
395 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2019 scutdig
# Licensed under the MIT license.
from typing import List
from import *
from import *
from pyhcl.passes._pass import Pass, PassException, Error
from pyhcl.passes.utils import ModuleGraph, to_flow, flow, create_exps, get_info, has_flip
from pyhcl.passes.wir import *
# ScopeView
class ScopeView:
def __init__(self, moduleNS: set, scopes: List[set]):
self.moduleNS = moduleNS
self.scopes = scopes
def declare(self, name: str):
# ensures that the name cannot be used again, but prevent references to this name
def add_to_namespace(self, name: str):
def expand_m_port_visibility(self, port: DefMemPort):
mem_in_scopes = False
def expand_m_port(scope: set, mp: DefMemPort):
if in scope:
return scope
self.scopes = list(map(lambda scope: expand_m_port(scope, port), self.scopes))
for sx in self.scopes:
if in sx:
mem_in_scopes = True
if mem_in_scopes is False:
def legal_decl(self, name: str) -> bool:
return name in self.moduleNS
def legal_ref(self, name: str) -> bool:
for s in self.scopes:
if name in s:
return True
return False
def get_ref(self):
for s in self.scopes:
def child_scope(self):
return ScopeView(self.moduleNS, [set()])
def scope_view():
return ScopeView(set(), [set()])
# Custom Exceptions
class NotUniqueException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, name: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Reference {name} does not have a unique name.')
class InvalidLOCException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Invalid connect to an expression that is not a reference or a WritePort.')
class NegUIntException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] UIntLiteral cannot be negative.')
class UndecleardReferenceException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, name: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Reference {name} is not declared.')
class PoisonWithFlipException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, name: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Poison {name} cannot be a bundle type with flips.')
class MemWithFlipException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, name: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Memory {name} cannot be a bundle type with flips.')
class IllegalMemLatencyException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, name: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Memory {name} must have non-negative read latency and positive write latency.')
class RegWithFlipException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, name: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Register {name} cannot be a bundle type with flips.')
class InvalidAccessException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Invalid access to non-reference.')
class ModuleNameNotUniqueException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: Repeat definition of module {mname}')
class DefnameConflictException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, defname: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: defname {defname} of extmodule {mname} conflicts with an existing module.')
class DefnameDifferentPortsException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, defname: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: ports of extmodule {mname} with defname {defname} are different for an extmodule with the same defname.')
class DefnameDifferentPortsException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, name: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: Module {name} is not defined.')
class IncorrectNumArgsException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, op: str, n: int):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Primop {op} requires {n} expression arguments.')
class IncorrectNumConstsException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, op: str, n: int):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Primop {op} requires {n} integer arguments.')
class NegWidthException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Width cannot be negative.')
class NegVecSizeException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Vector type size cannot be negative.')
class NegMemSizeException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Memory size cannot be negative or zero.')
class InstanceLoop(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, loop: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Has instance loop {loop}.')
class NoTopModuleException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, name: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: A single module must be named {name}.')
class NegArgException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, op: str, value: int):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Primop {op} argument {value} < 0.')
class LsbLargerThanMsbException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, op: str, lsb: int, msb: int):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Primop {op} lsb {lsb} > {msb}.')
class ResetInputException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, expr: Expression):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Abstract Reset not allowed as top-level input: {expr.serialize()}')
class ResetExtModuleOutputException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, expr: Expression):
super().__init__(f'{info}: [module {mname}] Abstract Reset not allowed as ExtModule output: {expr.serialize()}')
class ModuleNotDefinedException(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str, name: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: Module {name} is not defined.')
class CircuitHasNoModules(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, cname: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: Circuit {cname} has no modules.')
class ModuleHasNoPorts(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: Module {mname} has no ports.')
class ModuleHasNoBody(PassException):
def __init__(self, info: Info, mname: str):
super().__init__(f'{info}: Module {mname} has no body.')
class CheckHighForm(Pass):
def __init__(self, c: Circuit):
self.c: Circuit = c List[DefModule] = c.modules
self.module_names: List[str] = [ for _ in c.modules]
self.int_module_name: List[str] = [ for _ in c.modules if isinstance(_, Module)]
self.errors: Error = Error()
def check_unique_module_name(self):
for idx in range(len(self.module_names)):
if self.int_module_name[idx] in self.int_module_name[idx:]:
m =[idx]
def check_extmodule(self):
for m in
if isinstance(m, ExtModule) and in self.int_module_name:
self.errors.append(DefnameConflictException(,, m.defname))
def strip_width(self, typ: Type) -> Type:
if isinstance(typ, GroundType):
return typ.map_width(UnknownWidth)
elif isinstance(typ, AggregateType):
return typ.map_type(self.strip_width())
def check_highForm_primOp(self, info: Info, mname: str, e: DoPrim):
def correct_num(ne, nc):
if isinstance(ne, int) and len(e.args) != ne:
self.errors.append(IncorrectNumArgsException(info, mname, e.op.serialize(), ne))
if len(e.consts) != nc:
self.errors.append(IncorrectNumConstsException(info, mname, e.op.serialize(), nc))
def non_negative_consts():
for _ in [c for c in e.consts if c < 0]:
self.errors.append(NegArgException(info, mname, e.op.serialize(), _))
if isinstance(e.op, (Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Rem, Lt, Leq, Gt, Geq, Eq, Neq, Dshl, Dshr, And, Or, Xor, Cat)):
correct_num(2, 0)
elif isinstance(e.op, (AsUInt, AsSInt, AsClock, Cvt, Neq, Not)):
correct_num(1, 0)
elif isinstance(e.op, AsFixedPoint):
correct_num(1, 1)
elif isinstance(e.op, (Shl, Shr, Pad, Head, Tail)):
correct_num(1, 1)
elif isinstance(e.op, Bits):
correct_num(1, 2)
if len(e.consts) == 2:
msb, lsb = e.consts[0], e.consts[1]
if msb < lsb:
self.errors.append(LsbLargerThanMsbException(info, mname, e.op.serialize(), lsb, msb))
elif isinstance(e.op, (Andr, Orr, Xorr, Neg)):
correct_num(1, 0)
def check_valid_loc(self, info: Info, mname: str, e: Expression):
if isinstance(e, (UIntLiteral, SIntLiteral, DoPrim)):
self.errors.append(InvalidLOCException(info, mname))
def check_instance(self, info: Info, child: str, parent: str):
if child not in self.module_names:
self.errors.append(ModuleNotDefinedException(info, parent, child))
childToParent = ModuleGraph().add(parent, child)
if childToParent is not None and len(childToParent) > 0:
self.errors.append(InstanceLoop(info, parent, "->".join(childToParent)))
def check_high_form_w(self, info: Info, mname: str, w: Width):
if isinstance(w, IntWidth) and w.width < 0:
self.errors.append(NegWidthException(info, mname))
def check_high_form_t(self, info: Info, mname: str, typ: Type):
t_attr = typ.__dict__.items()
for _, ta in t_attr:
if isinstance(ta, Type):
self.check_high_form_t(info, mname, ta)
if isinstance(ta, Width):
self.check_high_form_w(info, mname, ta)
if isinstance(typ, VectorType) and typ.size < 0:
self.errors.append(NegVecSizeException(info, mname))
def valid_sub_exp(self, info: Info, mname: str, e: Expression):
if isinstance(e, (Reference, SubField, SubIndex, SubAccess)):
elif isinstance(e, (Mux, ValidIf)):
self.errors.append(InvalidAccessException(info, mname))
def check_high_form_e(self, info: Info, mname: str, names: ScopeView, e: Expression):
e_attr = e.__dict__.items()
if isinstance(e, Reference) and names.legal_ref( is False:
self.errors.append(UndecleardReferenceException(info, mname,
elif isinstance(e, UIntLiteral) and e.value < 0:
self.errors.append(NegUIntException(info, mname,
elif isinstance(e, DoPrim):
self.check_highForm_primOp(info, mname, e)
elif isinstance(e, (Reference, UIntLiteral, Mux, ValidIf)):
elif isinstance(e, SubAccess):
self.valid_sub_exp(info, mname, e.expr)
for _, ea in e_attr:
if isinstance(ea, Expression):
self.valid_sub_exp(info, mname, ea)
for _, ea in e_attr:
if isinstance(ea, Width):
self.check_high_form_w(info, mname + '/' + e.serialize(), ea)
if isinstance(ea, Expression):
self.check_high_form_e(info, mname, names, ea)
def check_name(self, info: Info, mname: str, names: ScopeView, referenced: bool, s: Statement):
if referenced is False:
if len( == 0:
assert referenced is False, 'A statement with an empty name cannot be used as a reference!'
if names.legal_decl( is True:
self.errors.append(NotUniqueException(info, mname,
if referenced:
def check_high_form_s(self, minfo: Info, mname: str, names: ScopeView, s: Statement):
s_attr = s.__dict__.items()
t_info = get_info(s)
info = t_info if isinstance(t_info, NoInfo) is False else minfo
referenced = True if isinstance(s, (DefWire, DefRegister, DefInstance, DefMemory, DefNode, Port)) else False
self.check_name(info, mname, names, referenced, s)
if isinstance(s, DefRegister):
if has_flip(s.typ):
self.errors.append(RegWithFlipException(info, mname,
elif isinstance(s, DefMemory):
if has_flip(s.memType.typ):
self.errors.append(MemWithFlipException(info, mname,
if s.memType.size < 0:
self.errors.append(NegMemSizeException(info, mname))
elif isinstance(s, DefInstance):
self.check_instance(info, mname, s.module)
elif isinstance(s, Connect):
self.check_valid_loc(info, mname, s.loc)
elif isinstance(s, DefMemPort):
elif isinstance(s, Block):
for stmt in s.stmts:
self.check_high_form_s(info, mname, names, stmt)
for _, sa in s_attr:
if isinstance(sa, Type):
self.check_high_form_t(info, mname, sa)
elif isinstance(sa, Expression):
self.check_high_form_e(info, mname, names, sa)
if isinstance(s, Conditionally):
self.check_high_form_s(minfo, mname, names, s.conseq)
self.check_high_form_s(minfo, mname, names, s.alt)
for _, sa in s_attr:
if isinstance(sa, Statement):
self.check_high_form_s(minfo, mname, names, sa)
def check_high_form_p(self, mname: str, names: ScopeView, p: Port):
if names.legal_decl( is True:
self.errors.append(NotUniqueException(NoInfo, mname,
self.check_high_form_t(, mname, p.typ)
def find_bad_reset_type_ports(self, m: DefModule, dir: Direction):
bad_reset_type_ports = []
bad = to_flow(dir)
gen = ((create_exps(ref), p1) for (ref, p1) in [(Reference(, p.typ), p) for p in m.ports])
for expr, port in gen:
if isinstance(expr, list):
for exx in expr:
if exx is not None and exx.typ == ResetType and flow(exx) == bad:
bad_reset_type_ports.append((port, exx))
if expr is not None and expr.typ == ResetType and flow(expr) == bad:
bad_reset_type_ports.append((port, expr))
return bad_reset_type_ports
def check_high_form_m(self, m: DefModule):
names = scope_view()
if hasattr(m, 'ports') and isinstance(m.ports, list):
for p in m.ports:
self.check_high_form_p(, names, p)
if hasattr(m, 'body') and isinstance(m.body, Block):
if hasattr(m.body, 'stmts') and isinstance(m.body.stmts, list):
for s in m.body.stmts:
self.check_high_form_s(,, names, s)
if isinstance(m, ExtModule):
for port, expr in self.find_bad_reset_type_ports(m, Output):
self.errors.append(ResetExtModuleOutputException(,, expr))
def run(self):
if hasattr(self.c, 'modules') and isinstance(self.c.modules, list):
for m in self.c.modules:
self.errors.append(CircuitHasNoModules(, self.c.main))
if self.c.main not in self.int_module_name:
self.errors.append(NoTopModuleException(, self.c.main))
return self.c