
48 lines
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// A minimal pixel shader that outlines text
// The terminal graphics as a texture
Texture2D shaderTexture;
SamplerState samplerState;
// Terminal settings such as the resolution of the texture
cbuffer PixelShaderSettings {
// The number of seconds since the pixel shader was enabled
float Time;
// UI Scale
float Scale;
// Resolution of the shaderTexture
float2 Resolution;
// Background color as rgba
float4 Background;
// A pixel shader is a program that given a texture coordinate (tex) produces a color.
// tex is an x,y tuple that ranges from 0,0 (top left) to 1,1 (bottom right).
// Just ignore the pos parameter.
float4 main(float4 pos : SV_POSITION, float2 tex : TEXCOORD) : SV_TARGET
// Read the color value at the current texture coordinate (tex)
// float4 is tuple of 4 floats, rgba
float4 color = shaderTexture.Sample(samplerState, tex);
// Read the color value at some offset, will be used as shadow. For the best
// effect, read the colors offset on the left, right, top, bottom of this
// fragment, as well as on the corners of this fragment.
// Now, if any of those adjacent cells has text in it, then the *color vec4
// will have a non-zero .w (which is used for alpha). Use that alpha value
// to add some black to the current fragment.
// This will result in only coloring fragments adjacent to text, but leaving
// background images (for example) untouched.
for (int dy = -2; dy <= 2; dy += 2) {
for (int dx = -2; dx <= 2; dx += 2) {
float4 neighbor = shaderTexture.Sample(samplerState, tex, int2(dx, dy));
color.a += neighbor.a;
return color;