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apiVersion: installer.kubesphere.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterConfiguration
name: ks-installer
namespace: kubesphere-system
version: v3.1.1
storageClass: "storage-nfs" # If there is no default StorageClass in your cluster, you need to specify an existing StorageClass here.
jwtSecret: "" # Keep the jwtSecret consistent with the Host Cluster. Retrieve the jwtSecret by executing "kubectl -n kubesphere-system get cm kubesphere-config -o yaml | grep -v "apiVersion" | grep jwtSecret" on the Host Cluster.
local_registry: "" # Add your private registry address if it is needed.
monitoring: false # Enable or disable etcd monitoring dashboard installation. You have to create a Secret for etcd before you enable it.
endpointIps: localhost # etcd cluster EndpointIps. It can be a bunch of IPs here.
port: 2379 # etcd port.
tlsEnable: true
enabled: false
enabled: false
minioVolumeSize: 20Gi # Minio PVC size.
openldapVolumeSize: 2Gi # openldap PVC size.
redisVolumSize: 2Gi # Redis PVC size.
# type: external # Whether to specify the external prometheus stack, and need to modify the endpoint at the next line.
endpoint: http://prometheus-operated.kubesphere-monitoring-system.svc:9090 # Prometheus endpoint to get metrics data.
es: # Storage backend for logging, events and auditing.
# elasticsearchMasterReplicas: 1 # The total number of master nodes. Even numbers are not allowed.
# elasticsearchDataReplicas: 1 # The total number of data nodes.
elasticsearchMasterVolumeSize: 4Gi # The volume size of Elasticsearch master nodes.
elasticsearchDataVolumeSize: 20Gi # The volume size of Elasticsearch data nodes.
logMaxAge: 7 # Log retention time in built-in Elasticsearch. It is 7 days by default.
elkPrefix: logstash # The string making up index names. The index name will be formatted as ks-<elk_prefix>-log.
enabled: false
username: ""
password: ""
externalElasticsearchUrl: ""
externalElasticsearchPort: ""
enableMultiLogin: true # Enable or disable simultaneous logins. It allows different users to log in with the same account at the same time.
port: 30880
alerting: # (CPU: 0.1 Core, Memory: 100 MiB) It enables users to customize alerting policies to send messages to receivers in time with different time intervals and alerting levels to choose from.
enabled: false # Enable or disable the KubeSphere Alerting System.
# thanosruler:
# replicas: 1
# resources: {}
auditing: # Provide a security-relevant chronological set of recordsrecording the sequence of activities happening on the platform, initiated by different tenants.
enabled: false # Enable or disable the KubeSphere Auditing Log System.
devops: # (CPU: 0.47 Core, Memory: 8.6 G) Provide an out-of-the-box CI/CD system based on Jenkins, and automated workflow tools including Source-to-Image & Binary-to-Image.
enabled: false # Enable or disable the KubeSphere DevOps System.
jenkinsMemoryLim: 2Gi # Jenkins memory limit.
jenkinsMemoryReq: 1500Mi # Jenkins memory request.
jenkinsVolumeSize: 8Gi # Jenkins volume size.
jenkinsJavaOpts_Xms: 512m # The following three fields are JVM parameters.
jenkinsJavaOpts_Xmx: 512m
jenkinsJavaOpts_MaxRAM: 2g
events: # Provide a graphical web console for Kubernetes Events exporting, filtering and alerting in multi-tenant Kubernetes clusters.
enabled: false # Enable or disable the KubeSphere Events System.
enabled: true
replicas: 2
logging: # (CPU: 57 m, Memory: 2.76 G) Flexible logging functions are provided for log query, collection and management in a unified console. Additional log collectors can be added, such as Elasticsearch, Kafka and Fluentd.
enabled: false # Enable or disable the KubeSphere Logging System.
enabled: true
replicas: 2
metrics_server: # (CPU: 56 m, Memory: 44.35 MiB) It enables HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler).
enabled: false # Enable or disable metrics-server.
storageClass: "" # If there is an independent StorageClass you need for Prometheus, you can specify it here. The default StorageClass is used by default.
# prometheusReplicas: 1 # Prometheus replicas are responsible for monitoring different segments of data source and providing high availability.
prometheusMemoryRequest: 400Mi # Prometheus request memory.
prometheusVolumeSize: 20Gi # Prometheus PVC size.
# alertmanagerReplicas: 1 # AlertManager Replicas.
clusterRole: none # host | member | none # You can install a solo cluster, or specify it as the Host or Member Cluster.
networkpolicy: # Network policies allow network isolation within the same cluster, which means firewalls can be set up between certain instances (Pods).
# Make sure that the CNI network plugin used by the cluster supports NetworkPolicy. There are a number of CNI network plugins that support NetworkPolicy, including Calico, Cilium, Kube-router, Romana and Weave Net.
enabled: false # Enable or disable network policies.
ippool: # Use Pod IP Pools to manage the Pod network address space. Pods to be created can be assigned IP addresses from a Pod IP Pool.
type: none # Specify "calico" for this field if Calico is used as your CNI plugin. "none" means that Pod IP Pools are disabled.
topology: # Use Service Topology to view Service-to-Service communication based on Weave Scope.
type: none # Specify "weave-scope" for this field to enable Service Topology. "none" means that Service Topology is disabled.
openpitrix: # An App Store that is accessible to all platform tenants. You can use it to manage apps across their entire lifecycle.
enabled: false # Enable or disable the KubeSphere App Store.
servicemesh: # (0.3 Core, 300 MiB) Provide fine-grained traffic management, observability and tracing, and visualized traffic topology.
enabled: false # Base component (pilot). Enable or disable KubeSphere Service Mesh (Istio-based).
kubeedge: # Add edge nodes to your cluster and deploy workloads on edge nodes.
enabled: false # Enable or disable KubeEdge.
nodeSelector: {"node-role.kubernetes.io/worker": ""}
tolerations: []
cloudhubPort: "10000"
cloudhubQuicPort: "10001"
cloudhubHttpsPort: "10002"
cloudstreamPort: "10003"
tunnelPort: "10004"
advertiseAddress: # At least a public IP address or an IP address which can be accessed by edge nodes must be provided.
- "" # Note that once KubeEdge is enabled, CloudCore will malfunction if the address is not provided.
nodeLimit: "100"
cloudhubNodePort: "30000"
cloudhubQuicNodePort: "30001"
cloudhubHttpsNodePort: "30002"
cloudstreamNodePort: "30003"
tunnelNodePort: "30004"
nodeSelector: {"node-role.kubernetes.io/worker": ""}
tolerations: []
nodeSelector: {"node-role.kubernetes.io/worker": ""}
tolerations: []