#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'domain_name' require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' options = OpenStruct.new options.sort = true options.file = "accelerated-domains.china.conf" options.add = [] options.delete = [] OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "dnsmasq-china-list updater" opts.on("-s", "--[no-]sort", "Sort the list (default action)") do |s| options.sort = s end opts.on("-f", "--file FILE", "Specify the file to update (accelerated-domains.china.conf by default)") do |f| options.file = f end opts.on("-a", "--add domain1,domain2", Array, "Add domain(s) to the list (implies -s)") do |a| options.add = a options.sort = true end opts.on("-d", "--delete domain1,domain2", Array, "Remove domain(s) from the list (implies -s)") do |d| options.delete = d options.sort = true end end.parse! lines = File.readlines(options.file).filter { |line| !line.empty? } disabled_lines = lines.filter { |line| line.start_with?("#") } changed = false options.add.each do |domain| domain = DomainName.normalize(domain) new_line = "server=/#{domain}/\n" disabled_line = "#server=/#{domain}/" if lines.include? new_line puts "Domain already exists: #{domain}" else if disabled_lines.any? { |line| line.start_with? disabled_line } puts "Domain already disabled: #{domain}" else # Check for duplicates test_domain = domain while test_domain.include? '.' test_domain = test_domain.partition('.').last _new_line = "server=/#{test_domain}/\n" _disabled_line = "#server=/#{test_domain}/" if lines.include? _new_line puts "Redundant domain already exists: #{test_domain}" break elsif disabled_lines.any? { |line| line.start_with? _disabled_line } puts "Redundant domain already disabled: #{test_domain}" break end end next if test_domain.include? '.' puts "New domain added: #{domain}" lines << new_line changed = true end end end options.delete.each do |domain| domain = DomainName.normalize(domain) target_line = "server=/#{domain}/\n" unless lines.include? target_line puts "Failed to remove domain #{domain}: not found." else puts "Domain removed: #{domain}" lines.delete(target_line) changed = true end end fail "No changes made." if (options.add.length || options.delete.length) && !changed lines.sort_by! { |x| x.delete_prefix("#") } if options.sort File.write(options.file, lines.join)