
240 lines
7.8 KiB

#requires -version 6.1
Scan source code and build a list of supported VT sequences.
Scan source code and build a list of supported VT sequences.
TODO: add more details
[parameter(ParameterSetName="file", mandatory)]
[switch]$Force, # for overwriting $OutFile if it exists
[switch]$NoLogo, # no logo in summary
[switch]$SummaryOnly, # no markdown generated
[switch]$Quiet, # no summary or logo
[string]$SolutionRoot = "..\..",
[string]$InterfacePath = $(join-path $solutionRoot "src\terminal\adapter\ITermDispatch.hpp"),
[string]$ConsoleAdapterPath = $(join-path $solutionRoot "src\terminal\adapter\adaptDispatch.hpp"),
[string]$TerminalAdapterPath = $(join-path $solutionRoot "src\cascadia\terminalcore\terminalDispatch.hpp")
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "stdout") {
Write-Verbose "Emitting markdown to STDOUT"
[semver]$myVer = "0.6-beta"
$sequences = import-csv ".\master-sequence-list.csv"
$base = @{}
$conhost = @{}
$terminal = @{}
$prefix = ""
$repo = ""
$conhostUrl = $ConsoleAdapterPath.TrimStart($SolutionRoot).replace("\", "/")
$terminalUrl = $TerminalAdapterPath.TrimStart($SolutionRoot).replace("\", "/")
function Read-SourceFiles {
# extract base interface
$baseScanner = [regex]'(?x)virtual\s\w+\s(?<method>\w+)(?s)[^;]+;(?-s).*?(?<seq>(?<=\/\/\s).+)'
$baseScanner.Matches(($src = get-content -raw $interfacePath)) | foreach-object {
$match = $_
#$line = (($src[0..$_.Index] -join "") -split "`n").Length
#$decl = $_.groups[0].value
$_.groups["seq"].value.split(",") | ForEach-Object {
$SCRIPT:base[$_.trim()] = $match.groups["method"].value
# match overrides of ITermDispatch
$scanner = [regex]'(?x)\s+\w+\s(?<method>\w+)(?s)[^;]+override;'
$scanner.Matches(($src = Get-Content -raw $consoleAdapterPath)) | ForEach-Object {
$line = (($src[0..$_.Index] -join "") -split "`n").Length
$SCRIPT:conhost[$_.groups["method"].value] = $line
$scanner.Matches(($src = Get-Content -raw $terminalAdapterPath)) | ForEach-Object {
$line = (($src[0..$_.Index] -join "") -split "`n").Length
#write-verbose $_.groups[0].value
$SCRIPT:terminal[$_.groups["method"].value] = $line
function Get-SequenceIndexMarkdown {
# "Sequence","Parent","Description","Origin","Heading","Subheading", "ImplementedBy", "ConsoleHost","Terminal"
$heading = $null
$subheading = $null
Emit markdown
- auto-generate TOC
# VT Function Support
## Table of Contents
* [Code Extension Functions](#code-extension-functions)
* [Control Coding](#control-coding)
* [Character Coding](#character-coding)
* [Graphic Character Sets](#graphic-character-sets)
* [Terminal Management Functions](#terminal-management-functions)
* [Identification, status, and Initialization](#identification-status-and-initialization)
* [Emulations](#emulations)
* [Set-Up](#set-up)
* [Display Coordinate System and Addressing](#display-coordinate-system-and-addressing)
* [Active Position and Cursor](#active-position-and-cursor)
* [Margins and Scrolling](#margins-and-scrolling)
* [Cursor Movement](#cursor-movement)
* [Horizontal Tabulation](#horizontal-tabulation)
* [Page Size and Arrangement](#page-size-and-arrangement)
* [Page Movement](#page-movement)
* [Status Display](#status-display)
* [Right to Left](#right-to-left)
* [Window Management](#window-management)
* [Visual Attributes and Renditions](#visual-attributes-and-renditions)
* [Line Renditions](#line-renditions)
* [Character Renditions](#character-renditions)
* [Audible Indicators](#audible-indicators)
* [Mode States](#mode-states)
* [ANSI](#ansi)
* [DEC Private](#dec-private)
* [Editing Functions](#editing-functions)
* [OLTP Features](#OLTP-features)
* [Rectangular Area Operations](#rectangular-area-operations)
* [Data Integrity](#data-integrity)
* [Macros](#macros)
* [Saving and Restoring Terminal State](#saving-and-restoring-terminal-state)
* [Cursor Save Buffer](#cursor-save-buffer)
* [Terminal State Interrogation](#terminal-state-interrogation)
* [Keyboard Processing Functions](#keyboard-processing-functions)
* [Soft Key Mapping (UDK)](#soft-key-mapping-UDK)
* [Soft Fonts (DRCS)](#soft-fonts-drcs)
* [Printing](#printing)
* [Terminal Communication and Synchronization](#terminal-communication-and-synchronization)
* [Text Locator Extension](#text-locator-extension)
* [Session Management Extension](#session-management-extension)
* [Documented Exceptions](#documented-exceptions)
$($sequences | ForEach-Object {
if ($method = $base[$_.sequence]) {
$_.ImplementedBy = $method
$_.ConsoleHost = $conhost[$method]
$_.Terminal = $terminal[$method]
# "Sequence","Associated","Description","Origin","Heading","Subheading", "ImplementedBy", "ConsoleHost","Terminal"
$c0 = "[$($_.Sequence)]($prefix$($_.sequence).html ""View page on"")"
$c1 = "$($_.description)"
$c2 = "$($_.origin)"
$c3 = $(if ($_.consolehost) {"[&#x2713;](${repo}/${conhostUrl}#L$($_.consolehost) ""View console host implementation"")"})
$c4 = $(if ($_.terminal) {"[&#x2713;](${repo}/${terminalUrl}#L$($_.terminal)} ""View windows terminal implementation"")"})
$shouldRenderHeader = $false
if ($heading -ne $_.heading) {
$heading = $_.heading
## $heading
$shouldRenderHeader = $true
if ($subheading -ne $_.subheading) {
$subheading = $_.subheading
### $subheading
$shouldRenderHeader = $true
if ($shouldRenderHeader) {
|Symbol|Function|Origin&nbsp;&#x1F5B3;|Console Host|Terminal|
Generated on $(get-date -DisplayHint DateTime)
function Show-Summary {
write-host "`n$(' '*7)Windows Terminal Sequencer v${myVer}"
if (-not $NoLogo.IsPresent) {
Get-Content .\windows-terminal-logo.ans | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_ }
$summary = @"
`e[1mSequence Support:`e[0m
`e[7m {0:000} `e[0m known in master-sequence-list.csv.
`e[7m {1:000} `e[0m common members in ITermDispatch base, of which:
`e[7m {2:000} `e[0m are implemented by ConsoleHost.
`e[7m {3:000} `e[0m are implemented by Windows Terminal.
"@ -f $sequences.Count, $base.count, $conhost.count, $terminal.Count
write-host $summary
Entry Point
if (-not $SummaryOnly.IsPresent) {
$markdown = Get-SequenceIndexMarkdown
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "file") {
# send to file and overwrite
$markdown | Out-File -FilePath $OutFile -Force:$Force.IsPresent -Encoding utf8NoBOM
} else {
# send to STDOUT
if (-not $Quiet.IsPresent) {
} else {
# summary only