
529 lines
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.\" Copyright 2000-2009 Werner Fink
.\" Copyright 2000-2003 SuSE GmbH Nuernberg, Germany
.\" Copyright 2007-2009 SuSE Linux Products GmbH Nuernberg, Germany
.\" Copyright 2009 Petter Reinholdtsen
.\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
.\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
.\" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
.\" (at your option) any later version.
.\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
.\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
.\" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
.\" Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
.TH INSSERV 8 "July 29, 2008" "Version 1.11" "The SuSE boot concept"
.UC 8
.TH INSSERV 8 "July 29, 2008" "Version 1.11"
.UC 8
insserv \- boot sequence organizer using LSB init.d script dependency information
.B insserv
.RB [ \-v ]
.RB [ \-c\ <config> ]
.RB [ \-p\ <path> ]
.RB [ \-d ]
.RB [ \-f ]
.RI [[ / ] path/to/init.d/ ] script \ ...
.\" avoid excessive space between words in troff caused by a long text string
.nr AD \n(.j
.ad l
.B insserv
.RB [ \-v ]
.RB [ \-c\ <config> ]
.RB [ \-p\ <path> ]
.RI [[ / ] path/to/init.d/ ] script [ ,start=<lvl1,lvl2,...>,stop=<lvl1,lvl2,...> ]
.ad \n(AD
.B insserv
.RB [ \-v ]
.RB [ \-c\ <config> ]
.RB [ \-p\ <path> ]
.B \-r
.RB [ \-d ]
.RB [ \-f ]
.RI [[ / ] path/to/init.d/ ] script \ ...
.B insserv
.B \-h
.RB /usr/lib/lsb/install_initd
.RI [[ / ] path/to/init.d/script ]
.RB /usr/lib/lsb/remove_initd
.RI [[ / ] path/to/init.d/script ]
.B insserv
is a low level tool used by
.B update\-rc.d
which enables an installed system
init script (`boot script') by reading the comment header of the script, e.g.:
.sp 1
.in +1l
# Provides: boot_facility_1 [ boot_facility_2 ...]
# Required-Start: boot_facility_1 [ boot_facility_2 ...]
# Required-Stop: boot_facility_1 [ boot_facility_2 ...]
# Should-Start: boot_facility_1 [ boot_facility_2 ...]
# Should-Stop: boot_facility_1 [ boot_facility_2 ...]
# X-Start-Before: boot_facility_1 [ boot_facility_2 ...]
# X-Stop-After: boot_facility_1 [ boot_facility_2 ...]
# Default-Start: run_level_1 [ run_level_2 ...]
# Default-Stop: run_level_1 [ run_level_2 ...]
# X-Interactive: true
# Short-Description: single_line_description
# Description: multiline_description
.in -1l
.sp 1
and calculating the dependencies between all scripts. It is not recommended to
execute insserv directly unless you know exactly what you're doing, doing so
may render your boot system inoperable.
.B update\-rc.d
is the recommended interface for managing init scripts.
.B Default\-Start
keyword declares on which runlevels the script must be started. An empty
value means the script will never be started.
Please note, that the
.B Default\-Stop
are ignored in SuSE Linux, because the SuSE boot script concept
uses a differential link scheme (see
.IR init.d (7)).
The same applies for its counterpart
.B Default\-Stop
with the only difference that the script will be stopped.
Please be aware that the line
.sp 1
.in +1l
# Required-Stop: boot_facility_1 [ boot_facility_2 ...]
.in -1l
.sp 1
declares facilities which must be available during shutdown of the service
declared in the
.B Provides
tag. Same holds true for
.sp 1
.in +1l
# Should-Stop: boot_facility_1 [ boot_facility_2 ...]
.in -1l
.sp 1
which declares facilities which should be available during shutdown of
the service declared in the
.B Provides
tag. In both cases the script system should avoid stopping services
which are declared by these two Stop tags until the script including
these tags is stopped.
The optional X\-Interactive keyword implies that the script using this
keyword should be started alone in a concurrent boot configuration
because it interact with the user at the console. Only the value
`true' is recognised. All others are ignored.
The optional
.B X\-Start\-Before
keyword implies that the script using this keyword
should be started
.B before
the specified service names.
Whereas the optional
.B X\-Stop\-After
keyword implies that the script using this keyword
should be stopped
.B after
the specified service names. Both implies that those
services now depend on the specifying script.
With known dependencies and runlevel(s)
.B insserv
sets and reorders the corresponding symbolic links
of the concerned runlevels
directories (see \fI init.d\fR (7)).
Known runlevels are:
.sp 1
.in +1l
\fB0\fR\ used for System halt
\fB1\fR\ used for single user mode
\fB2\fR\ used for local multiuser without remote network
\fB3\fR\ used for full multiuser with network
\fB4\fR\ reserved for local use
\fB5\fR\ used for full multiuser with network and graphical interface
\fB6\fR\ used for System reboot
\fBS\fR\ used during boot into single user mode
\fBB\fR\ used during boot before any other runlevel
.in -1l
.sp 1
.B insserv
scans for
.B System Facilities
in the configuration file
.I /etc/insserv.conf
and each file in the directory
.IR /etc/insserv.conf.d/ .
Each line which begins with
.B $
and a following name defines a system facility
accordingly to the Linux Standard Base Specification (LSB),
All names followed by such a system facility
will declare the required dependencies of the facility.
Here is an example for
.IR /etc/insserv.conf :
.sp 1
.in +1l
# All local filesystems are mounted
# (done during boot phase)
$local_fs boot
# Low level networking
$network network route
# Named is operational
$named named
# All remote filesystems are mounted
# (in some cases /usr may be remote).
$remote_fs $local_fs nfs
# System logger is operational
$syslog syslog
# All network daemons are running (This was removed in LSB 1.2)
$netdaemons portmap inetd
# Services which need to be interactive
<interactive> boot.crypto
.in -1l
.sp 1
Names starting with a `+' sign are marked as optional.
If the service with the name after the plus sign is
available it will be used, if not available it is
ignored silently. Words beginning with
.B <
and ending with
.B >
are keywords. Currently
.B <interactive>
is the only know keyword for marking a service
as an interactive one, e.g., a service which requires
a passphrase or password input during boot
or runlevel change. The special facility
.B $null
is used to enforce an empty dependency in case of
.B Should-Stop
.B Required-Stop
otherwise insserv assumes the same dependencies as for the
.B Start
.BR Required-Stop .
In addition to the defined
.B System Facilities
in the configuration file
.IR /etc/insserv.conf ,
.B insserv
also knows the special facility
.BR $all .
This facility indicates that a service should be inserted
at the end of all services at starting and at the very beginning
at stopping. Clearly all services using this facility will be
grouped into one starting or stopping order.
Currently the following options are recognized by insserv:
.BR \-v ,\ \-\-verbose
Perform operation with more diagnotic messages printed on stderr.
.BR \-q ,\ \-\-silent
Perform operations silently. This blocks warning messages
from being printed to stderr. Only fatal error messages
are printed.
.BR \-c\ <config> ,\ \-\-config\ <config>
Specify path to the insserv.conf file (by default located at /etc/insserv.conf). This is typically used
for testing purposes. insserv will automatically
check for the existance of an insserv configuration directory under this location. For example, specifying
/usr/local/etc/insserv.conf will cause insserv to also scan the directory /usr/local/etc/insserv.conf.d/
.BR \-i , \ \-\-insserv\-dir
The insserv program will try to place dependency information
in the /etc/init.d directory. When using the \-i flag, the
user can specify an alternative directory for dependency information.
This is typically used when debugging insserv.
.BR \-o\ <path> ,\ \-\-override\ <path>
LSB comment headers found in this path will override existing
LSB comment headers of scripts in the init.d directory (default path is
.IR /etc/insserv/overrides/ ).
.BR \-p\ <path> ,\ \-\-path\ <path>
Specify path to init.d directory. Useful for testing.
.BR \-n ,\ \-\-dryrun, \ \-\-dry\-run
Do not update symlinks. Does not create depend.boot, depend.start, and depend.stop
.BR \-s ,\ \-\-showall, \ \-\-show\-all
Output runlevel and sequence information. Do not update symlinks.
.BR \-r ,\ \-\-remove
Remove the listed scripts from all runlevels.
.BR \-d ,\ \-\-default
Use default runlevels as defined in the scripts.
This may restore an edited runlevel link scheme.
.BR \-f ,\ \-\-force
Ignore if a required service is missed. Beside this if start and or
stop levels are specified on the command line the default levels of
the script will be ignored.
.BR \-u\ <path> ,\ \-\-upstart-job\ <path>
Path to replace existing upstart job path. (default path is
.IR /lib/init/upstart-job ).
.BR \-h ,\ \-\-help
Print out short usage message.
But you may use the argument syntax described in the
following section.
.RI [[ / ] path/to/init.d/ ]
Relative or absolute path to the init scripts base directory.
For the SuSE Linux boot concept, this defaults to
This defaults to
.I /etc/init.d/
in compliance with the LSB specification.
In this case
.B insserv
does not add or remove a script to the runlevels
declared in the script headers, but may re\-order the
runlevels if the order of the currently enabled scripts
has changed (see option
.BR \-d ).
Note that if a relative path is used
.B insserv
has to be called from the root directory.
.RI [[ / ] path/to/init.d/ ] script\ ...
List of scripts which have to be added to
the runlevels. If a path is used it
should point to the absolute or relative
location of the boot scripts.
.B insserv
checks for the existence of these scripts.
For the runlevels the information found in
the script is used.
.RI [[ / ] path/to/init.d/ ] script [ ,start=<lvl1,lvl2,...> ]
List of scripts which have to be added to
the specified runlevels to be started with.
You may use this extension to override the default values
for start and stop runlevels of the script.
Note that
.BR lvl1 ,\ lvl2 ,\ ...
are the known runlevels explained above.
The extension
.I ,stop=<lvl1,lvl2,...>
is also possible.
.RI \fB\-r\fR\ [[ / ] path/to/init.d/ ] script\ ...
List of scripts which should be removed from
the runlevels. If a path is used it
should point to the absolute or relative
location of the boot scripts.
.B insserv
checks for the existence of these scripts.
Beside using the extensions
.I ,start=<lvl1,lvl2,...>
.I ,stop=<lvl1,lvl2,...>
it is possible to use override files replace a LSB comment header
or simply provide a missing LSB comment header. This can be done
by placing a file with the new LSB comment header using the same
name as the boot or init script in the directory
.IR /etc/insserv/overrides/ .
For third party boot scripts without LSB header it is possible to
add a file with the same name in the directory
.I /usr/share/insserv/overrides/
to make them completely LSB compliant.
To allow upstart jobs to work as init.d scripts, insserv will
recognize a symlink from path/to/init.d/script to
/lib/init/upstart-job as upstart jobs, and instead of reading the
header from the file will run the script with the argument lsb-header
to get the script header.
The exit codes have the following conditions:
.RS 7
.IP 0 5
Service was successfully installed or removed
.IP 1 5
Service was not installed or removed
Please be aware that the following patterns of
boot script file names will be not accepted by
.BR insserv :
.sp 1
.in +1l
.in -1l
.sp 1
with the wildcard character
.BR * .
Beside this all boot script file names beginning with one
of the following characters
.sp 1
.in +1l
.in -1l
.sp 1
will be ignored.
Administrators can further filter files by extension in the /etc/init.d/ directory
by creating a text file called /etc/insserv/file\-filters. The file\-filters configuration
file lists (one per line) extensions which should be ignored by insserv as it parses the
/etc/init.d/ directory. An example of /etc/insserv/file\-filters might look like this:
Boot scripts sometimes lack a LSB comment header. Contact a package
maintainer or developer of the software which provides the script to
have a LSB comment header added to it.
.I /etc/insserv.conf
configuration file for
.B insserv
which defines the LSB System Facilities.
.I /etc/insserv.conf.d/
directory for further configuration files for declaring
LSB System Facilities.
.I /etc/insserv/overrides/
path to replace existing LSB comment headers with the comment
headers found in this path.
.I /etc/insserv/file\-filters
configuration file which lists file extensions (one per line) we should ignore
when parsing the init.d directory.
.I /etc/init.d/
path to the
init script base directory as
required by the Linux Standard Base Specification (LSB).
.IR /etc/init.d/.depend.boot ,
.IR /etc/init.d/.depend.start ,
.I /etc/init.d/.depend.stop
.in +\n(INu
.BR make (1)
like dependency files produced by
.B insserv
.IR booting ", " starting ", and " stopping
with the help of
.BR startpar (1).
.BR init.d (7),
.BR init (8),
.BR startproc (8),
.BR checkproc (8),
.BR killproc (8),
.BR startpar (1).
2000\(en2009 Werner Fink,
2009 SuSE Linux Products GmbH Nuernberg, Germany.
2000\(en2003 SuSE GmbH Nuernberg, Germany,
2007\(en2009 SuSE Linux Products GmbH Nuernberg, Germany.
2019\(en Jesse Smith
Werner Fink <>
Petter Reinholdtsen
Kel Modderman