648 lines
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648 lines
29 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace HelixTestHelpers
public class TestResult
public TestResult()
Screenshots = new List<string>();
RerunResults = new List<TestResult>();
public string Name { get; set; }
public string SourceWttFile { get; set; }
public bool Passed { get; set; }
public bool Skipped { get; set; }
public bool CleanupPassed { get; set; }
public TimeSpan ExecutionTime { get; set; }
public string Details { get; set; }
public List<string> Screenshots { get; private set; }
public List<TestResult> RerunResults { get; private set; }
// Azure DevOps doesn't currently provide a way to directly report sub-results for tests that failed at least once
// that were run multiple times. To get around that limitation, we'll mark the test as "Skip" since
// that's the only non-pass/fail result we can return, and will then report the information about the
// runs in the "reason" category for the skipped test. In order to save space, we'll make the following
// optimizations for size:
// 1. Serialize as JSON, which is more compact than XML;
// 2. Don't serialize values that we don't need;
// 3. Store the URL prefix and suffix for the blob storage URL only once instead of
// storing every log and screenshot URL in its entirety; and
// 4. Store a list of unique error messages and then index into that instead of
// storing every error message in its entirety.
// #4 is motivated by the fact that if a test fails multiple times, it probably failed for the same reason
// each time, in which case we'd just be repeating ourselves if we stored every error message each time.
// TODO (https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/issues/2773): Once we're able to directly report things in a
// more granular fashion than just a binary pass/fail result, we should do that.
internal class JsonSerializableTestResults
internal string blobPrefix;
internal string blobSuffix;
internal string[] errors;
internal JsonSerializableTestResult[] results;
internal class JsonSerializableTestResult
internal string outcome;
internal int duration;
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
internal string log;
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
internal string[] screenshots;
[DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false)]
internal int errorIndex;
public class TestPass
public TimeSpan TestPassExecutionTime { get; set; }
public List<TestResult> TestResults { get; set; }
public static TestPass ParseTestWttFile(string fileName, bool cleanupFailuresAreRegressions, bool truncateTestNames)
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(fileName))
var doc = XDocument.Load(stream);
var testResults = new List<TestResult>();
var testExecutionTimeMap = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
TestResult currentResult = null;
long frequency = 0;
long startTime = 0;
long stopTime = 0;
bool inTestCleanup = false;
bool shouldLogToTestDetails = false;
long testPassStartTime = 0;
long testPassStopTime = 0;
Func<XElement, bool> isScopeData = (elt) =>
elt.Element("Data") != null &&
elt.Element("Data").Element("WexContext") != null &&
elt.Element("Data").Element("WexContext").Value == "Cleanup" ||
elt.Element("Data").Element("WexContext").Value == "TestScope" ||
elt.Element("Data").Element("WexContext").Value == "TestScope" ||
elt.Element("Data").Element("WexContext").Value == "ClassScope" ||
elt.Element("Data").Element("WexContext").Value == "ModuleScope"
Func<XElement, bool> isModuleOrClassScopeStart = (elt) =>
elt.Name == "Msg" &&
elt.Element("Data") != null &&
elt.Element("Data").Element("StartGroup") != null &&
elt.Element("Data").Element("WexContext") != null &&
(elt.Element("Data").Element("WexContext").Value == "ClassScope" ||
elt.Element("Data").Element("WexContext").Value == "ModuleScope");
Func<XElement, bool> isModuleScopeEnd = (elt) =>
elt.Name == "Msg" &&
elt.Element("Data") != null &&
elt.Element("Data").Element("EndGroup") != null &&
elt.Element("Data").Element("WexContext") != null &&
elt.Element("Data").Element("WexContext").Value == "ModuleScope";
Func<XElement, bool> isClassScopeEnd = (elt) =>
elt.Name == "Msg" &&
elt.Element("Data") != null &&
elt.Element("Data").Element("EndGroup") != null &&
elt.Element("Data").Element("WexContext") != null &&
elt.Element("Data").Element("WexContext").Value == "ClassScope";
int testsExecuting = 0;
foreach (XElement element in doc.Root.Elements())
// Capturing the frequency data to record accurate
// timing data.
if (element.Name == "RTI")
frequency = Int64.Parse(element.Attribute("Frequency").Value);
// It's possible for a test to launch another test. If that happens, we won't modify the
// current result. Instead, we'll continue operating like normal and expect that we get two
// EndTests nodes before our next StartTests. We'll check that we've actually got a stop time
// before creating a new result. This will result in the two results being squashed
// into one result of the outer test that ran the inner one.
if (element.Name == "StartTest")
if (testsExecuting == 1)
string testName = element.Attribute("Title").Value;
if (truncateTestNames)
const string xamlNativePrefix = "Windows::UI::Xaml::Tests::";
const string xamlManagedPrefix = "Windows.UI.Xaml.Tests.";
if (testName.StartsWith(xamlNativePrefix))
testName = testName.Substring(xamlNativePrefix.Length);
else if (testName.StartsWith(xamlManagedPrefix))
testName = testName.Substring(xamlManagedPrefix.Length);
currentResult = new TestResult() { Name = testName, SourceWttFile = fileName, Passed = true, CleanupPassed = true };
startTime = Int64.Parse(element.Descendants("WexTraceInfo").First().Attribute("TimeStamp").Value);
inTestCleanup = false;
shouldLogToTestDetails = true;
stopTime = 0;
else if (currentResult != null && element.Name == "EndTest")
// If any inner test fails, we'll still fail the outer
var value = element.Attribute("Result").Value;
currentResult.Passed = value == "Pass";
currentResult.Skipped = value == "Skipped";
// Only gather execution data if this is the outer test we ran initially
if (testsExecuting == 0)
stopTime = Int64.Parse(element.Descendants("WexTraceInfo").First().Attribute("TimeStamp").Value);
if (!testExecutionTimeMap.Keys.Contains(currentResult.Name))
testExecutionTimeMap[currentResult.Name] = new List<double>();
testExecutionTimeMap[currentResult.Name].Add((double)(stopTime - startTime) / frequency);
currentResult.ExecutionTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(testExecutionTimeMap[currentResult.Name].Average());
startTime = 0;
inTestCleanup = true;
else if (currentResult != null &&
(isModuleOrClassScopeStart(element) || isModuleScopeEnd(element) || isClassScopeEnd(element)))
shouldLogToTestDetails = false;
inTestCleanup = false;
// Log-appending methods.
if (currentResult != null && element.Name == "Error")
if (shouldLogToTestDetails)
currentResult.Details += "\r\n[Error]: " + element.Attribute("UserText").Value;
if (element.Attribute("File") != null && element.Attribute("File").Value != "")
currentResult.Details += (" [File " + element.Attribute("File").Value);
if (element.Attribute("Line") != null)
currentResult.Details += " Line: " + element.Attribute("Line").Value;
currentResult.Details += "]";
// The test cleanup errors will often come after the test claimed to have
// 'passed'. We treat them as errors as well.
if (inTestCleanup)
currentResult.CleanupPassed = false;
currentResult.Passed = false;
// In stress mode runs, this test will run n times before cleanup is run. If the cleanup
// fails, we want to fail every test.
if (cleanupFailuresAreRegressions)
foreach (var result in testResults.Where(res => res.Name == currentResult.Name))
result.Passed = false;
result.CleanupPassed = false;
if (currentResult != null && element.Name == "Warn")
if (shouldLogToTestDetails)
currentResult.Details += "\r\n[Warn]: " + element.Attribute("UserText").Value;
if (element.Attribute("File") != null && element.Attribute("File").Value != "")
currentResult.Details += (" [File " + element.Attribute("File").Value);
if (element.Attribute("Line") != null)
currentResult.Details += " Line: " + element.Attribute("Line").Value;
currentResult.Details += "]";
if (currentResult != null && element.Name == "Msg")
var dataElement = element.Element("Data");
if (dataElement != null)
var supportingInfo = dataElement.Element("SupportingInfo");
if (supportingInfo != null)
var screenshots = supportingInfo.Elements("Item")
.Where(item => GetAttributeValue(item, "Name") == "Screenshot")
.Select(item => GetAttributeValue(item, "Value"));
foreach(var screenshot in screenshots)
string fileNameSuffix = string.Empty;
if (fileName.Contains("_rerun_multiple"))
fileNameSuffix = "_rerun_multiple";
else if (fileName.Contains("_rerun"))
fileNameSuffix = "_rerun";
currentResult.Screenshots.Add(screenshot.Replace(".jpg", fileNameSuffix + ".jpg"));
testPassStartTime = Int64.Parse(doc.Root.Descendants("WexTraceInfo").First().Attribute("TimeStamp").Value);
testPassStopTime = Int64.Parse(doc.Root.Descendants("WexTraceInfo").Last().Attribute("TimeStamp").Value);
var testPassTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)(testPassStopTime - testPassStartTime) / frequency);
foreach (TestResult testResult in testResults)
if (testResult.Details != null)
testResult.Details = testResult.Details.Trim();
var testpass = new TestPass
TestPassExecutionTime = testPassTime,
TestResults = testResults
return testpass;
public static TestPass ParseTestWttFileWithReruns(string fileName, string singleRerunFileName, string multipleRerunFileName, bool cleanupFailuresAreRegressions, bool truncateTestNames)
TestPass testPass = ParseTestWttFile(fileName, cleanupFailuresAreRegressions, truncateTestNames);
TestPass singleRerunTestPass = File.Exists(singleRerunFileName) ? ParseTestWttFile(singleRerunFileName, cleanupFailuresAreRegressions, truncateTestNames) : null;
TestPass multipleRerunTestPass = File.Exists(multipleRerunFileName) ? ParseTestWttFile(multipleRerunFileName, cleanupFailuresAreRegressions, truncateTestNames) : null;
List<TestResult> rerunTestResults = new List<TestResult>();
if (singleRerunTestPass != null)
if (multipleRerunTestPass != null)
// For each failed test result, we'll check to see whether the test passed at least once upon rerun.
// If so, we'll set PassedOnRerun to true to flag the fact that this is an unreliable test
// rather than a genuine test failure.
foreach (TestResult failedTestResult in testPass.TestResults.Where(r => !r.Passed))
failedTestResult.RerunResults.AddRange(rerunTestResults.Where(r => r.Name == failedTestResult.Name));
return testPass;
private static string GetAttributeValue(XElement element, string attributeName)
if(element.Attribute(attributeName) != null)
return element.Attribute(attributeName).Value;
return null;
public static class FailedTestDetector
public static void OutputFailedTestQuery(string wttInputPath)
var testPass = TestPass.ParseTestWttFile(wttInputPath, cleanupFailuresAreRegressions: true, truncateTestNames: false);
List<string> failedTestNames = new List<string>();
foreach (var result in testPass.TestResults)
if (!result.Passed)
if (failedTestNames.Count > 0)
string failedTestSelectQuery = "(@Name='";
for (int i = 0; i < failedTestNames.Count; i++)
failedTestSelectQuery += failedTestNames[i];
if (i < failedTestNames.Count - 1)
failedTestSelectQuery += "' or @Name='";
failedTestSelectQuery += "')";
public class TestResultParser
private string testNamePrefix;
private string helixResultsContainerUri;
private string helixResultsContainerRsas;
public TestResultParser(string testNamePrefix, string helixResultsContainerUri, string helixResultsContainerRsas)
this.testNamePrefix = testNamePrefix;
this.helixResultsContainerUri = helixResultsContainerUri;
this.helixResultsContainerRsas = helixResultsContainerRsas;
public Dictionary<string, string> GetSubResultsJsonByMethodName(string wttInputPath, string wttSingleRerunInputPath, string wttMultipleRerunInputPath)
Dictionary<string, string> subResultsJsonByMethod = new Dictionary<string, string>();
TestPass testPass = TestPass.ParseTestWttFileWithReruns(wttInputPath, wttSingleRerunInputPath, wttMultipleRerunInputPath, cleanupFailuresAreRegressions: true, truncateTestNames: false);
foreach (var result in testPass.TestResults)
var methodName = result.Name.Substring(result.Name.LastIndexOf('.') + 1);
if (!result.Passed)
// If a test failed, we'll have rerun it multiple times. We'll record the results of each run
// formatted as JSON.
JsonSerializableTestResults serializableResults = new JsonSerializableTestResults();
serializableResults.blobPrefix = helixResultsContainerUri;
serializableResults.blobSuffix = helixResultsContainerRsas;
List<string> errorList = new List<string>();
foreach (TestResult rerunResult in result.RerunResults)
serializableResults.errors = errorList.Distinct().Where(s => s != null).ToArray();
var reason = new XElement("reason");
List<JsonSerializableTestResult> serializableResultList = new List<JsonSerializableTestResult>();
serializableResultList.Add(ConvertToSerializableResult(result, serializableResults.errors));
foreach (TestResult rerunResult in result.RerunResults)
serializableResultList.Add(ConvertToSerializableResult(rerunResult, serializableResults.errors));
serializableResults.results = serializableResultList.ToArray();
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(JsonSerializableTestResults));
serializer.WriteObject(stream, serializableResults);
stream.Position = 0;
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream))
subResultsJsonByMethod.Add(methodName, streamReader.ReadToEnd());
return subResultsJsonByMethod;
public void ConvertWttLogToXUnitLog(string wttInputPath, string wttSingleRerunInputPath, string wttMultipleRerunInputPath, string xunitOutputPath)
TestPass testPass = TestPass.ParseTestWttFileWithReruns(wttInputPath, wttSingleRerunInputPath, wttMultipleRerunInputPath, cleanupFailuresAreRegressions: true, truncateTestNames: false);
var results = testPass.TestResults;
int resultCount = results.Count;
int passedCount = results.Where(r => r.Passed).Count();
// Since we re-run tests on failure, we'll mark every test that failed at least once as "skipped" rather than "failed".
// If the test failed sufficiently often enough for it to count as a failed test (determined by a property on the
// Azure DevOps job), we'll later mark it as failed during test results processing.
int failedCount = results.Where(r => !r.Passed).Count();
int skippedCount = results.Where(r => (!r.Passed && r.Skipped)).Count();
var root = new XElement("assemblies");
var assembly = new XElement("assembly");
assembly.SetAttributeValue("name", "MUXControls.Test.dll");
assembly.SetAttributeValue("test-framework", "TAEF");
assembly.SetAttributeValue("run-date", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
// This doesn't need to be completely accurate since it's not exposed anywhere.
// If we need accurate an start time we can probably calculate it from the te.wtl file, but for
// now this is fine.
assembly.SetAttributeValue("run-time", (DateTime.Now - testPass.TestPassExecutionTime).ToString("hh:mm:ss"));
assembly.SetAttributeValue("total", resultCount);
assembly.SetAttributeValue("passed", passedCount);
assembly.SetAttributeValue("failed", failedCount);
assembly.SetAttributeValue("skipped", skippedCount);
assembly.SetAttributeValue("time", (int)testPass.TestPassExecutionTime.TotalSeconds);
assembly.SetAttributeValue("errors", 0);
var collection = new XElement("collection");
collection.SetAttributeValue("total", resultCount);
collection.SetAttributeValue("passed", passedCount);
collection.SetAttributeValue("failed", failedCount);
collection.SetAttributeValue("skipped", skippedCount);
collection.SetAttributeValue("name", "Test collection");
collection.SetAttributeValue("time", (int)testPass.TestPassExecutionTime.TotalSeconds);
foreach (var result in results)
var test = new XElement("test");
test.SetAttributeValue("name", testNamePrefix + "." + result.Name);
var className = GetTestClassName(result.Name);
var methodName = GetTestMethodName(result.Name);
test.SetAttributeValue("type", className);
test.SetAttributeValue("method", methodName);
test.SetAttributeValue("time", result.ExecutionTime.TotalSeconds);
string resultString = string.Empty;
if (result.Passed && !result.Skipped)
resultString = "Pass";
else if (result.Skipped)
resultString = "Skip";
resultString = "Fail";
if (!result.Passed)
if (result.Skipped)
var reason = new XElement("reason");
reason.Add(new XCData("Test skipped"));
else {
var failure = new XElement("failure");
var message = new XElement("message");
message.Add(new XCData("Test failed"));
test.SetAttributeValue("result", resultString);
File.WriteAllText(xunitOutputPath, root.ToString());
private JsonSerializableTestResult ConvertToSerializableResult(TestResult rerunResult, string[] uniqueErrors)
var serializableResult = new JsonSerializableTestResult();
serializableResult.outcome = rerunResult.Passed ? "Passed" : "Failed";
serializableResult.duration = (int)Math.Round(rerunResult.ExecutionTime.TotalMilliseconds);
if (!rerunResult.Passed)
serializableResult.log = Path.GetFileName(rerunResult.SourceWttFile);
if (rerunResult.Screenshots.Any())
List<string> screenshots = new List<string>();
foreach (var screenshot in rerunResult.Screenshots)
serializableResult.screenshots = screenshots.ToArray();
// To conserve space, we'll log the index of the error to index in a list of unique errors rather than
// jotting down every single error in its entirety. We'll add one to the result so we can avoid
// serializing this property when it has the default value of 0.
serializableResult.errorIndex = Array.IndexOf(uniqueErrors, rerunResult.Details) + 1;
return serializableResult;
private string GetUploadedFileUrl(string filePath, string helixResultsContainerUri, string helixResultsContainerRsas)
var filename = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
return string.Format("{0}/{1}{2}", helixResultsContainerUri, filename, helixResultsContainerRsas);
private string GetTestNameSeparator(string testname)
var separatorString = ".";
if (!testname.Contains(separatorString))
separatorString = "::";
return separatorString;
private string GetTestMethodName(string fullyQualifiedName)
var separatorString = GetTestNameSeparator(fullyQualifiedName);
var methodName = fullyQualifiedName.Substring(fullyQualifiedName.LastIndexOf(separatorString) + separatorString.Length);
return methodName;
private string GetTestClassName(string fullyQualifiedName)
var separatorString = GetTestNameSeparator(fullyQualifiedName);
var className = fullyQualifiedName.Substring(0, fullyQualifiedName.LastIndexOf(separatorString));
return className;