
186 lines
6.8 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
# This script generates the an array of UiaTextRange tests suitable for replacing the body of
# src\interactivity\win32\ut_interactivity_win32\UiaTextRangeTests.cpp TEST_METHOD(GeneratedMovementTests)
# See tools\TestTableWriter\ for more details on how to use this script.
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[string]$TestPath = "$PSScriptRoot/../../tools/TestTableWriter/UiaTests.csv"
# 0. Generate a comment telling people to not modify these tests in the .cpp
$result = "// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// These were generated by tools\TestTableWriter\GenerateTests.ps1
// Read tools\TestTableWriter\ for more details"
# 1. Define a few helpful variables to make life easier.
$result += "
// Define a few helpful variables
constexpr til::rect bufferSize{ 0, 0, 80, 300 };
constexpr til::CoordType midX{ 40 };
constexpr til::CoordType midY{ 150 };
constexpr til::CoordType midPopulatedY{ 75 };
constexpr til::CoordType segment0{ 0 };
constexpr til::CoordType segment1{ 16 };
constexpr til::CoordType segment2{ 32 };
constexpr til::CoordType segment3{ 48 };
constexpr til::CoordType segment4{ 64 };
constexpr til::point origin{ 0, 0 };
constexpr til::point midTop{ midX, 0 };
constexpr til::point midHistory{ midX, midPopulatedY };
constexpr til::point midDocEnd{ midX, midY };
constexpr til::point lastCharPos{ 72, midY };
constexpr til::point docEnd{ 0, midY + 1 };
constexpr til::point midEmptySpace{ midX, midY + midPopulatedY };
constexpr til::point bufferEnd{ 79, 299 };
constexpr til::point endExclusive{ 0, 300 };`n"
# 2. Import the CSV test file and find all of the variables we need
$tests = Import-Csv $TestPath;
$vars = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet[string];
foreach ($test in $tests)
$vars.Add($test.Start) > $null;
$vars.Add($test.End) > $null;
$vars.Add($test.Result_Start) > $null;
$vars.Add($test.Result_End) > $null;
# 3. Define each of the vars
# 3.a. Some of the variables were already defined at the beginning. So let's remove those.
$vars.Remove("origin") > $null;
$vars.Remove("midTop") > $null;
$vars.Remove("midHistory") > $null;
$vars.Remove("midDocEnd") > $null;
$vars.Remove("lastCharPos") > $null;
$vars.Remove("docEnd") > $null;
$vars.Remove("midEmptySpace") > $null;
$vars.Remove("bufferEnd") > $null;
$vars.Remove("endExclusive") > $null;
# 3.b. Now all of the remaining vars can be deduced from standard vars
foreach ($var in $vars)
# Figure out what heuristic to use
$segmentHeuristic = $var.Contains("segment");
$leftHeuristic = $var.Contains("Left");
$movementHeuristic = $var -match ".*\d+.*";
# i. Contains "segment" --> define point at the beginning of a text segment
if ($segmentHeuristic)
$result += "constexpr til::point {0}{{ {1}, {2}.y }};" -f $var, $var.Substring(0, 8), $var.Substring(9, $var.Length - $var.IndexOf("L") - 1);
# ii. Contains number --> requires movement
elseif ($movementHeuristic)
# everything excluding last 3 characters denotes the standard variable
# we're based on.
$standardVar = $var.Substring(0, $var.length - 3);
# 3rd to last character denotes the movement direction
# P --> plus/forwards
# M --> minus/backwards
$moveForward = $var.substring($var.length - 3, 1) -eq 'P';
# 2nd to last character denotes the movement amount
$moveAmt = $var.substring($var.length -2, 1);
# last character denotes the movement type
switch ($var.substring($var.length - 1, 1)) {
'C' # move by character
if ($moveForward)
$result += "constexpr auto {0}{{ point_offset_by_char({1}, bufferSize, {2}) }};" -f $var, $standardVar, $moveAmt;
$result += "constexpr auto {0}{{ point_offset_by_char({1}, bufferSize, -{2}) }};" -f $var, $standardVar, $moveAmt;
'L' # move by line
if ($moveForward)
$result += "constexpr auto {0}{{ point_offset_by_line({1}, bufferSize, {2}) }};" -f $var, $standardVar, $moveAmt;
$result += "constexpr auto {0}{{ point_offset_by_line({1}, bufferSize, -{2}) }};" -f $var, $standardVar, $moveAmt;
Default { Write-Host "Error: unknown variable movement type" -ForegroundColor Red }
# iii. Contains "Left" --> set X to left
elseif ($leftHeuristic)
$standardVar = $var.Split("Left")[0]
$result += "constexpr til::point {0}{{ bufferSize.left, {1}.y }};" -f $var, $standardVar;
$result += "`n";
# 4. Write the tests
# 4.a. Introduce a struct to store each test as
$result += "struct GeneratedMovementTestInput
TextUnit unit;
int moveAmount;
til::point start;
til::point end;
struct GeneratedMovementTestExpected
int moveAmount;
til::point start;
til::point end;
struct GeneratedMovementTest
std::wstring_view name;
GeneratedMovementTestInput input;
GeneratedMovementTestExpected expected;
bool skip;
# 4.b. Iterate through CSV file and generate a test for each one
$result += "static constexpr std::array<GeneratedMovementTest, {0}> s_movementTests`n{{`n" -f $tests.count;
foreach ($test in $tests)
$degeneratePrefix = $test.degenerate -eq "TRUE" ? "" : "non-";
$movementType = $test.TextUnit.substring(9);
$testName = "L`"Move {0}degenerate range at position {1} {2} times by {3}`"" -f $degeneratePrefix, $test.Position, $test.MoveAmount, $movementType;
$testInput = "GeneratedMovementTestInput{{
}}" -f $test.TextUnit, $test.MoveAmount, $test.Start, $test.End;
$testExpected = "GeneratedMovementTestExpected{{
}}" -f $test.Result_MoveAmount, $test.Result_Start, $test.Result_End;
$skip = $test.Skip -eq "TRUE" ? "true" : "false";
$result += " GeneratedMovementTest{{
}},`n" -f $testName, $testInput, $testExpected, $skip;
$result += "};`n`n"
$result > "$PSScriptRoot/../../src/interactivity/win32/ut_interactivity_win32/GeneratedUiaTextRangeMovementTests.g.cpp";