299 lines
13 KiB
299 lines
13 KiB
- name: branding
type: string
default: Dev
- name: additionalBuildOptions
type: string
default: ''
- name: buildTerminal
type: boolean
default: true
- name: buildConPTY
type: boolean
default: false
- name: buildWPF
type: boolean
default: false
- name: buildWPFDotNetComponents # This weird hack is to make sure we sign and source index the .NET pieces
type: boolean
default: false
- name: buildEverything
displayName: "Build Everything (Overrides all other build options)"
type: boolean
default: false
- name: pgoBuildMode
type: string
default: None
values: [Optimize, Instrument, None]
- name: buildConfigurations
type: object
- Release
- name: buildPlatforms
type: object
- x64
- x86
- arm64
- name: generateSbom
type: boolean
default: false
- name: codeSign
type: boolean
default: false
- name: keepAllExpensiveBuildOutputs
type: boolean
default: true
- name: artifactStem
type: string
default: ''
- name: jobName
type: string
default: 'Build'
- name: pool
type: object
default: []
- name: beforeBuildSteps
type: stepList
default: []
- name: variables
type: object
default: {}
- name: publishArtifacts
type: boolean
default: true
- name: removeAllNonSignedFiles
type: boolean
default: false
- job: ${{ parameters.jobName }}
${{ if ne(length(parameters.pool), 0) }}:
pool: ${{ parameters.pool }}
${{ each config in parameters.buildConfigurations }}:
${{ each platform in parameters.buildPlatforms }}:
${{ config }}_${{ platform }}:
BuildConfiguration: ${{ config }}
BuildPlatform: ${{ platform }}
${{ if eq(platform, 'x86') }}:
OutputBuildPlatform: Win32
${{ elseif eq(platform, 'Any CPU') }}:
OutputBuildPlatform: AnyCPU
${{ else }}:
OutputBuildPlatform: ${{ platform }}
MakeAppxPath: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.22621.0\x86\MakeAppx.exe'
Terminal.BinDir: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/bin/$(OutputBuildPlatform)/$(BuildConfiguration)
# Azure DevOps abhors a vacuum
# If these are blank, expansion will fail later on... which will result in direct substitution of the variable *names*
# later on. We'll just... set them to a single space and if we need to, check IsNullOrWhiteSpace.
# Yup.
BuildTargetParameter: ' '
SelectedSigningFragments: ' '
# When building the unpackaged distribution, build it in portable mode if it's Canary-branded
${{ if eq(parameters.branding, 'Canary') }}:
UnpackagedBuildArguments: -PortableMode
${{ else }}:
UnpackagedBuildArguments: ' '
JobOutputDirectory: $(Terminal.BinDir)
JobOutputArtifactName: build-$(BuildPlatform)-$(BuildConfiguration)${{ parameters.artifactStem }}
${{ insert }}: ${{ parameters.variables }}
displayName: Build
timeoutInMinutes: 240
cancelTimeoutInMinutes: 1
- checkout: self
clean: true
submodules: true
persistCredentials: True
# This generates either nothing for BuildTargetParameter, or /t:X;Y;Z, to control targets later.
- pwsh: |-
If (-Not [bool]::Parse("${{ parameters.buildEverything }}")) {
$BuildTargets = @()
$SignFragments = @()
If ([bool]::Parse("${{ parameters.buildTerminal }}")) {
$BuildTargets += "Terminal\CascadiaPackage"
$SignFragments += "terminal_constituents"
If ([bool]::Parse("${{ parameters.buildWPFDotNetComponents }}")) {
$BuildTargets += "Terminal\wpf\WpfTerminalControl"
$SignFragments += "wpfdotnet"
If ([bool]::Parse("${{ parameters.buildWPF }}")) {
$BuildTargets += "Terminal\Control\Microsoft_Terminal_Control"
$SignFragments += "wpf"
If ([bool]::Parse("${{ parameters.buildConPTY }}")) {
$BuildTargets += "Conhost\Host_EXE;Conhost\winconpty_DLL"
$SignFragments += "conpty"
Write-Host "Targets: $($BuildTargets -Join ";")"
Write-Host "Sign targets: $($SignFragments -Join ";")"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=BuildTargetParameter]/t:$($BuildTargets -Join ";")"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=SelectedSigningFragments]$($SignFragments -Join ";")"
displayName: Prepare Build and Sign Targets
- pwsh: |-
.\build\scripts\Generate-ThirdPartyNotices.ps1 -MarkdownNoticePath .\NOTICE.md -OutputPath .\src\cascadia\CascadiaPackage\NOTICE.html
displayName: Generate NOTICE.html from NOTICE.md
- template: .\steps-restore-nuget.yml
- ${{ parameters.beforeBuildSteps }}
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: Build OpenConsole.sln
solution: 'OpenConsole.sln'
msbuildArgs: >-
/p:WindowsTerminalOfficialBuild=true;WindowsTerminalBranding=${{ parameters.branding }};PGOBuildMode=${{ parameters.pgoBuildMode }}
${{ parameters.additionalBuildOptions }}
platform: $(BuildPlatform)
configuration: $(BuildConfiguration)
maximumCpuCount: true
- ${{ if eq(parameters.publishArtifacts, true) }}:
- publish: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/msbuild.binlog
artifact: logs-$(BuildPlatform)-$(BuildConfiguration)${{ parameters.artifactStem }}
condition: always()
displayName: Publish Build Log
- ${{ else }}:
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: Copy Build Log
contents: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/msbuild.binlog
TargetFolder: $(Terminal.BinDir)
# This saves ~2GiB per architecture. We won't need these later.
# Removes:
# - All .lib that do not have an associated .exp (which would indicate that they are import libs)
# - All .pdbs from those .libs (which were only used during linking)
# - Directories ending in Lib (static lib projects that we fully linked into DLLs which may also contain unnecessary resources)
# - All LocalTests_ project outputs, as they were subsumed into TestHostApp
# - All PDB files inside the WindowsTerminal/ output, which do not belong there.
# - console.dll, which apparently breaks XFGCheck? lol.
- pwsh: |-
$binDir = '$(Terminal.BinDir)'
$ImportLibs = Get-ChildItem $binDir -Recurse -File -Filter '*.exp' | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName -Replace "exp$","lib" }
$StaticLibs = Get-ChildItem $binDir -Recurse -File -Filter '*.lib' | Where-Object FullName -NotIn $ImportLibs
$Items = @()
$Items += $StaticLibs
$Items += Get-Item ($StaticLibs.FullName -Replace "lib$","pdb") -ErrorAction:Ignore
$Items += Get-ChildItem $binDir -Directory -Filter '*Lib'
$Items += Get-ChildItem $binDir -Directory -Filter 'LocalTests_*'
$Items += Get-ChildItem "${$binDir}\WindowsTerminal" -Filter '*.pdb' -ErrorAction:Ignore
If (-Not [bool]::Parse('${{ parameters.keepAllExpensiveBuildOutputs }}')) {
$Items += Get-ChildItem '$(Terminal.BinDir)' -Filter '*.pdb' -Recurse
$Items += Get-ChildItem $binDir -Filter 'console.dll'
$Items | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Verbose -ErrorAction:Ignore
displayName: Clean up static libs and extra symbols
errorActionPreference: silentlyContinue # It's OK if this silently fails
# We cannot index PDBs that we have deleted!
- ${{ if eq(parameters.keepAllExpensiveBuildOutputs, true) }}:
- pwsh: |-
build\scripts\Index-Pdbs.ps1 -SearchDir '$(Terminal.BinDir)' -SourceRoot '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)' -recursive -Verbose -CommitId $(Build.SourceVersion)
displayName: Source Index PDBs
errorActionPreference: silentlyContinue
- ${{ if or(parameters.buildTerminal, parameters.buildEverything) }}:
- pwsh: |-
$Package = (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter "CascadiaPackage*.msix" | Select -First 1)
$PackageFilename = $Package.FullName
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=WindowsTerminalPackagePath]${PackageFilename}"
displayName: Locate the MSIX
# PGO requires a desktop CRT
- ${{ if ne(parameters.pgoBuildMode, 'Instrument') }}:
- pwsh: |-
.\build\scripts\Test-WindowsTerminalPackage.ps1 -Verbose -Path "$(WindowsTerminalPackagePath)"
displayName: Check MSIX for common regressions
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.WindowsTerminalPackagePath, ''))
- ${{ if eq(parameters.codeSign, true) }}:
- pwsh: |-
& "$(MakeAppxPath)" unpack /p "$(WindowsTerminalPackagePath)" /d "$(Terminal.BinDir)/PackageContents"
displayName: Unpack the MSIX for signing
- ${{ if eq(parameters.codeSign, true) }}:
- template: steps-create-signing-config.yml
outFile: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/ESRPSigningConfig.json'
stage: build
fragments: $(SelectedSigningFragments)
# Code-sign everything we just put together.
# We run the signing in Terminal.BinDir, because all of the signing batches are relative to the final architecture/configuration output folder.
- task: EsrpCodeSigning@3
displayName: Submit Signing Request
ConnectedServiceName: 9d6d2960-0793-4d59-943e-78dcb434840a
FolderPath: '$(Terminal.BinDir)'
signType: batchSigning
batchSignPolicyFile: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/ESRPSigningConfig.json'
# We only need to re-pack the MSIX if we actually signed, so this can stay in the codeSign conditional
- ${{ if or(parameters.buildTerminal, parameters.buildEverything) }}:
- pwsh: |-
$outDir = New-Item -Type Directory "$(Terminal.BinDir)/_appx" -ErrorAction:Ignore
$PackageFilename = Join-Path $outDir.FullName (Split-Path -Leaf "$(WindowsTerminalPackagePath)")
& "$(MakeAppxPath)" pack /h SHA256 /o /p $PackageFilename /d "$(Terminal.BinDir)/PackageContents"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=WindowsTerminalPackagePath]${PackageFilename}"
displayName: Re-pack the new Terminal package after signing
# Some of our governed pipelines explicitly fail builds that have *any* non-codesigned filed (!)
- ${{ if eq(parameters.removeAllNonSignedFiles, true) }}:
- pwsh: |-
Get-ChildItem "$(Terminal.BinDir)" -Recurse -Include "*.dll","*.exe" |
Where-Object { (Get-AuthenticodeSignature $_).Status -Ne "Valid" } |
Remove-Item -Verbose -Force
displayName: Remove all non-signed output files
- ${{ else }}: # No Signing
- ${{ if or(parameters.buildTerminal, parameters.buildEverything) }}:
- pwsh: |-
$outDir = New-Item -Type Directory "$(Terminal.BinDir)/_appx" -ErrorAction:Ignore
$PackageFilename = Join-Path $outDir.FullName (Split-Path -Leaf "$(WindowsTerminalPackagePath)")
Copy-Item "$(WindowsTerminalPackagePath)" $PackageFilename
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=WindowsTerminalPackagePath]${PackageFilename}"
displayName: Stage the package (unsigned)
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.WindowsTerminalPackagePath, ''))
- ${{ if or(parameters.buildTerminal, parameters.buildEverything) }}:
- pwsh: |-
$XamlAppxPath = (Get-Item "src\cascadia\CascadiaPackage\AppPackages\*\Dependencies\$(BuildPlatform)\Microsoft.UI.Xaml*.appx").FullName
$outDir = New-Item -Type Directory "$(Terminal.BinDir)/_unpackaged" -ErrorAction:Ignore
& .\build\scripts\New-UnpackagedTerminalDistribution.ps1 $(UnpackagedBuildArguments) -TerminalAppX $(WindowsTerminalPackagePath) -XamlAppX $XamlAppxPath -Destination $outDir.FullName
displayName: Build Unpackaged Distribution (from MSIX)
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables.WindowsTerminalPackagePath, ''))
- ${{ if eq(parameters.generateSbom, true) }}:
- task: AzureArtifacts.manifest-generator-task.manifest-generator-task.ManifestGeneratorTask@0
displayName: 'Generate SBOM manifest'
BuildDropPath: '$(Terminal.BinDir)'
- task: DropValidatorTask@0
displayName: 'Validate SBOM manifest'
BuildDropPath: '$(Terminal.BinDir)'
OutputPath: 'output.json'
ValidateSignature: true
Verbosity: 'Verbose'
- ${{ if eq(parameters.publishArtifacts, true) }}:
- publish: $(Terminal.BinDir)
artifact: $(JobOutputArtifactName)
displayName: Publish All Outputs