
157 lines
5.5 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
# As per PseudoReplacementDefs.xml in LocStudio
$mapping = [hashtable]::new()
$mapping['a'[0]] = 'ªàáâãäåāăąǻάαад'
$mapping['A'[0]] = 'ÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄǺΆΑ∆ΔΛАД'
$mapping['b'[0]] = 'вьъ'
$mapping['B'[0]] = 'ΒßβВЪЬБ'
$mapping['c'[0]] = '¢çćĉċčсς'
$mapping['C'[0]] = 'ÇĆĈĊČС€'
$mapping['d'[0]] = 'ðďđδ'
$mapping['D'[0]] = 'ÐĎĐ'
$mapping['e'[0]] = 'èéêëēĕėęěέεеёє℮зэ'
$mapping['E'[0]] = 'ÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚΈΕΣЕ∑ЁЄЗЄЭ'
$mapping['f'[0]] = 'ƒ'
$mapping['F'[0]] = '₣'
$mapping['g'[0]] = 'ĝğġģ'
$mapping['G'[0]] = 'ĜĞĠĢ'
$mapping['h'[0]] = 'ĥħнћђ'
$mapping['H'[0]] = 'ĤĦΉΗН'
$mapping['i'[0]] = 'ìíîïĩīĭįίιϊіїΐ'
$mapping['I'[0]] = 'ÌÍÎĨĪĬĮİΊΪІЇ'
$mapping['j'[0]] = 'ĵј'
$mapping['J'[0]] = 'ĴЈ'
$mapping['k'[0]] = 'ķĸκкќ'
$mapping['K'[0]] = 'ĶΚЌК'
$mapping['l'[0]] = 'ĺļľŀłℓ'
$mapping['L'[0]] = '£ĹĻĽĿŁ₤'
$mapping['m'[0]] = 'mм'
$mapping['M'[0]] = 'ΜМ'
$mapping['n'[0]] = 'ийлⁿпπήηńņňʼnŋñ'
$mapping['N'[0]] = 'ÑŃŅŇŊΝИЙЛП∏'
$mapping['o'[0]] = 'òóôõöøōŏőοσόоǿθб'
$mapping['O'[0]] = 'ÒÓÔÕÖØŌŎŐǾΌΘΟΦΩОФΩΏ'
$mapping['p'[0]] = 'φρр'
$mapping['P'[0]] = 'ΡР'
$mapping['r'[0]] = 'ŕŗřяѓґгř'
$mapping['R'[0]] = 'ŔŖŘЯΓЃҐГ'
$mapping['s'[0]] = 'śŝşѕš'
$mapping['S'[0]] = 'ŚŜŞЅŠ'
$mapping['t'[0]] = 'ţťŧτт'
$mapping['T'[0]] = 'ŢŤŦΤТ'
$mapping['u'[0]] = 'µùúûüũūŭůűųΰυϋύцμџ'
$mapping['U'[0]] = 'ÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲЏЦ'
$mapping['v'[0]] = 'ν'
$mapping['w'[0]] = 'ŵωώшщẁẃẅ'
$mapping['W'[0]] = 'ŴШЩẀẂẄ'
$mapping['x'[0]] = '×хж'
$mapping['X'[0]] = 'ΧχХЖ'
$mapping['y'[0]] = 'ýÿŷγўỳу'
$mapping['Y'[0]] = '¥ÝŶΎΥΫỲЎ'
$mapping['z'[0]] = 'źżž'
$mapping['Z'[0]] = 'ŹŻΖŽ'
$content = [System.Xml.XmlDocument]::new()
$content.PreserveWhitespace = $true
function GetPseudoLocalization([string]$key, [string]$value, [string]$comment) {
$placeholders = @{}
$placeholderChar = 0xE000
# Iterate through all {Locked=...} comments and replace locked
# words with placeholders from the Unicode Private Use Area.
foreach ($m in [regex]::Matches($comment, '\{Locked=?([^}]*)\}')) {
$locked = $m.Groups[1].Value
# Skip {Locked} and {Locked=qps-ploc} entries
if (($locked -eq '') -or $locked.Contains('qps-ploc')) {
return $value
$lockedList = $locked -split ','
foreach ($locked in $lockedList) {
if ($locked.StartsWith('"') -and $locked.EndsWith('"')) {
$locked = $locked.Substring(1, $locked.Length - 2)
$locked = $locked.Replace('\"', '"')
$placeholder = "$([char]$placeholderChar)"
$placeholders[$placeholder] = $locked
$value = $value.Replace($locked, $placeholder)
# We can't rely on $key.GetHashCode() to be consistent across different runs,
# because in the future PowerShell may enable UseRandomizedStringHashAlgorithm.
$hash = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($key)
$hash = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1]::Create().ComputeHash($hash)
$hash = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($hash)
$rng = [System.Random]::new($hash)
$lines = $value -split '\r?\n'
$lines = $lines | ForEach-Object {
# Replace all characters with pseudo-localized characters
$newValue = ''
foreach ($char in $_.ToCharArray()) {
if ($m = $mapping[$char]) {
$newValue += $m[$rng.Next(0, $mapping[$char].Length)]
else {
$newValue += $char
# Replace all placeholders with their original values
foreach ($kv in $placeholders.GetEnumerator()) {
$newValue = $newValue.Replace($kv.Key, $kv.Value)
# Add 40% padding to the end of the string
$paddingLength = [System.Math]::Round(0.4 * $newValue.Length)
$padding = ' !!!' * ($paddingLength / 4 + 1)
$newValue + $padding.Substring(0, $paddingLength)
$lines = $lines -join "`r`n"
return $lines
if ($path.EndsWith(".resw")) {
foreach ($entry in $content.SelectNodes('/root/data')) {
$comment = $entry.SelectSingleNode('comment')?.'#text' ?? ''
$entry.value = GetPseudoLocalization $ $entry.value $comment
elseif ($path.EndsWith(".xml")) {
foreach ($parent in $content.DocumentElement.SelectNodes('//*[@_locID]')) {
$locID = $parent.GetAttribute('_locID')
$comment = $parent.SelectSingleNode('comment()[contains(., "_locComment_text")]')?.Value ?? ''
foreach ($entry in $parent.SelectNodes('text()')) {
$value = $entry.Value
if ($value.Trim().Length -ne 0) {
$entry.Value = GetPseudoLocalization $locID $value $comment
# Remove all _locComment_text comments
foreach ($entry in $content.DocumentElement.SelectNodes('//comment()[contains(., "_locComment_text")]')) {
$null = $entry.ParentNode.RemoveChild($entry)
# Remove all _locID attributes
foreach ($entry in $content.DocumentElement.SelectNodes('//*[@_locID]')) {
return $content