# Site settings 配置站点 title: '华中科技大学系统能力竞赛战队官方网站' description: '恰饭网' keyword: '恰饭网, 无相之风, 系统, 操作系统, 内核, 操作系统内核, riscv, RISC-V, 竞赛, 华中科技大学' url: 'https://qf.rs' # your host # when build blog on server, if you don't need baseurl, you should leave this value blank. # 在服务器上建站时,如果你不需要子域名,请将这一格留空 # if you're using GitHub Pages, set baseurl to your blog's . # 如果你在使用 GitHub Pages, 请将 baseurl 设置为你的网址的子域名 # for example, if your site is "kaeyleo.github.io", then this url should leave blank. # 例如,当你的域名是 "kaeyleo.github.io" 时,这个 url 需要留空 # but if your created a repo named "myblog", and the site is "kaeyleo.github.io/myblog", change baseurl to '/myblog' # 但是,如果你创建了一个叫 "myblog" 的网站,此时网址会变成 "kaeyleo.github.io/myblog" ,这时再将 baseurl 设置为 '/myblog' baseurl: '' # Navigation links nav: 主页: '/' 标签: '/tags.html' 工具箱: 'https://rvgj.qf.rs' 招新: 'https://yiqi.qf.rs' # Footer footer: since: 2021 # Author 配置博主信息 author: '无相之风战队' nickname: '恰饭网' bio: '华中科技大学系统能力竞赛战队官方网站' avatar: '/assets/img/profile.png' # Search search: true # Night mode nightMode: false # Comments 评论功能 comments: disqus: false disqus_url: 'https://liaokeyu.disqus.com/embed.js' # todo # MathJax 公式支持 by Ray-Eldath mathjax: true # Share social-share: true social-share-items: ['wechat', 'weibo', 'douban', 'twitter'] # theme color 主题皮肤 theme-color: 'default' # pink or default # Post header background patterns (when the post no cover): circuitBoard, overlappingCircles, food, glamorous, ticTacToe, seaOfClouds postPatterns: 'circuitBoard' # SNS settings 配置社交网站 # url: email, weibo, zhihu, twitter, instagram, juejin, github, douban, facebook, dribble, uicn, jianshu, medium, linkedin sns: github: '//github.com/HUST-OS' # Tags 设置标签 recommend-tags: true # whether or not display recommend-tags on the sidebar recommend-condition-size: 12 # a tag will be recommended if the size of it is more than this value # Build settings paginate: 6 paginate_path: 'page:num' exclude: ['node_modules', 'dev', 'package.json', 'gulpfile.js', '.gitignore', 'README.md'] # Markdown markdown: kramdown highlighter: rouge kramdown: input: GFM # RSS RSS: false # Permalink # See: https://github.com/kaeyleo/jekyll-theme-H2O/issues/35 permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title.html # Plugins plugins: [jekyll-paginate]