
101 lines
3.3 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File : AbstractCheck.py
# Package : rpmlint
# Author : Frederic Lepied
# Created on : Tue Sep 28 00:22:38 1999
# Version : $Id$
# Purpose : Abstract class to hold all the derived classes.
import re
import socket
import urllib2
from Filter import addDetails, printInfo, printWarning
import Config
# Note: do not add any capturing parentheses here
macro_regex = re.compile('%+[{(]?\w+[)}]?')
class _HeadRequest(urllib2.Request):
def get_method(self):
return "HEAD"
class _HeadRedirectHandler(urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler):
def redirect_request(*args):
res = urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.redirect_request(*args)
if res:
res = _HeadRequest(res.get_full_url())
return res
class AbstractCheck:
known_checks = {}
def __init__(self, name):
if not AbstractCheck.known_checks.get(name):
AbstractCheck.known_checks[name] = self
self.name = name
self.verbose = False
self.network_enabled = Config.getOption("NetworkEnabled", False)
self.network_timeout = Config.getOption("NetworkTimeout", 10)
def check(self, pkg):
raise NotImplementedError('check must be implemented in subclass')
def check_url(self, pkg, tag, url):
"""Check that URL points to something that seems to exist."""
if self.verbose:
if self.network_enabled:
printInfo(pkg, 'checking-url', url,
'(timeout %s seconds)' % self.network_timeout)
printInfo(pkg, 'network-checks-disabled', url)
# Could use timeout kwarg to urlopen, but that's python >= 2.6 only
res = err = None
opener = urllib2.build_opener(_HeadRedirectHandler())
opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent',
'rpmlint/%s' % Config.__version__)]
res = opener.open(_HeadRequest(url))
except Exception, e:
errstr = str(e) or repr(e) or type(e)
printWarning(pkg, 'invalid-url', '%s:' % tag, url, errstr)
res and res.close()
class AbstractFilesCheck(AbstractCheck):
def __init__(self, name, file_regexp):
self.__files_re = re.compile(file_regexp)
AbstractCheck.__init__(self, name)
def check(self, pkg):
if pkg.isSource():
for filename in pkg.files():
if self.__files_re.match(filename):
self.check_file(pkg, filename)
def check_file(self, pkg, filename):
"""Virtual method called for each file that match the regexp passed
to the constructor.
raise NotImplementedError('check must be implemented in subclass')
'''The value should be a valid, public HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URL.''',
'''Checks requiring network access have not been enabled in configuration,
see the NetworkEnabled option.''',
# AbstractCheck.py ends here
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