
59 lines
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// A minimal pixel shader that shows some raster bars
// The terminal graphics as a texture
Texture2D shaderTexture;
SamplerState samplerState;
// Terminal settings such as the resolution of the texture
cbuffer PixelShaderSettings {
// The number of seconds since the pixel shader was enabled
float Time;
// UI Scale
float Scale;
// Resolution of the shaderTexture
float2 Resolution;
// Background color as rgba
float4 Background;
// A pixel shader is a program that given a texture coordinate (tex) produces a color.
// tex is an x,y tuple that ranges from 0,0 (top left) to 1,1 (bottom right).
// Just ignore the pos parameter.
float4 main(float4 pos : SV_POSITION, float2 tex : TEXCOORD) : SV_TARGET
// Read the color value at the current texture coordinate (tex)
// float4 is tuple of 4 floats, rgba
float4 color = shaderTexture.Sample(samplerState, tex);
// Read the color value at some offset, will be used as shadow
float4 ocolor = shaderTexture.Sample(samplerState, tex+2.0*Scale*float2(-1.0, -1.0)/Resolution.y);
// Thickness of raster
const float thickness = 0.1;
float ny = floor(tex.y/thickness);
float my = tex.y%thickness;
const float pi = 3.141592654;
// ny is used to compute the rasterbar base color
float cola = ny*2.0*pi;
float3 col = 0.75+0.25*float3(sin(cola*0.111), sin(cola*0.222), sin(cola*0.333));
// my is used to compute the rasterbar brightness
// smoothstep is a great little function:
float brightness = 1.0-smoothstep(0.0, thickness*0.5, abs(my - 0.5*thickness));
float3 rasterColor = col*brightness;
// lerp(x, y, a) is another very useful function:
float3 final = rasterColor;
// Create the drop shadow of the terminal graphics
// .w is the alpha channel, 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque
final = lerp(final, float(0.0), ocolor.w);
// Draw the terminal graphics
final = lerp(final,, color.w);
// Return the final color, set alpha to 1 (ie opaque)
return float4(final, 1.0);