
43 lines
1.3 KiB

## Markdown Linter rules ##
# Linter rules doc:
# -
# Note:
# To comment out a single error:
# <!-- markdownlint-disable -->
# any violations you want
# <!-- markdownlint-restore -->
# To run the linter locally:
# 1. install the npm package:
# `npm install -g markdownlint-cli`
# 2. Then run it in the root of the repo with
# `markdownlint -c .github\linters\.markdown-lint.yml ./*.md`
# Rules by id #
MD004: false # Unordered list style
indent: 2 # Unordered list indentation
line_length: 400 # Line length 80 is far to short
MD024: false # Allow multiple headings with same content
punctuation: ".,;:!。,;:" # List of not allowed
MD029: false # Ordered list item prefix
MD033: false # Allow inline HTML
MD036: false # Emphasis used instead of a heading
MD040: false # Allow ``` blocks in md files with no language specified
# Rules by tags #
blank_lines: false # Error on blank lines