--- parser: esprima-fb env: browser: true node: true globals: __DEV__: true rules: # ERRORS space-before-blocks: 2 indent: [2, 2, indentSwitchCase: true] brace-style: 2 space-after-keywords: 2 strict: 2 # We actually have a transform to support this and we fix this for bundled # releases but not for the npm package, so enforce it strictly no-comma-dangle: 2 # Make this a warning for now. We do this in a few places so we might need to # disable no-unused-expressions: 2 block-scoped-var: 2 eol-last: 2 dot-notation: 2 consistent-return: 2 no-unused-vars: [2, args: none] quotes: [2, 'single'] # WARNINGS # This is the only one that's hard to track since we don't lint just changes. max-len: [1, 80] # WISHLIST. One day... # We'll need a custom version of this that does a subset of the whole rule. # Otherwise this is just too noisy. # valid-jsdoc: 1 # DISABLED. These aren't compatible with our style # We use this for private/internal variables no-underscore-dangle: 0 # We pass constructors around / access them from members new-cap: 0 # We do this a lot. no-use-before-define: 0 # We do this in a few places to align values key-spacing: 0 # DISABLED. These currently cause errors when running. no-multi-spaces: 0