forked from opendacs/EMSim_plus
188 lines
9.4 KiB
188 lines
9.4 KiB
import argparse
import re
import sys
import numpy as np
import time
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def get_cell_info(def_path):
mathch the cell infor from parasistic file and def file
:param def_file: design.def
:return: hierarchical instance
# open and read the def file
def_file = open(def_path, 'r')
# create an empty list
instance_hierarchy = []
instance_type = []
instance_x0 = []
instance_y0 = []
# initialize the counter for instance
instance_count = 0
start_component = False
for line in def_file:
# the end of the component lines to check
if re.match(r'END COMPONENTS', line):
start_component = False
if start_component:
if 'FILL' in line:
split_line = line.split(" ")
# check if the data length > 7
if len(split_line) > 7 and split_line[5] in ['TIMING', 'DIST']:
instance_x0.append(float(split_line[9]) / 2000)
instance_y0.append(float(split_line[10]) / 2000)
instance_count += 1
elif len(split_line) > 7:
instance_x0.append(float(split_line[6]) / 2000)
instance_y0.append(float(split_line[7]) / 2000)
instance_count += 1
# the beginning of the component lines to check
elif re.match(r'COMPONENTS [\d]+', line):
start_component = True
print('Total number of logic cells:', instance_count)
instance_y0 = np.asarray(instance_y0)
instance_x0 = np.asarray(instance_x0)
instance_hierarchy = np.asarray(instance_hierarchy)
# the index of sorted data, from small to large
sort_index_vertical = np.argsort(instance_y0)
instance_y0_reorder = instance_y0[sort_index_vertical]
instance_x0_reorder = instance_x0[sort_index_vertical]
instance_hierarchy_reorder = instance_hierarchy[sort_index_vertical]
# the unique data without repetition
sort_unique = np.unique(instance_y0_reorder)
# match the cell name and the hierarchy instance name
end_num = 0
for current_num in range(len(sort_unique)):
start_num = end_num
end_num = start_num + np.count_nonzero(instance_y0_reorder == sort_unique[current_num])
tmp_x0 = instance_x0_reorder[start_num: end_num]
tmp_instance_hierarchy = instance_hierarchy_reorder[start_num: end_num]
sort_index_horizontal = np.argsort(tmp_x0)
instance_x0_reorder[start_num: end_num] = tmp_x0[sort_index_horizontal]
instance_hierarchy_reorder[start_num: end_num] = tmp_instance_hierarchy[sort_index_horizontal]
return instance_hierarchy_reorder, instance_x0_reorder, instance_y0_reorder
def current_map_fature(current_trace, layout_min_x, layout_min_y, target_area_x, target_area_y, num_probe_x_tiles,
num_probe_y_tiles, num_input_stimuli, start_points, sample_points, instance_x0, instance_y0):
extract the current map feature
:return: hierarchical instance
end_points = int(start_points + sample_points)
current_map = np.zeros((num_input_stimuli, sample_points, num_probe_x_tiles, num_probe_y_tiles))
interval_x = target_area_x / num_probe_x_tiles
interval_y = target_area_y / num_probe_y_tiles
for current_cell in range(np.shape(current_trace)[0]):
tmp_x0 = int((instance_x0[current_cell] - layout_min_x) // interval_x)
tmp_y0 = int((instance_y0[current_cell] - layout_min_y) // interval_y)
if 0 < tmp_x0 < num_probe_x_tiles and 0 < tmp_y0 < num_probe_y_tiles:
current_map[:, :, tmp_x0, tmp_y0] += current_trace[current_cell, : num_input_stimuli, start_points: end_points]
return current_map
def main(def_path, current_path, layout_min_x, layout_min_y, target_area_x, target_area_y, num_probe_x_tiles,
num_probe_y_tiles, num_input_stimuli, start_points, sample_points, current_map_train, current_map_test):
instance_hierarchy, instance_x0, instance_y0 = get_cell_info(def_path)
#num_current_sets = 1 #3
#current_map = np.zeros((num_input_stimuli * num_current_sets, sample_points, num_probe_x_tiles, num_probe_y_tiles))
current_map = np.zeros((num_input_stimuli, sample_points, num_probe_x_tiles, num_probe_y_tiles))
current_trace = np.load(current_path + 'current_trace.npy')
print('Current Shape', np.shape(current_trace))
current_map = current_map_fature(current_trace, layout_min_x, layout_min_y, target_area_x, target_area_y,
num_probe_x_tiles, num_probe_y_tiles, num_input_stimuli, start_points,
sample_points, instance_x0, instance_y0)
#current_map[current_idx * num_input_stimuli: (current_idx + 1) * num_input_stimuli, :, :, :] = tmp_current_map
# for current_idx in range(num_current_sets):
# current_trace = np.load(current_path + str(current_idx+1) + '/Current Analysis/current_trace.npy')
# print('Current Index', current_idx, 'Current Shape', np.shape(current_trace))
# tmp_current_map = current_map_fature(current_trace, layout_min_x, layout_min_y, target_area_x, target_area_y,
# num_probe_x_tiles, num_probe_y_tiles, num_input_stimuli, start_points,
# sample_points, instance_x0, instance_y0)
# current_map[current_idx*num_input_stimuli: (current_idx+1)*num_input_stimuli, :, :, :] = tmp_current_map
#plt.plot(np.sum(current_trace, axis=0)[0, 18: 18 + 20]) # 20: 20 + 3
|, current_map[:750, :, :, :])
|, current_map[750:, :, :, :])
|"current_map_train.npy", current_map[:, :8, :, :])
#print(current_map[:, :8, :, :].shape)
|"current_map_test.npy", current_map[750:, 3:6, :, :])
for map_idx in range(20):
plt.imshow(current_map[0, map_idx, :, :], vmax=np.max(current_map[0, :, :, :]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--def_path", type=str, default="../Current Analysis/AES_extension.def",
help="Path to the def file, should end in .def")
parser.add_argument("--current_path", type=str, default="../Current Analysis/",
help="Path to the simulated logic cell currents")
parser.add_argument("--num_input_stimuli", type=int, default=1000,
help="Number of required plaintexts for em computation")
parser.add_argument("--target_area_x", type=float, default=960,
help="Target simulated area in x axial direction")
parser.add_argument("--target_area_y", type=float, default=960,
help="Target simulated area in y axial direction")
parser.add_argument("--num_probe_x_tiles", type=int, default=48,
help="Number of point grid in x axial direction")
parser.add_argument("--num_probe_y_tiles", type=int, default=48,
help="Number of point grid in y axial direction")
parser.add_argument("--layout_min_x", type=float, default=0,
help="Reference coordinate in x axial direction")
parser.add_argument("--layout_min_y", type=float, default=0,
help="Reference coordinate in y axial direction")
parser.add_argument("--start_points", type=int, default=0, # 20
help="Start of sample point for each current trace")
parser.add_argument("--sample_points", type=int, default=20, # 3
help="End of sample point for each current trace")
parser.add_argument("--current_map_train", type=str, default="../GAN Model Training/current_map_train.npy", # 3
help="generate cell current map for GAN training")
parser.add_argument("--current_map_test", type=str, default="../EM Predition/current_map_test.npy", # 3
help="generate cell current map for EM prediction")
args = parser.parse_args()
def_path = args.def_path
current_path = args.current_path
num_input_stimuli = args.num_input_stimuli
target_area_x = args.target_area_x
target_area_y = args.target_area_y
num_probe_x_tiles = args.num_probe_x_tiles
num_probe_y_tiles = args.num_probe_y_tiles
layout_min_x = args.layout_min_x
layout_min_y = args.layout_min_y
start_points = args.start_points
sample_points = args.sample_points
current_map_train = args.current_map_train
current_map_test = args.current_map_test
start_time = time.time()
main(def_path, current_path, layout_min_x, layout_min_y, target_area_x, target_area_y, num_probe_x_tiles,
num_probe_y_tiles, num_input_stimuli, start_points, sample_points, current_map_train, current_map_test))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Running time:", time.time() - start_time, "seconds")