50 lines
1.9 KiB
50 lines
1.9 KiB
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
$LocalizationsFromContextMenu = Get-ChildItem ./src/cascadia/TerminalApp/Resources -Recurse -Filter ContextMenu.resw
$Languages = [System.Collections.HashTable]::New()
$LocalizationsFromContextMenu | ForEach-Object {
$Languages[$_.Directory.Name] = $_
ForEach ($pair in $Languages.GetEnumerator()) {
$LanguageDir = "./src/cascadia/CascadiaPackage/Resources/$($pair.Key)"
$ResPath = "$LanguageDir/Resources.resw"
$XmlDocument = $null
$PreexistingResw = Get-Item $ResPath -EA:Ignore
If ($null -eq $PreexistingResw) {
Write-Host "Copying $($pair.Value.FullName) to $ResPath"
$XmlDocument = [xml](Get-Content $pair.Value.FullName)
New-Item -type Directory $LanguageDir -EA:Ignore
} Else {
# Merge Them!
Write-Host "Merging $($pair.Value.FullName) into $ResPath"
$existingXml = [xml](Get-Content $PreexistingResw.FullName)
$newXml = [xml](Get-Content $pair.Value.FullName)
$newDataKeys = $newXml.root.data.name
$existingXml.root.data | % {
If ($_.name -in $newDataKeys) {
$null = $existingXml.root.RemoveChild($_)
$newXml.root.data | % {
$null = $existingXml.root.AppendChild($existingXml.ImportNode($_, $true))
$XmlDocument = $existingXml # (which has been updated)
# Reset paths to be absolute (for .NET)
$LanguageDir = (Get-Item $LanguageDir).FullName
$ResPath = "$LanguageDir/Resources.resw"
# Force the "new" and "preexisting" paths to serialize with XmlWriter,
# to ensure consistency.
$writerSettings = [System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings]::new()
$writerSettings.NewLineChars = "`r`n"
$writerSettings.Indent = $true
$writerSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::new($false) # suppress the BOM
$writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($ResPath, $writerSettings)