forked from Open-CT/opendata
152 lines
5.1 KiB
152 lines
5.1 KiB
import ast
from json import encoder
import pandas
import numpy as np
import json
import csv
# df = pandas.read_csv('mianyang_CH4.csv')
# # df.columns = ["time", "user", "ticket_id",
# # "qu_id", "qu_name", "task_answers", "owne"]
# df1 = df.loc[:, ['time', 'ticket_id', 'task_answers']]
# df1['time'] = pandas.to_datetime(df1.time)
# df1 = df1.sort_values(by='time', ignore_index=True)
# df1.to_csv('reduceCH4.csv')
# print(df1[0])
# df = pandas.read_csv('reduce2.csv', index_col=0)
# a = df[df['task_answers'].str.contains('null', na=False)]
# df_clear = df[df['task_answers'].str.contains('"page":3', na=False)]
# df_clear['time'] = pandas.to_datetime(df_clear.time)
# df_clear = df_clear.sort_values(by='time', ignore_index=True)
# df_clear.to_csv('test2.csv')
# df = pandas.read_csv('reduceCH4.csv', index_col=0)
# df = df[df['task_answers'].str.contains('"page":', na=False)]
# df.to_csv('reduceCH4.csv')
# for index in df.index:
# # frame = json.loads(df.loc[index].data)['frame']
# # try:
# frame = ast.literal_eval(df.loc[index].task_answers)
# # df.loc[index, ('task_answers')] = frame['answers'][2:4]
# print(frame)
# df.loc[index, ('task_answers')] = frame['page']
# # except:
# # df.drop(df.index[index])
# # if frame != None:
# # df.loc[index, ('data')] = json.dumps(frame.get('data'))
# # else:
# # df.loc[index, ('data')] = None
# df.to_csv('reduceDataCH4.csv')
# print(type(df.loc[0, 'data']))
# str = '{"frame":1}'
# str = '{"frame":{"level":"easy","data":{"successRate":1,"minJumps":2,"jumps":2,"path":[2,1,0]}}}'
# a = eval(str)
# print(a['frame']['data'])
# jsonTest = json.dumps(str)
# print(json.loads(str).get('data'))
# temp = []
# with open('reduceCH4.csv', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
# with open('reduceDataCH4.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='UTF-8') as f1:
# f1_csv = csv.writer(f1)
# f1_csv.writerow(['id', 'time', 'ticket_id', 'task_answers'])
# f_csv = csv.reader(f)
# next(f_csv, None)
# for index, row in enumerate(f_csv):
# try:
# # print(row)
# frame = ast.literal_eval(row[3])
# # row[3] = frame['frame']['answer'][2:4]
# row[3] = frame['frame']['page']
# # if -1 in row[3]:
# # continue
# f1_csv.writerow(row)
# except:
# continue
# print(temp)
# def join(x):
# res = []
# for index in x.index:
# res.append(x.loc[index, 'task_answers'])
# return res
# def join(x):
# res = [0 for y in range(10)]
# startTime = x.loc[x.index[0], 'time']
# for index, value in enumerate(x.index):
# if index == len(x.index)-1 or x.loc[value, 'task_answers'] != x.loc[x.index[index + 1], 'task_answers']:
# endTime = x.loc[value, 'time']
# res[int(x.loc[value, 'task_answers'])] += pandas.Timedelta(
# pandas.to_datetime(endTime) - pandas.to_datetime(startTime)).seconds
# startTime = endTime
# print(res)
# return res
# def join(x):
# res = []
# for index in x.index:
# if len(res) == 0:
# res.append(x.loc[index, 'task_answers'])
# if x.loc[index, 'task_answers'] != res[-1]:
# res.append(x.loc[index, 'task_answers'])
# return res
# def join(x):
# # print(x)
# # print(x.index[-1])
# # print(x.loc[x.index[-1]])
# return x.loc[x.index[-1], 'time']
# df = pandas.read_csv('reduceDataCH4.csv')
# df2 = pandas.read_csv('joinCH4.csv')
# df = df.groupby('ticket_id').apply(join)
# df.to_csv('joinCH42.csv')
# df = pandas.read_csv('joinCH42.csv')
# df2['endTime'] = df['0']
# # df['ticket_id'] = df['ticket_id'].astype(str)
# # df2['ticket_id'] = df2['ticket_id'].astype(str)
# print(df)
# print(df2)
# df2.to_csv('test.csv')
# newDF = pandas.merge(df2, df, how='left', on='ticket_id')
# print(newDF)
# # # df.to_csv("join2CH4.csv")
# newDF.to_csv('test.csv')
df = pandas.read_csv('test.csv', index_col=0)
df2 = pandas.read_csv('2.csv')
df22 = pandas.read_csv('20211117.csv')
df = df.merge(df2, how='left', on='ticket_id')
df = df.merge(df22, how='left', on='ticket_id')
df['start_time'] = pandas.to_datetime(df.start_time)
df.rename({'ticket_id': 'STU_CODE', 'start_time': 'startTime'},
axis=1, inplace=True)
df3 = pandas.read_csv('./20210930ch4.csv', index_col=0)
df3 = df3[['STU_CODE', 'total_level', 'INQUIRY_level', 'REASONING_level', 'EXPLANATION_level',
'total_score', 'INQUIRY_score', 'REASONING_score', 'EXPLANATION_score', 'TOTAL_CH4_RATE']]
df = df.merge(df3, how='left', on='STU_CODE')
df = df.dropna()
df['length'] = df['seq'].str.len()
df = df[df['length'] <= 15]
df['duration'] = 0
for index in df.index:
df.loc[index, 'duration'] = pandas.Timedelta(
pandas.to_datetime(df.loc[index, 'endTime']) - pandas.to_datetime(df.loc[index, 'startTime'])).seconds
df = df.sort_values(by='duration', ignore_index=True)