
78 lines
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import Basic
import Foundation
import TuistCore
import TuistSupport
/// Up that updates outdated Carthage dependencies.
class UpCarthage: Up, GraphInitiatable {
/// The platforms Carthage dependencies should be updated for.
let platforms: [Platform]
/// Up homebrew for installing Carthge.
let upHomebrew: Upping
/// Carthage instace to interact with the project Carthage setup.
let carthage: Carthaging
/// Initializes the Carthage command.
/// - Parameters:
/// - platforms: The platforms Carthage dependencies should be updated for.
/// - upHomebrew: Up homebrew for installing Carthage.
/// - carthage: Carthage instace to interact with the project Carthage setup.
init(platforms: [Platform],
upHomebrew: Upping = UpHomebrew(packages: ["carthage"]),
carthage: Carthaging = Carthage()) {
self.platforms = platforms
self.upHomebrew = upHomebrew
self.carthage = carthage
super.init(name: "Carthage update")
/// Default constructor of entities that are part of the manifest.
/// - Parameters:
/// - dictionary: Dictionary with the object representation.
/// - projectPath: Absolute path to the folder that contains the manifest. This is useful to obtain absolute paths from the relative paths provided in the manifest by the user.
/// - Throws: A decoding error if an expected property is missing or has an invalid value.
required convenience init(dictionary: JSON, projectPath _: AbsolutePath) throws {
var platforms: [Platform] = []
if let platformStrings: [String] = try? dictionary.get("platforms") {
platforms = platformStrings.compactMap {
Platform(rawValue: $0)
self.init(platforms: platforms)
/// Returns true when the command doesn't need to be run.
/// - Parameters
/// - projectPath: Path to the directory that contains the project manifest.
/// - Returns: True if the command doesn't need to be run.
/// - Throws: An error if the check fails.
override func isMet(projectPath: AbsolutePath) throws -> Bool {
if try !upHomebrew.isMet(projectPath: projectPath) { return false }
guard let outdated = try carthage.outdated(path: projectPath) else { return false }
return outdated.isEmpty
/// When the command is not met, this method runs it.
/// - Parameters:
/// - projectPath: Path to the directory that contains the project manifest.
/// - Throws: An error if any error is thrown while running it.
override func meet(projectPath: AbsolutePath) throws {
// Installing Carthage
if try !upHomebrew.isMet(projectPath: projectPath) {
try projectPath)
/// Updating Carthage dependencies.
let oudated = try carthage.outdated(path: projectPath) ?? []
try carthage.update(path: projectPath, platforms: platforms, dependencies: oudated)
func whatever() {}