name: Bug Report description: File a bug report labels: [ "bug " ] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: > ### This form is for bug reports only. Questions and feature requests are part of Discussions. Wrap text output and commands with triple backticks (```) for proper formatting. - id: zfsbootmenu_source type: dropdown attributes: label: ZFSBootMenu build source description: ZFSBootMenu build source (binary, local, etc) options: - "Release EFI" - "Release components" - "Recovery EFI" - "Recovery components" - "Local build, dracut" - "Local build, mkinitcpio" - "Container build, dracut" - "Container build, mkinitcpio" validations: required: true - id: zfsbootmenu_version type: input attributes: label: ZFSBootMenu version description: ZFSBootMenu version or commit sha placeholder: 2.3.0 validations: required: true - id: distribution type: input attributes: label: Boot environment distribution description: Relevant boot environment distribution placeholder: Void Linux - id: description type: textarea attributes: label: Problem description description: A clear and concise description of what the bug is placeholder: I hit enter and my computer hacked the Gibson validations: required: true - id: steps type: textarea attributes: label: Steps to reproduce description: Clear steps to reproduce the bug placeholder: | 1. Hit escape on main screen 2. Hit CTRL-H 3. Hack The Planet validations: required: true