
171 lines
5.1 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2019 scutdig
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import math
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from copy import copy, deepcopy
def indent(string: str, space: int = 1) -> str:
return string.replace('\n', '\n' + '\t' * space)
def backspace(string: str) -> str:
return string.replace('\n ', '\n')
def backspace1(string: str) -> str:
return string if string[-3:-1] != '\n ' else string[:-2]
def deleblankline(string: str) -> str:
list = string.split("\n")
lines = [line for line in list if line.strip()]
return "\n".join(lines)
def auto_connect(ma, mb):
from pyhcl import IO
assert hasattr(ma, "value") and hasattr(mb, "value")
assert type(ma.value) == IO and type(mb.value) == IO
for (key_left, value_left) in ma.value._ios.items():
for (key_right, value_right) in mb.value._ios.items():
from pyhcl import Input, Output
assert type(value_left) == Input or type(value_left) == Output
assert type(value_right) == Input or type(value_right) == Output
if key_left == key_right and type(value_left) != type(value_right):
io_left = getattr(ma, key_left)
io_right = getattr(mb, key_right)
if type(value_left) == Input:
io_left <<= io_right
io_right <<= io_left
def get_binary_width(target):
width = 1
while target / 2 >= 1:
width += 1
target = math.floor(target / 2)
return width
class TransformException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message: str):
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
return self.message
class DAG:
""" Directed acyclic graph implementation."""
def __init__(self):
self.graph = OrderedDict()
def add_node(self, name: str, graph = None):
if graph is None:
graph = self.graph
if name in graph:
graph[name] = set()
def add_node_if_not_exists(self, name: str, graph = None):
self.add_node(name, graph = graph)
except TransformException as e:
raise e
def delete_node(self, name: str, graph = None):
if graph is None:
graph = self.graph
if name not in graph:
raise TransformException(f'node {name} is not exists.')
for _, edges in graph.items():
if name in edges:
def delete_node_if_exists(self, name: str, graph = None):
self.delete_node(name, graph = graph)
except TransformException as e:
raise e
def add_edge(self, ind_node, dep_node, graph = None):
if graph is None:
graph = self.graph
if ind_node not in graph or dep_node not in graph:
raise TransformException(f'nodes do not exist in graph.')
test_graph = deepcopy(graph)
is_valid, msg = self.validate(test_graph)
if is_valid:
raise TransformException(f'Loop do exist in graph: {msg}')
def delete_edge(self, ind_node, dep_node, graph = None):
if graph is None:
graph = self.graph
if dep_node not in graph.get(ind_node, []):
raise TransformException(f'This edge does not exist in graph')
def ind_nodes(self, graph = None):
if graph == None:
graph = self.graph
dep_nodes = set(
node for deps in graph.values() for node in deps
return [node for node in graph.keys() if node not in dep_nodes]
def topological_sort(self, graph = None):
if graph is None:
graph = self.graph
result = []
in_degree = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for u in graph:
for v in graph[u]:
in_degree[v] += 1
ready = [node for node in graph if not in_degree[node]]
while ready:
u = ready.pop()
for v in graph[u]:
in_degree[v] -= 1
if in_degree[v] == 0:
if len(result) == len(graph):
return result
raise TransformException(f'graph is not acyclic.')
def validate(self, graph = None):
if graph is None:
graph = self.graph
if len(self.ind_nodes(graph)) == 0:
return False, 'no independent nodes detected.'
except TransformException:
return False, 'graph is not acyclic.'
return True, 'valid'
def visit_graph(self, graph = None):
visited = []
if graph is None:
graph = self.graph
for v in graph:
for u in graph[v]:
visited.append(f'{v} -> {u}')
return visited
def size(self):
return len(self.graph)