
64 lines
1.8 KiB

[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)]
[string]$Root = ".\bin\$Platform\$Configuration",
# Find test DLLs based on the provided root, match pattern, and recursion
$testDlls = Get-ChildItem -Path $Root -Recurse -Filter $MatchPattern
$teArgs = @()
# Check if the LogPath parameter is provided and enable WTT logging
if ($LogPath) {
$teArgs += '/enablewttlogging'
$teArgs += '/appendwttlogging'
$teArgs += "/logFile:$LogPath"
Write-Host "WTT Logging Enabled"
$rootTe = "$Root\te.exe"
# Some of our test fixtures depend on resources.pri in the same folder as the .exe hosting them.
# Unfortunately, that means that we need to run the te.exe *next to* each test DLL we discover.
# This code establishes a mapping from te.exe to test DLL (or DLLs)
$testDllTaefGroups = $testDlls | % {
$localTe = Get-Item (Join-Path (Split-Path $_ -Parent) "te.exe") -EA:Ignore
If ($null -eq $localTe) {
$finalTePath = $rootTe
} Else {
$finalTePath = $localTe.FullName
TePath = $finalTePath;
TestDll = $_;
# Invoke the te.exe executables with arguments and test DLLs
$anyFailed = $false
$testDllTaefGroups | Group-Object TePath | % {
$te = $_.Group[0].TePath
$dlls = $_.Group.TestDll
Write-Verbose "Running $te (for $($dlls.Name))"
& $te $teArgs $dlls.FullName $AdditionalTaefArguments
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
$anyFailed = $true
if ($anyFailed) {
Exit 1
Exit 0