
66 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
# This script takes a range of commits and generates
# a commit log with the git2git-excluded file changes
# filtered out.
# It also replaces GitHub issue numbers with GH-XXX so
# as to not confuse Git2Git or Azure DevOps.
# Community contributions are tagged with CC- so they
# can be detected later.
Function Test-MicrosoftPerson($email) {
Return $email -like "*"
# Replaces github PR numbers with GH-XXX or CC-XXX (community contribution)
# and issue numbers with GH-XXX
Function Mangle-CommitMessage($object) {
$Prefix = "GH-"
If (-Not (Test-MicrosoftPerson $object.Email)) {
$Prefix = "CC-"
$s = $object.Subject -Replace "\(#(\d+)\)", "(${Prefix}`$1)"
$s = $s -Replace "#(\d+)","GH-`$1"
Function Get-Git2GitIgnoresAsExcludes() {
$filters = (Get-Content (Join-Path (& git rev-parse --show-toplevel) consolegit2gitfilters.json) | ConvertFrom-Json)
$excludes = $filters.ContainsFilters | ? { $_ -Ne "/." } | % { $_ -Replace "^/","" }
$excludes += $filters.SuffixFilters | % { "**/*$_"; "*$_" }
$excludes += $filters.PrefixFilters | % { "**/$_*"; "$_*" }
$excludes | % { ":(top,exclude)$_" }
$Excludes = Get-Git2GitIgnoresAsExcludes
Write-Verbose "IGNORING: $Excludes"
$Entries = & git log $RevisionRange "--pretty=format:%an%x1C%ae%x1C%s" -- $Excludes |
ConvertFrom-CSV -Delimiter "`u{001C}" -Header Author,Email,Subject
Write-Verbose ("{0} unfiltered log entries" -f $Entries.Count)
$Grouped = $Entries | Group Email
$Grouped | % {
$e = $_.Group[0].Email
$p = $_.Group[0].Author
"$p ($($_.Group.Count))"
$_.Group | % {
If ($_.Subject -Imatch "^Merge") {
# Skip merge commits
$cm = Mangle-CommitMessage $_
"* $cm"