
117 lines
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#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import tensorlayer as tl
from tensorlayer import logging
from tensorlayer.layers.core import Module
from tensorlayer.layers.utils import quantize
__all__ = [
class BinaryDense(Module):
"""The :class:`BinaryDense` class is a binary fully connected layer, which weights are either -1 or 1 while inferencing.
Note that, the bias vector would not be binarized.
n_units : int
The number of units of this layer.
act : activation function
The activation function of this layer, usually set to ``tf.act.sign`` or apply :class:`Sign` after :class:`BatchNorm`.
use_gemm : boolean
If True, use gemm instead of ``tf.matmul`` for inference. (TODO).
W_init : initializer
The initializer for the weight matrix.
b_init : initializer or None
The initializer for the bias vector. If None, skip biases.
in_channels: int
The number of channels of the previous layer.
If None, it will be automatically detected when the layer is forwarded for the first time.
name : None or str
A unique layer name.
>>> net = tl.layers.Input([10, 784], name='input')
>>> net = tl.layers.BinaryDense(n_units=800, act=tl.ReLU, name='relu1')(net)
>>> output shape :(10, 800)
>>> net = tl.layers.BinaryDense(n_units=10, name='output')(net)
>>> output shape : (10, 10)
def __init__(
super().__init__(name, act=act)
self.n_units = n_units
self.use_gemm = use_gemm
self.W_init = W_init
self.b_init = b_init
self.in_channels = in_channels
if self.in_channels is not None:
self.build((None, self.in_channels))
self._built = True
"BinaryDense %s: %d %s" %
(self.name, n_units, self.act.__class__.__name__ if self.act is not None else 'No Activation')
def __repr__(self):
actstr = self.act.__class__.__name__ if self.act is not None else 'No Activation'
s = ('{classname}(n_units={n_units}, ' + actstr)
if self.in_channels is not None:
s += ', in_channels=\'{in_channels}\''
if self.name is not None:
s += ', name=\'{name}\''
s += ')'
return s.format(classname=self.__class__.__name__, **self.__dict__)
def build(self, inputs_shape):
if len(inputs_shape) != 2:
raise Exception("The input dimension must be rank 2, please reshape or flatten it")
if self.in_channels is None:
self.in_channels = inputs_shape[1]
if self.use_gemm:
raise Exception("TODO. The current version use tf.matmul for inferencing.")
n_in = inputs_shape[-1]
self.W = self._get_weights("weights", shape=(n_in, self.n_units), init=self.W_init)
if self.b_init is not None:
self.b = self._get_weights("biases", shape=(self.n_units), init=self.b_init)
self.bias_add = tl.ops.BiasAdd()
self.matmul = tl.ops.MatMul()
def forward(self, inputs):
if self._forward_state == False:
if self._built == False:
self._built = True
self._forward_state = True
W_ = quantize(self.W)
outputs = self.matmul(inputs, W_)
if self.b_init is not None:
outputs = self.bias_add(outputs, self.b)
if self.act:
outputs = self.act(outputs)
return outputs