Fix vacuum GPI bug

Offering: openGaussDev

More detail: Fix vacuum GPI bug

This commit is contained in:
openGaussDev 2022-03-01 17:11:13 +08:00 committed by yanghao
parent 266cfad0fc
commit 9dd8fb38e7
2 changed files with 91 additions and 146 deletions

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@ -130,7 +130,8 @@ static void DropEmptyPartitionDirectories(Oid relid);
static THR_LOCAL BufferAccessStrategy vac_strategy;
static THR_LOCAL int elevel = -1;
static void UstoreVacuumGPIPartition(Oid relid, Relation rel);
static void UstoreVacuumMainPartitionGPIs(Relation onerel, const VacuumStmt* vacstmt,
LOCKMODE lockmode, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy);
static void vac_truncate_clog(TransactionId frozenXID, MultiXactId frozenMulti);
static bool vacuum_rel(Oid relid, VacuumStmt* vacstmt, bool do_toast);
@ -2436,13 +2437,13 @@ static bool vacuum_rel(Oid relid, VacuumStmt* vacstmt, bool do_toast)
* relation.
bool isUstoreGPI = RelationIsUstoreIndex(onerel) && RelationIsGlobalIndex(onerel);
bool isPartitionedUHeap = RelationIsUstoreFormat(onerel) && RelationIsPartitioned(onerel);
if (onerel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
!(RelationIsForeignTable(onerel) && isMOTFromTblOid(onerel->rd_id)) &&
onerel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_MATVIEW &&
onerel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_TOASTVALUE && !isUstoreGPI) {
onerel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_TOASTVALUE && !isPartitionedUHeap) {
if (vacstmt->options & VACOPT_VERBOSE)
messageLevel = VERBOSEMESSAGE;
@ -2755,16 +2756,16 @@ static bool vacuum_rel(Oid relid, VacuumStmt* vacstmt, bool do_toast)
} else if (vacuumMainPartition((uint32)(vacstmt->flags))) {
pgstat_report_waitstatus_relname(STATE_VACUUM, get_nsp_relname(relid));
GPIVacuumMainPartition(onerel, vacstmt, lmode, vac_strategy);
CBIVacuumMainPartition(onerel, vacstmt, lmode, vac_strategy);
if (isPartitionedUHeap) {
UstoreVacuumMainPartitionGPIs(onerel, vacstmt, lmode, vac_strategy);
} else {
GPIVacuumMainPartition(onerel, vacstmt, lmode, vac_strategy);
CBIVacuumMainPartition(onerel, vacstmt, lmode, vac_strategy);
pgstat_report_vacuum(relid, InvalidOid, false, 0);
} else {
pgstat_report_waitstatus_relname(STATE_VACUUM, get_nsp_relname(relid));
if (isUstoreGPI) {
UstoreVacuumGPIPartition(relid, onerel);
} else {
TableRelationVacuum(onerel, vacstmt, vac_strategy);
TableRelationVacuum(onerel, vacstmt, vac_strategy);
@ -4406,99 +4407,73 @@ static void GPIOpenGlobalIndexes(Relation onerel, LOCKMODE lockmode, int* nindex
static void UstoreVacuumGPIPartition(Oid relid, Relation rel)
static void UstoreVacuumMainPartitionGPIs(Relation onerel, const VacuumStmt* vacstmt,
LOCKMODE lockmode, BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy)
ScanKeyData skey[2];
/* Open pg_index to find out the relation owning current GPI. */
Relation pgIndex = heap_open(IndexRelationId, AccessShareLock);
ScanKeyInit(&skey[0], Anum_pg_index_indexrelid, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid));
SysScanDesc scanIndexes = systable_beginscan(pgIndex, IndexRelidIndexId, true, NULL, 1, skey);
HeapTuple indexTuple = systable_getnext(scanIndexes);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple)) {
heap_close(pgIndex, NoLock);
OidRBTree* invisibleParts = CreateOidRBTree();
Oid parentOid = RelationGetRelid(onerel);
if (vacstmt->options & VACOPT_VERBOSE) {
} else {
elevel = DEBUG2;
/* Get the Oid of relation. */
Form_pg_index indexTupleForm = (Form_pg_index)GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);
Oid indexOfRelOid = indexTupleForm->indrelid;
heap_close(pgIndex, NoLock);
/* Here we first get the main partition of the relation, and then check its
* wait_cleanup_gpi flag is 'y' or 'n':
* 1. If wait_cleanup_gpi=y, which means we need to vacuum the GPI.
* 2. If wait_cleanup_gpi=n, which means we do not need to vacuum the GPI.
Relation pgPartition = heap_open(PartitionRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
ScanKeyInit(&skey[0], Anum_pg_partition_parttype, BTEqualStrategyNumber,
ScanKeyInit(&skey[1], Anum_pg_partition_parentid, BTEqualStrategyNumber,
F_OIDEQ, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexOfRelOid));
SysScanDesc scanParts = systable_beginscan(pgPartition, PartitionParentOidIndexId,
true, NULL, 2, skey);
HeapTuple partTuple = systable_getnext(scanParts);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(partTuple)) {
heap_close(pgPartition, NoLock);
Form_pg_partition partTupleForm = (Form_pg_partition)GETSTRUCT(partTuple);
partTuple = SearchSysCache3(PARTPARTOID, PointerGetDatum(partTupleForm->,
CharGetDatum(PART_OBJ_TYPE_PARTED_TABLE), ObjectIdGetDatum(indexOfRelOid));
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(partTuple)) {
errmsg("cache lookup failed for partition %u", indexOfRelOid)));
/* Use PartitionInvisibleMetadataKeep to judge the wait_cleanup_gpi flag. */
bool isNull = false;
Datum partOptions = fastgetattr(partTuple, Anum_pg_partition_reloptions,
RelationGetDescr(pgPartition), &isNull);
if (isNull || !PartitionInvisibleMetadataKeep(partOptions)) {
heap_close(pgPartition, NoLock);
/* Find out the invisible parts of the relation. */
OidRBTree *invisibleParts = CreateOidRBTree();
if (ConditionalLockPartition(indexOfRelOid, ADD_PARTITION_ACTION, AccessShareLock, PARTITION_SEQUENCE_LOCK)) {
PartitionGetAllInvisibleParts(indexOfRelOid, &invisibleParts);
UnlockPartition(indexOfRelOid, ADD_PARTITION_ACTION, AccessShareLock, PARTITION_SEQUENCE_LOCK);
/* Get invisable parts */
if (ConditionalLockPartition(parentOid, ADD_PARTITION_ACTION, AccessShareLock, PARTITION_SEQUENCE_LOCK)) {
PartitionGetAllInvisibleParts(parentOid, &invisibleParts);
UnlockPartition(parentOid, ADD_PARTITION_ACTION, AccessShareLock, PARTITION_SEQUENCE_LOCK);
/* In rbtree, rb_leftmost will return NULL if rbtree is empty. */
if (rb_leftmost(invisibleParts) == NULL) {
heap_close(pgPartition, NoLock);
/* Start the cleanup process and collect the info needed */
IndexVacuumInfo ivinfo;
ivinfo.index = rel;
ivinfo.analyze_only = false;
ivinfo.estimated_count = false;
ivinfo.message_level = elevel;
ivinfo.num_heap_tuples = -1;
ivinfo.strategy = vac_strategy;
ivinfo.invisibleParts = invisibleParts;
/* Cleanup process of index */
index_vacuum_cleanup(&ivinfo, NULL);
OidRBTree *cleanedParts = CreateOidRBTree();
vac_strategy = bstrategy;
/* Open all global indexes of the main partition */
Relation* iRel = NULL;
int nIndexes;
GPIOpenGlobalIndexes(onerel, lockmode, &nIndexes, &iRel);
Relation classRel = heap_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
for (int i = 0; i < nIndexes; i++) {
/* Start the cleanup process and collect the info needed */
IndexVacuumInfo ivinfo;
ivinfo.index = iRel[i];
ivinfo.analyze_only = false;
ivinfo.estimated_count = false;
ivinfo.message_level = elevel;
ivinfo.num_heap_tuples = -1;
ivinfo.strategy = vac_strategy;
ivinfo.invisibleParts = invisibleParts;
/* Cleanup process of index */
index_bulk_delete(&ivinfo, NULL, NULL, NULL);
index_close(iRel[i], lockmode);
heap_close(classRel, RowExclusiveLock);
* Before clearing the global partition index of a partition table,
* acquire a AccessShareLock on ADD_PARTITION_ACTION, and make sure that the interval partition
* creation process will not be performed concurrently.
OidRBTree* cleanedParts = CreateOidRBTree();
OidRBTreeUnionOids(cleanedParts, invisibleParts);
if (ConditionalLockPartition(indexOfRelOid, ADD_PARTITION_ACTION, AccessShareLock, PARTITION_SEQUENCE_LOCK)) {
PartitionSetEnabledClean(indexOfRelOid, cleanedParts, invisibleParts, true);
UnlockPartition(indexOfRelOid, ADD_PARTITION_ACTION, AccessShareLock, PARTITION_SEQUENCE_LOCK);
if (ConditionalLockPartition(parentOid, ADD_PARTITION_ACTION, AccessShareLock, PARTITION_SEQUENCE_LOCK)) {
PartitionSetEnabledClean(parentOid, cleanedParts, invisibleParts, true);
UnlockPartition(parentOid, ADD_PARTITION_ACTION, AccessShareLock, PARTITION_SEQUENCE_LOCK);
} else {
/* Updates reloptions of cleanedParts in pg_partition after GPI vacuum is executed */
PartitionSetEnabledClean(indexOfRelOid, cleanedParts, invisibleParts, false);
PartitionSetEnabledClean(parentOid, cleanedParts, invisibleParts, false);
/* Set wait_cleanup_gpi=n after we finish the vacuum cleanup. */
UpdateWaitCleanGpiRelOptions(pgPartition, partTuple, false, true);
heap_close(pgPartition, NoLock);
// vacuum main partition table to delete invisible tuple in global partition index

View File

@ -2070,6 +2070,25 @@ static void do_autovacuum(void)
/* Here we skipped relation_support_autoavac() and relation_needs_vacanalyze() checks
* for Ustore partitioned tables
bytea *rawRelopts = extractRelOptions(tuple, pg_class_desc, InvalidOid);
if (rawRelopts != NULL && RelationIsTableAccessMethodUStoreType(rawRelopts) &&
isPartitionedRelation(classForm)) {
vacObj = (vacuum_object*)palloc(sizeof(vacuum_object));
vacObj->tab_oid = relid;
vacObj->parent_oid = InvalidOid;
vacObj->dovacuum = true;
vacObj->dovacuum_toast = false;
vacObj->doanalyze = false;
vacObj->need_freeze = false;
vacObj->is_internal_relation = false;
table_oids = lappend(table_oids, vacObj);
/* Fetch reloptions for this table */
relopts = extract_autovac_opts(tuple, pg_class_desc);
@ -2176,7 +2195,6 @@ static void do_autovacuum(void)
DEBUG_MOD_STOP_TIMER(MOD_AUTOVAC, "AUTOVAC TIMER: Scan pg_class to determine which tables to vacuum");
@ -2277,7 +2295,6 @@ static void do_autovacuum(void)
/* Close the pg_partition */
heap_close(partRel, AccessShareLock);
@ -2376,51 +2393,9 @@ static void do_autovacuum(void)
DEBUG_MOD_STOP_TIMER(MOD_AUTOVAC, "AUTOVAC TIMER: Scan pg_class to determine which toast tables to vacuum");
/* On the fourth pass: check USTORE GPI tables */
ScanKeyInit(&key[0], Anum_pg_class_relkind, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_CHAREQ, CharGetDatum(RELKIND_GLOBAL_INDEX));
relScan = tableam_scan_begin(classRel, SnapshotNow, 1, &key[0]);
while ((tuple = (HeapTuple)tableam_scan_getnexttuple(relScan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL) {
Form_pg_class classForm = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
Oid relid = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);
AutoVacOpts *relopts = NULL;
* We cannot safely process other backends' temp tables, so skip them.
if (classForm->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP ||
classForm->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_GLOBAL_TEMP)
/* only UBTree supports vacuum independently */
if (classForm->relam != UBTREE_AM_OID) {
/* fetch reloptions */
relopts = extract_autovac_opts(tuple, pg_class_desc);
/* only UBTree supports vacuum, and enabled will be set true */
if (relopts == NULL || !relopts->enabled) {
/* we skipped relation_support_autoavac() and relation_needs_vacanalyze() checks here */
vacObj = (vacuum_object*)palloc(sizeof(vacuum_object));
vacObj->tab_oid = relid;
vacObj->parent_oid = InvalidOid;
vacObj->dovacuum = true;
vacObj->dovacuum_toast = false;
vacObj->doanalyze = false;
vacObj->need_freeze = false;
vacObj->is_internal_relation = false;
/* VACFLG_MAIN_PARTITION makes no sense when vacuuming UBTree */
vacObj->flags = VACFLG_SIMPLE_HEAP; /* ignore this flag as we will not use it,
* and to be safe we can use VACFLG_SIMPLE_HEAP.
table_oids = lappend(table_oids, vacObj);
heap_close(classRel, AccessShareLock);
DEBUG_MOD_STOP_TIMER(MOD_AUTOVAC, "AUTOVAC TIMER: Scan pg_class to determine which UBTree tables to vacuum");
DEBUG_MOD_STOP_TIMER(MOD_AUTOVAC, "AUTOVAC TIMER: Scan pg_class to determine which toast tables to vacuum");
* Create one buffer access strategy object per buffer pool for VACUUM to use.
@ -2754,8 +2729,7 @@ AutoVacOpts* extract_autovac_opts(HeapTuple tup, TupleDesc pg_class_desc)
Assert(((Form_pg_class)GETSTRUCT(tup))->relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||
((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tup))->relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW ||
((Form_pg_class)GETSTRUCT(tup))->relkind == RELKIND_TOASTVALUE ||
((Form_pg_class)GETSTRUCT(tup))->relkind == RELKIND_GLOBAL_INDEX);
((Form_pg_class)GETSTRUCT(tup))->relkind == RELKIND_TOASTVALUE);
relopts = extractRelOptions(tup, pg_class_desc, InvalidOid);
if (relopts == NULL)
@ -2765,15 +2739,9 @@ AutoVacOpts* extract_autovac_opts(HeapTuple tup, TupleDesc pg_class_desc)
rc = memcpy_s(av, sizeof(AutoVacOpts), &(((StdRdOptions*)relopts)->autovacuum), sizeof(AutoVacOpts));
securec_check(rc, "\0", "\0");
/* autovacuum for ustore table is disabled */
/* autovacuum for ustore unpartitioned table is disabled */
if (RelationIsTableAccessMethodUStoreType(relopts)) {
av->enabled = false;
/* force set av->enabled in ustore's GPI */
if ((((Form_pg_class)GETSTRUCT(tup))->relkind == RELKIND_GLOBAL_INDEX) &&
RelationIsTableAccessMethodUStoreType(relopts)) {
av->enabled = true;
av->enabled = isPartitionedRelation((Form_pg_class)GETSTRUCT(tup));
@ -2898,8 +2866,10 @@ static autovac_table* table_recheck_autovac(
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(classTup))
return NULL;
classForm = (Form_pg_class)GETSTRUCT(classTup);
/* this is UBTree, use another bypass */
if (classForm->relam == UBTREE_AM_OID) {
bytea *rawRelopts = extractRelOptions(classTup, pg_class_desc, InvalidOid);
/* this is Ustore partitioned table, use another bypass */
if (rawRelopts != NULL && RelationIsTableAccessMethodUStoreType(rawRelopts) &&
isPartitionedRelation(classForm)) {
avopts = extract_autovac_opts(classTup, pg_class_desc);
tab = calculate_vacuum_cost_and_freezeages(avopts, false, false);
if (tab != NULL) {