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ob-repository-synchronize is a small tool which can help engineer to master their open source production's code synchronization between GitHub, Gitee, CodeChina, internal repository and so on.


Base on git rebase

Base on git diff



name version necessity
python 3.9 True
uvicorn 0.14.0 True
SQLAlchemy 1.4.21 True
fastapi 0.66.0 True
aiohttp 3.7.4 True
pydantic 1.8.2 True
starlette 0.14.2 True
aiomysql 0.0.21 True
requests 2.25.1 True
loguru 0.6.0 True
typing-extensions 4.1.1 True
aiofiles 0.8.0 True

how to install

[!NOTE] Run the code in python 3.9

pip3 install -r requirement.txt

python3 main.py

run the sync script locally

python3 sync.py


Refer the web readme


docker pull XXX:latest

docker run -p 8000:8000 -d XXX bash start.sh -s backend

How to use it

  1. Config your database
  • Run the table.sql script in sql folder
  • Config the database connection string in src/base/config.py
  1. Config your repo address, branch, (todo token) by website
  1. DIY yourself sync script (Refer the two example in sync folder) and run the sync script under a cronjob you should consider:
  • http address or ssh address (how to add your ssh key)
  • rebase logic or diff logic
  • which cronjob (maybe the k8s cronjob or linux system crontab)