zfsbootmenu-lib: show sort key where needed

When fzf supports a border label (>= 0.35.0), show the current sort key
that is being used to sort the list. This is only relevant on the main
BE selection screen and the Snapshot selection screen. If fzf does not
support a border label, fall back to legacy behavior of not showing the
value anywhere.
This commit is contained in:
Zach Dykstra 2023-09-09 19:09:41 -05:00
parent ff5956298a
commit 7045d1f36b
1 changed files with 57 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ global_header() {
# returns: 0 on successful selection, 1 if Esc was pressed, 130 if BE list is missing
draw_be() {
local env selected header expects kcl_text kcl_bind blank
local env selected header expects kcl_text kcl_bind blank sort_key preview_label
if [ -z "${env}" ]; then
@ -157,12 +157,17 @@ draw_be() {
^[CTRL+R] recovery shell
^[CTRL+H] help" )"
sort_key="$( get_sort_key )"
preview_label="Sorted by: ${sort_key^}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
if ! selected="$( ${FUZZYSEL} -0 --prompt "BE > " \
${expects} ${expects//alt-/ctrl-} ${expects//alt-/ctrl-alt-} \
${HAS_BORDER:+--border-label="$( global_header )"} \
${HAS_BORDER:+--preview-label-pos=2:bottom} \
${HAS_BORDER:+--preview-label="$( colorize orange " ${preview_label} " )"} \
--header="${header}" --preview-window="up:${PREVIEW_HEIGHT}${HAS_BORDER:+,border-sharp}" \
--preview="/libexec/zfsbootmenu-preview {} ${BOOTFS}" < "${env}" )"; then
return 1
@ -230,7 +235,7 @@ draw_kernel() {
# returns: 130 on error, 0 otherwise
draw_snapshots() {
local benv selected header expects sort_key snapshots
local benv selected header expects sort_key snapshots note sorted_by context
if [ -z "${benv}" ]; then
@ -239,8 +244,6 @@ draw_snapshots() {
zdebug "using boot environment: ${benv}"
sort_key="$( get_sort_key )"
header="$( column_wrap "\
^[RETURN] duplicate:[CTRL+C] clone only:[CTRL+X] clone and promote
^[CTRL+D] show diff:[CTRL+R] rollback:[CTRL+N] create new snapshot
@ -251,7 +254,54 @@ draw_snapshots() {
^[CTRL+D] show diff
^[CTRL+H] help" )"
context="Note: for diff viewer, use tab to select/deselect up to two items"
sort_key="$( get_sort_key )"
sorted_by="Sorted by: ${sort_key^}"
note="Note: for diff viewer, use tab to select/deselect up to two items"
if [ -n "${HAS_BORDER}" ] ; then
# Determine how much space should be between the 'sorted by' text and a centered note
# Remove 4 extra characters so that we can put a 1 character pad between strings and
# the horizontal box line
local spacer preview_offset
spacer=$(( ( ( COLUMNS - ${#note} ) / 2 ) - ${#sorted_by} - 4 ))
# preview_offset, if defined, controls the initial preview label text position
# refer to fzf documentation for the --preview-label-pos flag
# if spacer length is non-negative, everything fits
if [ "${spacer}" -gt 0 ]; then
printf -v spacer "%*s" "${spacer}" ""
# This is a unicode light solid line, U+2500
spacer="${spacer// /─}"
note="$( colorize orange "${note}" )"
sorted_by="$( colorize orange "${sorted_by}" )"
printf -v context " %s %s %s " "${sorted_by}" "${spacer}" "${note}"
# fall back to seeing if the note fits in the available columns
elif [ ${COLUMNS} -gt $(( ${#note} + 2 )) ]; then
printf -v context " %s " "$( colorize orange "${note}" )"
# very few screens will be narrower than this ...
elif [ ${COLUMNS} -gt $(( ${#sorted_by} +2 )) ]; then
printf -v context " %s " "$( colorize orange "${sorted_by}" )"
# this is a truly narrow screen, skip all preview label text
# when defined this controls passing an additional parameter to zfsbootmenu-preview
# as well as extending the preview window height by 1
# when undefined, it triggers adding 0 to the window height, leaving it as-is
@ -261,15 +311,6 @@ draw_snapshots() {
zdebug "snapshots: ${snapshots[*]}"
# when defined this controls passing an additional parameter to zfsbootmenu-preview
# as well as extending the preview window height by 1
# when undefined, it triggers added 0 to the window height, leaving it as-is
if [ -z "${HAS_BORDER}" ]; then
if ! selected="$(\
HELP_SECTION=snapshot-management ${FUZZYSEL} \
--prompt "Snapshot > " --header="${header}" --tac --multi 2 \
@ -278,8 +319,8 @@ draw_snapshots() {
--bind="alt-d:execute[ /libexec/zfsbootmenu-diff {+} ]${HAS_REFRESH:++refresh-preview}" \
--bind="ctrl-d:execute[ /libexec/zfsbootmenu-diff {+} ]${HAS_REFRESH:++refresh-preview}" \
--bind="ctrl-alt-d:execute[ /libexec/zfsbootmenu-diff {+} ]${HAS_REFRESH:++refresh-preview}" \
${HAS_BORDER:+--preview-label-pos=bottom} \
${HAS_BORDER:+--preview-label="$( colorize orange " ${context} " )"} \
${HAS_BORDER:+--preview-label-pos=${preview_offset:+${preview_offset}}bottom} \
${HAS_BORDER:+--preview-label="${context}"} \
--preview="/libexec/zfsbootmenu-preview ${benv} ${BOOTFS} ${LEGACY_CONTEXT:+\"${context}\"}" \
--preview-window="up:$(( PREVIEW_HEIGHT + ${LEGACY_CONTEXT:-0} ))${HAS_BORDER:+,border-sharp}" <<<"${snapshots}" )"