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@echo off
rem bcz - Clean and build the solution.
rem This is another script to help Microsoft developers feel at home working on the Terminal project.
rem Args:
rem dbg: manually build the solution in the Debug configuration. If omitted,
rem we'll use whatever the last configuration build was.
rem rel: manually build the solution in the Release configuration. If
rem omitted, we'll use whatever the last configuration build was.
rem no_clean: Don't clean before building. This is a much faster build
rem typically, but leaves artifacts from previous builds around, which
rem can lead to unexpected build failures.
rem exclusive: Only build the project in the cwd. If omitted, we'll try
rem building the entire solution instead.
if (%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%)==() (
set _MSBUILD_TARGET=Clean;Build
if (%1) == () goto :POST_ARGS_LOOP
if (%1) == (dbg) (
echo Manually building debug
if (%1) == (rel) (
echo Manually building release
set _LAST_BUILD_CONF=Release
if (%1) == (audit) (
echo Manually building audit mode
set _LAST_BUILD_CONF=AuditMode
if (%1) == (no_clean) (
if (%1) == (exclusive) (
if "%_EXCLUSIVE%" == "1" (
call :get_project
) else if (%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%) == (Debug) (
rem /p:AppxBundle=Never prevents us from building the appxbundle from the
rem commandline. We don't want to do this from a debug build, because it
rem takes ages, so disable it. if you want the appx, build release
rem Only do this check if we're doing a full solution build. If we're only
rem trying to build the appx, then we obviously want to build the appx.
echo Skipping building appx...
set _APPX_ARGS=/p:AppxBundle=false
) else (
echo Building Appx...
if "%_EXCLUSIVE%" == "1" (
if "%PROJECT_NAME%" == "" ( goto :eof ) else echo Building only %PROJECT_NAME%
if "%_SKIP_NUGET_RESTORE%" == "1" (
echo Skipped nuget restore
) else (
echo Performing nuget restore...
nuget.exe restore %OPENCON%\OpenConsole.sln
@rem /p:GenerateAppxPackageOnBuild=false will prevent us from building the whole .msix package when building the wapproj project.
set _BUILD_CMDLINE="%MSBUILD%" %OPENCON%\OpenConsole.sln /t:"%_MSBUILD_TARGET%" /m /p:Configuration=%_LAST_BUILD_CONF% /p:GenerateAppxPackageOnBuild=false /p:Platform=%ARCH% %_APPX_ARGS%
echo Starting build...
@rem start indeterminate progress in the taskbar
@rem this `<NUL set /p =` magic will output the text _without a newline_
<NUL set /p =]9;4;3
@rem capture the return value of msbuild, so we can return that as our return value.
set _build_result=%errorlevel%
if (%_build_result%) == (0) (
@rem clear the progress
<NUL set /p =]9;4
) else (
@rem set the taskbar to the error state, then sleep for 500ms, before clearing
@rem the progress state. This will "blink" the error state into the taskbar
<NUL set /p =]9;4;2;100
@rem this works to "sleep" the console for 500ms. `ping` can't wait for less
@rem than 500ms, and it will only wait if the target address _doesn't_ respond,
@rem hence why we're using 128., not 127.
ping -n 1 -w 500 > nul
<NUL set /p =]9;4
rem Cleanup unused variables here. Note we cannot use setlocal because we need to pass modified
rem _LAST_BUILD_CONF out to OpenCon.cmd later.
set _BIN_=%~dp0\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%
@rem Exit with the value from msbuild. If msbuild is unsuccessful in building, this will be 1
EXIT /b %_build_result%
goto :eof
rem ############################################################################
rem The code to figure out what project we're building needs to be in its own
rem function. Otherwise, when cmd evaluates the if statement above `if
rem "%_EXCLUSIVE%" == "1"`, it'll evaluate the entire block with the value of
rem the variables at the time the if was executed. So instead, make a function
rem here with `enabledelayedexpansion` set.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem TODO:GH#2172 Find a way to only rebuild the metaproj if the sln changed
rem First generate the metaproj file
set MSBuildEmitSolution=1
"%msbuild%" %OPENCON%\OpenConsole.sln /t:ValidateSolutionConfiguration /m > NUL
set MSBuildEmitSolution=
rem Use bx.ps1 to figure out which target we're looking at
set _OUTPUT=
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NonInteractive bx.ps1 2^> NUL`) DO (
set _OUTPUT=%%F
if "!_OUTPUT!" == "" (
echo Could not find a .vcxproj file in this directory.
echo `bx.cmd` only works in directories with a vcxproj file.
echo Please navigate to directory with a project file in it, or try `bz` to build the entire solution.
goto :eof
rem If we're trying to clean build, make sure to update the target here.
if "%_MSBUILD_TARGET%" == "Build" (
) else if "%_MSBUILD_TARGET%" == "Clean;Build" (
) else (
echo Oops... build bug in the neighborhood of configuring a build target.
rem This statement will propagate our internal variables up to the calling
rem scope. Because they're all on one line, the value of our local variables
rem will be evaluated before we endlocal
rem ############################################################################