
673 lines
26 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File : BinariesCheck.py
# Package : rpmlint
# Author : Frederic Lepied
# Created on : Tue Sep 28 07:01:42 1999
# Purpose : check binary files in a binary rpm package.
import os
import re
import stat
import sys
import rpm
from Filter import addDetails, printError, printWarning
import AbstractCheck
import Config
import Pkg
'/lib', '/usr/lib', '/usr/X11R6/lib',
'/lib64', '/usr/lib64', '/usr/X11R6/lib64')
def create_regexp_call(call):
if type(call) == type([]):
call = '(?:' + '|'.join(call) + ')'
r = "\s+FUNC\s+.*?\s+(%s(?:@GLIBC\S+)?)(?:\s|$)" % call
return re.compile(r)
class BinaryInfo:
needed_regex = re.compile('\s+\(NEEDED\).*\[(\S+)\]')
rpath_regex = re.compile('\s+\(RPATH\).*\[(\S+)\]')
soname_regex = re.compile('\s+\(SONAME\).*\[(\S+)\]')
comment_regex = re.compile('^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+\.comment\s+')
pic_regex = re.compile('^\s+\[\s*\d+\]\s+\.rela?\.(data|text)')
# GNU_STACK 0x000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000 0x00000 RWE 0x4
stack_regex = re.compile('^\s+GNU_STACK\s+(?:(?:\S+\s+){5}(\S+)\s+)?')
stack_exec_regex = re.compile('^..E$')
undef_regex = re.compile('^undefined symbol:\s+(\S+)')
unused_regex = re.compile('^\s+(\S+)')
exit_call_regex = create_regexp_call('_?exit')
fork_call_regex = create_regexp_call('fork')
# regexp for setgid setegid setresgid set(?:res|e)?gid
setgid_call_regex = create_regexp_call(['setresgid', 'setegid', 'setgid'])
setuid_call_regex = create_regexp_call(['setresuid', 'seteuid', 'setuid'])
setgroups_call_regex = create_regexp_call(['initgroups', 'setgroups'])
chroot_call_regex = create_regexp_call('chroot')
chdir_call_regex = create_regexp_call('chdir')
mktemp_call_regex = create_regexp_call('mktemp')
def __init__(self, pkg, path, file, is_ar, is_shlib):
self.readelf_error = False
self.needed = []
self.rpath = []
self.undef = []
self.unused = []
self.comment = False
self.soname = False
self.non_pic = True
self.stack = False
self.exec_stack = False
self.exit_calls = []
fork_called = False
self.tail = ''
self.setgid = False
self.setuid = False
self.setgroups = False
self.chroot = False
self.chdir = False
self.chroot_near_chdir = False
self.mktemp = False
is_debug = path.endswith('.debug')
cmd = ['env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'readelf', '-W', '-S', '-l', '-d', '-s']
res = Pkg.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if not res[0]:
for l in res[1].splitlines():
if BinaryInfo.mktemp_call_regex.search(l):
self.mktemp = True
if BinaryInfo.setgid_call_regex.search(l):
self.setgid = True
if BinaryInfo.setuid_call_regex.search(l):
self.setuid = True
if BinaryInfo.setgroups_call_regex.search(l):
self.setgroups = True
if BinaryInfo.chdir_call_regex.search(l):
self.chdir = True
if BinaryInfo.chroot_call_regex.search(l):
self.chroot = True
r = BinaryInfo.needed_regex.search(l)
if r:
r = BinaryInfo.rpath_regex.search(l)
if r:
for p in r.group(1).split(':'):
if BinaryInfo.comment_regex.search(l):
self.comment = True
if BinaryInfo.pic_regex.search(l):
self.non_pic = False
r = BinaryInfo.soname_regex.search(l)
if r:
self.soname = r.group(1)
r = BinaryInfo.stack_regex.search(l)
if r:
self.stack = True
flags = r.group(1)
if flags and BinaryInfo.stack_exec_regex.search(flags):
self.exec_stack = True
if is_shlib:
r = BinaryInfo.exit_call_regex.search(l)
if r:
r = BinaryInfo.fork_call_regex.search(l)
if r:
fork_called = True
if self.non_pic:
self.non_pic = 'TEXTREL' in res[1]
# Ignore all exit() calls if fork() is being called.
# Does not have any context at all but without this kludge, the
# number of false positives would probably be intolerable.
if fork_called:
self.exit_calls = []
# check if chroot is near chdir (since otherwise, chroot is called
# without chdir)
if self.chroot and self.chdir:
# FIXME this check is too slow, because forking for objdump is
# quite slow according to a quick test and that's quite visible
# on a server like postfix
res = Pkg.getstatusoutput(
('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'objdump', '-d', path))
if not res[0]:
call = []
# we want that :
# 401eb8: e8 c3 f0 ff ff callq 400f80 <free@plt>
for l in res[1].splitlines():
# call is for x86 32 bits, callq for x86_64
if l.find('callq ') >= 0 or l.find('call ') >= 0:
call.append(l.rpartition(' ')[2])
for index, c in enumerate(call):
if c.find('chroot@plt') >= 0:
for i in call[index-2:index+2]:
if i.find('chdir@plt'):
self.chroot_near_chdir = True
self.readelf_error = True
printWarning(pkg, 'binaryinfo-readelf-failed',
file, re.sub('\n.*', '', res[1]))
fobj = None
fobj = open(path, 'rb')
fobj.seek(-12, os.SEEK_END)
self.tail = Pkg.b2s(fobj.read())
except Exception:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
printWarning(pkg, 'binaryinfo-tail-failed %s: %s' % (file, e))
if fobj:
# Undefined symbol and unused direct dependency checks make sense only
# for installed packages.
# skip debuginfo: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/190599
if not is_ar and not is_debug and isinstance(pkg, Pkg.InstalledPkg):
# We could do this with objdump, but it's _much_ simpler with ldd.
res = Pkg.getstatusoutput(
('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'ldd', '-d', '-r', path))
if not res[0]:
for l in res[1].splitlines():
undef = BinaryInfo.undef_regex.search(l)
if undef:
if self.undef:
cmd = self.undef[:]
cmd.insert(0, 'c++filt')
res = Pkg.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if not res[0]:
self.undef = res[1].splitlines()
printWarning(pkg, 'ldd-failed', file)
res = Pkg.getstatusoutput(
('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'ldd', '-r', '-u', path))
if res[0]:
# Either ldd doesn't grok -u (added in glibc 2.3.4) or we have
# unused direct dependencies
in_unused = False
for l in res[1].splitlines():
if not l.rstrip():
elif l.startswith('Unused direct dependencies'):
in_unused = True
elif in_unused:
unused = BinaryInfo.unused_regex.search(l)
if unused:
in_unused = False
path_regex = re.compile('(.*/)([^/]+)')
numeric_dir_regex = re.compile('/usr(?:/share)/man/man./(.*)\.[0-9](?:\.gz|\.bz2)')
versioned_dir_regex = re.compile('[^.][0-9]')
ldso_soname_regex = re.compile('^ld(-linux(-(ia|x86_)64))?\.so')
so_regex = re.compile('/lib(64)?/[^/]+\.so(\.[0-9]+)*$')
validso_regex = re.compile('(\.so\.\d+(\.\d+)*|\d\.so)$')
sparc_regex = re.compile('SPARC32PLUS|SPARC V9|UltraSPARC')
system_lib_paths = Config.getOption('SystemLibPaths', DEFAULT_SYSTEM_LIB_PATHS)
pie_exec_re = Config.getOption('PieExecutables')
if pie_exec_re:
pie_exec_re = re.compile(pie_exec_re)
usr_lib_regex = re.compile('^/usr/lib(64)?/')
bin_regex = re.compile('^(/usr(/X11R6)?)?/s?bin/')
soversion_regex = re.compile('.*?([0-9][.0-9]*)\\.so|.*\\.so\\.([0-9][.0-9]*).*')
reference_regex = re.compile('\.la$|^/usr/lib(64)?/pkgconfig/')
usr_lib_exception_regex = re.compile(Config.getOption('UsrLibBinaryException', '^/usr/lib(64)?/(perl|python|ruby|menu|pkgconfig|ocaml|lib[^/]+\.(so|l?a)$|bonobo/servers/)'))
srcname_regex = re.compile('(.*?)-[0-9]')
invalid_dir_ref_regex = re.compile('/(home|tmp)(\W|$)')
ocaml_mixed_regex = re.compile('^Caml1999X0\d\d$')
def dir_base(path):
res = path_regex.search(path)
if res:
return res.group(1), res.group(2)
return '', path
class BinariesCheck(AbstractCheck.AbstractCheck):
def __init__(self):
AbstractCheck.AbstractCheck.__init__(self, 'BinariesCheck')
def check_binary(self, pkg):
files = pkg.files()
exec_files = []
has_lib = False
version = None
binary = False
binary_in_usr_lib = False
has_usr_lib_file = False
multi_pkg = False
srpm = pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_SOURCERPM]
if srpm:
res = srcname_regex.search(srpm)
if res:
multi_pkg = (pkg.name != res.group(1))
for fname, pkgfile in files.items():
if not stat.S_ISDIR(pkgfile.mode) and usr_lib_regex.search(fname):
has_usr_lib_file = True
if not binary_in_usr_lib and \
# Fake that we have binaries there to avoid
# only-non-binary-in-usr-lib false positives
binary_in_usr_lib = True
is_elf = 'ELF' in pkgfile.magic
is_ar = 'current ar archive' in pkgfile.magic
is_ocaml_native = 'Objective caml native' in pkgfile.magic
is_lua_bytecode = 'Lua bytecode' in pkgfile.magic
is_binary = is_elf or is_ar or is_ocaml_native or is_lua_bytecode
if not is_binary:
if reference_regex.search(fname):
lines = pkg.grep(invalid_dir_ref_regex, fname)
if lines:
printError(pkg, 'invalid-directory-reference', fname,
'(line %s)' % ", ".join(lines))
# binary files only from here on
binary = True
if has_usr_lib_file and not binary_in_usr_lib and \
binary_in_usr_lib = True
if pkg.arch == 'noarch':
# arch dependent packages only from here on
# in /usr/share ?
if fname.startswith('/usr/share/'):
printError(pkg, 'arch-dependent-file-in-usr-share', fname)
# in /etc ?
if fname.startswith('/etc/'):
printError(pkg, 'binary-in-etc', fname)
if pkg.arch == 'sparc' and sparc_regex.search(pkgfile.magic):
printError(pkg, 'non-sparc32-binary', fname)
if is_ocaml_native or is_lua_bytecode or fname.endswith('.o') or \
# stripped ?
if 'not stripped' in pkgfile.magic:
printWarning(pkg, 'unstripped-binary-or-object', fname)
# inspect binary file
is_shlib = so_regex.search(fname)
bin_info = BinaryInfo(pkg, pkgfile.path, fname, is_ar, is_shlib)
if is_shlib:
has_lib = True
# shared libs
if is_shlib and not bin_info.readelf_error:
# so name in library
if not bin_info.soname:
printWarning(pkg, 'no-soname', fname)
if not validso_regex.search(bin_info.soname):
printError(pkg, 'invalid-soname', fname,
(directory, base) = dir_base(fname)
symlink = directory + bin_info.soname
link = files[symlink].linkto
if link not in (fname, base, ''):
printError(pkg, 'invalid-ldconfig-symlink',
fname, link)
except KeyError:
if base.startswith("lib") or \
printError(pkg, 'no-ldconfig-symlink', fname)
res = soversion_regex.search(bin_info.soname)
if res:
soversion = res.group(1) or res.group(2)
if version is None:
version = soversion
elif version != soversion:
version = -1
if bin_info.non_pic:
printError(pkg, 'shlib-with-non-pic-code', fname)
# It could be useful to check these for others than shared
# libs only, but that has potential to generate lots of
# false positives and noise.
for s in bin_info.undef:
printWarning(pkg, 'undefined-non-weak-symbol', fname, s)
for s in bin_info.unused:
printWarning(pkg, 'unused-direct-shlib-dependency',
fname, s)
# calls exit() or _exit()?
for ec in bin_info.exit_calls:
printWarning(pkg, 'shared-lib-calls-exit', fname, ec)
# rpath ?
if bin_info.rpath:
for p in bin_info.rpath:
if p in system_lib_paths or not usr_lib_regex.search(p):
printError(pkg, 'binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath',
fname, bin_info.rpath)
is_exec = 'executable' in pkgfile.magic
is_shobj = 'shared object' in pkgfile.magic
if not is_exec and not is_shobj:
if is_shobj and not is_exec and '.so' not in fname and \
# pkgfile.magic does not contain "executable" for PIEs
is_exec = True
if is_exec:
if bin_regex.search(fname):
if ocaml_mixed_regex.search(bin_info.tail):
printWarning(pkg, 'ocaml-mixed-executable', fname)
if not is_shobj and pie_exec_re and pie_exec_re.search(fname):
printError(pkg, 'non-position-independent-executable',
if bin_info.readelf_error:
if not bin_info.needed and not (
bin_info.soname and
if is_shobj:
printError(pkg, 'statically-linked-binary', fname)
# linked against libc ?
if "libc." not in fname and \
(not bin_info.soname or
("libc." not in bin_info.soname and
not ldso_soname_regex.search(bin_info.soname))):
found_libc = False
for lib in bin_info.needed:
if "libc." in lib:
found_libc = True
if not found_libc:
if is_shobj:
printError(pkg, 'library-not-linked-against-libc',
printError(pkg, 'program-not-linked-against-libc',
if bin_info.stack:
if bin_info.exec_stack:
printWarning(pkg, 'executable-stack', fname)
elif not bin_info.readelf_error and (
pkg.arch.endswith("86") or
pkg.arch.startswith("pentium") or
pkg.arch in ("athlon", "x86_64")):
printError(pkg, 'missing-PT_GNU_STACK-section', fname)
if bin_info.setgid and bin_info.setuid and not bin_info.setgroups:
printError(pkg, 'missing-call-to-setgroups-before-setuid',
if bin_info.chroot:
if not bin_info.chdir or not bin_info.chroot_near_chdir:
printError(pkg, 'missing-call-to-chdir-with-chroot', fname)
if bin_info.mktemp:
printError(pkg, 'call-to-mktemp', fname)
if has_lib:
for f in exec_files:
printError(pkg, 'executable-in-library-package', f)
for f in files:
res = numeric_dir_regex.search(f)
fn = res and res.group(1) or f
if f not in exec_files and not so_regex.search(f) and \
not versioned_dir_regex.search(fn):
printError(pkg, 'non-versioned-file-in-library-package', f)
if version and version != -1 and version not in pkg.name:
printError(pkg, 'incoherent-version-in-name', version)
if not binary and not multi_pkg and pkg.arch != 'noarch':
printError(pkg, 'no-binary')
if has_usr_lib_file and not binary_in_usr_lib:
printWarning(pkg, 'only-non-binary-in-usr-lib')
# Create an object to enable the auto registration of the test
check = BinariesCheck()
# Add information about checks
'''The package contains a binary or object file but is tagged
'''This package installs an ELF binary in the /usr/share
hierarchy, which is reserved for architecture-independent files.''',
'''This package installs an ELF binary in /etc. Both the
FHS and the FSSTND forbid this.''',
# 'non-sparc32-binary',
# '',
'''The soname of the library is neither of the form lib<libname>.so.<major> or
'''The symbolic link references the wrong file. It should reference
the shared library.''',
'''The package should not only include the shared library itself, but
also the symbolic link which ldconfig would produce. (This is
necessary, so that the link gets removed by rpm automatically when
the package gets removed, even if for some reason ldconfig would not be
run at package postinstall phase.)''',
'''The listed shared libraries contain object code that was compiled
without -fPIC. All object code in shared libraries should be
recompiled separately from the static libraries with the -fPIC option.
Another common mistake that causes this problem is linking with
``gcc -Wl,-shared'' instead of ``gcc -shared''.''',
'''The binary or shared library defines `RPATH'. Usually this is a
bad thing because it hardcodes the path to search libraries and so
makes it difficult to move libraries around. Most likely you will find a
Makefile with a line like: gcc test.o -o test -Wl,--rpath. Also, sometimes
configure scripts provide a --disable-rpath flag to avoid this.''',
'''The package installs a statically linked binary or object file.
Usually this is a packaging bug. If not, contact your rpmlint distributor
about this so that this error gets included in the exception file for rpmlint
and will not be flagged as a packaging bug in the future (or add it to your
local configuration if you installed rpmlint from the source tarball).''',
'''The package mixes up libraries and executables. Mixing up these
both types of files makes upgrades quite impossible.''',
'''The package contains files in non versioned directories. This makes it
impossible to have multiple major versions of the libraries installed.
One solution can be to change the directories which contain the files
to subdirs of /usr/lib/<name>-<version> or /usr/share/<name>-<version>.
Another solution can be to include a version number in the file names
'''The package name should contain the major version of the library.''',
'This file contains a reference to /tmp or /home.',
'''The package should be of the noarch architecture because it doesn't contain
any binaries.''',
# http://sources.redhat.com/ml/libc-alpha/2003-05/msg00034.html
'''The binary contains undefined non-weak symbols. This may indicate improper
linkage; check that the binary has been linked as expected.''',
# http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-maintainers/2006-June/msg00176.html
'''The binary contains unused direct shared library dependencies. This may
indicate gratuitously bloated linkage; check that the binary has been linked
with the intended shared libraries only.''',
'''There are only non binary files in /usr/lib so they should be in
'''Executing readelf on this file failed, all checks could not be run.''',
'''Reading trailing bytes of this file failed, all checks could not be run.''',
'''Executing ldd on this file failed, all checks could not be run.''',
'''The binary declares the stack as executable. Executable stack is usually an
error as it is only needed if the code contains GCC trampolines or similar
constructs which uses code on the stack. One common source for needlessly
executable stack cases are object files built from assembler files which
don\'t define a proper .note.GNU-stack section.''',
'''The binary lacks a PT_GNU_STACK section. This forces the dynamic linker to
make the stack executable. Usual suspects include use of a non-GNU linker or
an old GNU linker version.''',
'''This library package calls exit() or _exit(), probably in a non-fork()
context. Doing so from a library is strongly discouraged - when a library
function calls exit(), it prevents the calling program from handling the
error, reporting it to the user, closing files properly, and cleaning up any
state that the program has. It is preferred for the library to return an
actual error code and let the calling program decide how to handle the
'''Executables built with ocamlc -custom are deprecated. Packagers should ask
upstream maintainers to build these executables without the -custom option. If
this cannot be changed and the executable needs to be packaged in its current
form, make sure that rpmbuild does not strip it during the build, and on setups
that use prelink, make sure that prelink does not strip it either, usually by
placing a blacklist file in /etc/prelink.conf.d. For more information, see
'''This executable must be position independent. Check that it is built with
-fPIE/-fpie in compiler flags and -pie in linker flags.''',
'''This executable is calling setuid and setgid without setgroups or
initgroups. There is a high probability this means it didn't relinquish all
groups, and this would be a potential security issue to be fixed. Seek POS36-C
on the web for details about the problem.''',
'''This executable appears to call chroot without using chdir to change the
current directory. This is likely an error and permits an attacker to break out
of the chroot by using fchdir. While that's not always a security issue, this
has to be checked.''',
'''This executable calls mktemp. As advised by the manpage (mktemp(3)), this
function should be avoided. Some implementations are deeply insecure, and there
is a race condition between the time of check and time of use (TOCTOU).
See http://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/29.html for details, and contact
upstream to have this issue fixed.''',
'''This executable should be stripped from debugging symbols, in order to take
less space and be loaded faster. This is usually done automatically at
buildtime by rpm. Check the build logs and the permission on the file (some
implementations only strip if the permission is 0755).'''
# BinariesCheck.py ends here
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