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* Copyright (c) 2020 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.
* openGauss is licensed under Mulan PSL v2.
* You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2.
* You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at:
* See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* contrib/gauss_connector/gc_fdw.cpp
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "postgres.h"
#include "knl/knl_variable.h"
#include "gc_fdw.h"
#include "access/htup.h"
#include "access/sysattr.h"
#include "access/transam.h"
#include "catalog/pg_class.h"
#include "commands/defrem.h"
#include "commands/explain.h"
#include "commands/vacuum.h"
#include "foreign/fdwapi.h"
#include "funcapi.h"
#include "libpq/pqformat.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "optimizer/cost.h"
#include "optimizer/clauses.h"
#include "optimizer/pathnode.h"
#include "optimizer/paths.h"
#include "optimizer/planmain.h"
#include "optimizer/restrictinfo.h"
#include "optimizer/var.h"
#include "optimizer/tlist.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
#include "pgxc/pgxcnode.h"
#include "pgxc/pgFdwRemote.h"
#include "storage/buf/block.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/guc.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
#include "utils/selfuncs.h"
/* Default CPU cost to start up a foreign query. */
/* Default CPU cost to process 1 row (above and beyond u_sess->attr.attr_sql.cpu_tuple_cost). */
/* If no remote estimates, assume a sort costs 20% extra */
* Execution state of a foreign scan using gc_fdw.
typedef struct GcFdwScanState {
Relation rel; /* relcache entry for the foreign table. NULL
* for a foreign join scan. */
TupleDesc tupdesc; /* tuple descriptor of scan */
AttInMetadata* attinmeta; /* attribute datatype conversion metadata */
/* extracted fdw_private data */
char* query; /* text of SELECT command */
List* retrieved_attrs; /* list of retrieved attribute numbers */
/* for remote query execution */
PGconn* conn; /* connection for the scan */
PGXCNodeAllHandles* pgxc_handle;
unsigned int cursor_number; /* quasi-unique ID for my cursor */
bool cursor_exists; /* have we created the cursor? */
int numParams; /* number of parameters passed to query */
FmgrInfo* param_flinfo; /* output conversion functions for them */
List* param_exprs; /* executable expressions for param values */
const char** param_values; /* textual values of query parameters */
/* for storing result tuples */
HeapTuple* tuples; /* array of currently-retrieved tuples */
int num_tuples; /* # of tuples in array */
int next_tuple; /* index of next one to return */
/* batch-level state, for optimizing rewinds and avoiding useless fetch */
int fetch_ct_2; /* Min(# of fetches done, 2) */
bool eof_reached; /* true if last fetch reached EOF */
/* working memory contexts */
MemoryContext batch_cxt; /* context holding current batch of tuples */
MemoryContext temp_cxt; /* context for per-tuple temporary data */
int fetch_size; /* number of tuples per fetch */
int num_datanode; /* number of execute datanode */
int current_idx; /* current index of datanode */
int cycle_idx; /* cycle index of datanode */
int max_idx; /* max index of datanode */
bool have_remote_encoding; /* remote encoding */
int remote_encoding;
PgFdwRemoteInfo* remoteinfo; /* remote table info */
IterateForeignScan_function IterateForeignScan;
VecIterateForeignScan_function VecIterateForeignScan;
ReScanForeignScan_function ReScanForeignScan;
Oid serverid;
bool hasagg; /* agg in sql? */
bool has_array;
RemoteQueryState* remotestate;
TupleTableSlot* resultSlot;
TupleTableSlot* scanSlot;
} GcFdwScanState;
* Identify the attribute where data conversion fails.
typedef struct ConversionLocation {
Relation rel; /* foreign table's relcache entry. */
AttrNumber cur_attno; /* attribute number being processed, or 0 */
* In case of foreign join push down, fdw_scan_tlist is used to identify
* the Var node corresponding to the error location and
* fsstate-> gives access to the RTEs of corresponding relation
* to get the relation name and attribute name.
ForeignScanState* fsstate;
} ConversionLocation;
/* Callback argument for ec_member_matches_foreign */
typedef struct {
Expr* current; /* current expr, or NULL if not yet found */
List* already_used; /* expressions already dealt with */
} ec_member_foreign_arg;
* SQL functions
* FDW callback routines
static void gcGetForeignRelSize(PlannerInfo* root, RelOptInfo* baserel, Oid foreigntableid);
static void gcGetForeignPaths(PlannerInfo* root, RelOptInfo* baserel, Oid foreigntableid);
static ForeignScan *gcGetForeignPlan(PlannerInfo *root,
RelOptInfo *baserel,
Oid foreigntableid,
ForeignPath *best_path,
List *tlist,
List *scan_clauses/*,
Plan *outer_plan*/);
static void gcBeginForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node, int eflags);
static TupleTableSlot* gcIterateForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node);
static VectorBatch* gcIterateVecForeignScan(VecForeignScanState* node);
static void gcReScanForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node);
static TupleTableSlot* gcIterateNormalForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node);
static VectorBatch* gcIterateNormalVecForeignScan(VecForeignScanState* node);
static TupleTableSlot* gcIteratePBEForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node);
static VectorBatch* gcIteratePBEVecForeignScan(VecForeignScanState* node);
static void gcReScanNormalForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node);
static void gcReScanPBEForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node);
static void gcEndForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node);
static void gcExplainForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node, ExplainState* es);
static bool gcAnalyzeForeignTable(Relation relation, AcquireSampleRowsFunc* func, BlockNumber* totalpages,
void* additionalData, bool estimate_table_rownum);
* Helper functions
static void gc_estimate_path_cost_size(PlannerInfo* root, RelOptInfo* baserel, List* join_conds, List* pathkeys,
double* p_rows, int* p_width, Cost* p_startup_cost, Cost* p_total_cost);
static void create_cursor(ForeignScanState* node);
static void fetch_more_data(ForeignScanState* node);
static int gcfdw_send_and_fetch_version(PGXCNodeAllHandles* pgxc_handles);
static void gcfdw_fetch_remote_table_info(
PGXCNodeAllHandles* pgxc_handles, ForeignTable* table, void* remote_info, PgFdwMessageTag tag);
static bool gcfdw_get_table_encode(ForeignTable* table, int* remote_encoding);
static void gcfdw_send_remote_encode(PGXCNodeAllHandles* pgxc_handles, int remote_encoding);
static void gcfdw_send_remote_query_param(GcFdwScanState* fsstate);
static void gcfdw_get_datanode_idx(ForeignScanState* node);
static void close_cursor(PGconn* conn, unsigned int cursor_number);
static void prepare_query_params(PlanState* node, List* fdw_exprs, int numParams, FmgrInfo** param_flinfo,
List** param_exprs, const char*** param_values);
static void process_query_params(
ExprContext* econtext, FmgrInfo* param_flinfo, List* param_exprs, const char** param_values);
static HeapTuple make_tuple_from_result_row(PGresult* res, int row, Relation rel, AttInMetadata* attinmeta,
List* retrieved_attrs, ForeignScanState* fsstate, MemoryContext temp_context);
static HeapTuple make_tuple_from_agg_result(PGresult* res, int row, Relation rel, AttInMetadata* attinmeta,
List* retrieved_attrs, ForeignScanState* fsstate, MemoryContext temp_context);
static void conversion_error_callback(void* arg);
static void gcValidateTableDef(Node* Obj);
static bool CheckForeignExtOption(List* extOptList, const char* str);
static bool GcFdwCanSkip(GcFdwScanState* fsstate);
static void GcFdwCopyRemoteInfo(PgFdwRemoteInfo* new_remote_info, PgFdwRemoteInfo* ori_remote_info);
extern bool hasSpecialArrayType(TupleDesc desc);
extern Snapshot CopySnapshotByCurrentMcxt(Snapshot snapshot);
* Foreign-data wrapper handler function: return a struct with pointers
* to my callback routines.
Datum gc_fdw_handler(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
FdwRoutine* routine = makeNode(FdwRoutine);
/* Functions for scanning foreign tables */
routine->GetForeignRelSize = gcGetForeignRelSize;
routine->GetForeignPaths = gcGetForeignPaths;
routine->GetForeignPlan = gcGetForeignPlan;
routine->BeginForeignScan = gcBeginForeignScan;
routine->IterateForeignScan = gcIterateForeignScan;
routine->VecIterateForeignScan = gcIterateVecForeignScan;
routine->ReScanForeignScan = gcReScanForeignScan;
routine->EndForeignScan = gcEndForeignScan;
/* Support functions for EXPLAIN */
routine->ExplainForeignScan = gcExplainForeignScan;
/* Support functions for ANALYZE */
routine->AnalyzeForeignTable = gcAnalyzeForeignTable;
/* Check create/alter foreign table */
routine->ValidateTableDef = gcValidateTableDef;
* gcGetForeignRelSize
* Estimate # of rows and width of the result of the scan
* We should consider the effect of all baserestrictinfo clauses here, but
* not any join clauses.
static void gcGetForeignRelSize(PlannerInfo* root, RelOptInfo* baserel, Oid foreigntableid)
if (isRestoreMode) {
errmsg("cooperation analysis: can't execute the query in restore mode.")));
if (u_sess->attr.attr_common.upgrade_mode != 0) {
errmsg("cooperation analysis: can't execute the query in upgrade mode.")));
Relation relation = RelationIdGetRelation(foreigntableid);
if (RelationIsValid(relation)) {
errmsg("Query on datanode is not "
"supported currently for the foreign table: %s.",
} else {
errmsg("could not open relation with OID %u", foreigntableid)));
GcFdwRelationInfo* fpinfo = NULL;
ListCell* lc = NULL;
RangeTblEntry* rte = planner_rt_fetch(baserel->relid, root);
const char* relnamespace = NULL;
const char* relname = NULL;
const char* refname = NULL;
* We use GcFdwRelationInfo to pass various information to subsequent
* functions.
fpinfo = (GcFdwRelationInfo*)palloc0(sizeof(GcFdwRelationInfo));
baserel->fdw_private = (void*)fpinfo;
/* Base foreign tables need to be pushed down always. */
fpinfo->pushdown_safe = true;
/* Look up foreign-table catalog info. */
fpinfo->table = GetForeignTable(foreigntableid);
fpinfo->server = GetForeignServer(fpinfo->table->serverid);
* Extract user-settable option values.
fpinfo->fdw_startup_cost = DEFAULT_FDW_STARTUP_COST;
fpinfo->fdw_tuple_cost = DEFAULT_FDW_TUPLE_COST;
fpinfo->shippable_extensions = NIL;
fpinfo->fetch_size = 1000;
PGXCNodeAllHandles* pgxc_handle = NULL;
int remote_encoding;
bool have_remote_encoding = gcfdw_get_table_encode(fpinfo->table, &remote_encoding);
(void)GetConnection(fpinfo->table->serverid, &pgxc_handle, true, have_remote_encoding);
PgFdwRemoteInfo* remote_info = &fpinfo->remote_info;
u_sess->pgxc_cxt.gc_fdw_run_version = gcfdw_send_and_fetch_version(pgxc_handle);
if (u_sess->pgxc_cxt.gc_fdw_run_version >= GCFDW_VERSION_V1R8C10_1 && have_remote_encoding == true) {
gcfdw_send_remote_encode(pgxc_handle, remote_encoding);
gcfdw_fetch_remote_table_info(pgxc_handle, fpinfo->table, remote_info, PGFDW_GET_TABLE_INFO);
Assert(remote_info->snapsize > 0);
if (remote_info->snapsize <= 0) {
errmsg("cooperation analysis: not receive the snapshot from remote cluster")));
* Identify which baserestrictinfo clauses can be sent to the remote
* server and which can't.
classifyConditions(root, baserel, baserel->baserestrictinfo, &fpinfo->remote_conds, &fpinfo->local_conds);
* Identify which attributes will need to be retrieved from the remote
* server. These include all attrs needed for joins or final output, plus
* all attrs used in the local_conds. (Note: if we end up using a
* parameterized scan, it's possible that some of the join clauses will be
* sent to the remote and thus we wouldn't really need to retrieve the
* columns used in them. Doesn't seem worth detecting that case though.)
fpinfo->attrs_used = NULL;
pull_varattnos((Node*)baserel->reltargetlist, baserel->relid, &fpinfo->attrs_used);
foreach (lc, fpinfo->local_conds) {
RestrictInfo* rinfo = lfirst_node(RestrictInfo, lc);
pull_varattnos((Node*)rinfo->clause, baserel->relid, &fpinfo->attrs_used);
* Compute the selectivity and cost of the local_conds, so we don't have
* to do it over again for each path. The best we can do for these
* conditions is to estimate selectivity on the basis of local statistics.
fpinfo->local_conds_sel = clauselist_selectivity(root, fpinfo->local_conds, baserel->relid, JOIN_INNER, NULL);
cost_qual_eval(&fpinfo->local_conds_cost, fpinfo->local_conds, root);
* Set cached relation costs to some negative value, so that we can detect
* when they are set to some sensible costs during one (usually the first)
* of the calls to gc_estimate_path_cost_size().
fpinfo->rel_startup_cost = -1;
fpinfo->rel_total_cost = -1;
* estimate using whatever statistics we
* have locally, in a way similar to ordinary tables.
* If the foreign table has never been ANALYZEd, it will have relpages
* and reltuples equal to zero, which most likely has nothing to do
* with reality. We can't do a whole lot about that if we're not
* allowed to consult the remote server, but we can use a hack similar
* to plancat.c's treatment of empty relations: use a minimum size
* estimate of 10 pages, and divide by the column-datatype-based width
* estimate to get the corresponding number of tuples.
if (baserel->pages == 0 && baserel->tuples == 0) {
baserel->pages = 10;
const int BLOCK_NUM = 10;
baserel->tuples =
(double)(BLOCK_NUM * BLCKSZ) / (baserel->width + MAXALIGN(offsetof(HeapTupleHeaderData, t_bits)));
/* Estimate baserel size as best we can with local statistics. */
set_baserel_size_estimates(root, baserel);
/* Fill in basically-bogus cost estimates for use later. */
root, baserel, NIL, NIL, &fpinfo->rows, &fpinfo->width, &fpinfo->startup_cost, &fpinfo->total_cost);
* Set the name of relation in fpinfo, while we are constructing it here.
* It will be used to build the string describing the join relation in
* EXPLAIN output. We can't know whether VERBOSE option is specified or
* not, so always schema-qualify the foreign table name.
fpinfo->relation_name = makeStringInfo();
relnamespace = get_namespace_name(get_rel_namespace(foreigntableid));
relname = get_rel_name(foreigntableid);
refname = rte->eref->aliasname;
const char* quote_relnamespace = (relnamespace != NULL) ? quote_identifier(relnamespace) : "\"Unknown\"";
const char* quote_relname = (relname != NULL) ? quote_identifier(relname) : "\"Unknown\"";
appendStringInfo(fpinfo->relation_name, "%s.%s", quote_relnamespace, quote_relname);
if (*refname && strcmp(refname, relname) != 0)
appendStringInfo(fpinfo->relation_name, " %s", quote_identifier(rte->eref->aliasname));
/* No outer and inner relations. */
fpinfo->make_outerrel_subquery = false;
fpinfo->make_innerrel_subquery = false;
fpinfo->lower_subquery_rels = NULL;
/* Set the relation index. */
fpinfo->relation_index = baserel->relid;
fpinfo->reloid = foreigntableid;
* gcGetForeignPaths
* Create possible scan paths for a scan on the foreign table
static void gcGetForeignPaths(PlannerInfo* root, RelOptInfo* baserel, Oid foreigntableid)
GcFdwRelationInfo* fpinfo = (GcFdwRelationInfo*)baserel->fdw_private;
ForeignPath* path = NULL;
* Create simplest ForeignScan path node and add it to baserel. This path
* corresponds to SeqScan path of regular tables (though depending on what
* baserestrict conditions we were able to send to remote, there might
* actually be an indexscan happening there). We already did all the work
* to estimate cost and size of this path.
path = create_foreignscan_path(root,
NIL, /* no pathkeys */
NULL, /* no outer rel either */
NIL, /* no fdw_private list */
add_path(root, baserel, (Path*)path);
* gcGetForeignPlan
* Create ForeignScan plan node which implements selected best path
static ForeignScan* gcGetForeignPlan(PlannerInfo* root, RelOptInfo* foreignrel, Oid foreigntableid,
ForeignPath* best_path, List* tlist, List* scan_clauses)
GcFdwRelationInfo* fpinfo = (GcFdwRelationInfo*)foreignrel->fdw_private;
Index scan_relid;
List* fdw_private = NIL;
List* remote_exprs = NIL;
List* local_exprs = NIL;
List* params_list = NIL;
List* fdw_scan_tlist = NIL;
List* fdw_recheck_quals = NIL;
List* retrieved_attrs = NIL;
StringInfoData sql;
ListCell* lc = NULL;
if (IS_SIMPLE_REL(foreignrel)) {
* For base relations, set scan_relid as the relid of the relation.
scan_relid = foreignrel->relid;
* In a base-relation scan, we must apply the given scan_clauses.
* Separate the scan_clauses into those that can be executed remotely
* and those that can't. baserestrictinfo clauses that were
* previously determined to be safe or unsafe by classifyConditions
* are found in fpinfo->remote_conds and fpinfo->local_conds. Anything
* else in the scan_clauses list will be a join clause, which we have
* to check for remote-safety.
* Note: the join clauses we see here should be the exact same ones
* previously examined by gcGetForeignPaths. Possibly it'd be
* worth passing forward the classification work done then, rather
* than repeating it here.
* This code must match "extract_actual_clauses(scan_clauses, false)"
* except for the additional decision about remote versus local
* execution.
foreach (lc, scan_clauses) {
RestrictInfo* rinfo = lfirst_node(RestrictInfo, lc);
/* Ignore any pseudoconstants, they're dealt with elsewhere */
if (rinfo->pseudoconstant)
if (list_member_ptr(fpinfo->remote_conds, rinfo)) {
remote_exprs = lappend(remote_exprs, rinfo->clause);
} else if (list_member_ptr(fpinfo->local_conds, rinfo)) {
local_exprs = lappend(local_exprs, rinfo->clause);
} else if (is_foreign_expr(root, foreignrel, rinfo->clause)) {
remote_exprs = lappend(remote_exprs, rinfo->clause);
} else {
local_exprs = lappend(local_exprs, rinfo->clause);
* For a base-relation scan, we have to support EPQ recheck, which
* should recheck all the remote quals.
fdw_recheck_quals = remote_exprs;
} else {
* Join relation or upper relation - set scan_relid to 0.
scan_relid = 0;
* For a join rel, baserestrictinfo is NIL and we are not considering
* parameterization right now, so there should be no scan_clauses for
* a joinrel or an upper rel either.
* Instead we get the conditions to apply from the fdw_private
* structure.
remote_exprs = extract_actual_clauses(fpinfo->remote_conds, false);
local_exprs = extract_actual_clauses(fpinfo->local_conds, false);
* We leave fdw_recheck_quals empty in this case, since we never need
* to apply EPQ recheck clauses. In the case of a joinrel, EPQ
* recheck is handled elsewhere --- see postgresGetForeignJoinPaths().
* If we're planning an upperrel (ie, remote grouping or aggregation)
* then there's no EPQ to do because SELECT FOR UPDATE wouldn't be
* allowed, and indeed we *can't* put the remote clauses into
* fdw_recheck_quals because the unaggregated Vars won't be available
* locally.
/* Build the list of columns to be fetched from the foreign server. */
fdw_scan_tlist = build_tlist_to_deparse(foreignrel);
* Build the query string to be sent for execution, and identify
* expressions to be sent as parameters.
/* Remember remote_exprs for possible use by postgresPlanDirectModify */
fpinfo->final_remote_exprs = remote_exprs;
* Build the fdw_private list that will be available to the executor.
* Items in the list must match order in enum FdwScanPrivateIndex.
* index:
* FdwScanPrivateSelectSql, FdwScanPrivateRetrievedAttrs, FdwScanPrivateFetchSize,
fdw_private = list_make3(makeString(, retrieved_attrs, makeInteger(fpinfo->fetch_size));
/* FdwScanPrivateRemoteInfo */
PgFdwRemoteInfo* remote_info = makeNode(PgFdwRemoteInfo);
remote_info->snapsize = fpinfo->remote_info.snapsize;
remote_info->snapshot = (Snapshot)palloc0(remote_info->snapsize);
GcFdwCopyRemoteInfo(remote_info, &fpinfo->remote_info);
fdw_private = lappend(fdw_private, remote_info);
/* FdwScanPrivateStrTargetlist */
fdw_private = lappend(fdw_private, NIL);
/* FdwScanPrivateAggResultTargetlist */
fdw_private = lappend(fdw_private, NIL);
/* FdwScanPrivateAggScanTargetlist */
fdw_private = lappend(fdw_private, NIL);
/* FdwScanPrivateAggColmap */
fdw_private = lappend(fdw_private, NIL);
/* FdwScanPrivateRemoteQuals */
fdw_private = lappend(fdw_private, remote_exprs);
/* FdwScanPrivateParamList */
fdw_private = lappend(fdw_private, params_list);
if (IS_JOIN_REL(foreignrel))
fdw_private = lappend(fdw_private, makeString(fpinfo->relation_name->data));
* Create the ForeignScan node for the given relation.
* Note that the remote parameter expressions are stored in the fdw_exprs
* field of the finished plan node; we can't keep them in private state
* because then they wouldn't be subject to later planner processing.
return make_foreignscan(tlist, local_exprs, scan_relid, params_list, fdw_private, EXEC_ON_DATANODES);
* gcBeginForeignScan
* Initiate an executor scan of a foreign openGauss table.
static void gcBeginForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node, int eflags)
ForeignScan* fsplan = (ForeignScan*)node->;
EState* estate = node->;
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = NULL;
RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;
ForeignTable* table = NULL;
int rtindex;
int numParams;
* Do nothing in EXPLAIN (no ANALYZE) case. node->fdw_state stays NULL.
* We'll save private state in node->fdw_state.
fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)palloc0(sizeof(GcFdwScanState));
node->fdw_state = (void*)fsstate;
* Identify which user to do the remote access as. This should match what
* ExecCheckRTEPerms() does. In case of a join or aggregate, use the
* lowest-numbered member RTE as a representative; we would get the same
* result from any.
Assert(fsplan->scan.scanrelid > 0);
rtindex = fsplan->scan.scanrelid;
rte = rt_fetch(rtindex, estate->es_range_table);
/* Get info about foreign table. */
table = GetForeignTable(rte->relid);
/* Get private info created by planner functions. */
fsstate->query = strVal(list_nth(fsplan->fdw_private, FdwScanPrivateSelectSql));
fsstate->retrieved_attrs = (List*)list_nth(fsplan->fdw_private, FdwScanPrivateRetrievedAttrs);
fsstate->fetch_size = intVal(list_nth(fsplan->fdw_private, FdwScanPrivateFetchSize));
fsstate->remoteinfo = (PgFdwRemoteInfo*)list_nth(fsplan->fdw_private, FdwScanPrivateRemoteInfo);
/* Create contexts for batches of tuples and per-tuple temp workspace. */
fsstate->batch_cxt = AllocSetContextCreate(estate->es_query_cxt,
"gc_fdw tuple data",
fsstate->temp_cxt = AllocSetContextCreate(t_thrd.mem_cxt.msg_mem_cxt,
"gc_fdw temporary data",
* Get info we'll need for converting data fetched from the foreign server
* into local representation and error reporting during that process.
List* agg_result_tlist = (List*)list_nth(fsplan->fdw_private, FdwScanPrivateAggResultTargetlist);
if (NIL == agg_result_tlist) /* remote sql without agg func */
fsstate->rel = node->ss.ss_currentRelation;
fsstate->tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(fsstate->rel);
TupleDesc scan_desc = CreateTemplateTupleDesc(list_length(fsstate->retrieved_attrs), false);
TupleTableSlot* slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
for (int i = 0; i < list_length(fsstate->retrieved_attrs); i++) {
int attidx = list_nth_int(fsstate->retrieved_attrs, i);
Form_pg_attribute attr = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->attrs[attidx - 1];
const char* attname = (const char*)(attr->;
TupleDescInitEntry(scan_desc, i + 1, attname, attr->atttypid, attr->atttypmod, 0);
fsstate->scanSlot = MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(scan_desc);
fsstate->resultSlot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
} else /* remote sql with agg func */
fsstate->hasagg = true;
TupleDesc resultDesc = ExecTypeFromTL(agg_result_tlist, false);
if (hasSpecialArrayType(resultDesc))
fsstate->has_array = true;
ExecAssignResultType(&node->, resultDesc);
node-> = NIL;
node-> = NULL;
if (true == fsstate->has_array) {
List* agg_scan_tlist = (List*)list_nth(fsplan->fdw_private, FdwScanPrivateAggScanTargetlist);
TupleDesc scanDesc = ExecTypeFromTL(agg_scan_tlist, false);
ExecSetSlotDescriptor(node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot, resultDesc);
fsstate->tupdesc = scanDesc;
fsstate->scanSlot = MakeSingleTupleTableSlot(scanDesc);
fsstate->resultSlot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
} else {
ExecSetSlotDescriptor(node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot, resultDesc);
fsstate->tupdesc = resultDesc;
fsstate->scanSlot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
fsstate->resultSlot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
fsstate->rel = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < fsstate->resultSlot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts; i++) {
fsstate->resultSlot->tts_isnull[i] = true;
fsstate->resultSlot->tts_isempty = false;
fsstate->scanSlot->tts_isempty = false;
fsstate->attinmeta = TupleDescGetAttInMetadata(fsstate->tupdesc);
* Prepare for processing of parameters used in remote query, if any.
numParams = list_length(fsplan->fdw_exprs);
fsstate->numParams = numParams;
if (numParams > 0) {
prepare_query_params((PlanState *)node,
/* get encoding */
fsstate->have_remote_encoding = gcfdw_get_table_encode(table, &fsstate->remote_encoding);
* Get connection to the foreign server. Connection manager will
* establish new connection if necessary.
fsstate->conn = GetConnection(
table->serverid, &fsstate->pgxc_handle, numParams > 0 ? true : false, fsstate->have_remote_encoding);
u_sess->pgxc_cxt.gc_fdw_run_version = gcfdw_send_and_fetch_version(fsstate->pgxc_handle);
fsstate->serverid = table->serverid;
/* Assign a unique ID for my cursor */
fsstate->cursor_number = GetCursorNumber(fsstate->conn);
fsstate->cursor_exists = false;
if (numParams > 0) {
fsstate->IterateForeignScan = gcIteratePBEForeignScan;
fsstate->VecIterateForeignScan = gcIteratePBEVecForeignScan;
fsstate->ReScanForeignScan = gcReScanPBEForeignScan;
} else {
fsstate->IterateForeignScan = gcIterateNormalForeignScan;
fsstate->VecIterateForeignScan = gcIterateNormalVecForeignScan;
fsstate->ReScanForeignScan = gcReScanNormalForeignScan;
/* get datanode information */
fsstate->num_datanode = fsstate->remoteinfo->datanodenum;
/* set datanode index */
/* send index and snapshot to remote */
* gcIterateForeignScan
* Retrieve next row from the result set, or clear tuple slot to indicate
* EOF.
static TupleTableSlot* gcIterateForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node)
errmsg("EXECUTE DIRECT cannot execute SELECT query with foreign table on coordinator")));
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
return fsstate->IterateForeignScan(node);
* postgresIteratelVecForeignScan
* Retrieve next VectorBatch from the result set.
static VectorBatch* gcIterateVecForeignScan(VecForeignScanState* node)
errmsg("Retrieve next vector batch is not supported for Foreign table.")));
return NULL;
* gcReScanForeignScan
* Restart the scan.
static void gcReScanForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node)
errmsg("EXECUTE DIRECT cannot execute SELECT query with foreign table on coordinator")));
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
return fsstate->ReScanForeignScan(node);
static void postgresConstructResultSlotWithArray(ForeignScanState* node)
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
ForeignScan* fsplan = (ForeignScan*)node->;
List* colmap = (List*)list_nth(fsplan->fdw_private, FdwScanPrivateAggColmap);
TupleTableSlot* resultSlot = fsstate->resultSlot;
TupleTableSlot* scanSlot = fsstate->scanSlot;
TupleDesc resultDesc = resultSlot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
long scanAttr, resultAttr, map;
for (scanAttr = 0, resultAttr = 0; resultAttr < resultDesc->natts; resultAttr++, scanAttr += map) {
Assert(list_length(colmap) == resultDesc->natts);
Oid typoid = resultDesc->attrs[resultAttr]->atttypid;
Value* val = (Value*)list_nth(colmap, resultAttr);
map = val->val.ival;
if (1 == map) /* other type */
resultSlot->tts_isnull[resultAttr] = scanSlot->tts_isnull[scanAttr];
resultSlot->tts_values[resultAttr] = scanSlot->tts_values[scanAttr];
} else /* array type*/
const int MAX_TRANSDATUMS = 6;
Datum transdatums[MAX_TRANSDATUMS];
ArrayType* result = NULL;
long attrnum, i;
if (map > MAX_TRANSDATUMS) {
ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATA_CORRUPTED), errmsg("colmap value is not correct.")));
if (INT8ARRAYOID == typoid) {
Assert(2 == map);
attrnum = scanAttr;
for (attrnum = scanAttr, i = 0; i < map; i++, attrnum++)
transdatums[i] = scanSlot->tts_isnull[attrnum] ? Int64GetDatum(0) : scanSlot->tts_values[attrnum];
result = construct_array(transdatums, map, INT8OID, 8, true, 's');
} else if (FLOAT4ARRAYOID == typoid) {
for (attrnum = scanAttr, i = 0; i < map; i++, attrnum++)
transdatums[i] =
scanSlot->tts_isnull[attrnum] ? Float4GetDatumFast(0) : scanSlot->tts_values[attrnum];
result = construct_array(transdatums, map, FLOAT8OID, sizeof(float8), FLOAT8PASSBYVAL, 'd');
} else if (FLOAT8ARRAYOID == typoid) {
for (attrnum = scanAttr, i = 0; i < map; i++, attrnum++)
transdatums[i] =
scanSlot->tts_isnull[attrnum] ? Float8GetDatumFast(0) : scanSlot->tts_values[attrnum];
result = construct_array(transdatums, map, FLOAT8OID, sizeof(float8), FLOAT8PASSBYVAL, 'd');
} else if (NUMERICARRAY == typoid) {
Datum d = Int64GetDatum(0);
for (attrnum = scanAttr, i = 0; i < map; i++, attrnum++)
transdatums[i] = scanSlot->tts_isnull[attrnum] ? DirectFunctionCall1(int8_numeric, d)
: scanSlot->tts_values[attrnum];
result = construct_array(transdatums, map, NUMERICOID, -1, false, 'i');
} else
ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH), errmsg("unsupport data type in agg pushdown.")));
resultSlot->tts_isnull[resultAttr] = false;
resultSlot->tts_values[resultAttr] = PointerGetDatum(result);
resultSlot->tts_nvalid = resultDesc->natts;
resultSlot->tts_isempty = false;
static void postgresMapResultFromScanSlot(ForeignScanState* node)
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
if (fsstate->hasagg == false) {
int j = 0;
ListCell* lc = NULL;
foreach (lc, fsstate->retrieved_attrs) {
int i = lfirst_int(lc);
fsstate->resultSlot->tts_isnull[i - 1] = fsstate->scanSlot->tts_isnull[j];
fsstate->resultSlot->tts_values[i - 1] = fsstate->scanSlot->tts_values[j];
fsstate->resultSlot->tts_nvalid = fsstate->resultSlot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts;
} else {
if (false == fsstate->has_array) {
// do nothing
} else {
* postgresNormalIterateForeignScan
* Retrieve next row from the result set, or clear tuple slot to indicate
* EOF.
static TupleTableSlot* gcIterateNormalForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node)
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
/* reset tupleslot on the begin */
fsstate->resultSlot->tts_isempty = false;
TupleTableSlot* slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
* If this is the first call after Begin or ReScan, we need to create the
* cursor on the remote side.
if (!fsstate->cursor_exists) {
AutoContextSwitch memGuard(fsstate->batch_cxt);
fsstate->cursor_exists = true;
if (GcFdwCanSkip(fsstate)) {
return ExecClearTuple(slot);
fsstate->num_tuples = 0;
pgfdw_send_query(fsstate->pgxc_handle, fsstate->query, &fsstate->remotestate);
MemoryContext oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(fsstate->temp_cxt);
if (!PgfdwGetTuples(fsstate->pgxc_handle->dn_conn_count,
fsstate->scanSlot)) {
fsstate->eof_reached = true;
return NULL;
return fsstate->resultSlot;
* gcIteratePBEForeignScan
* Retrieve next row from the result set, or clear tuple slot to indicate
* EOF.
static TupleTableSlot* gcIteratePBEForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node)
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
TupleTableSlot* slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
* If this is the first call after Begin or ReScan, we need to create the
* cursor on the remote side.
if (!fsstate->cursor_exists) {
if (GcFdwCanSkip(fsstate)) {
return ExecClearTuple(slot);
* Get some more tuples, if we've run out.
if (fsstate->next_tuple >= fsstate->num_tuples) {
/* No point in another fetch if we already detected EOF, though. */
if (!fsstate->eof_reached) {
/* If we didn't get any tuples, must be end of data. */
if (fsstate->next_tuple >= fsstate->num_tuples) {
return ExecClearTuple(slot);
HeapTuple tuple = fsstate->tuples[fsstate->next_tuple++];
if (fsstate->hasagg && fsstate->has_array) {
MemoryContext old = CurrentMemoryContext;
TupleDesc scanDesc = fsstate->scanSlot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
TupleDesc resultDesc = fsstate->resultSlot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
heap_deform_tuple(tuple, scanDesc, fsstate->scanSlot->tts_values, fsstate->scanSlot->tts_isnull);
tuple = heap_form_tuple(resultDesc, fsstate->resultSlot->tts_values, fsstate->resultSlot->tts_isnull);
* Return the next tuple.
(void)ExecStoreTuple(tuple, slot, InvalidBuffer, false);
return slot;
* gcIterateNormalVecForeignScan
* Retrieve next VectorBatch from the result set.
static VectorBatch* gcIterateNormalVecForeignScan(VecForeignScanState* node)
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
TupleTableSlot* slot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;
VectorBatch* batch = node->m_pScanBatch;
Datum* values = node->m_values;
bool* nulls = node->m_nulls;
MemoryContext scanMcxt = node->scanMcxt;
MemoryContext oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(fsstate->temp_cxt);
* If this is the first call after Begin or ReScan, we need to create the
* cursor on the remote side.
if (!fsstate->cursor_exists) {
AutoContextSwitch memGuard(fsstate->batch_cxt);
fsstate->cursor_exists = true;
if (GcFdwCanSkip(fsstate)) {
return NULL;
fsstate->num_tuples = 0;
pgfdw_send_query(fsstate->pgxc_handle, fsstate->query, &fsstate->remotestate);
oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(scanMcxt);
/* init vectorbatch */
/* get vectorbatch from tuple */
for (batch->m_rows = 0; batch->m_rows < BatchMaxSize; batch->m_rows++) {
for (int i = 0; i < slot->tts_tupleDescriptor->natts; i++) {
slot->tts_isnull[i] = true;
if (!PgfdwGetTuples(fsstate->pgxc_handle->dn_conn_count,
fsstate->scanSlot)) {
fsstate->eof_reached = true;
values = fsstate->resultSlot->tts_values;
nulls = fsstate->resultSlot->tts_isnull;
int rows = batch->m_rows;
for (int i = 0; i < batch->m_cols; i++) {
ScalarVector* vec = &(batch->m_arr[i]);
if (nulls[i]) {
if (vec->m_desc.encoded)
vec->AddVar(values[i], rows);
vec->m_vals[rows] = values[i];
if (fsstate->next_tuple >= fsstate->num_tuples) {
return batch;
* gcIteratePBEVecForeignScan
* Retrieve next VectorBatch from the result set.
static VectorBatch* gcIteratePBEVecForeignScan(VecForeignScanState* node)
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
VectorBatch* batch = node->m_pScanBatch;
Datum* values = node->m_values;
bool* nulls = node->m_nulls;
MemoryContext scanMcxt = node->scanMcxt;
TupleDesc tupdesc = fsstate->tupdesc;
MemoryContext oldMemoryContext = NULL;
* If this is the first call after Begin or ReScan, we need to create the
* cursor on the remote side.
if (!fsstate->cursor_exists) {
if (GcFdwCanSkip(fsstate)) {
return NULL;
* Get some more tuples, if we've run out.
if (fsstate->next_tuple >= fsstate->num_tuples) {
/* No point in another fetch if we already detected EOF, though. */
if (!fsstate->eof_reached)
/* If we didn't get any tuples, must be end of data. */
if (fsstate->next_tuple >= fsstate->num_tuples) {
return NULL;
oldMemoryContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(scanMcxt);
/* init vectorbatch */
/* get vectorbatch from tuple */
for (batch->m_rows = 0; batch->m_rows < BatchMaxSize; batch->m_rows++) {
HeapTuple tuple = fsstate->tuples[fsstate->next_tuple];
if (fsstate->hasagg && fsstate->has_array) {
TupleDesc scanDesc = fsstate->scanSlot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
TupleDesc resultDesc = fsstate->resultSlot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
heap_deform_tuple(tuple, scanDesc, fsstate->scanSlot->tts_values, fsstate->scanSlot->tts_isnull);
tuple = heap_form_tuple(resultDesc, fsstate->resultSlot->tts_values, fsstate->resultSlot->tts_isnull);
heap_deform_tuple(tuple, tupdesc, values, nulls);
int rows = batch->m_rows;
for (int i = 0; i < batch->m_cols; i++) {
ScalarVector* vec = &(batch->m_arr[i]);
if (nulls[i]) {
if (vec->m_desc.encoded)
vec->AddVar(values[i], rows);
vec->m_vals[rows] = values[i];
if (fsstate->next_tuple >= fsstate->num_tuples) {
return batch;
* gcReScanNormalForeignScan
* Restart the scan.
static void gcReScanNormalForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node)
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
/* If we haven't created the cursor yet, nothing to do. */
if (!fsstate->cursor_exists)
fsstate->cursor_exists = false;
// recontected
DirectReleaseConnection(fsstate->conn, fsstate->pgxc_handle, false);
fsstate->conn = GetConnection(fsstate->serverid, &fsstate->pgxc_handle, false, fsstate->have_remote_encoding);
/* Now force a fresh FETCH. */
fsstate->tuples = NULL;
fsstate->num_tuples = 0;
fsstate->next_tuple = 0;
fsstate->eof_reached = false;
* gcReScanPBEForeignScan
* Restart the scan.
static void gcReScanPBEForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node)
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
char sql[64] = {0};
PGresult* res = NULL;
/* If we haven't created the cursor yet, nothing to do. */
if (!fsstate->cursor_exists)
fsstate->cursor_exists = false;
errno_t rc = snprintf_s(sql, sizeof(sql), sizeof(sql) - 1, "CLOSE c%u", fsstate->cursor_number);
securec_check_ss(rc, "", "");
// recontected
DirectReleaseConnection(fsstate->conn, fsstate->pgxc_handle, true);
fsstate->conn = GetConnection(fsstate->serverid, &fsstate->pgxc_handle, true, fsstate->have_remote_encoding);
* We don't use a PG_TRY block here, so be careful not to throw error
* without releasing the PGresult.
res = pgfdw_exec_query(fsstate->conn, sql);
if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
pgfdw_report_error(ERROR, res, fsstate->conn, true, sql);
/* Now force a fresh FETCH. */
fsstate->tuples = NULL;
fsstate->num_tuples = 0;
fsstate->next_tuple = 0;
fsstate->eof_reached = false;
* gcEndForeignScan
* Finish scanning foreign table and dispose objects used for this scan
static void gcEndForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node)
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
/* if fsstate is NULL, we are in EXPLAIN; nothing to do */
if (fsstate == NULL)
/* Close the cursor if open, to prevent accumulation of cursors */
if (fsstate->cursor_exists && fsstate->numParams > 0) {
close_cursor(fsstate->conn, fsstate->cursor_number);
DirectReleaseConnection(fsstate->conn, fsstate->pgxc_handle, true);
} else {
DirectReleaseConnection(fsstate->conn, fsstate->pgxc_handle, false);
/* MemoryContexts will be deleted automatically. */
* gcExplainForeignScan
* Produce extra output for EXPLAIN of a ForeignScan on a foreign table
static void gcExplainForeignScan(ForeignScanState* node, ExplainState* es)
List* fdw_private = NIL;
char* sql = NULL;
fdw_private = ((ForeignScan*)node->>fdw_private;
* Add remote query, when VERBOSE option is specified.
if (es->verbose) {
sql = strVal(list_nth(fdw_private, FdwScanPrivateSelectSql));
if (t_thrd.explain_cxt.explain_perf_mode != EXPLAIN_NORMAL && es->planinfo->m_verboseInfo) {
appendStringInfoSpaces(es->planinfo->m_verboseInfo->info_str, 8);
appendStringInfo(es->planinfo->m_verboseInfo->info_str, "Remote SQL: %s\n", sql);
} else {
ExplainPropertyText("Remote SQL", sql, es);
static void GetJoinRelCostInfo(
const GcFdwRelationInfo *fpinfo, double retrieved_rows, PlannerInfo *root, Cost *startup_cost, Cost *run_cost)
GcFdwRelationInfo *fpinfo_i = NULL;
GcFdwRelationInfo *fpinfo_o = NULL;
QualCost join_cost;
QualCost remote_conds_cost;
double nrows;
/* For join we expect inner and outer relations set */
Assert(fpinfo->innerrel && fpinfo->outerrel);
fpinfo_i = (GcFdwRelationInfo *)fpinfo->innerrel->fdw_private;
fpinfo_o = (GcFdwRelationInfo *)fpinfo->outerrel->fdw_private;
/* Estimate of number of rows in cross product */
nrows = fpinfo_i->rows * fpinfo_o->rows;
/* Clamp retrieved rows estimate to at most size of cross product */
retrieved_rows = Min(retrieved_rows, nrows);
* The cost of foreign join is estimated as cost of generating
* rows for the joining relations + cost for applying quals on the
* rows.
/* Calculate the cost of clauses pushed down to the foreign server */
cost_qual_eval(&remote_conds_cost, fpinfo->remote_conds, root);
/* Calculate the cost of applying join clauses */
cost_qual_eval(&join_cost, fpinfo->joinclauses, root);
* Startup cost includes startup cost of joining relations and the
* startup cost for join and other clauses. We do not include the
* startup cost specific to join strategy (e.g. setting up hash
* tables) since we do not know what strategy the foreign server
* is going to use.
*startup_cost = fpinfo_i->rel_startup_cost + fpinfo_o->rel_startup_cost;
*startup_cost += join_cost.startup;
*startup_cost += remote_conds_cost.startup;
*startup_cost += fpinfo->local_conds_cost.startup;
* Run time cost includes:
* 1. Run time cost (total_cost - startup_cost) of relations being
* joined
* 2. Run time cost of applying join clauses on the cross product
* of the joining relations.
* 3. Run time cost of applying pushed down other clauses on the
* result of join
* 4. Run time cost of applying nonpushable other clauses locally
* on the result fetched from the foreign server.
*run_cost = fpinfo_i->rel_total_cost - fpinfo_i->rel_startup_cost;
*run_cost += fpinfo_o->rel_total_cost - fpinfo_o->rel_startup_cost;
*run_cost += nrows * join_cost.per_tuple;
nrows = clamp_row_est(nrows * fpinfo->joinclause_sel);
*run_cost += nrows * remote_conds_cost.per_tuple;
*run_cost += fpinfo->local_conds_cost.per_tuple * retrieved_rows;
* gc_estimate_path_cost_size
* Get cost and size estimates for a foreign scan on given foreign relation
* either a base relation or a join between foreign relations or an upper
* relation containing foreign relations.
* param_join_conds are the parameterization clauses with outer relations.
* pathkeys specify the expected sort order if any for given path being costed.
* The function returns the cost and size estimates in p_row, p_width,
* p_startup_cost and p_total_cost variables.
static void gc_estimate_path_cost_size(PlannerInfo* root, RelOptInfo* foreignrel, List* param_join_conds,
List* pathkeys, double* p_rows, int* p_width, Cost* p_startup_cost, Cost* p_total_cost)
GcFdwRelationInfo* fpinfo = (GcFdwRelationInfo*)foreignrel->fdw_private;
double rows;
double retrieved_rows;
int width;
Cost startup_cost;
Cost total_cost;
Cost cpu_per_tuple;
* estimate rows using whatever statistics we have locally, in a way
* similar to ordinary tables.
Cost run_cost = 0;
* We don't support join conditions in this mode (hence, no
* parameterized paths can be made).
Assert(param_join_conds == NIL);
* Use rows/width estimates made by set_baserel_size_estimates() for
* base foreign relations and set_joinrel_size_estimates() for join
* between foreign relations.
rows = foreignrel->rows;
width = foreignrel->width;
/* Back into an estimate of the number of retrieved rows. */
retrieved_rows = clamp_row_est(rows / fpinfo->local_conds_sel);
* We will come here again and again with different set of pathkeys
* that caller wants to cost. We don't need to calculate the cost of
* bare scan each time. Instead, use the costs if we have cached them
* already.
if (fpinfo->rel_startup_cost > 0 && fpinfo->rel_total_cost > 0) {
startup_cost = fpinfo->rel_startup_cost;
run_cost = fpinfo->rel_total_cost - fpinfo->rel_startup_cost;
} else if (IS_JOIN_REL(foreignrel)) {
GetJoinRelCostInfo(fpinfo, retrieved_rows, root, &startup_cost, &run_cost);
} else {
/* Clamp retrieved rows estimates to at most foreignrel->tuples. */
retrieved_rows = Min(retrieved_rows, foreignrel->tuples);
* Cost as though this were a seqscan, which is pessimistic. We
* effectively imagine the local_conds are being evaluated
* remotely, too.
startup_cost = 0;
run_cost = 0;
run_cost += u_sess->attr.attr_sql.seq_page_cost * foreignrel->pages;
startup_cost += foreignrel->baserestrictcost.startup;
cpu_per_tuple = u_sess->attr.attr_sql.cpu_tuple_cost + foreignrel->baserestrictcost.per_tuple;
run_cost += cpu_per_tuple * foreignrel->tuples;
* Without remote estimates, we have no real way to estimate the cost
* of generating sorted output. It could be free if the query plan
* the remote side would have chosen generates properly-sorted output
* anyway, but in most cases it will cost something. Estimate a value
* high enough that we won't pick the sorted path when the ordering
* isn't locally useful, but low enough that we'll err on the side of
* pushing down the ORDER BY clause when it's useful to do so.
if (pathkeys != NIL) {
total_cost = startup_cost + run_cost;
* Cache the costs for scans without any pathkeys or parameterization
* before adding the costs for transferring data from the foreign server.
* These costs are useful for costing the join between this relation and
* another foreign relation or to calculate the costs of paths with
* pathkeys for this relation, when the costs can not be obtained from the
* foreign server. This function will be called at least once for every
* foreign relation without pathkeys and parameterization.
if (pathkeys == NIL && param_join_conds == NIL) {
fpinfo->rel_startup_cost = startup_cost;
fpinfo->rel_total_cost = total_cost;
* Add some additional cost factors to account for connection overhead
* (fdw_startup_cost), transferring data across the network
* (fdw_tuple_cost per retrieved row), and local manipulation of the data
* (cpu_tuple_cost per retrieved row).
startup_cost += fpinfo->fdw_startup_cost;
total_cost += fpinfo->fdw_startup_cost;
total_cost += fpinfo->fdw_tuple_cost * retrieved_rows;
total_cost += u_sess->attr.attr_sql.cpu_tuple_cost * retrieved_rows;
/* Return results. */
*p_rows = rows;
*p_width = width;
*p_startup_cost = startup_cost;
*p_total_cost = total_cost;
* Create cursor for node's query with current parameter values.
static void create_cursor(ForeignScanState* node)
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
ExprContext* econtext = node->;
int numParams = fsstate->numParams;
const char** values = fsstate->param_values;
PGconn* conn = fsstate->conn;
StringInfoData buf;
PGresult* res = NULL;
* Construct array of query parameter values in text format. We do the
* conversions in the short-lived per-tuple context, so as not to cause a
* memory leak over repeated scans.
if (numParams > 0) {
MemoryContext oldcontext = NULL;
oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(econtext->ecxt_per_tuple_memory);
process_query_params(econtext, fsstate->param_flinfo, fsstate->param_exprs, values);
/* Construct the DECLARE CURSOR command */
appendStringInfo(&buf, "DECLARE c%u CURSOR FOR\n%s", fsstate->cursor_number, fsstate->query);
* Notice that we pass NULL for paramTypes, thus forcing the remote server
* to infer types for all parameters. Since we explicitly cast every
* parameter (see deparse.c), the "inference" is trivial and will produce
* the desired result. This allows us to avoid assuming that the remote
* server has the same OIDs we do for the parameters' types.
res = PQexecParams(conn,, numParams, NULL, values, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (res == NULL) {
pgfdw_report_error(ERROR, NULL, conn, false,;
* Get the result, and check for success.
* We don't use a PG_TRY block here, so be careful not to throw error
* without releasing the PGresult.
if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
pgfdw_report_error(ERROR, res, conn, true, fsstate->query);
/* Mark the cursor as created, and show no tuples have been retrieved */
fsstate->cursor_exists = true;
fsstate->tuples = NULL;
fsstate->num_tuples = 0;
fsstate->next_tuple = 0;
fsstate->eof_reached = false;
/* Clean up */
* Fetch some more rows from the node's cursor.
static void fetch_more_data(ForeignScanState* node)
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
PGresult* volatile res = NULL;
MemoryContext oldcontext = NULL;
* We'll store the tuples in the batch_cxt. First, flush the previous
* batch.
fsstate->tuples = NULL;
oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(fsstate->batch_cxt);
/* PGresult must be released before leaving this function. */
PGconn* conn = fsstate->conn;
char sql[64] = {0};
int numrows;
int i;
errno_t rc = snprintf_s(
sql, sizeof(sql), sizeof(sql) - 1, "FETCH %d FROM c%u", fsstate->fetch_size, fsstate->cursor_number);
securec_check_ss(rc, "", "");
res = pgfdw_exec_query(conn, sql);
/* On error, report the original query, not the FETCH. */
if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
pgfdw_report_error(ERROR, res, conn, false, fsstate->query);
/* Convert the data into HeapTuples */
numrows = PQntuples(res);
if (numrows == 0) {
fsstate->tuples = NULL;
} else {
fsstate->tuples = (HeapTuple*)palloc0(numrows * sizeof(HeapTuple));
fsstate->num_tuples = numrows;
fsstate->next_tuple = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numrows; i++) {
Assert(IsA(node->, ForeignScan) || IsA(node->, VecForeignScan));
if (!fsstate->hasagg) {
fsstate->tuples[i] = make_tuple_from_result_row(
res, i, fsstate->rel, fsstate->attinmeta, fsstate->retrieved_attrs, node, fsstate->temp_cxt);
} else {
fsstate->tuples[i] = make_tuple_from_agg_result(
res, i, fsstate->rel, fsstate->attinmeta, fsstate->retrieved_attrs, node, fsstate->temp_cxt);
/* Must be EOF if we didn't get as many tuples as we asked for. */
fsstate->eof_reached = (numrows < fsstate->fetch_size);
res = NULL;
if (res != NULL) {
* Fetch remote version
void pgfdw_fetch_remote_version(PGconn* conn)
PGresult* volatile res = NULL;
/* PGresult must be released before leaving this function. */
char sql[64] = {0};
int numrows;
int result_count = 0;
errno_t rc =
snprintf_s(sql, sizeof(sql), sizeof(sql) - 1, "SELECT count(1) FROM pg_extension WHERE extname='gc_fdw';");
securec_check_ss(rc, "", "");
res = pgfdw_exec_query(conn, sql);
/* On error, report the original query, not the FETCH. */
if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
pgfdw_report_error(ERROR, res, conn, false, NULL);
/* Convert the data into HeapTuples */
numrows = PQntuples(res);
result_count = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0));
if (result_count <= 0) {
ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_NO_DATA_FOUND), errmsg("gc_fdw: the remote vesion is not match.")));
res = NULL;
if (res != NULL)
* Fetch remote version.
static int gcfdw_send_and_fetch_version(PGXCNodeAllHandles* pgxc_handles)
StringInfoData retbuf;
pq_sendint(&retbuf, GCFDW_VERSION, 4);
PgFdwRemoteSender(pgxc_handles,, retbuf.len, PGFDW_GET_VERSION);
int version = 0;
PgFdwRemoteReceiver(pgxc_handles, &version, sizeof(PgFdwRemoteInfo));
Assert(version >= GCFDW_VERSION_V1R8C10);
pfree(; = NULL;
return version;
* Fetch remote table information.
static void gcfdw_fetch_remote_table_info(
PGXCNodeAllHandles* pgxc_handles, ForeignTable* table, void* remote_info, PgFdwMessageTag tag)
const char* nspname = NULL;
const char* relname = NULL;
ListCell* lc = NULL;
* Use value of FDW options if any, instead of the name of object itself.
foreach (lc, table->options) {
DefElem* def = (DefElem*)lfirst(lc);
if (strcmp(def->defname, "schema_name") == 0)
nspname = defGetString(def);
else if (strcmp(def->defname, "table_name") == 0)
relname = defGetString(def);
Relation rel = heap_open(table->relid, AccessShareLock);
if (nspname == NULL)
nspname = get_namespace_name(RelationGetNamespace(rel));
if (relname == NULL)
relname = RelationGetRelationName(rel);
Assert(nspname != NULL && relname != NULL);
int nsplen = strlen(nspname);
int rellen = strlen(relname);
* write scheme name and table name.
StringInfoData retbuf;
pq_sendint(&retbuf, nsplen, 1);
pq_sendbytes(&retbuf, nspname, nsplen);
pq_sendint(&retbuf, rellen, 1);
pq_sendbytes(&retbuf, relname, rellen);
* write column name and column type name.
TupleDesc tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
int att_name_len;
int type_name_len;
char* type_name = NULL;
pq_sendint(&retbuf, tupdesc->natts, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < tupdesc->natts; i++) {
att_name_len = strlen(tupdesc->attrs[i]->;
pq_sendint(&retbuf, att_name_len, 4);
pq_sendbytes(&retbuf, tupdesc->attrs[i]->, att_name_len);
Assert(InvalidOid != tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypid);
type_name = get_typename(tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypid);
type_name_len = strlen(type_name);
pq_sendint(&retbuf, type_name_len, 4);
pq_sendbytes(&retbuf, type_name, type_name_len);
pq_sendint(&retbuf, tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypmod, 4);
relation_close(rel, AccessShareLock);
PgFdwRemoteSender(pgxc_handles,, retbuf.len, tag);
if (tag == PGFDW_GET_TABLE_INFO) {
PgFdwRemoteInfo* info = (PgFdwRemoteInfo*)remote_info;
PgFdwRemoteReceiver(pgxc_handles, info, sizeof(PgFdwRemoteInfo));
} else /* For analyze */
PGFDWTableAnalyze* info = (PGFDWTableAnalyze*)remote_info;
PgFdwRemoteReceiver(pgxc_handles, info, sizeof(PGFDWTableAnalyze));
pfree(; = NULL;
* get foreign table encode from option
static bool gcfdw_get_table_encode(ForeignTable* table, int* remote_encoding)
bool have_remote_encoding = false;
ListCell* lc = NULL;
DefElem* def = NULL;
foreach (lc, table->options) {
def = (DefElem*)lfirst(lc);
if (strcmp(def->defname, "encoding") == 0) {
*remote_encoding = pg_char_to_encoding(defGetString(def));
if (*remote_encoding == -1) {
(errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT), errmsg("%s is not a valid encoding name", defGetString(def))));
have_remote_encoding = true;
return have_remote_encoding;
* Send remote encode information.
static void gcfdw_send_remote_encode(PGXCNodeAllHandles* pgxc_handles, int remote_encoding)
StringInfoData retbuf;
pq_sendint(&retbuf, GetDatabaseEncoding(), 4);
pq_sendint(&retbuf, remote_encoding, 4);
PgFdwRemoteSender(pgxc_handles,, retbuf.len, PGFDW_GET_ENCODE);
PgFdwRemoteReceiver(pgxc_handles, NULL, 0);
pfree(; = NULL;
* Send remote query param.
static void gcfdw_send_remote_query_param(GcFdwScanState* fsstate)
if (u_sess->pgxc_cxt.gc_fdw_run_version >= GCFDW_VERSION_V1R8C10_1 && fsstate->have_remote_encoding == true) {
gcfdw_send_remote_encode(fsstate->pgxc_handle, fsstate->remote_encoding);
StringInfoData retbuf;
pq_sendint(&retbuf, fsstate->current_idx, 4);
pq_sendint(&retbuf, fsstate->cycle_idx, 4);
PgFdwSendSnapshot(&retbuf, fsstate->remoteinfo->snapshot, fsstate->remoteinfo->snapsize);
PgFdwRemoteSender(fsstate->pgxc_handle,, retbuf.len, PGFDW_QUERY_PARAM);
PgFdwRemoteReceiver(fsstate->pgxc_handle, NULL, 0);
pfree(; = NULL;
* Get datanode idx.
static void gcfdw_get_datanode_idx(ForeignScanState* node)
Plan* fsplan = node->;
GcFdwScanState* fsstate = (GcFdwScanState*)node->fdw_state;
fsstate->max_idx = fsstate->num_datanode;
fsstate->cycle_idx = list_length(fsplan->exec_nodes->nodeList) * SET_DOP(fsplan->dop);
fsstate->current_idx = 0;
bool found = false;
ListCell* lc = NULL;
foreach (lc, fsplan->exec_nodes->nodeList) {
if (lfirst_int(lc) == u_sess->pgxc_cxt.PGXCNodeId) {
found = true;
if (found) {
fsstate->current_idx =
u_sess->stream_cxt.smp_id * list_length(fsplan->exec_nodes->nodeList) + fsstate->current_idx;
} else {
fsstate->current_idx = -1;
} else {
fsstate->max_idx = 1;
fsstate->cycle_idx = 1;
fsstate->current_idx = 0;
Assert(fsstate->current_idx < fsstate->cycle_idx);
* Force assorted GUC parameters to settings that ensure that we'll output
* data values in a form that is unambiguous to the remote server.
* This is rather expensive and annoying to do once per row, but there's
* little choice if we want to be sure values are transmitted accurately;
* we can't leave the settings in place between rows for fear of affecting
* user-visible computations.
* We use the equivalent of a function SET option to allow the settings to
* persist only until the caller calls reset_transmission_modes(). If an
* error is thrown in between, guc.c will take care of undoing the settings.
* The return value is the nestlevel that must be passed to
* reset_transmission_modes() to undo things.
int set_transmission_modes(void)
int nestlevel = NewGUCNestLevel();
* The values set here should match what pg_dump does. See also
* configure_remote_session in connection.c.
if (u_sess->time_cxt.DateStyle != USE_ISO_DATES)
(void)set_config_option("datestyle", "ISO", PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SAVE, true, 0, false);
if (u_sess->attr.attr_common.IntervalStyle != INTSTYLE_POSTGRES)
"intervalstyle", "postgres", PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SAVE, true, 0, false);
if (u_sess->attr.attr_common.extra_float_digits < 3)
(void)set_config_option("extra_float_digits", "3", PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SAVE, true, 0, false);
return nestlevel;
* Undo the effects of set_transmission_modes().
void reset_transmission_modes(int nestlevel)
AtEOXact_GUC(true, nestlevel);
* Utility routine to close a cursor.
static void close_cursor(PGconn* conn, unsigned int cursor_number)
char sql[64] = {0};
PGresult* res = NULL;
errno_t rc = snprintf_s(sql, sizeof(sql), sizeof(sql) - 1, "CLOSE c%u", cursor_number);
securec_check_ss(rc, "", "");
* We don't use a PG_TRY block here, so be careful not to throw error
* without releasing the PGresult.
res = pgfdw_exec_query(conn, sql);
if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
pgfdw_report_error(ERROR, res, conn, true, sql);
* Prepare for processing of parameters used in remote query.
static void prepare_query_params(PlanState* node, List* fdw_exprs, int numParams, FmgrInfo** param_flinfo,
List** param_exprs, const char*** param_values)
int i = 0;
ListCell* lc = NULL;
Assert(numParams > 0);
/* Prepare for output conversion of parameters used in remote query. */
*param_flinfo = (FmgrInfo *)palloc0(sizeof(FmgrInfo) * numParams);
foreach (lc, fdw_exprs) {
Node *param_expr = (Node *)lfirst(lc);
Oid typefnoid = InvalidOid;
bool isvarlena = false;
getTypeOutputInfo(exprType(param_expr), &typefnoid, &isvarlena);
fmgr_info(typefnoid, &(*param_flinfo)[i]);
* Prepare remote-parameter expressions for evaluation. (Note: in
* practice, we expect that all these expressions will be just Params, so
* we could possibly do something more efficient than using the full
* expression-eval machinery for this. But probably there would be little
* benefit, and it'd require gc_fdw to know more than is desirable
* about Param evaluation.)
*param_exprs = (List *)ExecInitExpr((Expr *)fdw_exprs, node);
/* Allocate buffer for text form of query parameters. */
*param_values = (const char **)palloc0(numParams * sizeof(char *));
* Construct array of query parameter values in text format.
static void process_query_params(
ExprContext* econtext, FmgrInfo* param_flinfo, List* param_exprs, const char** param_values)
int i = 0;
ListCell* lc = NULL;
int nestlevel = set_transmission_modes();
foreach (lc, param_exprs) {
ExprState *expr_state = (ExprState *)lfirst(lc);
Datum expr_value;
bool isNull = false;
/* Evaluate the parameter expression */
expr_value = ExecEvalExpr(expr_state, econtext, &isNull, NULL);
* Get string representation of each parameter value by invoking
* type-specific output function, unless the value is null.
if (isNull) {
param_values[i] = NULL;
} else {
param_values[i] = OutputFunctionCall(&param_flinfo[i], expr_value);
* gcAnalyzeForeignTable
* Test whether analyzing this foreign table is supported
static bool gcAnalyzeForeignTable(Relation relation, AcquireSampleRowsFunc* func, BlockNumber* totalpages,
void* additionalData, bool estimate_table_rownum)
PGFDWTableAnalyze* info = (PGFDWTableAnalyze*)additionalData;
Oid relid = info->relid;
ForeignTable* table = GetForeignTable(relid);
int remote_encoding;
bool have_remote_encoding = gcfdw_get_table_encode(table, &remote_encoding);
(void)GetConnection(table->serverid, &info->pgxc_handles, false, have_remote_encoding);
u_sess->pgxc_cxt.gc_fdw_run_version = gcfdw_send_and_fetch_version(info->pgxc_handles);
if (u_sess->pgxc_cxt.gc_fdw_run_version >= GCFDW_VERSION_V1R8C10_1 && have_remote_encoding == true) {
gcfdw_send_remote_encode(info->pgxc_handles, remote_encoding);
gcfdw_fetch_remote_table_info(info->pgxc_handles, table, info, PGFDW_ANALYZE_TABLE);
return true;
* Create a tuple from the specified row of the PGresult.
* rel is the local representation of the foreign table, attinmeta is
* conversion data for the rel's tupdesc, and retrieved_attrs is an
* integer list of the table column numbers present in the PGresult.
* temp_context is a working context that can be reset after each tuple.
static HeapTuple make_tuple_from_result_row(PGresult* res, int row, Relation rel, AttInMetadata* attinmeta,
List* retrieved_attrs, ForeignScanState* fsstate, MemoryContext temp_context)
HeapTuple tuple = NULL;
TupleDesc tupdesc = NULL;
Datum* values = NULL;
bool* nulls = NULL;
ItemPointer ctid = NULL;
Oid oid = InvalidOid;
ConversionLocation errpos;
ErrorContextCallback errcallback;
MemoryContext oldcontext = NULL;
ListCell* lc = NULL;
int j = 0;
Assert(row < PQntuples(res));
* Do the following work in a temp context that we reset after each tuple.
* This cleans up not only the data we have direct access to, but any
* cruft the I/O functions might leak.
oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(temp_context);
if (rel) {
tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
} else {
GcFdwScanState *fdw_sstate = NULL;
Assert(fsstate != NULL);
fdw_sstate = (GcFdwScanState *)fsstate->fdw_state;
tupdesc = fdw_sstate->tupdesc;
values = (Datum*)palloc0(tupdesc->natts * sizeof(Datum));
nulls = (bool*)palloc(tupdesc->natts * sizeof(bool));
/* Initialize to nulls for any columns not present in result */
errno_t rc = memset_s(nulls, tupdesc->natts * sizeof(bool), true, tupdesc->natts * sizeof(bool));
securec_check(rc, "\0", "\0");
* Set up and install callback to report where conversion error occurs.
errpos.rel = rel;
errpos.cur_attno = 0;
errpos.fsstate = fsstate;
errcallback.callback = conversion_error_callback;
errcallback.arg = (void*)&errpos;
errcallback.previous = t_thrd.log_cxt.error_context_stack;
t_thrd.log_cxt.error_context_stack = &errcallback;
* i indexes columns in the relation, j indexes columns in the PGresult.
foreach (lc, retrieved_attrs) {
int i = lfirst_int(lc);
char* valstr = NULL;
/* fetch next column's textual value */
if (PQgetisnull(res, row, j)) {
valstr = NULL;
} else {
valstr = PQgetvalue(res, row, j);
* convert value to internal representation
* Note: we ignore system columns other than ctid and oid in result
errpos.cur_attno = i;
if (i > 0) {
/* ordinary column */
Assert(i <= tupdesc->natts);
if (valstr == NULL) {
nulls[i - 1] = true;
} else {
nulls[i - 1] = false;
/* Apply the input function even to nulls, to support domains */
values[i - 1] = InputFunctionCall(
&attinmeta->attinfuncs[i - 1], valstr, attinmeta->attioparams[i - 1], attinmeta->atttypmods[i - 1]);
} else if (i == SelfItemPointerAttributeNumber) {
/* ctid */
if (valstr != NULL) {
Datum datum = DirectFunctionCall1(tidin, CStringGetDatum(valstr));
ctid = (ItemPointer)DatumGetPointer(datum);
} else if (i == ObjectIdAttributeNumber) {
/* oid */
if (valstr != NULL) {
Datum datum = DirectFunctionCall1(oidin, CStringGetDatum(valstr));
oid = DatumGetObjectId(datum);
errpos.cur_attno = 0;
/* Uninstall error context callback. */
t_thrd.log_cxt.error_context_stack = errcallback.previous;
* Check we got the expected number of columns. Note: j == 0 and
* PQnfields == 1 is expected, since deparse emits a NULL if no columns.
if (j > 0 && j != PQnfields(res))
errmsg("remote query result does not match the foreign table")));
* Build the result tuple in caller's memory context.
tuple = heap_form_tuple(tupdesc, values, nulls);
* If we have a CTID to return, install it in both t_self and t_ctid.
* t_self is the normal place, but if the tuple is converted to a
* composite Datum, t_self will be lost; setting t_ctid allows CTID to be
* preserved during EvalPlanQual re-evaluations (see ROW_MARK_COPY code).
if (ctid)
tuple->t_self = tuple->t_data->t_ctid = *ctid;
* Stomp on the xmin, xmax, and cmin fields from the tuple created by
* heap_form_tuple. heap_form_tuple actually creates the tuple with
* DatumTupleFields, not HeapTupleFields, but the executor expects
* HeapTupleFields and will happily extract system columns on that
* assumption. If we don't do this then, for example, the tuple length
* ends up in the xmin field, which isn't what we want.
* If we have an OID to return, install it.
if (OidIsValid(oid))
HeapTupleSetOid(tuple, oid);
/* Clean up */
return tuple;
static HeapTuple make_tuple_from_agg_result(PGresult* res, int row, Relation rel, AttInMetadata* attinmeta,
List* retrieved_attrs, ForeignScanState* fsstate, MemoryContext temp_context)
HeapTuple tuple = NULL;
TupleDesc tupdesc = NULL;
Datum* values = NULL;
bool* nulls = NULL;
MemoryContext oldcontext = NULL;
int j = 0;
Assert(row < PQntuples(res));
* Do the following work in a temp context that we reset after each tuple.
* This cleans up not only the data we have direct access to, but any
* cruft the I/O functions might leak.
oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(temp_context);
GcFdwScanState *fdw_sstate = NULL;
Assert(fsstate != NULL);
fdw_sstate = (GcFdwScanState *)fsstate->fdw_state;
tupdesc = fdw_sstate->tupdesc;
values = (Datum *)palloc0(tupdesc->natts * sizeof(Datum));
nulls = (bool *)palloc(tupdesc->natts * sizeof(bool));
/* Initialize to nulls for any columns not present in result */
errno_t rc = memset_s(nulls, tupdesc->natts * sizeof(bool), true, tupdesc->natts * sizeof(bool));
securec_check(rc, "\0", "\0");
* i indexes columns in the relation, j indexes columns in the PGresult.
for (int i = 1; i <= tupdesc->natts; i++) {
char *valstr = NULL;
/* fetch next column's textual value */
if (PQgetisnull(res, row, j)) {
valstr = NULL;
} else {
valstr = PQgetvalue(res, row, j);
nulls[i - 1] = (valstr == NULL);
/* Apply the input function even to nulls, to support domains */
values[i - 1] = InputFunctionCall(
&attinmeta->attinfuncs[i - 1], valstr, attinmeta->attioparams[i - 1], attinmeta->atttypmods[i - 1]);
* Check we got the expected number of columns. Note: j == 0 and
* PQnfields == 1 is expected, since deparse emits a NULL if no columns.
if (j > 0 && j != PQnfields(res))
errmsg("remote query result does not match the foreign table")));
* Build the result tuple in caller's memory context.
tuple = heap_form_tuple(tupdesc, values, nulls);
* Stomp on the xmin, xmax, and cmin fields from the tuple created by
* heap_form_tuple. heap_form_tuple actually creates the tuple with
* DatumTupleFields, not HeapTupleFields, but the executor expects
* HeapTupleFields and will happily extract system columns on that
* assumption. If we don't do this then, for example, the tuple length
* ends up in the xmin field, which isn't what we want.
/* Clean up */
return tuple;
* Callback function which is called when error occurs during column value
* conversion. Print names of column and relation.
static void conversion_error_callback(void *arg)
const char *attname = NULL;
const char *relname = NULL;
bool is_wholerow = false;
ConversionLocation *errpos = (ConversionLocation *)arg;
if (errpos->rel) {
/* error occurred in a scan against a foreign table */
TupleDesc tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(errpos->rel);
if (errpos->cur_attno > 0 && errpos->cur_attno <= tupdesc->natts) {
attname = NameStr(tupdesc->attrs[errpos->cur_attno - 1]->attname);
} else if (errpos->cur_attno == SelfItemPointerAttributeNumber) {
attname = "ctid";
} else if (errpos->cur_attno == ObjectIdAttributeNumber) {
attname = "oid";
relname = RelationGetRelationName(errpos->rel);
} else {
/* error occurred in a scan against a foreign join */
errcontext("processing expression at position %d in select list", errpos->cur_attno);
if (relname != NULL) {
if (is_wholerow) {
errcontext("whole-row reference to foreign table \"%s\"", relname);
} else if (attname != NULL) {
errcontext("column \"%s\" of foreign table \"%s\"", attname, relname);
* Find an equivalence class member expression, all of whose Vars, come from
* the indicated relation.
extern Expr* find_em_expr_for_rel(EquivalenceClass* ec, RelOptInfo* rel)
ListCell* lc_em = NULL;
foreach (lc_em, ec->ec_members) {
EquivalenceMember* em = (EquivalenceMember*)lfirst(lc_em);
if (bms_is_subset(em->em_relids, rel->relids)) {
* If there is more than one equivalence member whose Vars are
* taken entirely from this relation, we'll be content to choose
* any one of those.
return em->em_expr;
/* We didn't find any suitable equivalence class expression */
return NULL;
* gcValidateTableDef
* Check create/alter foreign table
static void gcValidateTableDef(Node* Obj)
if (NULL == Obj)
switch (nodeTag(Obj)) {
case T_AlterTableStmt: {
List* cmds = ((AlterTableStmt*)Obj)->cmds;
ListCell* lcmd = NULL;
foreach (lcmd, cmds) {
AlterTableCmd* cmd = (AlterTableCmd*)lfirst(lcmd);
if (cmd->subtype != AT_AlterColumnType && cmd->subtype != AT_GenericOptions &&
cmd->subtype != AT_AlterColumnGenericOptions && cmd->subtype != AT_ChangeOwner &&
cmd->subtype != AT_AddNodeList && cmd->subtype != AT_DeleteNodeList &&
cmd->subtype != AT_UpdateSliceLike) {
errmsg("Un-support feature"),
errdetail("target table is a foreign table")));
if (cmd->subtype == AT_GenericOptions && nodeTag(cmd->def) == T_List) {
List* defs = (List*)cmd->def;
ListCell* lc = NULL;
foreach (lc, defs) {
DefElem* def = (DefElem*)lfirst(lc);
if (def->defaction == DEFELEM_ADD || def->defaction == DEFELEM_DROP) {
errmsg("Un-support feature"),
errdetail("target table is a foreign table")));
case T_CreateForeignTableStmt: {
DistributeBy* DisByOp = ((CreateStmt*)Obj)->distributeby;
/* Start a node by isRestoreMode when adding a node, do not regist distributeby
* info for pgxc_class. So distributeby clause is not needed.
if (IS_PGXC_COORDINATOR && !isRestoreMode) {
if (NULL == DisByOp) {
errmsg("Need DISTRIBUTE BY clause for the foreign table.")));
if (DISTTYPE_ROUNDROBIN != DisByOp->disttype) {
errmsg("Unsupport distribute type."),
errdetail("Supported option values are \"roundrobin\".")));
if (((CreateForeignTableStmt*)Obj)->part_state) {
/* as for gc_fdw foreign table, unsupport parition table. */
errmsg("The gc_fdw partition foreign table is not supported.")));
/*if the error_relation exists for a gc_fdw foreign table ,the warning reminds that it is not support*/
if (((CreateForeignTableStmt*)Obj)->error_relation != NULL &&
IsA(((CreateForeignTableStmt*)Obj)->error_relation, RangeVar)) {
errmsg("The error_relation of the foreign table is not support.")));
/* check write only */
if (((CreateForeignTableStmt*)Obj)->write_only) {
errmsg("Unsupport write only.")));
/* check optLogRemote and optRejectLimit */
if (CheckForeignExtOption(((CreateForeignTableStmt*)Obj)->extOptions, optLogRemote)) {
errmsg("The REMOTE LOG of gc_fdw foreign table is not support.")));
if (CheckForeignExtOption(((CreateForeignTableStmt*)Obj)->extOptions, optRejectLimit)) {
errmsg("The PER NODE REJECT LIMIT of gc_fdw foreign table is not support.")));
errmsg("unrecognized node type: %d", (int)nodeTag(Obj))));
* @Description: check log_remote and reject_limit of extOption
* @IN OptList: The foreign table option list.
* @Return: true if log_remote or reject_limit, false for other
* @See also:
static bool CheckForeignExtOption(List* extOptList, const char* str)
bool CheckExtOption = false;
ListCell* cell = NULL;
foreach (cell, extOptList) {
DefElem* Opt = (DefElem*)lfirst(cell);
if (0 == pg_strcasecmp(Opt->defname, str)) {
CheckExtOption = true;
return CheckExtOption;
static bool GcFdwCanSkip(GcFdwScanState* fsstate)
if (fsstate->current_idx == -1 || fsstate->current_idx >= fsstate->max_idx) {
return true;
if (fsstate->remoteinfo->reltype == LOCATOR_TYPE_REPLICATED && fsstate->current_idx != 0) {
return true;
return false;
static void GcFdwCopyRemoteInfo(PgFdwRemoteInfo* new_remote_info, PgFdwRemoteInfo* ori_remote_info)
new_remote_info->reltype = ori_remote_info->reltype;
new_remote_info->datanodenum = ori_remote_info->datanodenum;
errno_t rc = memcpy_s((char*)new_remote_info->snapshot,
if (rc != 0) {
securec_check_c(rc, "\0", "\0");
bool hasSpecialArrayType(TupleDesc desc)
for (int i = 0; i < desc->natts; i++) {
Oid typoid = desc->attrs[i]->atttypid;
if (INT8ARRAYOID == typoid || FLOAT8ARRAYOID == typoid || FLOAT4ARRAYOID == typoid || NUMERICARRAY == typoid) {
return true;
return false;
// end of file