# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################# # File : SpecCheck.py # Package : rpmlint # Author : Frederic Lepied # Created on : Thu Oct 7 17:06:14 1999 # Version : $Id$ # Purpose : check the spec file of a source rpm. ############################################################################# import re try: from urlparse import urlparse except ImportError: # Python 3 from urllib.parse import urlparse import rpm from Filter import addDetails, printError, printWarning from TagsCheck import VALID_GROUPS import AbstractCheck import Config import Pkg # Don't check for hardcoded library paths in biarch packages DEFAULT_BIARCH_PACKAGES = '^(gcc|glibc)' # Don't check for hardcoded library paths in packages which can have # their noarch files in /usr/lib//*, or packages that can't # be installed on biarch systems DEFAULT_HARDCODED_LIB_PATH_EXCEPTIONS = '/lib/(modules|cpp|perl5|rpm|hotplug|firmware)($|[\s/,])' patch_regex = re.compile("^Patch(\d*)\s*:\s*([^\s]+)", re.IGNORECASE) applied_patch_regex = re.compile("^%patch(\d*)") applied_patch_p_regex = re.compile("\s-P\s+(\d+)\\b") source_dir_regex = re.compile("^[^#]*(\$RPM_SOURCE_DIR|%{?_sourcedir}?)") obsolete_tags_regex = re.compile("^(Copyright|Serial)\s*:\s*([^\s]+)") buildroot_regex = re.compile('^BuildRoot\s*:\s*([^\s]+)', re.IGNORECASE) prefix_regex = re.compile('^Prefix\s*:\s*([^\s]+)', re.IGNORECASE) packager_regex = re.compile('^Packager\s*:\s*([^\s]+)', re.IGNORECASE) noarch_regex = re.compile('^BuildArch(?:itectures)?\s*:\s*\\bnoarch\\b', re.IGNORECASE) make_check_regex = re.compile('(^|\s|%{?__)make}?\s+(check|test)') rm_regex = re.compile('(^|\s)((.*/)?rm|%{?__rm}?) ') rpm_buildroot_regex = re.compile('^[^#]*(?:(\\\*)\${?RPM_BUILD_ROOT}?|(%+){?buildroot}?)') configure_libdir_spec_regex = re.compile('ln |\./configure[^#]*--libdir=([^\s]+)[^#]*') lib_package_regex = re.compile('^%package.*\Wlib') ifarch_regex = re.compile('%ifn?arch\s+') if_regex = re.compile('%if\s+') endif_regex = re.compile('%endif\\b') biarch_package_regex = re.compile(DEFAULT_BIARCH_PACKAGES) hardcoded_lib_path_exceptions_regex = re.compile(Config.getOption('HardcodedLibPathExceptions', DEFAULT_HARDCODED_LIB_PATH_EXCEPTIONS)) prereq_regex = re.compile('^PreReq(\(.*\))?:\s*(.+?)\s*$', re.IGNORECASE) buildprereq_regex = re.compile('^BuildPreReq:\s*(.+?)\s*$', re.IGNORECASE) use_utf8 = Config.getOption('UseUTF8', Config.USEUTF8_DEFAULT) libdir_regex = re.compile('%{?_lib(?:dir)?\}?\\b') comment_or_empty_regex = re.compile('^\s*(#|$)') defattr_regex = re.compile('^\s*%defattr\\b') attr_regex = re.compile('^\s*%attr\\b') section_regexs = dict( ([x, re.compile('^%' + x + '(?:\s|$)')] for x in ('build', 'changelog', 'check', 'clean', 'description', 'files', 'install', 'package', 'prep', 'pre', 'post', 'preun', 'postun', 'trigger', 'triggerin', 'triggerun', 'triggerprein', 'triggerpostun', 'pretrans', 'posttrans'))) deprecated_grep_regex = re.compile(r'\b[ef]grep\b') # Only check for /lib, /usr/lib, /usr/X11R6/lib # TODO: better handling of X libraries and modules. hardcoded_library_paths = '(/lib|/usr/lib|/usr/X11R6/lib/(?!([^/]+/)+)[^/]*\\.([oa]|la|so[0-9.]*))' hardcoded_library_path_regex = re.compile('^[^#]*((^|\s+|\.\./\.\.|\${?RPM_BUILD_ROOT}?|%{?buildroot}?|%{?_prefix}?)' + hardcoded_library_paths + '(?=[\s;/])([^\s,;]*))') # Requires(pre,post) is broken in some rpm versions, see # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/118780 and bugs linked to that one. scriptlet_requires_regex = re.compile('^(PreReq|Requires)\([^\)]*,', re.IGNORECASE) depscript_override_regex = re.compile('(^|\s)%(define|global)\s+__find_(requires|provides)\s') depgen_disable_regex = re.compile('(^|\s)%(define|global)\s+_use_internal_dependency_generator\s+0') # See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/488146 for details indent_spaces_regex = re.compile('( \t|(^|\t)([^\t]{8})*[^\t]{4}[^\t]?([^\t][^\t.!?]|[^\t]?[.!?] ) )') requires_regex = re.compile('^(?:Build)?(?:Pre)?Req(?:uires)?(?:\([^\)]+\))?:\s*(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) provides_regex = re.compile('^Provides(?:\([^\)]+\))?:\s*(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) obsoletes_regex = re.compile('^Obsoletes:\s*(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) conflicts_regex = re.compile('^(?:Build)?Conflicts:\s*(.*)', re.IGNORECASE) compop_regex = re.compile('[<>=]') setup_q_regex = re.compile(' -[A-Za-z]*q') setup_t_regex = re.compile(' -[A-Za-z]*T') setup_ab_regex = re.compile(' -[A-Za-z]*[ab]') filelist_regex = re.compile('\s+-f\s+\S+') pkgname_regex = re.compile('\s+(?:-n\s+)?(\S+)') tarball_regex = re.compile('\.(?:t(?:ar|[glx]z|bz2?)|zip)\\b', re.IGNORECASE) def deptokens(line): '''Parse provides/requires/conflicts/obsoletes line to dep token list.''' prco = [] tmp = '' wantmore = False toks = re.split('[\s,]+', line.strip()) # Drop line continuation backslash in multiline macro definition, eg. # [...] \ # Obsoletes: foo-%1 <= 1.0.0 \ # [...] \ # (yes, this is an ugly hack and we probably have other problems with # multiline macro definitions elsewhere...) if toks[-1] == '\\': del toks[-1] for tok in toks: if len(tok) == 0: continue if len(tmp) == 0: tmp = tok elif wantmore: tmp += ' ' + tok wantmore = False elif tok[0] in ('=', '<', '>'): tmp += ' ' + tok wantmore = True else: prco.append(tmp) wantmore = False tmp = tok if len(tmp) != 0: prco.append(tmp) return prco def versioned(toks): '''Return versioned dependency tokens from the given list.''' res = [] for tok in toks: if tok.find('=') > 0 or tok.find('<') > 0 or tok.find('>') > 0: res.append(tok) return res def unversioned(toks): '''Return unversioned dependency tokens from the given list.''' res = [] for tok in toks: if ' ' not in tok: res.append(tok) return res def contains_buildroot(line): '''Check if the given line contains use of rpm buildroot.''' res = rpm_buildroot_regex.search(line) if res and \ (not res.group(1) or len(res.group(1)) % 2 == 0) and \ (not res.group(2) or len(res.group(2)) % 2 != 0): return True return False class SpecCheck(AbstractCheck.AbstractCheck): def __init__(self): AbstractCheck.AbstractCheck.__init__(self, "SpecCheck") self._spec_file = None def check(self, pkg): if not pkg.isSource(): return wrong_spec = False # lookup spec file for fname, pkgfile in pkg.files().items(): if fname.endswith('.spec'): self._spec_file = pkgfile.path if fname == pkg.name + ".spec": wrong_spec = False break else: wrong_spec = True if not self._spec_file: printError(pkg, "no-spec-file") else: if wrong_spec: printError(pkg, "invalid-spec-name") # check content of spec file self.check_spec(pkg, self._spec_file) def check_spec(self, pkg, spec_file, spec_lines=[]): self._spec_file = spec_file spec_only = isinstance(pkg, Pkg.FakePkg) if not spec_lines: spec_lines = Pkg.readlines(spec_file) patches = {} applied_patches = [] applied_patches_ifarch = [] source_dir = False buildroot = False configure_linenum = None configure_cmdline = "" mklibname = False is_lib_pkg = False if_depth = 0 ifarch_depth = -1 current_section = 'package' buildroot_clean = {'clean': False, 'install' : False} depscript_override = False depgen_disabled = False indent_spaces = 0 indent_tabs = 0 files_has_defattr = False section = {} # None == main package current_package = None package_noarch = {} is_utf8 = False if self._spec_file and use_utf8: if Pkg.is_utf8(self._spec_file): is_utf8 = True else: printError(pkg, "non-utf8-spec-file", self._spec_file) # gather info from spec lines pkg.current_linenum = 0 nbsp = chr(0xA0) if is_utf8: nbsp = unichr(0xA0) for line in spec_lines: pkg.current_linenum += 1 if is_utf8: line = unicode(line, "utf-8", "replace") char = line.find(nbsp) if char != -1: printWarning(pkg, "non-break-space", "line %s, char %d" % (pkg.current_linenum, char)) section_marker = False for sec, regex in section_regexs.items(): res = regex.search(line) if res: current_section = sec section_marker = True section[sec] = section.get(sec, 0) + 1 if sec in ('package', 'files'): rest = filelist_regex.sub('', line[res.end()-1:]) res = pkgname_regex.search(rest) if res: current_package = res.group(1) else: current_package = None break if section_marker: if current_section == 'files': files_has_defattr = False if not is_lib_pkg and lib_package_regex.search(line): is_lib_pkg = True continue if current_section in ('prep', 'build') and \ contains_buildroot(line): printWarning(pkg, 'rpm-buildroot-usage', '%' + current_section, line[:-1].strip()) if make_check_regex.search(line) and current_section not in \ ('check', 'changelog', 'package', 'description'): printWarning(pkg, 'make-check-outside-check-section', line[:-1]) if current_section in buildroot_clean and \ not buildroot_clean[current_section] and \ contains_buildroot(line) and rm_regex.search(line): buildroot_clean[current_section] = True if ifarch_regex.search(line): if_depth = if_depth + 1 ifarch_depth = if_depth if if_regex.search(line): if_depth = if_depth + 1 if line.startswith('%setup'): if not setup_q_regex.search(line): # Don't warn if there's a -T without -a or -b if setup_t_regex.search(line): if setup_ab_regex.search(line): printWarning(pkg, 'setup-not-quiet') else: printWarning(pkg, 'setup-not-quiet') if current_section != 'prep': printWarning(pkg, 'setup-not-in-prep') if endif_regex.search(line): if ifarch_depth == if_depth: ifarch_depth = -1 if_depth = if_depth - 1 res = applied_patch_regex.search(line) if res: pnum = res.group(1) or 0 for tmp in applied_patch_p_regex.findall(line) or [pnum]: pnum = int(tmp); applied_patches.append(pnum) if ifarch_depth > 0: applied_patches_ifarch.append(pnum) elif not source_dir: res = source_dir_regex.search(line) if res: source_dir = True printError(pkg, "use-of-RPM_SOURCE_DIR") if configure_linenum: if configure_cmdline[-1] == "\\": configure_cmdline = configure_cmdline[:-1] + line.strip() else: res = configure_libdir_spec_regex.search(configure_cmdline) if not res: # Hack to get the correct (start of ./configure) line # number displayed: real_linenum = pkg.current_linenum pkg.current_linenum = configure_linenum printWarning(pkg, "configure-without-libdir-spec") pkg.current_linenum = real_linenum elif res.group(1): res = re.match(hardcoded_library_paths, res.group(1)) if res: printError(pkg, "hardcoded-library-path", res.group(1), "in configure options") configure_linenum = None if current_section != 'changelog' and './configure' in line: # store line where it started configure_linenum = pkg.current_linenum configure_cmdline = line.strip() res = hardcoded_library_path_regex.search(line) if current_section != 'changelog' and res and not \ (biarch_package_regex.match(pkg.name) or hardcoded_lib_path_exceptions_regex.search( res.group(1).lstrip())): printError(pkg, "hardcoded-library-path", "in", res.group(1).lstrip()) if '%mklibname' in line: mklibname = True if current_section == 'package': # Would be cleaner to get sources and patches from the # specfile parsed in Python (see below), but we want to # catch %ifarch'd etc ones as well, and also catch these when # the specfile is not parseable. res = patch_regex.search(line) if res: pnum = int(res.group(1) or 0) patches[pnum] = res.group(2) res = obsolete_tags_regex.search(line) if res: printWarning(pkg, "obsolete-tag", res.group(1)) res = buildroot_regex.search(line) if res: buildroot = True if res.group(1).startswith('/'): printWarning(pkg, 'hardcoded-path-in-buildroot-tag', res.group(1)) res = packager_regex.search(line) if res: printWarning(pkg, 'hardcoded-packager-tag', res.group(1)) res = prefix_regex.search(line) if res: if not res.group(1).startswith('%'): printWarning(pkg, 'hardcoded-prefix-tag', res.group(1)) res = noarch_regex.search(line) if res: package_noarch[current_package] = True res = prereq_regex.search(line) if res: printError(pkg, 'prereq-use', res.group(2)) res = buildprereq_regex.search(line) if res: printError(pkg, 'buildprereq-use', res.group(1)) if scriptlet_requires_regex.search(line): printError(pkg, 'broken-syntax-in-scriptlet-requires', line.strip()) res = requires_regex.search(line) if res: reqs = deptokens(res.group(1)) for req in unversioned(reqs): if compop_regex.search(req): printWarning(pkg, 'comparison-operator-in-deptoken', req) res = provides_regex.search(line) if res: provs = deptokens(res.group(1)) for prov in unversioned(provs): printWarning(pkg, 'unversioned-explicit-provides', prov) if compop_regex.search(prov): printWarning(pkg, 'comparison-operator-in-deptoken', prov) res = obsoletes_regex.search(line) if res: obses = deptokens(res.group(1)) for obs in unversioned(obses): printWarning(pkg, 'unversioned-explicit-obsoletes', obs) if compop_regex.search(obs): printWarning(pkg, 'comparison-operator-in-deptoken', obs) res = conflicts_regex.search(line) if res: confs = deptokens(res.group(1)) for conf in unversioned(confs): if compop_regex.search(conf): printWarning(pkg, 'comparison-operator-in-deptoken', conf) if current_section == 'changelog': for match in AbstractCheck.macro_regex.findall(line): res = re.match('%+', match) if len(res.group(0)) % 2: printWarning(pkg, 'macro-in-%changelog', match) else: if not depscript_override: depscript_override = \ depscript_override_regex.search(line) is not None if not depgen_disabled: depgen_disabled = \ depgen_disable_regex.search(line) is not None if current_section == 'files': if not comment_or_empty_regex.search(line) and not \ (ifarch_regex.search(line) or if_regex.search(line) or endif_regex.search(line)): if defattr_regex.search(line): files_has_defattr = True elif not (files_has_defattr or attr_regex.search(line)): printError(pkg, 'files-attr-not-set') # TODO: check scriptlets for these too? if package_noarch.get(current_package) or \ (current_package not in package_noarch and package_noarch.get(None)): res = libdir_regex.search(line) if res: pkgname = current_package if pkgname is None: pkgname = '(main package)' printWarning(pkg, 'libdir-macro-in-noarch-package', pkgname, line.rstrip()) if not indent_tabs and '\t' in line: indent_tabs = pkg.current_linenum if not indent_spaces and indent_spaces_regex.search(line): indent_spaces = pkg.current_linenum # Check if egrep or fgrep is used if current_section not in \ ('package', 'changelog', 'description', 'files'): greps = deprecated_grep_regex.findall(line) if greps: printWarning(pkg, "deprecated-grep", greps) # If not checking spec file only, we're checking one inside a # SRPM -> skip this check to avoid duplicate warnings (#167) if spec_only and VALID_GROUPS and \ line.lower().startswith("group:"): group = line[6:].strip() if group not in VALID_GROUPS: printWarning(pkg, 'non-standard-group', group) # Test if there is macro in comment hashPos = line.find("#") if hashPos != -1: for match in AbstractCheck.macro_regex.findall( line[hashPos+1:]): res = re.match('%+', match) if len(res.group(0)) % 2: printWarning(pkg, 'macro-in-comment', match) # Last line read is not useful after this point pkg.current_linenum = None for sect in (x for x in buildroot_clean if not buildroot_clean[x]): printWarning(pkg, 'no-cleaning-of-buildroot', '%' + sect) if not buildroot: printWarning(pkg, 'no-buildroot-tag') for sec in ('prep', 'build', 'install', 'clean'): if not section.get(sec): printWarning(pkg, 'no-%%%s-section' % sec) for sec in ('changelog',): # prep, build, install, clean, check prevented by rpmbuild 4.4 if section.get(sec, 0) > 1: printWarning(pkg, 'more-than-one-%%%s-section' % sec) if is_lib_pkg and not mklibname: printError(pkg, 'lib-package-without-%mklibname') if depscript_override and not depgen_disabled: printWarning(pkg, 'depscript-without-disabling-depgen') if indent_spaces and indent_tabs: pkg.current_linenum = max(indent_spaces, indent_tabs) printWarning(pkg, 'mixed-use-of-spaces-and-tabs', '(spaces: line %d, tab: line %d)' % (indent_spaces, indent_tabs)) pkg.current_linenum = None # process gathered info for pnum, pfile in patches.items(): if pnum in applied_patches_ifarch: printWarning(pkg, "%ifarch-applied-patch", "Patch%d:" % pnum, pfile) if pnum not in applied_patches: printWarning(pkg, "patch-not-applied", "Patch%d:" % pnum, pfile) # Rest of the checks require a real spec file if not self._spec_file: return # We'd like to parse the specfile only once using python bindings, # but it seems errors from rpmlib get logged to stderr and we can't # capture and print them nicely, so we do it once each way :P out = Pkg.getstatusoutput(('env', 'LC_ALL=C', 'rpm', '-q', '--qf=', '--specfile', self._spec_file)) parse_error = False for line in out[1].splitlines(): # No such file or dir hack: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/487855 if 'No such file or directory' not in line: parse_error = True printError(pkg, 'specfile-error', line) if not parse_error: # grab sources and patches from parsed spec object to get # them with macros expanded for URL checking spec_obj = None try: ts = rpm.TransactionSet() spec_obj = ts.parseSpec(self._spec_file) except: # errors logged above already pass if spec_obj: try: # rpm < 4.8.0 sources = spec_obj.sources() except TypeError: # rpm >= 4.8.0 sources = spec_obj.sources for src in sources: (url, num, flags) = src (scheme, netloc) = urlparse(url)[0:2] if flags & 1: # rpmspec.h, rpm.org ticket #123 srctype = "Source" else: srctype = "Patch" tag = '%s%s' % (srctype, num) if scheme and netloc: self.check_url(pkg, tag, url) elif srctype == "Source" and tarball_regex.search(url): printWarning(pkg, 'invalid-url', '%s:' % tag, url) # Create an object to enable the auto registration of the test check = SpecCheck() # Add information about checks addDetails( 'no-spec-file', '''No spec file was specified in your RPM building. Please specify a valid SPEC file to build a valid RPM package.''', 'invalid-spec-name', '''Your spec filename must end with '.spec'. If it's not the case, rename your file and rebuild your package.''', 'non-utf8-spec-file', '''The character encoding of the spec file is not UTF-8. Convert it for example using iconv(1).''', 'use-of-RPM_SOURCE_DIR', '''You use $RPM_SOURCE_DIR or %{_sourcedir} in your spec file. If you have to use a directory for building, use $RPM_BUILD_ROOT instead.''', 'patch-not-applied', '''A patch is included in your package but was not applied. Refer to the patches documentation to see what's wrong.''', 'obsolete-tag', '''The following tags are obsolete: Copyright and Serial. They must be replaced by License and Epoch respectively.''', 'deprecated-grep', '''Direct use of grep as egrep or fgrep is deprecated in GNU grep and historical in POSIX, use grep -E and grep -F instead.''', 'no-buildroot-tag', '''The BuildRoot tag isn't used in your spec. It must be used in order to allow building the package as non root on some systems. For some rpm versions (e.g. rpm.org >= 4.6) the BuildRoot tag is not necessary in specfiles and is ignored by rpmbuild; if your package is only going to be built with such rpm versions you can ignore this warning.''', 'hardcoded-path-in-buildroot-tag', '''A path is hardcoded in your Buildroot tag. It should be replaced by something like %{_tmppath}/%name-root.''', 'hardcoded-packager-tag', '''The Packager tag is hardcoded in your spec file. It should be removed, so as to use rebuilder's own defaults.''', 'hardcoded-prefix-tag', '''The Prefix tag is hardcoded in your spec file. It should be removed, so as to allow package relocation.''', 'hardcoded-library-path', '''A library path is hardcoded to one of the following paths: /lib, /usr/lib. It should be replaced by something like /%{_lib} or %{_libdir}.''', 'configure-without-libdir-spec', '''A configure script is run without specifying the libdir. configure options must be augmented with something like --libdir=%{_libdir} whenever the script supports it.''', 'no-%prep-section', '''The spec file does not contain a %prep section. Even if some packages don't directly need it, section markers may be overridden in rpm's configuration to provide additional "under the hood" functionality. Add the section, even if empty.''', 'no-%build-section', '''The spec file does not contain a %build section. Even if some packages don't directly need it, section markers may be overridden in rpm's configuration to provide additional "under the hood" functionality, such as injection of automatic -debuginfo subpackages. Add the section, even if empty.''', 'no-%install-section', '''The spec file does not contain an %install section. Even if some packages don't directly need it, section markers may be overridden in rpm's configuration to provide additional "under the hood" functionality. Add the section, even if empty.''', 'no-%clean-section', '''The spec file doesn't contain a %clean section to remove the files installed by the %install section.''', 'more-than-one-%changelog-section', '''The spec file unnecessarily contains more than one %changelog section; remove the extra ones.''', 'lib-package-without-%mklibname', '''The package name must be built using %mklibname to allow lib64 and lib32 coexistence.''', '%ifarch-applied-patch', '''A patch is applied inside an %ifarch block. Patches must be applied on all architectures and may contain necessary configure and/or code patch to be effective only on a given arch.''', 'prereq-use', '''The use of PreReq is deprecated. In the majority of cases, a plain Requires is enough and the right thing to do. Sometimes Requires(pre), Requires(post), Requires(preun) and/or Requires(postun) can also be used instead of PreReq.''', 'buildprereq-use', '''The use of BuildPreReq is deprecated, build dependencies are always required before a package can be built. Use plain BuildRequires instead.''', 'broken-syntax-in-scriptlet-requires', '''Comma separated context marked dependencies are silently broken in some versions of rpm. One way to work around it is to split them into several ones, eg. replace "Requires(post,preun): foo" with "Requires(post): foo" and "Requires(preun): foo".''', 'setup-not-in-prep', '''The %setup macro should only be used within the %prep section because it may not expand to anything outside of it and can break the build in unpredictable ways.''', 'setup-not-quiet', '''Use the -q option to the %setup macro to avoid useless build output from unpacking the sources.''', 'no-cleaning-of-buildroot', '''You should clean $RPM_BUILD_ROOT in the %clean section and in the beginning of the %install section. Use "rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT". Some rpm configurations do this automatically; if your package is only going to be built in such configurations, you can ignore this warning for the section(s) where your rpm takes care of it.''', 'rpm-buildroot-usage', '''$RPM_BUILD_ROOT should not be touched during %build or %prep stage, as it may break short circuit builds.''', 'make-check-outside-check-section', '''Make check or other automated regression test should be run in %check, as they can be disabled with a rpm macro for short circuiting purposes.''', 'macro-in-%changelog', '''Macros are expanded in %changelog too, which can in unfortunate cases lead to the package not building at all, or other subtle unexpected conditions that affect the build. Even when that doesn\'t happen, the expansion results in possibly "rewriting history" on subsequent package revisions and generally odd entries eg. in source rpms, which is rarely wanted. Avoid use of macros in %changelog altogether, or use two '%'s to escape them, like '%%foo'.''', 'depscript-without-disabling-depgen', '''In some common rpm configurations/versions, defining __find_provides and/or __find_requires has no effect if rpm's internal dependency generator has not been disabled for the build. %define _use_internal_dependency_generator to 0 to disable it in the specfile, or don't define __find_provides/requires.''', 'mixed-use-of-spaces-and-tabs', '''The specfile mixes use of spaces and tabs for indentation, which is a cosmetic annoyance. Use either spaces or tabs for indentation, not both.''', 'unversioned-explicit-provides', '''The specfile contains an unversioned Provides: token, which will match all older, equal, and newer versions of the provided thing. This may cause update problems and will make versioned dependencies, obsoletions and conflicts on the provided thing useless -- make the Provides versioned if possible.''', 'unversioned-explicit-obsoletes', '''The specfile contains an unversioned Obsoletes: token, which will match all older, equal and newer versions of the obsoleted thing. This may cause update problems, restrict future package/provides naming, and may match something it was originally not inteded to match -- make the Obsoletes versioned if possible.''', 'libdir-macro-in-noarch-package', '''The %{_libdir} or %{_lib} macro was found in a noarch package in a section that gets included in binary packages. This is most likely an error because these macros are expanded on the build host and their values vary between architectures, probably resulting in a package that does not work properly on all architectures at runtime. Investigate whether the package is really architecture independent or if some other dir/macro should be instead.''', 'non-break-space', '''The spec file contains a non-break space, which looks like a regular space in some editors but can lead to obscure errors. It should be replaced by a regular space.''', 'files-attr-not-set', '''A file or a directory entry in a %files section does not have attributes set which may result in security issues in the resulting binary package depending on the system where the package is built. Add default attributes using %defattr before it in the %files section, or use per line %attr's.''', 'non-standard-group', '''The value of the Group tag in the package is not valid. Valid groups are: "%s".''' % '", "'.join(VALID_GROUPS), 'specfile-error', '''This error occurred when rpmlint used rpm to query the specfile. The error is output by rpm and the message should contain more information.''', 'comparison-operator-in-deptoken', '''This dependency token contains a comparison operator (<, > or =). This is usually not intended and may be caused by missing whitespace between the token's name, the comparison operator and the version string.''', 'macro-in-comment', '''There is a unescaped macro after a shell style comment in the specfile. Macros are expanded everywhere, so check if it can cause a problem in this case and escape the macro with another leading % if appropriate.''', ) # SpecCheck.py ends here # Local variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # py-indent-offset: 4 # End: # ex: ts=4 sw=4 et