--- general: branches: ignore: - gh-pages machine: timezone: America/Los_Angeles node: version: 6 ruby: version: 2.2.3 environment: TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG: facebook/react YARN_VERSION: 0.17.8 PATH: "${PATH}:${HOME}/.yarn/bin" dependencies: pre: # This is equivalent to $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE # Need to figure out how to bail early if this is a "docs only" build - echo $CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL | cut -d/ -f7 # install yarn if it's not already installed - | if [[ ! -e ~/.yarn/bin/yarn || $(yarn --version) != "${YARN_VERSION}" ]]; then curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash -s -- --version $YARN_VERSION fi override: - bundle install --gemfile=docs/Gemfile --deployment --path=vendor/bundle --jobs=3 --retry=3 - yarn install - scripts/circleci/set_up_github_keys.sh post: # - npm ls --depth=0 cache_directories: - docs/vendor/bundle - .grunt # Show size comparisons between builds - ~/react-gh-pages # docs checkout - ~/.yarn - ~/.yarn-cache test: override: - ./scripts/circleci/test_entry_point.sh: parallel: true deployment: staging: branch: /.*/ commands: - ./scripts/circleci/upload_build.sh - ./scripts/circleci/build_gh_pages.sh