
272 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Project : Mandriva Linux
# Module : rpmlint
# File : InitScriptCheck.py
# Version : $Id$
# Author : Frederic Lepied
# Created On : Fri Aug 25 09:26:37 2000
# Purpose : check init scripts (files in /etc/rc.d/init.d)
import os
import re
import rpm
from Filter import addDetails, printError, printWarning
import AbstractCheck
import Config
import Pkg
chkconfig_content_regex = re.compile('^\s*#\s*chkconfig:\s*([-0-9]+)\s+[-0-9]+\s+[-0-9]+')
subsys_regex = re.compile('/var/lock/subsys/([^/"\'\n\s;&|]+)', re.MULTILINE)
chkconfig_regex = re.compile('^[^#]*(chkconfig|add-service|del-service)', re.MULTILINE)
status_regex = re.compile('^[^#]*status', re.MULTILINE)
reload_regex = re.compile('^[^#]*reload', re.MULTILINE)
dot_in_name_regex = re.compile('.*\..*')
use_deflevels = Config.getOption('UseDefaultRunlevels', True)
lsb_tags_regex = re.compile('^# ([\w-]+):\s*(.*?)\s*$')
lsb_cont_regex = re.compile('^#(?:\t| )(.*?)\s*$')
LSB_KEYWORDS = ('Provides', 'Required-Start', 'Required-Stop', 'Should-Start',
'Should-Stop', 'Default-Start', 'Default-Stop',
'Short-Description', 'Description')
RECOMMENDED_LSB_KEYWORDS = ('Provides', 'Required-Start', 'Required-Stop',
'Default-Stop', 'Short-Description')
class InitScriptCheck(AbstractCheck.AbstractCheck):
def __init__(self):
AbstractCheck.AbstractCheck.__init__(self, 'InitScriptCheck')
def check(self, pkg):
# Check only binary package
if pkg.isSource():
initscript_list = []
for fname, pkgfile in pkg.files().items():
if fname.startswith('/etc/init.d/') or \
basename = os.path.basename(fname)
if pkgfile.mode & 0500 != 0500:
printError(pkg, 'init-script-non-executable', fname)
if dot_in_name_regex.match(basename):
printError(pkg, 'init-script-name-with-dot', fname)
# check chkconfig call in %post and %preun
postin = pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTIN] or pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTINPROG]
if not postin:
printError(pkg, 'init-script-without-chkconfig-postin', fname)
if not chkconfig_regex.search(postin):
printError(pkg, 'postin-without-chkconfig', fname)
preun = pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_PREUN] or pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_PREUNPROG]
if not preun:
printError(pkg, 'init-script-without-chkconfig-preun', fname)
if not chkconfig_regex.search(preun):
printError(pkg, 'preun-without-chkconfig', fname)
status_found = False
reload_found = False
chkconfig_content_found = False
subsys_regex_found = False
in_lsb_tag = False
in_lsb_description = False
lastline = ''
lsb_tags = {}
# check common error in file content
content = None
content = Pkg.readlines(pkgfile.path)
except Exception, e:
printWarning(pkg, 'read-error', e)
content_str = "".join(content)
for line in content:
line = line[:-1] # chomp
# TODO check if there is only one line like this
if line.startswith('### BEGIN INIT INFO'):
in_lsb_tag = True
if line.endswith('### END INIT INFO'):
in_lsb_tag = False
for kw, vals in lsb_tags.items():
if len(vals) != 1:
printError(pkg, 'redundant-lsb-keyword', kw)
if kw not in lsb_tags:
"%s in %s" % (kw, fname))
if in_lsb_tag:
# TODO maybe we do not have to handle this ?
if lastline.endswith('\\'):
line = lastline + line
res = lsb_tags_regex.search(line)
if not res:
cres = lsb_cont_regex.search(line)
if not (in_lsb_description and cres):
in_lsb_description = False
printError(pkg, 'malformed-line-in-lsb-comment-block', line)
lsb_tags["Description"][-1] += " " + cres.group(1)
tag = res.group(1)
if not tag.startswith('X-') and \
tag not in LSB_KEYWORDS:
printError(pkg, 'unknown-lsb-keyword', line)
in_lsb_description = (tag == 'Description')
if tag not in lsb_tags:
lsb_tags[tag] = []
lastline = line
if not status_found and status_regex.search(line):
status_found = True
if not reload_found and reload_regex.search(line):
reload_found = True
res = chkconfig_content_regex.search(line)
if res:
chkconfig_content_found = True
if use_deflevels:
if res.group(1) == '-':
printWarning(pkg, 'no-default-runlevel', fname)
if res.group(1) != '-':
printWarning(pkg, 'service-default-enabled', fname)
res = subsys_regex.search(line)
if res:
subsys_regex_found = True
name = res.group(1)
if name != basename:
error = True
if name[0] == '$':
value = Pkg.substitute_shell_vars(name, content_str)
if value == basename:
error = False
i = name.find('}')
if i != -1:
name = name[0:i]
error = name != basename
if error and len(name):
if name[0] == '$':
printWarning(pkg, 'incoherent-subsys', fname, name)
printError(pkg, 'incoherent-subsys', fname, name)
if "Default-Start" in lsb_tags:
if "".join(lsb_tags["Default-Start"]):
printWarning(pkg, 'service-default-enabled', fname)
if not status_found:
printError(pkg, 'no-status-entry', fname)
if not reload_found:
printWarning(pkg, 'no-reload-entry', fname)
if not chkconfig_content_found:
printError(pkg, 'no-chkconfig-line', fname)
if not subsys_regex_found:
printError(pkg, 'subsys-not-used', fname)
goodnames = (pkg.name.lower(), pkg.name.lower() + 'd')
if len(initscript_list) == 1 and initscript_list[0] not in goodnames:
printWarning(pkg, 'incoherent-init-script-name', initscript_list[0],
# Create an object to enable the auto registration of the test
check = InitScriptCheck()
'''The package contains an init script but doesn't contain a %post with
a call to chkconfig.''',
'''The package contains an init script but doesn't call chkconfig in its %post.''',
'''The package contains an init script but doesn't contain a %preun with
a call to chkconfig.''',
'''The package contains an init script but doesn't call chkconfig in its %preun.''',
'''The package contains an init script that does not contain one of the LSB
init script comment block convention keywords that are recommendable for all
init scripts. If there is nothing to add to a keyword's value, include the
keyword in the script with an empty value. Note that as of version 3.2, the
LSB specification does not mandate presence of any keywords.''',
'''In your init script (/etc/rc.d/init.d/your_file), you don't
have a 'status' entry, which is necessary for good functionality.''',
'''In your init script (/etc/rc.d/init.d/your_file), you don't
have a 'reload' entry, which is necessary for good functionality.''',
'''The init script doesn't contain a chkconfig line to specify the runlevels
at which to start and stop it.''',
'''The default runlevel isn't specified in the init script.''',
'''The service is enabled by default after "chkconfig --add"; for security
reasons, most services should not be. Use "-" as the default runlevel in the
init script's "chkconfig:" line and/or remove the "Default-Start:" LSB keyword
to fix this if appropriate for this service.''',
'''While your daemon is running, you have to put a lock file in
/var/lock/subsys/. To see an example, look at this directory on your
machine and examine the corresponding init scripts.''',
'''The filename of your lock file in /var/lock/subsys/ is incoherent
with your actual init script name. For example, if your script name
is httpd, you have to use 'httpd' as the filename in your subsys directory.
It is also possible that rpmlint gets this wrong, especially if the init
script contains nontrivial shell variables and/or assignments. These
cases usually manifest themselves when rpmlint reports that the subsys name
starts a with '$'; in these cases a warning instead of an error is reported
and you should check the script manually.''',
'''The init script name should be the same as the package name in lower case,
or one with 'd' appended if it invokes a process by that name.''',
'''The init script name should not contain a dot in its name. Some versions
of chkconfig don't work as expected with init script names like that.''',
'''The init script should have at least the execution bit set for root
in order for it to run at boot time.''',
# InitScriptCheck.py ends here
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