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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Project : Mandriva Linux
# Module : rpmlint
# File : MenuCheck.py
# Version : $Id$
# Author : Frederic Lepied
# Created On : Mon Mar 20 07:43:37 2000
import re
import stat
import rpm
from Filter import addDetails, printError, printInfo, printWarning
import AbstractCheck
import Config
import Pkg
'Office/Address Books',
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'Internet/File Transfer',
'Internet/Instant Messaging',
'Internet/Remote Access',
'Internet/Video Conference',
'Internet/Web Browsers',
'Internet/Web Editors',
'System/Archiving/CD Burning',
'System/Configuration/Boot and Init',
'System/File Tools',
'System/Text Tools',
'More Applications/Accessibility',
'More Applications/Communications',
'More Applications/Databases',
'More Applications/Development/Code Generators',
'More Applications/Development/Development Environments',
'More Applications/Development/Interpreters',
'More Applications/Development/Tools',
'More Applications/Development/Other',
'More Applications/Documentation',
'More Applications/Editors',
'More Applications/Education/Economy',
'More Applications/Education/Geography',
'More Applications/Education/History',
'More Applications/Education/Languages',
'More Applications/Education/Literature',
'More Applications/Education/Sciences',
'More Applications/Education/Sports',
'More Applications/Education/Other',
'More Applications/Emulators',
'More Applications/Finances',
'More Applications/Games/Adventure',
'More Applications/Games/Arcade',
'More Applications/Games/Boards',
'More Applications/Games/Cards',
'More Applications/Games/Puzzles',
'More Applications/Games/Sports',
'More Applications/Games/Strategy',
'More Applications/Games/Toys',
'More Applications/Games/Other',
'More Applications/Sciences/Artificial Intelligence',
'More Applications/Sciences/Astronomy',
'More Applications/Sciences/Biology',
'More Applications/Sciences/Chemistry',
'More Applications/Sciences/Computer Science',
'More Applications/Sciences/Data visualization',
'More Applications/Sciences/Electricity',
'More Applications/Sciences/Geosciences',
'More Applications/Sciences/Image Processing',
'More Applications/Sciences/Mathematics',
'More Applications/Sciences/Numerical Analysis',
'More Applications/Sciences/Parallel Computing',
'More Applications/Sciences/Physics',
'More Applications/Sciences/Robotics',
'More Applications/Sciences/Other',
'More Applications/Other',
DEFAULT_ICON_PATH = (('/usr/share/icons/', 'normal'),
('/usr/share/icons/mini/', 'mini'),
('/usr/share/icons/large/', 'large'))
DEFAULT_LAUNCHERS = (['(?:/usr/bin/)?kdesu', ('/usr/bin/kdesu', 'kdesu')],
['(?:/usr/bin/)?launch_x11_clanapp', ('/usr/bin/launch_x11_clanapp', 'clanlib', 'libclanlib0')],
['(?:/usr/bin/)?soundwrapper', None],
menu_file_regex = re.compile('^/usr/lib/menu/([^/]+)$')
old_menu_file_regex = re.compile('^/usr/share/(gnome/apps|applnk)/([^/]+)$')
package_regex = re.compile('\?package\((.*)\):')
needs_regex = re.compile('needs=(\"([^\"]+)\"|([^ \t\"]+))')
section_regex = re.compile('section=(\"([^\"]+)\"|([^ \t\"]+))')
title_regex = re.compile('[\"\s]title=(\"([^\"]+)\"|([^ \t\"]+))')
longtitle_regex = re.compile('longtitle=(\"([^\"]+)\"|([^ \t\"]+))')
command_regex = re.compile('command=(?:\"([^\"]+)\"|([^ \t\"]+))')
icon_regex = re.compile('icon=\"?([^\" ]+)')
valid_sections = Config.getOption('ValidMenuSections', DEFAULT_VALID_SECTIONS)
update_menus_regex = re.compile('^[^#]*update-menus', re.MULTILINE)
standard_needs = Config.getOption('ExtraMenuNeeds', DEFAULT_EXTRA_MENU_NEEDS)
icon_paths = Config.getOption('IconPath', DEFAULT_ICON_PATH)
xpm_ext_regex = re.compile('/usr/share/icons/(mini/|large/).*\.xpm$')
icon_ext_regex = re.compile(Config.getOption('IconFilename', '.*\.png$'))
version_regex = re.compile('([0-9.][0-9.]+)($|\s)')
launchers = Config.getOption('MenuLaunchers', DEFAULT_LAUNCHERS)
bad_title_regex = re.compile('/')
menu64_file_regex = re.compile('^/usr/lib64/menu')
xdg_migrated_regex = re.compile('xdg=\"?([^\" ]+)')
# compile regexps
for l in launchers:
l[0] = re.compile(l[0])
del l
class MenuCheck(AbstractCheck.AbstractCheck):
def __init__(self):
AbstractCheck.AbstractCheck.__init__(self, 'MenuCheck')
def check(self, pkg):
# Check only binary package
if pkg.isSource():
files = pkg.files()
menus = []
for fname, pkgfile in files.items():
# Check menu files
res = menu_file_regex.search(fname)
mode = pkgfile.mode
if res:
basename = res.group(1)
if not stat.S_ISREG(mode):
printError(pkg, 'non-file-in-menu-dir', fname)
if basename != pkg.name:
printWarning(pkg, 'non-coherent-menu-filename', fname)
if mode & 0444 != 0444:
printError(pkg, 'non-readable-menu-file', fname)
if mode & 0111 != 0:
printError(pkg, 'executable-menu-file', fname)
# Check old menus from KDE and GNOME
res = old_menu_file_regex.search(fname)
if res:
if stat.S_ISREG(mode):
printError(pkg, 'old-menu-entry', fname)
# Check non transparent xpm files
res = xpm_ext_regex.search(fname)
if res:
if stat.S_ISREG(mode) and not pkg.grep('None",', fname):
printWarning(pkg, 'non-transparent-xpm', fname)
if menu64_file_regex.search(fname):
printError(pkg, 'menu-in-wrong-dir', fname)
if len(menus) > 0:
directory = pkg.dirName()
if menus != []:
postin = pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTIN] or pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTINPROG]
if not postin:
printError(pkg, 'menu-without-postin')
if not update_menus_regex.search(postin):
printError(pkg, 'postin-without-update-menus')
postun = pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTUN] or pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_POSTUNPROG]
if not postun:
printError(pkg, 'menu-without-postun')
if not update_menus_regex.search(postun):
printError(pkg, 'postun-without-update-menus')
for f in menus:
# remove comments and handle cpp continuation lines
cmd = Pkg.getstatusoutput(('/lib/cpp', directory + f), 1)[1]
for line in cmd.splitlines():
if not line.startswith('?'): continue
res = package_regex.search(line)
if res:
package = res.group(1)
if package != pkg.name:
printWarning(pkg, 'incoherent-package-value-in-menu', package, f)
printInfo(pkg, 'unable-to-parse-menu-entry', line)
command = 1
res = command_regex.search(line)
if res:
command_line = (res.group(1) or res.group(2)).split()
command = command_line[0]
for launcher in launchers:
if launcher[0].search(command):
found = 0
if launcher[1]:
if ('/bin/' + command_line[0] in files or
'/usr/bin/' + command_line[0] in files or
'/usr/X11R6/bin/' + command_line[0] in files):
found = 1
for l in launcher[1]:
if l in pkg.req_names():
found = 1
if not found:
printError(pkg, 'use-of-launcher-in-menu-but-no-requires-on', launcher[1][0])
command = command_line[1]
if command[0] == '/':
if not command in files:
printWarning(pkg, 'menu-command-not-in-package', command)
if not ('/bin/' + command in files or
'/usr/bin/' + command in files or
'/usr/X11R6/bin/' + command in files):
printWarning(pkg, 'menu-command-not-in-package', command)
printWarning(pkg, 'missing-menu-command')
command = 0
res = longtitle_regex.search(line)
if res:
grp = res.groups()
title = grp[1] or grp[2]
if title[0] != title[0].upper():
printWarning(pkg, 'menu-longtitle-not-capitalized', title)
res = version_regex.search(title)
if res:
printWarning(pkg, 'version-in-menu-longtitle', title)
printError(pkg, 'no-longtitle-in-menu', f)
title = None
res = title_regex.search(line)
if res:
grp = res.groups()
title = grp[1] or grp[2]
if title[0] != title[0].upper():
printWarning(pkg, 'menu-title-not-capitalized', title)
res = version_regex.search(title)
if res:
printWarning(pkg, 'version-in-menu-title', title)
if bad_title_regex.search(title):
printError(pkg, 'invalid-title', title)
printError(pkg, 'no-title-in-menu', f)
title = None
res = needs_regex.search(line)
if res:
grp = res.groups()
needs = (grp[1] or grp[2]).lower()
if needs in ('x11', 'text' ,'wm'):
res = section_regex.search(line)
if res:
grp = res.groups()
section = grp[1] or grp[2]
# don't warn entries for sections
if command:
if section not in valid_sections:
printError(pkg, 'invalid-menu-section', section, f)
printInfo(pkg, 'unable-to-parse-menu-section', line)
elif needs not in standard_needs:
printInfo(pkg, 'strange-needs', needs, f)
printInfo(pkg, 'unable-to-parse-menu-needs', line)
res = icon_regex.search(line)
if res:
icon = res.group(1)
if not icon_ext_regex.search(icon):
printWarning(pkg, 'invalid-menu-icon-type', icon)
if icon[0] == '/' and needs == 'x11':
printWarning(pkg, 'hardcoded-path-in-menu-icon', icon)
for path in icon_paths:
if not (path[0] + icon) in files:
printError(pkg, path[1] + '-icon-not-in-package', icon, f)
printWarning(pkg, 'no-icon-in-menu', title)
res = xdg_migrated_regex.search(line)
if res:
if not res.group(1).lower() == "true":
printError(pkg, 'non-xdg-migrated-menu')
printError(pkg, 'non-xdg-migrated-menu')
# Create an object to enable the auto registration of the test
check = MenuCheck()
'''/usr/lib/menu must not contain anything else than normal files.''',
'''The menu file name should be /usr/lib/menu/<package>.''',
'''The menu file isn't readable. Check the permissions.''',
'''xpm icon should be transparent for use in menus.''',
'''A menu file exists in the package but no %post scriptlet is present to call
'''A menu file exists in the package but its %post scriptlet doesn't call
'''A menu file exists in the package but no %postun scriptlet is present to call
'''A menu file exists in the package but its %postun scriptlet doesn't call
'''The package field of the menu entry isn't the same as the package name.''',
'''The menu command uses a launcher but there is no dependency in the package
that contains it.''',
'''The command used in the menu isn't included in the package.''',
'''The longtitle field of the menu doesn't start with a capital letter.''',
'''The longtitle filed of the menu entry contains a version. This is bad
because it will be prone to error when the version of the package changes.''',
'''The longtitle field isn't present in the menu entry.''',
'''The title field of the menu entry doesn't start with a capital letter.''',
'''The title filed of the menu entry contains a version. This is bad
because it will be prone to error when the version of the package changes.''',
'''The title field isn't present in the menu entry.''',
'''The section field of the menu entry isn't standard.''',
'''rpmlint wasn't able to parse the menu section. Please report.''',
'''The path of the icon is hardcoded in the menu entry. This prevent multiple
sizes of the icon from being found.''',
'''The normal icon isn't present in the package.''',
'''The mini icon isn't present in the package.''',
'''The large icon isn't present in the package.''',
'''The menu entry doesn't contain an icon field.''',
'''The menu title contains invalid characters like /.''',
'''The menu file doesn't contain a command.''',
'''The menu files must be under /usr/lib/menu.''',
'''The menu file has not been migrated to new XDG menu system.''',
# MenuCheck.py ends here
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# indent-tabs-mode: nil
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