
56 lines
1.8 KiB

if [ ! -x ${ROOTFS}/bin/readlink ] || [ -z `which readlink` ] || [ -z `which cut` ] || [ -z `which grep` ] || [ -z `which md5sum` ]; then
exit 125;
WHICH_READLINK=$(readlink -f $(which readlink))
${PROOT} readlink /proc/self/exe | grep ^${WHICH_READLINK}$
${PROOT} sh -c 'readlink /proc/self/exe' | grep ^${WHICH_READLINK}$
${PROOT} bash -c 'readlink /proc/$$/exe' | grep ^${WHICH_READLINK}$
${PROOT} -b /proc -r ${ROOTFS} readlink /proc/self/exe | grep ^/bin/readlink$
${PROOT} readlink /proc/1/../self/exe | grep ^${WHICH_READLINK}$
${PROOT} sh -c 'readlink /proc/1/../self/exe' | grep ^${WHICH_READLINK}$
${PROOT} bash -c 'readlink /proc/1/../$$/exe' | grep ^${WHICH_READLINK}$
${PROOT} -b /proc -r ${ROOTFS} readlink /proc/1/../self/exe | grep ^/bin/readlink$
! ${PROOT} readlink /proc/self/exe/
[ $? -eq 0 ]
! ${PROOT} readlink /proc/self/exe/..
[ $? -eq 0 ]
! ${PROOT} readlink /proc/self/exe/../exe
[ $? -eq 0 ]
! ${PROOT} -b /proc readlink /proc/self/exe/
[ $? -eq 0 ]
! ${PROOT} -b /proc readlink /proc/self/exe/..
[ $? -eq 0 ]
! ${PROOT} -b /proc readlink /proc/self/exe/../exe
[ $? -eq 0 ]
TEST=$(${PROOT} readlink /proc/self/fd/0 | grep -E "^/proc/[[:digit:]]+/fd/0$" | true)
test -z $TEST
TEST=$(${PROOT} -b /proc -r ${ROOTFS} readlink /proc/self/fd/0 | grep -E "^/proc/[[:digit:]]+/fd/0$" | true)
test -z $TEST
if [ ! -z $$ ]; then
TEST=$(readlink -f /proc/$$/exe)
# The `true` after the readlink makes sure that
# the shell doesn't `exec` the `readlink` command and causes the process exe
# to be readlink instead
${PROOT} sh -c 'readlink /proc/$$/exe; true' | grep ${TEST}
MD5=$(md5sum $(which md5sum) | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
MD5_PROOT=$(${PROOT} md5sum /proc/self/exe | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
test ${MD5_PROOT} = ${MD5}
MD5_PROOT=$(${PROOT} -b /proc md5sum /proc/self/exe | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
test ${MD5_PROOT} = ${MD5}