handler
- Fixed a memory leak when `renderComponentToString` would store event handlers
- Fixed an error that could be thrown when removing form elements during a click handler
- Boolean attributes such as `disabled` are rendered without a value (previously `disabled="true"`, now simply `disabled`)
- `key` values containing `.` are now supported
- Shortened `data-reactid` values for performance
- Components now always remount when the `key` property changes
- Event handlers are attached to `document` only when necessary, improving performance in some cases
- Events no longer use `.returnValue` in modern browsers, eliminating a warning in Chrome
- `scrollLeft` and `scrollTop` are no longer accessed on document.body, eliminating a warning in Chrome
- General performance fixes, memory optimizations, improvements to warnings and error messages
### React with Addons
- `React.addons.TestUtils` was added to help write unit tests
- `React.addons.TransitionGroup` was renamed to `React.addons.CSSTransitionGroup`
- `React.addons.TransitionGroup` was added as a more general animation wrapper
- `React.addons.cloneWithProps` was added for cloning components and modifying their props
- Bug fix for adding back nodes during an exit transition for CSSTransitionGroup
- Bug fix for changing `transitionLeave` in CSSTransitionGroup
- Performance optimizations for CSSTransitionGroup
- On checkbox `<input>` elements, `checkedLink` is now supported for two-way binding
### JSX Compiler and react-tools Package
- Whitespace normalization has changed; now space between two tags on the same line will be preserved, while newlines between two tags will be removed
- The `react-tools` npm package no longer includes the React core libraries; use the `react` package instead.
- `displayName` is now added in more cases, improving error messages and names in the React Dev Tools
- Fixed an issue where an invalid token error was thrown after a JSX closing tag
- `JSXTransformer` now uses source maps automatically in modern browsers
- `JSXTransformer` error messages now include the filename and problematic line contents when a file fails to parse
## 0.8.0 (December 19, 2013)
### React
* Added support for more attributes:
* `rows` & `cols` for `<textarea>`
* `defer` & `async` for `<script>`
* `loop` for `<audio>` & `<video>`
* `autoCorrect` for form fields (a non-standard attribute only supported by mobile WebKit)
* Improved error messages
* Fixed Selection events in IE11
* Added `onContextMenu` events
### React with Addons
* Fixed bugs with TransitionGroup when children were undefined
* Added support for `onTransition`
### react-tools
* Upgraded `jstransform` and `esprima-fb`
### JSXTransformer
* Added support for use in IE8
* Upgraded browserify, which reduced file size by ~65KB (16KB gzipped)
## 0.5.2, 0.4.2 (December 18, 2013)
### React
* Fixed a potential XSS vulnerability when using user content as a `key`: [CVE-2013-7035](!topic/reactjs/OIqxlB2aGfU)
## 0.5.1 (October 29, 2013)
### React
* Fixed bug with `<input type="range">` and selection events.
* Fixed bug with selection and focus.
* Made it possible to unmount components from the document root.
* Fixed bug for `disabled` attribute handling on non-`<input>` elements.
### React with Addons
* Fixed bug with transition and animation event detection.
## 0.5.0 (October 16, 2013)
### React
* Memory usage improvements - reduced allocations in core which will help with GC pauses
* Performance improvements - in addition to speeding things up, we made some tweaks to stay out of slow path code in V8 and Nitro.
* Standardized prop -> DOM attribute process. This previously resulting in additional type checking and overhead as well as confusing cases for users. Now we will always convert your value to a string before inserting it into the DOM.
* Support for Selection events.
* Support for [Composition events](
* Support for additional DOM properties (`charSet`, `content`, `form`, `httpEquiv`, `rowSpan`, `autoCapitalize`).
* Support for additional SVG properties (`rx`, `ry`).
* Support for using `getInitialState` and `getDefaultProps` in mixins.
* Support mounting into iframes.
* Bug fixes for controlled form components.
* Bug fixes for SVG element creation.
* Added `React.version`.
* Added `React.isValidClass` - Used to determine if a value is a valid component constructor.
* Removed `React.autoBind` - This was deprecated in v0.4 and now properly removed.
* Renamed `React.unmountAndReleaseReactRootNode` to `React.unmountComponentAtNode`.
* Began laying down work for refined performance analysis.
* Better support for server-side rendering - [react-page]( has helped improve the stability for server-side rendering.
* Made it possible to use React in environments enforcing a strict [Content Security Policy]( This also makes it possible to use React to build Chrome extensions.
### React with Addons (New!)
* Introduced a separate build with several "addons" which we think can help improve the React experience. We plan to deprecate this in the long-term, instead shipping each as standalone pieces. [Read more in the docs](
### JSX
* No longer transform `class` to `className` as part of the transform! This is a breaking change - if you were using `class`, you *must* change this to `className` or your components will be visually broken.
* Added warnings to the in-browser transformer to make it clear it is not intended for production use.
* Improved compatibility for Windows
* Improved support for maintaining line numbers when transforming.
## 0.4.1 (July 26, 2013)
### React
* `setState` callbacks are now executed in the scope of your component.
* `click` events now work on Mobile Safari.
* Prevent a potential error in event handling if `Object.prototype` is extended.
* Don't set DOM attributes to the string `"undefined"` on update when previously defined.
* Improved support for `<iframe>` attributes.
* Added checksums to detect and correct cases where server-side rendering markup mismatches what React expects client-side.
### JSXTransformer
* Improved environment detection so it can be run in a non-browser environment.
## 0.4.0 (July 17, 2013)
### React
* Switch from using `id` attribute to `data-reactid` to track DOM nodes. This allows you to integrate with other JS and CSS libraries more easily.
* Support for more DOM elements and attributes (e.g., `<canvas>`)
* Improved server-side rendering APIs. `React.renderComponentToString(<component>, callback)` allows you to use React on the server and generate markup which can be sent down to the browser.
* `prop` improvements: validation and default values. [Read our blog post for details...](
* Support for the `key` prop, which allows for finer control over reconciliation. [Read the docs for details...](
* Removed `React.autoBind`. [Read our blog post for details...](
* Improvements to forms. We've written wrappers around `<input>`, `<textarea>`, `<option>`, and `<select>` in order to standardize many inconsistencies in browser implementations. This includes support for `defaultValue`, and improved implementation of the `onChange` event, and circuit completion. [Read the docs for details...](
* We've implemented an improved synthetic event system that conforms to the W3C spec.
* Updates to your component are batched now, which may result in a significantly faster re-render of components. `this.setState` now takes an optional callback as it's second parameter. If you were using `onClick={this.setState.bind(this, state)}` previously, you'll want to make sure you add a third parameter so that the event is not treated as the callback.
### JSX
* Support for comment nodes `<div>{/* this is a comment and won't be rendered */}</div>`
* Children are now transformed directly into arguments instead of being wrapped in an array
E.g. `<div><Component1/><Component2/></div>` is transformed into `React.DOM.div(null, Component1(null), Component2(null))`.
Previously this would be transformed into `React.DOM.div(null, [Component1(null), Component2(null)])`.
If you were using React without JSX previously, your code should still work.
### react-tools
* Fixed a number of bugs when transforming directories
* No longer re-write `require()`s to be relative unless specified
## 0.3.3 (June 20, 2013)
### React
* Allow reusing the same DOM node to render different components. e.g. `React.renderComponent(<div/>, domNode); React.renderComponent(<span/>, domNode);` will work now.
### JSX
* Improved the in-browser transformer so that transformed scripts will execute in the expected scope. The allows components to be defined and used from separate files.
### react-tools
* Upgrade Commoner so `require` statements are no longer relativized when passing through the transformer. This was a feature needed when building React, but doesn't translate well for other consumers of `bin/jsx`.
* Upgraded our dependencies on Commoner and Recast so they use a different directory for their cache.
* Freeze our esprima dependency.
## 0.3.2 (May 31, 2013)
### JSX
* Improved compatability with other coding styles (specifically, multiple assignments with a single `var`).
### react-tools
* Switch from using the browserified build to shipping individual modules. This allows react-tools to be used with [browserify](
## 0.3.1 (May 30, 2013)
### react-tools
* Fix bug in packaging resulting in broken module.
## 0.3.0 (May 29, 2013)
* Initial public release