
26 lines
1017 B

@echo off
rem openvt - launch the vtterm binary
rem Runs the VtPipeTerm.exe binary generated by the build in the debug directory.
rem Passes any args along.
set _last_build=%OPENCON%\bin\%ARCH%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%
if not exist %_last_build%\VtPipeTerm.exe (
echo Could not locate the VtPipeTerm.exe in %_last_build%. Double check that it has been built and try again.
goto :eof
set _r=%random%
set copy_dir=OpenConsole\%_r%
rem Generate a unique name, so that we can debug multiple revisions of the binary at the same time if needed.
(xcopy /Y %_last_build%\OpenConsole.exe %TEMP%\%copy_dir%\conhost.exe*) > nul
(xcopy /Y %_last_build%\console.dll %TEMP%\%copy_dir%\console.dll*) > nul
(xcopy /Y %_last_build%\VtPipeTerm.exe %TEMP%\%copy_dir%\VtPipeTerm.exe*) > nul
(xcopy /Y %_last_build%\Nihilist.exe %TEMP%\%copy_dir%\Nihilist.exe*) > nul
start %TEMP%\%copy_dir%\conhost.exe %TEMP%\%copy_dir%\VtPipeTerm.exe %*
echo Launching %TEMP%\%copy_dir%\VtPipeTerm.exe...