120 lines
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120 lines
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import sys
from typing_extensions import Self
from .log import LoggerFactory
from .config import ConfigsUtil, MysqlConfig
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.base import MySQLDialect
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from sqlalchemy.exc import DatabaseError
__all__ = ('aiomysql_session', 'AIOMysqlSessionMakerFactory', 'OBDataBaseError')
OBDataBaseError = DatabaseError
def _get_server_version_info(self, connection):
# get database server version info explicitly over the wire
# to avoid proxy servers like MaxScale getting in the
# way with their own values, see #4205
dbapi_con = connection.connection
cursor = dbapi_con.cursor()
cursor.execute("show global variables like 'version_comment'")
val = cursor.fetchone()
if val and 'OceanBase' in val[1]:
val = '5.6.0'
cursor.execute("SELECT VERSION()")
val = cursor.fetchone()[0]
from sqlalchemy import util
if util.py3k and isinstance(val, bytes):
val = val.decode()
return self._parse_server_version(val)
setattr(MySQLDialect, '_get_server_version_info', _get_server_version_info)
class ConfigKey:
def __init__(self, **config):
check_sum = 0
for key in config:
check_sum += key.__hash__()
check_sum += getattr(config[key], '__hash__', lambda:0)()
self.__hash = check_sum
def __hash__(self):
return self.__hash
def __eq__(self, value):
if isinstance(value, self.__class__):
return value.__hash__() == self.__hash__()
return False
class ORMAsyncExplicitTransactionHolder():
def __init__(self, session: AsyncSession):
self.session = session
async def __aenter__(self):
await self.session.execute('BEGIN')
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
if exc_val is None:
await self.session.commit()
await self.session.rollback()
raise exc_val
class ORMAsyncSession(AsyncSession, Session):
async def __aenter__(self) -> Self:
await super().__aenter__()
return self
def begin(self) -> ORMAsyncExplicitTransactionHolder:
return ORMAsyncExplicitTransactionHolder(self)
class AIOMysqlSessionMakerFactory:
def get_instance(cls, key: str, **kwargs) -> ORMAsyncSession:
config = ConfigsUtil.get_mysql_config(key)
config_key = ConfigKey(__config__=config, **kwargs)
if config_key not in cls._SESSIONS_MAKER:
cls._SESSIONS_MAKER[config_key] = cls.create_instance(config, **kwargs)
return cls._SESSIONS_MAKER[config_key]
def create_instance(cls, config: MysqlConfig, **kwargs) -> ORMAsyncSession:
engine = create_async_engine(config.get_url(), **kwargs)
return sessionmaker(engine, autocommit=False, expire_on_commit=False, class_=ORMAsyncSession)
def aiomysql_session(
key: str,
max_overflow: int = 20,
pool_size: int = 10,
pool_timeout:int = 5,
pool_recycle:int = 28800,
echo: bool = False,
) -> ORMAsyncSession:
return AIOMysqlSessionMakerFactory.get_instance(
)() |